restore the hal's channel list when doing getradiocaps so it's in sync with

the 802.11 layer's list
This commit is contained in:
sam 2008-04-27 22:03:56 +00:00
parent 46e9143c7e
commit 20ebf9deb0

@ -5920,7 +5920,12 @@ ath_getradiocaps(struct ieee80211com *ic,
ath_hal_setregdomain(ah, 0);
/* XXX not quite right but close enough for now */
getchannels(sc, nchans, chans, CTRY_DEBUG, AH_TRUE, AH_FALSE);
/* NB: restore previous state */
ath_hal_setregdomain(ah, ord);
(void) getchannels(sc, NULL, NULL, ic->,
ic->ic_regdomain.ecm ? AH_TRUE : AH_FALSE,
ic->ic_regdomain.location == 'O' ? AH_TRUE : AH_FALSE);
static int