diff --git a/Makefile.inc1 b/Makefile.inc1
index 0175febaf658..3d898c42be8e 100644
--- a/Makefile.inc1
+++ b/Makefile.inc1
- MK_HTML=no MK_INFO=no NO_LINT=yes MK_MAN=no \
+ MK_HTML=no NO_LINT=yes MK_MAN=no \
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ LIB32WMAKEFLAGS+= CC="${XCC} ${LIB32FLAGS}" \
+ MK_MAN=no MK_HTML=no
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ _libraries:
@echo ">>> stage 4.2: building libraries"
@echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}; \
@@ -784,9 +784,6 @@ __installcheck_UGID:
# Required install tools to be saved in a scratch dir for safety.
-.if ${MK_INFO} != "no"
-_install-info= install-info
.if ${MK_ZONEINFO} != "no"
_zoneinfo= zic tzsetup
@@ -1367,11 +1364,6 @@ _share= share/syscons/scrnmaps
_gcc_tools= gnu/usr.bin/cc/cc_tools
-.if ${MK_INFO} != "no"
-_texinfo= gnu/usr.bin/texinfo/libtxi \
- gnu/usr.bin/texinfo/makeinfo
.if ${MK_RESCUE} != "no"
_rescue= rescue/rescue
@@ -1403,16 +1395,6 @@ build-tools: .MAKE
${MAKE} DIRPRFX=${_tool}/ depend && \
${MAKE} DIRPRFX=${_tool}/ all
-.for _tool in \
- ${_texinfo}
- ${_+_}@${ECHODIR} "===> ${_tool} (obj,depend,all,install)"; \
- cd ${.CURDIR}/${_tool} && \
- ${MAKE} DIRPRFX=${_tool}/ obj && \
- ${MAKE} DIRPRFX=${_tool}/ depend && \
- ${MAKE} DIRPRFX=${_tool}/ all && \
- ${MAKE} DIRPRFX=${_tool}/ install DESTDIR=${WORLDTMP}
# kernel-tools: Build kernel-building tools
@@ -1495,7 +1477,7 @@ NXBMAKE= ${NXBENV} ${MAKE} \
- MK_HTML=no MK_INFO=no NO_LINT=yes MK_MAN=no \
+ MK_HTML=no NO_LINT=yes MK_MAN=no \
@@ -2024,7 +2006,7 @@ XDEV_CPUTYPE?=${CPUTYPE}
diff --git a/ObsoleteFiles.inc b/ObsoleteFiles.inc
index 95a2d6271f0b..850e44475321 100644
--- a/ObsoleteFiles.inc
+++ b/ObsoleteFiles.inc
@@ -38,6 +38,38 @@
# xargs -n1 | sort | uniq -d;
# done
+# 20150103: removal of texinfo
# 20141231: new clang import which bumps version from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0.
diff --git a/UPDATING b/UPDATING
index 542032713abd..1b78c37989d7 100644
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ NOTE TO PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT FreeBSD 11.x IS SLOW:
disable the most expensive debugging functionality run
"ln -s 'abort:false,junk:false' /etc/malloc.conf".)
+ The GNU texinfo and GNU info pages have been removed.
+ To be able to view GNU info pages please install texinfo from ports.
Clang, llvm and lldb have been upgraded to 3.5.0 release.
@@ -176,6 +180,7 @@ NOTE TO PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT FreeBSD 11.x IS SLOW:
The GNU texinfo and GNU info pages are not built and installed
anymore, WITH_INFO knob has been added to allow to built and install
them again.
+ UPDATE: see 20150102 entry on texinfo's removal
The GNU readline library is now an INTERNALLIB - that is, it is
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/AUTHORS b/contrib/texinfo/AUTHORS
deleted file mode 100644
index ce8ee85e6d03..000000000000
--- a/contrib/texinfo/AUTHORS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-$Id: AUTHORS,v 1.10 2004/04/11 17:56:45 karl Exp $
-Texinfo authors.
- Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
- are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
- notice and this notice are preserved.
-Akim Demaille texi2dvi.
-Alper Ersoy makeinfo: enhancements in all files, especially
- html-, xml-, and docbook-related.
-Andreas Schwab texinfo.tex, configure.ac, most makeinfo files.
-Bob Chassell texinfo.tex, original texinfo.txi.
-Brian Fox all makeinfo/* and info/* files, info-stnd.texi.
-Dave Love original makeinfo/html.[ch].
-Eli Zaretskii all files.
-Karl Berry all files.
-Karl Heinz Marbaise original makeinfo language support, most files.
-Noah Friedman original texi2dvi.
-Paul Rubin original makeinfo/multi.c.
-Philippe Martin original makeinfo xml/docbook output.
-Richard Stallman original texinfo.tex, install-info.c,
- texindex.c, texinfo.txi.
-Zack Weinberg texinfo.tex: @macro implementation.
-See http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/contrib/po/HTML/team-LL.html for the
-translation teams for a given language LL.
-Many files included in the Texinfo distribution are copied from other
-locations, no author information is given for those. See util/srclist*.
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/COPYING b/contrib/texinfo/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index d60c31a97a54..000000000000
--- a/contrib/texinfo/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- Copyright (C)
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- , 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/contrib/texinfo/ChangeLog b/contrib/texinfo/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c53a0911881..000000000000
--- a/contrib/texinfo/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5008 +0,0 @@
-2004-12-31 Karl Berry
- * Version 4.8.
-2004-12-21 Karl Berry
- * pretest version 4.7.94.
- * makeinfo/xref.c: doc fix.
-2004-12-20 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/html.c (cm_node) : need old-style names in the normal
- (not no_headers) html case, too, of course.
- (add_html_names): canon_white the new name, too.
-2004-12-19 Karl Berry
- * pretest version 4.7.93.
- * automake 1.9.4.
- * makeinfo/xml.c (try_docbook_image): new fn.
- (xml_insert_docbook_image): call it, trying additional formats
- pdf, svg, etc.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (cm_image): check for gif too.
- http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/gif.html says:
- "we can and will include support for displaying GIF files in GNU
- software." Leaving it undocumented, though.
- Based on patch from Jens Elkner, 18 Dec 2004 01:56:28 +0100.
-2004-12-19 Torsten Bronger
- * util/texinfo.dtd: define most entities, add .
-2004-12-17 Juan M. Guerrero
- * djgpp/config.bat: remove files like coXXXXXX.tmp created
- in the top_srcdir by the gl_FUNC_MKSTEMP test.
-2004-12-15 Karl Berry
- * pretest version 4.7.92.
- * util/texinfo.dtd: merge with makeinfo/texinfo.dtd.
- * makeinfo/texinfo.dtd, makeinfo/texinfo.xsl: remove.
-2004-12-15 Stepan Kasal
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Removed po/Makevars.template, sorry.
-2004-12-15 Juan M. Guerrero
- * djgpp/config.sed: adjust for new autoconf.
- * makeinfo/node.c (enumerate_filename): make dos_file_names const
- instead of static, since it may involve a fn call to pathconf.
-2004-12-15 Karl Berry
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): include ChangeLog.46, README.dev,
- and po/Makevars.template. From Stepan.
-2004-12-14 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (inforef): try to explain possible uses more
- thoroughly.
- From: Luc Teirlinck, 13 Dec 2004 21:45:58 -0600.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (pxref): more explanation.
- * doc/info-stnd.texi (Basic Windows): put pxref in parens.
- help-texinfo mail from adl, 13 Dec 2004 17:07:50 +0100.
-2004-12-13 Andreas Schwab
- * info/echo-area.c (DECLARE_INFO_COMMAND): Add intermediate cast
- to avoid warning.
- * info/infokey.c (compile): Likewise.
- * info/session.c (forward_move_node_structure): Likewise.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (init_paragraph): Don't use free_and_clear
- to avoid strict aliasing issue.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_center): Avoid strict aliasing issue.
-2004-12-13 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (HTML Cross-reference Command Expansion): add
- @euro{} -> U+20AC. texinfo-pretest mail from Patrice,
- 12 Dec 2004 23:49:50 +0100.
-2004-12-12 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (makeinfo options): don't be so suggestive about
- skipping xref validation.
- emacs-devel mail from: Luc Teirlinck, 12 Dec 2004 13:02:11 -0600.
-2004-12-08 Karl Berry
- * pretest version 4.7.91.
- * info/echo-area.c, info/infokey.c, info/session.c: omit useless
- casts to intptr_t, since we're just casting to (void *) next.
- intptr_t is not defined with gcc 3.04 on Tru64 Unix V5.1
- (This whole vararg stuff needs to be redone correctly.)
- Report from: Svend Tollak Munkejord (via te)
- 8 Dec 2004 17:15:17 +0100.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (ref): rewrite last two redundant paragraphs.
-2004-12-07 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Macro Details): document @c kludge in macro
- definitions to work around some newline problems. (From Werner.)
-2004-12-05 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/html.c (add_escaped_anchor_name): prefix g_t if the
- nodename begins with a nonletter. Ugh.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (HTML Xref Node Name Expansion): document this.
- http://ff0.org/pipermail/texinfo-pretest/2004-December/000210.html
- * doc/texinfo.txi (HTML Xref 8-bit Character Expansion): define
- behavior for Unicode code points above 0xfff.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (reader_loop): didn't make it into
- HTML 4, remove it. Sigh.
- texinfo-pretest mail from wl, 05 Dec 2004 23:39:05 +0100.
-2004-12-02 Karl Berry
- * configure.ac (install-warnings): simplify default case. From te.
-2004-12-01 Karl Berry
- * pretest version 4.7.90.
- * util/texi2dvi (recode): new option, off by default.
- Unconditionally calling recode seems problematic, when there
- hasn't been a release for years and its Texinfo support is less than
- perfect.
-2004-11-30 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Quotations and Examples): @quotation does not
- reduce interparagraph spacing.
- * makeinfo/node.c (cm_node) : do not bother calling
- add_html_nodes in the split case, the filename is wrong.
-2004-11-29 Karl Berry
- Support for writing using the old-style node name
- to HTML name conversion, to keep the gcc folks happy.
- * makeinfo/node.c (add_html_names): new routine, factoring out
- common code (plus new code) from cm_node.
- (cm_node) : call it.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.h (OLD_HTML_SAFE, OLD_URL_SAFE_CHAR):
- (re)define these.
- * makeinfo/html.c (add_escaped_anchor_name): take new argument to
- optionally output the old-style conversion.
- (add_anchor_name): change call.
- * index.c: change calls.
- * makeinfo/html.h (add_escaped_anchor_name): change decl.
-2004-11-26 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (reader_loop): allow after —
-2004-11-25 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Fonts): document new command @sansserif.
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\sansserif): new command.
- * makeinfo/cmds.h (cm_sansserif): new cmd.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_sansserif): new cmd.
- (command_table): add it.
- * makeinfo/texinfo.dtd (Inline.fonts): add it; also slanted.
- * makeinfo/xml.h (SANSSERIF, SLANTED): define these new elements.
- * makeinfo/xml.c (texinfoml_element_list): add them.
- From: Frank Küster, 21 Oct 2004 23:27:33 +0200, Debian bug#277754.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Quotations and Examples, end titlepage): state
- that there must be only one space between the @end and its
- argument. Report from: christoph.sobotka, 26 Oct 2004 22:04:03 +0200.
-2004-11-22 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (euro): new node, documenting new command,
- @euro{}, for the Euro currency symbol.
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\euro): new command, along with \eurofont to
- support it. The following extra font support is also related to
- supporting @euro{}:
- (\bfstylename): define this.
- (\textnominalsize .. \ssecnominalsize): new macros.
- (\textfonts .. \ssecfonts): define \curfontsize.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (command_table): add euro.
- * makeinfo/lang.c (cm_special_char): handle euro.
- (iso8859_15_map): new global.
-2004-11-18 Stepan Kasal
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\ptexnewwrite): Save \newwrite.
- (\newwrite): Call it.
-2004-11-17 Karl Berry
- * configure.ac (install-warnings): new --enable option, requested
- by te.
-2004-11-11 Karl Berry
- * texinfo.dtd (metainformation): add documentdescription.
- (documentdescription): define.
- * xml.h (DOCUMENTDESCRIPTION): new value for xml_element.
- * xml.c (texinfoml_element_list): define documentdescription.
- (docbook_element_list): likewise, but don't know how to handle it.
- * cmds.c (cm_documentdescription): insert opening xml tag.
- * insertion.c (end_insertion): insert closing xml tag.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (insert_string): declare const char * arg.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.h: likewise.
- Report from: Vincent Lefevre, 20 Oct 2004 15:40:39 +0200,
- noting a spurious after .
-2004-11-08 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\pdfmakeoutlines): in the first run through the
- toc, define \thischapnum...\thissubsecnum as 0, rather than \empty.
- This is so \expnumber doesn't end up trying to expand
- \csname sec\empty\endcsname, i.e., \sec, which is the secant function.
- Report from: Oliver Beck, help-texinfo, 8 Nov 2004 08:05:55 +0100.
-2004-11-07 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (main) [LC_MESSAGES]: #ifdef the setlocale
- using LC_MESSAGES. From te, 6 Nov 2004 23:36:10 +0100.
-2004-11-06 Karl Berry
- * lib/Makefile.am (libtxi_a_SOURCES): add strdup.h.
- Report from: Thomas Esser ,
- 6 Nov 2004 18:11:51 +0100.
-2004-11-01 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/xref.c (cm_xref): don't include the external file name
- in the HTML output, since it's pretty traditional not to
- distinguish internal and external links in HTML, and it disturbs
- the flow of reading.
- From: Han-Wen Nienhuys , 31 Oct 2004 00:13:36 +0200.
- (For lilypond.)
-2004-10-31 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\setmultitablespacing): just let \multistrut be
- the same as \strut. Its previous computation was wrong.
- See bug-texinfo report from Werner Lemberg, 31 Oct 2004 12:52:20 +0100.
-2004-10-22 Stepan Kasal
- * info/Makefile.am (generated_sources): Add dependencies defining
- a total order on the files, to prevent race conditions with
- parallel make.
- Move the code about generated sources to the end of the file.
-2004-10-20 Stepan Kasal
- * info/Makefile.am (doc.c, key.c, funs.h): Don't distribute them.
- of these three files.
- (ginfo_SOURCES, nodist_ginfo_SOURCES): Move files.
- (infokey_SOURCES, nodist_infokey_SOURCES): Likewise.
- (DISTCLEANFILES): Include generated_sources.
-2004-10-20 Stepan Kasal
- BUILT_SOURCES is a special variable for a hack to supplement
- the automatic dependency tracking; we need it for funs.h only.
- See the explanation in the automake manual.
- * info/Makefile.am (BUILT_SOURCES): All occurences replaced by ...
- (generated_sources): ... this new variable.
- (BUILT_SOURCES): set to ``funs.h''.
-2004-10-20 Stepan Kasal
- * info/Makefile.am (ginfo_SOURCES): replace $(BUILT_SOURCES)
- with ``doc.c funs.h''; this reflects the true situation.
- (infokey_SOURCES): Add funs.h.
-2004-10-20 Stepan Kasal
- * info/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): No need to mention the generated
- sources here, they are in ginfo_SOURCES or infokey_SOURCES.
-2004-10-19 Stepan Kasal
- * configure.ac: When cross compiling, we have to remove
- ./config.status, not "$native_tools"/config.status.
- Replace ``echo'' with AC_MSG_NOTICE. Quote the variable
- values passed to ``env.''
-2004-10-17 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/node.c (cm_node): don't output
after the
- navigation line, it's apparently just extra space.
- * configure.ac: Clean environment for native configure.
- From: Mark Fortescue ,
- 17 Oct 2004 19:09:53 +0100.
-2004-10-11 Stepan Kasal
- * configure.ac: Add a short explanation about cross compile.
-2004-10-08 Karl Berry
- * info/Makefile.am (generated_sources): remove. Found by Stepan.
-2004-10-08 Stepan Kasal
- Support cross compiling. Based on research by Mark Fortescue.
- Maciej W. Rozycki pointed out this issue previously.
- * configure.ac: If cross compiling, run second configure script
- in a subdirectory ${native_tools}. New automake conditional
- TOOLS_ONLY is set inside that subdirectory.
- * Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Add $(native_tools); restrict the
- SUBDIRS to minimum, if we are inside the $(native_toos) dir.
- (distclean-local): Remove directory $(native_tools).
- * doc/Makefile.am: If necessary, use makeinfo and install-info
- from $(native_tools).
- * info/Makefile.am: Similarily with the ``makedoc'' program.
-2004-10-07 Stepan Kasal
- @table command doesn't work inside environment @display.
- There is no point in trying to fix it: just give up with a cry.
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\table, \ftable, \vtable): Instead of calling
- \tablex directly, call ...
- (\tablecheck): ... this new macro which checks for active newline;
- if it's found, it reports an error and uses \doignore to recover.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (display): mention this.
-2004-10-06 Karl Berry
- * doc/*.texi: more consistent use of dashes.
- From Stepan and Benno Schulenberg .
-2004-10-04 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (cm_value): increment and restore
- input_text_offset before execute_string on the value,
- so cm_xref doesn't complain about missing punctuation.
- From: Sergey Poznyakoff ,
- 04 Oct 2004 15:04:33 +0300.
-2004-10-01 Karl Berry
- * lib/Makefile.am (libtxi_a_SOURCES): add getopt_.h.
- * configure.ac: bump version to 4.7.90, although we're not really
- pretesting yet. (I need a distribution to check an
- automake issue.)
-2004-09-14 Karl Berry
- * util/srclist.txt (getopt.h): renamed to getopt_.h.
- * lib/getopt_.h: new file.
- * lib/getopt.h: just include getopt.h.
-2004-09-09 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Image Syntax): mention @noindent, @center.
-2004-09-06 Stepan Kasal
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\Efloat): Take care to run \scantokens on
- \thisshortcaption before writing the lof line to auxfile.
- Otherwise, when a newline appears in the argument to
- @shortcaption, a literal ^^M is written to the aux file.
- Report from Patrice, 1 Aug 2004 15:54:44 +0200.
-2004-09-01 Karl Berry
- * util/gendocs.sh: show commands, allow / in description.
-2004-08-30 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (maybe_escaped_expansion): new routine, like
- expansion but does HTML escapes.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.h (maybe_escaped_expansion): declare.
- * makeinfo/index.c (cm_printindex): call it.
- This is @cindex Kahrs, J@"urgen does not get
- gawk.texi:23425: Unknown command `"urgen'.
- (in gawk 3.1.4).
- Report from: Stepan Kasal , 24 Aug 2004 12:36:34 +0200.
-2004-08-29 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/node.c (split_file): do not search for output file
- along the path when calling find_and_load (can cause seg
- fault when cross-compiling).
- From: Martin Husemann , 29 Aug 2004 08:40:33 +0200.
- http://www.netbsd.org/cgi-bin/query-pr-single.pl?number=26791
-2004-08-27 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Macro details): more warnings about macro usage.
- Report from: Stepan Kasal , 24 Aug 2004 09:29:35 +0200.
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\Efloat): \vskip\parskip after printing the
- caption; previous \printedsomething code to do this had become
- obsolete. Reported by Stepan.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (caption shortcaption): show an example for
- @shortcaption, and remark that weird commands like @c and @verb
- are not allowed. Suggested by Stepan.
-2004-08-27 Stepan Kasal
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\initial): when breaking the column before the
- initial, allow for some space at the bottom of the column, so
- the baselineskip is preserved (more or less).
- Don't give negative penalty, it encouradges creating of underfull
- columns with stretched baselineskip.
- At the end, the \nobreak should be before \vskip, not after it.
-2004-08-26 Stepan Kasal
- * util/texi2dvi: fix the sed script searching for @documentencoding;
- Double-quote some instances of "$filename_???"
-2004-08-26 Akim Demaille
- Let DVI and PDF files honor the document encoding in TeX.
- * util/texi2dvi ($language): Be sure to set its value.
- (get_xref_files): Turn this external shell script into a function.
- (filename_rcd, $tmpdir_rcd): New.
- If the file is in Texinfo, and has @documentencoding, and recode
- is available, then run it.
-2004-08-25 Akim Demaille
- * util/Makefile.am (texinfo.cat): Fix for srcdir != builddir.
-2004-08-25 Karl Berry
- * util/texi2dvi: @ is also ok for the first character of xref_files.
-2004-08-20 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\tablez): accidentally removed assignments
- enabling @item and @itemx within @table.
-2004-08-19 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\multitable): \def\item to \crcr, instead of
- \let, to avoid errors with a nested @itemize inside
- @multitable.
- Report from: Pierre-Luc Veilleux ,
- 18 Aug 2004 13:26:00 -0400.
-2004-08-19 Stepan Kasal
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\scanmacro): Make backslash active, not other,
- as this is the default when processing texinfo files.
- Otherwise, a \ inside @copying will eventually print as ``.
-2004-08-18 Stepan Kasal
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\scantxt): " is another active char to be
- sanitized.
-2004-08-18 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (exampleindent): document that the default is
- different in TeX.
- From: Simon Josefsson , 18 Aug 2004 13:44:32 +0200.
-2004-08-14 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\cslet): equivalent-or-better, and shorter,
- version from dak, 12 Aug 2004 19:17:27 +0200.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (makeinfo options): use --no-number-sections
- with non-hierarchical manuals.
-2004-08-13 Karl Berry
- * util/texi2dvi: check for -file-line-error, since -style is no
- longer part of the name.
-2004-08-07 Karl Berry
- * info/echo-area.c (inform_in_echo_area): avoid buffer overrun.
- Report from: Roman Werpachowski ,
- 7 Aug 2004 01:18:32 +0200.
- * info/echo-area.h (inform_in_echo_area): declare arg as const,
- while we're at it.
-2004-08-02 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_acronym_or_abbr): use strchr, not index.
- Report from: Prof Brian Ripley ,
- 2 Aug 2004 12:47:36 +0100 (BST)
-2004-07-31 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi,
- * doc/texinfo.tex,
- * makeinfo/cmds.c, cmds.h, xml.c, xml.h,
- * util/texinfo.dtd: new command @abbr, suggested by Paul Eggert,
- who also sent the original documentation.
-2004-07-30 Karl Berry
- * info/infomap.c (initialize_vi_like_keymaps): bind j to
- info_next_line and k to info_prev_line. From Eli.
-2004-07-30 Maciej W. Rozycki
- * info/filesys.c (extract_colon_unit): Clean up handling of the
- end of string.
-2004-07-27 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (verb): explicitly warn that @verb cannot be
- used in xref contexts.
-2004-07-27 Stepan Kasal
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\float): The parameters for @float are
- separated by commas; allow a space after each of the commas.
- The TeX code for @caption, @shortcaption and @copying now uses
- a similar mechanism to macro definitions. In detail:
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\macrobodyctxt, \macroargctxt): Generalize, ...
- (\scanctxt, \scanargctxt): ... and introduce new variants.
- (\scanexp): New macro--expand the parameter and call \scantokens.
- (\copying, \docopying, \insertcopying): Use \scanargctxt and
- \scanexp--this simplifies things a lot.
- (\caption, \shortcaption): Redefine, using \scanargctxt via ...
- (\docaption, \defcaption): ... these new macros.
- (\appendtomacro): Simplify code, using \expandafter.
-2004-07-26 Karl Berry
- Avoid using the path for output files, since this led to problems
- when incompatible files created by previous versions were found.
- * makeinfo/files.c (find_and_load): introduce second parameter
- use_path, set to 0 from the call in handle_delayed_writes,
- 1 in all cases.
- * makeinfo/files.h: change decl.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c, makeinfo.c, node.c: change calls.
- From: Thomas Klausner ,
- 14 Jul 2004 00:31:54 +0200.
-2004-07-25 Werner Lemberg
- Rename @s to @slanted.
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\s): Replace with...
- (\slanted): This.
- * doc/texinfo.txi: Updated.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (command_table): Add @slanted, not @s.
- (cm_s): Replace with...
- (cm_slanted): This.
- * makeinfo/cmds.h: Add cm_slanted, not cm_s..
- * NEWS: Updated.
-2004-07-24 Karl Berry
- * info/echo-area.c (ea_possible_completions),
- * info/session.c (forward_move_node_structure),
- * info/infokey.c (compile): cast to intptr_t to avoid cast to
- pointer from integer of different size.
- From Havard Eidnes , 14 Jul 2004 20:38:59 +0200.
-2004-07-19 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (main): with XML, instead of directly calling
- handle_variable_internal for -D and -U command line flags, hold the
- variable declarations until output document is started.
- (convert_from_loaded_file): handle variables provided with -D and -U
- flags here, just before entering the reader_loop.
- (Otherwise, -D/-U with --xml cause a segfault.)
-2004-07-15 Werner Lemberg
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\s): New command to typeset text with a slanted
- font.
- * doc/texinfo.txi: Document @s.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (command_table): Add @s.
- (cm_s): New function. Currently the same as cm_i -- it probably
- has to be adapted to Docbook and XML.
- * makeinfo/cmds.h: Add prototype for cm_s.
- * NEWS: Document new command @s.
-2004-07-15 Werner Lemberg
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\TeX): Adjust \spacefactor to make it act like a
- lowercase letter, not like a period.
-2004-07-12 Karl Berry
- * texinfo/texinfo.txi (Useful Highlighting): Include
- cross-references to each of the commands. Suggestion from
- Wolfgang Pausch, 12 Jul 2004 08:26:28 +0200.
- * texinfo/texinfo.txi (Invoking makeinfo),
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c: mention that --if-noFORMAT also processes
- @ifnotFORMAT blocks.
- Suggestion from Stepan.
-2004-07-11 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (discard_until): leave input_text_offset at
- the end of input_text if not found, not at one past the
- end of input_text. (Had erroneously put that in the block
- only if an error was given.) The result was a null byte
- after macro expansions. Report from Werner,
- 10 Jul 2004 15:36:40 +0200.
- * makeinfo/node.c (split_file): fwrite Local Variables trailer so
- it actually gets into the output of the top-level info
- file; don't just insert_string.
- Report from: Werner LEMBERG, 11 Jul 2004 08:58:13 +0200.
-2004-07-10 Karl Berry
- * util/texi2pdf: new script.
- * util/Makefile.am: install it.
- * doc/texinfo.txi: document it.
-2004-07-05 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/xref.c (cm_email, cm_uref, et al.):
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_insert_indexentry, xml_insert_indexterm):
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c (sectioning_underscore):
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (cm_listoffloats): use %s, don't pass string to
- execute_string. Report from Christian Schenk.
-2004-07-02 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/makinfo.c (execute_string): don't worry about
- mismatched multiline commands if executing_macro.
-2004-06-27 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex: Various doc fixes.
- (\dosubindsanitize): propagate the same penalty
- >10000, don't just use \nobreak.
- (\sectionheading): insert a final penalty of
- 10001, not 10000. This causes \aboveenvbreak to
- insert \parskip glue, cancelling the
- \vskip-\parskip done here. Otherwise, when (e.g.)
- @section is followed immediately by @example, the
- example can be shrunk up above the section title.
-2004-06-14 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\commondummies, \indexnofonts): dummy-up @comma.
- Report from Arnold.
-2004-06-06 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/index.c (index_add_arg): ensure all elements are always
- initialized, including output_file, section, and section_name.
- (cm_printindex): don't pass index->output_file to
- add_html_block_elt_args if it is null. Also do
- not pass spurious extra index_name argument.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (add_char): don't call html_output_head if
- only_macro_expansion (e.g., a macro call in the
- Top menu). From: Yuri D'Elia ,
- 05 Jun 2004 21:11:00 +0200.
-2004-06-03 Karl Berry
- * info/session.c (info_menu_digit): use menu, rather than entry, to
- avoid seg fault on "0" (the last item),
- since menu has already been checked.
- From: Malcolm Rowe ,
- 02 Jun 2004 21:32:37 +0100.
-2004-05-17 Karl Berry
- * util/gendocs.sh, gendocs_template: use package.format.tar.gz
- consistently. Before, -, _, and . were all used.
-2004-05-16 Karl Berry
- * lib/Makefile.am (libtxi_a_SOURCES): include strcase.h.
- From: "Gerrit P. Haase" ,
- 15 May 2004 21:50:52 +0200.
- * util/gendocs.sh: force HTML output name, otherwise Emacs fails
- with its "@setfilename ../...".
-2004-05-04 Karl Berry
- * util/texi2dvi (TEX): don't use the value when it ends in
- "latex"; TEX is also used by mpost. Report from
- Yvon.Henel@wanadoo.fr.
-2004-04-29 Karl Berry
- * doc.texinfo.txi (Invoking makeinfo): mention --plaintext.
- From Akim.
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\emptyusermacros): can use \asis.
- (\identity): remove.
-2004-04-29 Stepan Kasal
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\commondummiesnofonts, \indexnofonts): In order
- to correctly transform words like `Dvo\v{r}\'{a}k' to `Dvorak'
- for index sorting, one has to define all accent control sequences
- as @asis. (Current code would produce `Dvor{a}k'.)
-2004-04-29 Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (remember_error): Try cm_bye not more than
- twice. Fixes `Too many errors! Gave up.' looping.
-2004-04-26 Karl Berry
- * lib/system.h (STRCASEEQ, STRNCASEEQ): new #defines for
- convenience.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_strong): actually change the output to avoid a
- spurious xref. Suggestion from Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- , 26 Apr 2004 00:04:04 +0200, emacs-devel.
- * automake 1.8.4.
-2004-04-24 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\emptyusermacros, \identity): new macros.
- (\indexdummiesnofonts): call it.
- This is to semi-support macro calls in the arg to @deffn.
- Report from: Akim Demaille , 20 Apr 2004 17:48:28 +0200.
-2004-04-21 Karl Berry
- * configure.ac (gl_FUNC_MKSTEMP): rename from UTILS_FUNC_MKSTEMP,
- per new gnulib code.
-2004-04-20 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/tests/copying: force POSIX language setting.
-2004-04-19 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_code): use for commands other than
- @code, so we get typewriter output; and add `...'
- for @samp.
- Report from: John Blevin ,
- 16 Apr 2004 11:40:01 -0400.
- * makeinfo/html.c (html_output_head) [CSS_FONT_ROMAN,
- CSS_FONT_SMALL_CAPS]: prettify.
-2004-04-18 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\Orb): define if undefined.
- Report from Laurent Siebenmann.
- * util/dir-example: diff updates.
-2004-04-13 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex: remove trailing blanks. suggestion from Jim.
-2004-04-12 Paul Eggert
- * doc/Makefile.am (info.1, infokey.1, install-info.1,
- makeinfo.1, texi2dvi.1, texindex.1): Don't use $< in ordinary
- rules; it's not portable.
- * util/Makefile.am (texinfo.cat): Likewise.
-2004-04-12 Karl Berry
- * bootstrap: update from berlios.
-2004-04-11 Karl Berry
- * Version 4.7.
-2004-04-09 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (execute_string): do not free the temporary copy
- of input_filename until we're definitely done with
- it. It is used in line_error, etc.
- * INSTALL: mention texinfo.tex install step.
- * util/Makefile.am (texinfo.cat): new name instead of just
- `catalog'. rename files.
- * util/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): texinfo-cat.in now, not
- catalog.in.
-2004-04-09 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion): after @copying, do not
- discard until a newline if we are looking at one.
- (end_insertion): decrement input line number after @end copying.
-2004-04-08 Karl Berry
- * util/Makefile.am: doc fix, as automake.diff is no longer needed.
-2004-04-07 Karl Berry
- * pretest version 4.6.95.
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\dodonode): new macro to remove trailing comma.
- (\donode): call it, after removing space-comma.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (indicateurl): new name for url.
- (uref): url is now a synonym for uref.
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\url, \indicateurl): implement.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_indicate_url): rename from cm_url.
- (command_table): make "url" a synonym for "uref".
- * makeinfo/cmds.h (cm_indicate_url): declare it.
-2004-04-06 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c (insert_and_underscore): use `...' quote
- instead of "..." in error message.
- * info/*.c: likewise.
-2004-04-07 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_colon): check if the character we are erasing
- from the output belongs to an XML tag.
-2004-04-07 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (cm_author): use author element in XML output
- for attribution.
-2004-04-06 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (convert_from_loaded_file): do not call
- write_tag_table if the output filename is "-".
-2004-04-06 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (end_insertion): blocks implicitly ends
- the previous paragraph, so avoid
after the end tag.
- * makeinfo/footnote.c (output_pending_notes): made Footnotes anchor
- non translatable, and changed it to "texinfo-footnotes-in-document" to
- lessen the chance of getting in the way of another Footnotes anchor.
-2004-04-04 Jim Meyering
- * info/nodes.c (info_load_file_internal): Don't free lowered_name
- until *after* using fullpath, since they may be one and the same.
-2004-04-03 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Image Syntax): had missing @'s in cookies.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_w): insert a comment at the end of @w, so that
- @w{$}Log$ doesn't end up as Log.
- Report from rms.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (GNU Sample Texts, w): mention this.
-2004-04-02 Karl Berry
- * configure.ac: pretest version 4.6.94.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Node Line Requirements): discuss whitespace.
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\node, \donode): remove trailing
- spaces (before the first comma) in the @node line.
-2004-03-29 Karl Berry
- * util/install-info.c (menu_line_lessp, menu_line_equal): move to
- before all uses.
-2004-03-27 Karl Berry
- * info/signals.c (initialize_info_signal_handler) [SA_NOCLDSTOP]:
- use instead of HAVE_SIGACTION, since Solaris 2.7+
- with Sun CC don't have sa_handler, sa_flags, sa_mask.
- * info/session.c (search_string_index): remove unused variable.
- * info/terminal.c (term_mo): remove unused variable.
- * info/display.c (display_clear_display): remove unused variable
- display_line.
- * util/install-info.c (infilelen_sans_info): remove unused
- variable.
- * doc/texinfo.txi: mistakenly had * name: node: in menu items instead
- of * name: node.
- * util/install-info.c (menu_item_equal): must declare ret at beginning
- of function. From Werner.
-2004-03-27 Jim Meyering
- * info/info-utils.c (info_parse_node): Don't read beyond end
- of buffer when looking for ``(line ...)'' in a menu item.
-2004-03-27 Andreas Schwab
- * util/install-info.c (menu_item_equal): Don't scan past
- term_char.
-2004-03-26 Karl Berry
- * pretest version 4.6.93.
- * util/install-info.c (menu_item_equal): compare basenames,
- so lilypond/ subdir will match. Bug report from Werner,
- 21 Mar 2004 08:31:10 +0100.
- * configure.ac (AC_CHECK_DECLS): skip strncasecmp again.
- * lib/system.h (strcase.h): change conditional to
- !HAVE_DECL seems superfluous.
- * lib/system.h: include last, following Autoconf's
- ac_includes_default.
-2004-03-25 Karl Berry
- All these changes are because strncasecmp is only declared in
- on IBM AIX 4.2. (Report from Nelson Beebe.)
- * configure.ac (AC_CHECK_DECLS): add memchr; no need to check for
- strcasecmp.(gl_STRCASE): call this ...
- (AC_REPLACE_FUNCS): ... replacing checks for
- strcasecmp and strncasecmp here.
- * lib/system.h (memchr) [!HAVE_DECL_MEMCHR]: add conditional
- declaration.
- (strcase.h) [!HAVE_DECL_STRNCASE]: add conditional include.
- (strings.h) [HAVE_STRINGS_H]: include if
- available, even if is also available.
- * info/session.c (strncasecmp) [M_XENIX]: remove this conditional
- declaration, since we haven't been testing for M_XENIX in many
- years.
- * m4/Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): add strcase.m4.
- * util/srclist.txt (lib/strcase.h, m4/strcase.m4): add, updating
- from gnulib.
-2004-03-24 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/index.c:
- * makeinfo/float.c: avoid use of snprintf, which is not available on
- all platforms. Bug report by Nelson and Vin Shelton (22mar03).
- * automake 1.8.3.
-2004-03-23 Karl Berry
- * doc/info-stnd.texi (Searching Commands): typo from jesper.
-2004-03-21 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\indexnofonts): \definedummyletter needs to
- define the control letters to be empty, without
- taking any argument; most control letters, such as
- @:, don't take arguments, and it won't hurt to
- just always ignore them for index sorting.
- Report from Arnold.
- * info/doc.h (InfoFunction): cast NULL to VFunction *, to
- prevent pgcc from complaining. From Nelson.
-2004-03-20 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Structuring Command Types): be even more explicit
- about @unnumbered vs. @heading.
- * makeinfo/html.c (insert_html_tag_with_attributes): use the same
- parameter names (start_or_end and tag) in both stdc and !stdc
- cases. Report from Nelson.
- * info/m-x.c (info_execute_command): don't dereference
- InfoFunction(command) as a function call if it's NULL. Report
- from Nelson, pgcc-5.1-3 complains.
-2004-03-19 Karl Berry
- * info/signals.h [!SA_NOCLDSTOP]: borrow test from coreutils'
- sort.c, to avoid using sigset_t when it's not
- defined (apparently).
- * makeinfo/html.c (escape_string): escape ", too, for @image's
- alttext among others.
- * makeinfo/html.h: doc fix.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Image Syntax): making empty alt text, do
- escaping.
- * util/dir-example: reorder.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (title subtitle author): using them outside
- @titlepage is an error, they're not actually "ignored".
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (cm_author): one mdash suffices.
-2004-03-19 Jim Meyering
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (add_char): Use memmove, rather than strncpy,
- since source and destination strings overlap.
- * makeinfo/float.c (add_new_float): Avoid buffer overrun when
- appending `.' to a chapter number.
-2004-03-18 Karl Berry
- * pretest version 4.6.92.
-2004-03-18 Andreas Schwab
- * lib/xmalloc.c: Include "system.h" instead of declaring malloc
- and realloc ourselves.
- (xmalloc): Change type of size parameter to size_t.
- (xrealloc): Likewise.
- * lib/system.h (xmalloc, xrealloc): Change type of size parameter
- to size_t.
-2004-03-18 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/xref.c (cm_xref): ignore any directory part or extension
- in html case, warn if nothing left.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (HTML Xref Link Basics): ignore directory part in
- @xref cmd.
- * lib/getopt.h (__GNUC_PREREQ) [! __GNUC_PREREQ]: change
- conditional to the actual symbol, instead of just
- __GNUC, else --disable-nls compilation fails under
- SunOS 5.8 with gcc 3.2.3 (at least).
- Report from Vin Shelton, 15 Mar 2004 08:51:14 -0500.
- * util/texindex.c: add some const declarations.
- * util/install-info.c: add some const declarations.
- (by no means all)
- * doc/texinfo.txi (HTML Xref *): new nodes.
-2004-03-15 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/xref.c (cm_xref): need ../ in reference to foreign html
- manual, if splitting.
-2004-03-14 Jim Meyering
- * makeinfo/index.c (insert_index_output_line_no): Ensure that `i'
- is larger than zero before (not after) using `i-1' as an array index.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_acronym): Don't write description[-1]
- when description is the empty string.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (insert): Avoid buffer under-run when
- output_paragraph_offset is zero.
- (canon_white): Rewrite not to use strcpy (was used with
- overlapping source and destination)
-2004-03-14 Andreas Schwab
- * info/session.c: Fix buffer overflows.
-2004-03-14 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xref.c (cm_xref): print the fifth arg (or fourth if it's
- not available), in parens for the visible text of the HTML link.
-2004-03-14 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/tests/node-expand.txi:
- * makeinfo/tests/node-whitespace.txi: added titles to @top.
-2004-03-14 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c (sectioning_underscore): check if title is
- pointing to NULL before calling strlen (happens when there is no
- @settitle before @top.)
-2004-03-14 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c (sectioning_underscore): warn if both @top and
- @settitle are empty.
- (sectioning_html, insert_and_underscore): use @settitle argument if
- @top is empty.
- (insert_and_underscore): removed with_char argument from function
- declaration.
- * makeinfo/sectioning.h: insert_and_underscore proto update.
-2004-03-13 Karl Berry
- * pretest version 4.6.91.
- * info/*.[ch]: copyright dates, and final ugly casts.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Generating HTML): make its own chapter, since we
- have lots to say about xrefs now.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Refilling Paragraphs): @ignore this, just
- describe @refill better in the summary.
- (Obtaining TeX): make a section of Hardcopy,
- instead of its own appendix.
- (Command Syntax): subnode of @@-Command List.
- This reduction in the number of appendices will hopefully make the
- manual less overwhelming.
-2004-03-13 Alper Ersoy
- * info/dir.c:
- * info/display.c:
- * info/display.h:
- * info/doc.h:
- * info/dribble.c:
- * info/dribble.h:
- * info/echo-area.c:
- * info/echo-area.h:
- * info/filesys.c:
- * info/filesys.h:
- * info/footnotes.c:
- * info/footnotes.h:
- * info/gc.c:
- * info/gc.h:
- * info/indices.c:
- * info/indices.h:
- * info/info-utils.c:
- * info/info-utils.h:
- * info/info.c:
- * info/info.h:
- * info/infodoc.c:
- * info/infokey.c:
- * info/infomap.c:
- * info/infomap.h:
- * info/m-x.c:
- * info/makedoc.c:
- * info/man.c:
- * info/man.h:
- * info/nodemenu.c:
- * info/nodes.c:
- * info/nodes.h:
- * info/search.c:
- * info/search.h:
- * info/session.c:
- * info/session.h:
- * info/signals.c:
- * info/terminal.c:
- * info/terminal.h:
- * info/tilde.c:
- * info/tilde.h:
- * info/variables.c:
- * info/variables.h:
- * info/window.c:
- * info/window.h:
- * lib/system.h: protoized.
-2004-03-12 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c (sectioning_underscore): don't segfault when
- generating xml if @top arg was empty. Report from Pat.
-2004-03-11 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\pdfoutput): check also for \relax and 0, not
- just \undefined, in case pdftex is being run in dvi mode.
- Reported by Thomas Esser.
- * lib/Makefile.am (libtxi_a_SOURCES): add getopt_int.h.
-2004-03-11 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/html.c (add_escaped_anchor_name): removed unnecessary
- ampersand check.
- (fix_filename): removed size calculation and memory reallocation for
- filename as it is already PATH_MAX bytes. Added a check so we don't
- cross PATH_MAX boundary while expanding not-isalnum to hex values.
- * makeinfo/toc.c (toc_add_entry): generate links following html cross
- refs proposal from Patrice Dumas.
-2004-03-11 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.h: changed URL_SAFE_CHAR to isalnum.
- * makeinfo/html.c (add_escaped_anchor_name, add_anchor_name)
- (fix_filename): generate links following html cross refs proposal
- from Patrice Dumas.
- * makeinfo/xref.c (cm_xref): tweaked references to external manuals,
- to better follow html cross refs proposal.
-2004-03-08 Karl Berry
- * pretest version 4.6.90.
- * makeinfo/Makefile.am (makeinfo_SOURCES): include multi.h.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_verb): avoid spurious warning.
-2004-03-06 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/lang.c (cm_special_char): call add_encoded_char for Info
- output too.
-2004-03-01 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_minus): use minus entity for HTML too.
-2004-03-01 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (reader_loop): disable multiple dashes and
- quotes entity substitution for HTML and XML, if escape_html is not
- true.
-2004-03-01 Alper Ersoy
- * util/texinfo.dtd: added math element and updated footnote.
-2004-03-01 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_insert_footnote): start if not already
- started.
-2004-03-01 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/index.c (index_add_arg): make entry node name 'Footnotes'
- if the output format is non-split HTML, and we are handling footnotes.
- * makeinfo/footnote.c (output_pending_notes): added anchor at the
- start of footnotes block for the non-split HTML output, so @printindex
- can refer to that point as the nodename.
-2004-03-01 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/defun.c (defun_internal): use var element for HTML, instead
- of i.
-2004-03-01 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (cm_image): reset filling_enable to its previous
- state after getting the cookie done.
-2004-03-01 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (cm_image): insert magic cookie only if there's
- a bitmap file (if all we have is a text file, skip the cookie.)
-2004-02-29 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/node.c (cm_node): moved node order handling to ...
- (remember_node): here.
-2004-02-29 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/multi.c (draw_horizontal_separator): insert a space before
- the newline so it looks different than @subsection's.
-2004-02-29 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (insert): do not strip trailing whitespace in
- multitables.
-2004-02-29 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (execute_string): removed XML tag balance
- checks.
-2004-02-28 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion, end_insertion): for rawxml,
- rawhtml and rawdocbook blocks, change the state of escaping depending
- on raw_output_block in order to avoid problems when these blocks are
- used within a @rmacro.
-2004-02-28 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (end_insertion): for quotation use
- default_indentation_increment.
-2004-02-28 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (info_trailer): call current_document_encoding
- here too.
-2004-02-28 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/lang.h: new variable unknown_encoding.
- * makeinfo/lang.c (cm_documentencoding): save and use the encoding
- argument even if it's unknown.
- * makeingo/html.c (html_output_head): call current_document_encoding
- instead of checking document_encoding_code.
-2004-02-28 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): simplified entry generation.
-2004-02-28 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/files.h: new members node_order and index_order in
- * makeinfo/files.c (register_delayed_write): save current node and
- index order.
- (handle_delayed_writes): update tag_table positions and index line
- numbers by comparing orders, not line numbers they are defined.
- * makeinfo/index.c: made index_counter not static and ...
- * makeinfo/index.h: extern.
- * makeinfo/node.h: new member order in TAG_ENTRY struct.
- * makeinfo/node.c (cm_node): keep the order of the node entry.
-2004-02-27 Karl Berry
- * util/gendocs.sh: generate ASCII in static file, not stdout, so
- toc/index can get written.
- * util/gendocs_template: XHTML version from
- http://www.gnu.org/boilerplate.html, via John Darrington
- , 9 Jan 2004 07:24:27 +0800.
-2004-02-27 Jan Nieuwenhuizen
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Image Syntax): Update.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (cm_image): Only insert a period between the
- image's NAME and EXTENSION as a second guess, to retain backward
- compatibility.
-2004-02-27 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_insert_element_with_attribute): if we are
- closing either TABLEITEM, ITEM or DEFINITIONITEM during string
- execution, update relevant state.
-2004-02-27 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (execute_string): moved state updates below
- insertion and element stack checks, so any code executed in those
- checks will be aware of executing_string.
-2004-02-27 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_insert_docbook_image): for Docbook, if paragraph
- is open, use inlinemediaobject instead of mediaobject in an
- informalfigure.
- (xml_insert_element_with_attribute): indent after informalfigure.
-2004-02-27 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c:
- * makeinfo/xml.h: new element INLINEIMAGE.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (cm_image): for XML, use INLINEIMAGE or IMAGE
- depending on paragraph state.
-2004-02-27 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (cm_image): for Info, enclose text image in
- brackets if @image is used inline (ie. paragraph is open).
-2004-02-27 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_noindent_cmd, cm_indent): start paragraph for
- Info too.
-2004-02-27 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (cm_image): for HTML, if paragraph is not open,
- enclose image in a block.
-2004-02-27 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_noindent_cmd, cm_indent): insert for HTML.
-2004-02-26 Alper Ersoy
- * util/texinfo.dtd: moved verbatim to █.
-2004-02-25 Stepan Kasal
- A first step towards general cleanup of sectioning macros:
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\genhead): A generalized version of ...
- (\numhead, \apphead, unnmhead): ... these, which uses ...
- (\chapheadtype, \unmlevel, \maxseclevel): ... these "variables".
-2004-02-25 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/index.c (cm_printindex): insert cookie in Info output
- for benefit of Info readers.
-2004-02-26 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (end_insertion): removed obsolete Docbook
- indentation work-around.
-2004-02-25 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (cm_author): new function.
- (cm_titlepage_cmds): removed @author parts.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c: made @author call cm_author.
-2004-02-24 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi: avoid duplicate index entries within the same
- node (from Alper): syncodeindex, lines 9627 and 9633 TEXINPUTS,
- lines 14157 and 14202 texinfo-format-buffer 15131 and 15159
- texinfo-format-region 15130 and 15149
-2004-02-24 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.h: new variable example_indentation_increment.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (set_default_indentation_increment): renamed to
- set_example_indentation_increment.
- (cm_exampleindent): call set_example_indentation_increment.
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion, end_insertion): @example,
- @display and the like now rely on example_indentation_increment.
-2004-02-24 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion, end_insertion): @float should
- not play with indentation.
-2004-02-24 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): check if we are crossing the
- caption boundaries looking for a space to break at.
-2004-02-24 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c: TEXINFO_OUTPUT -> TEXINFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT,
- after discussion with tar maintainer.
-2004-02-20 Stepan Kasal
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\infochapter, \infosection, etc.): these stubs
- of sectioning commands nuked.
-2004-02-24 Stepan Kasal
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\centerchap): Fixed to work again,
- don't open group.
- (\centerparameters): New macro.
- (\centerchfplain): Nuked.
- The following continues with prosecution of @setchapterstyle{open}:
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\chfplain): renamed to \chapmacro.
- (\CHAPFplain): Nuked.
- (\setchapterstyle): Moved next to its deprecated friends.
-2004-02-24 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\dofloat): start a paragraph.
-2004-02-24 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (cm_caption): check if the innermost
- environment is @float.
-2004-02-24 Alper Ersoy
- * info/session.c (info_menu_digit): if the menu entry has a line
- number, go to that line.
-2004-02-24 Alper Ersoy
- * info/info.c (main): make sure dir file is not listed for option
- --where.
-2004-02-24 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_insert_element_with_attribute, xml_add_char)
- (xml_begin_table, xml_end_table, xml_begin_table_item)
- (xml_continue_table_item): separated ITEM and TABLEITEM states to
- handle @table environments better.
-2004-02-24 Alper Ersoy
- * util/texinfo.dtd: added float and friends, updated tableitem and
- Inline.reference.
-2004-02-23 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Structuring Command Types): slightly more info
- about headings. Fix other references, too.
- * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): explicitly list every file in djgpp,
- so that the CVS directory is not included in the dist.tar.gz.
-2004-02-23 Arnold D. Robbins
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_code): For @samp, using single quotes instead of
- double quotes, to match TeX output more closely.
-2004-02-23 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/index.h: new output_file and entry_number members in
- index_elt struct.
- * makeinfo/index.c (index_add_arg, cm_printindex): rewrote hyperlink
- generation for HTML to avoid duplicate anchors, and to work with
- splitting enabled.
-2004-02-20 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): create HTML hyperlinks with
- add_word instead of using @ref to avoid problems with commas in
- captions.
-2004-02-20 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/node.c (cm_node): remove whitespace before the node
- separator sequence.
-2004-02-20 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c (handle_enum_increment): do not increment
- counters for ENUM_SECT_NO heading commands (ie. @unnumbered,
- @majorheading, etc.)
-2004-02-20 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/multi.c (multitable_item): unset hsep if item command is
- not @headitem.
-2004-02-19 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex: More hyphenation exceptions.
- (\author, \quotation): implement @author inside
- @quotation, for attribution purposes.
-2004-02-19 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_exampleindent): fixed paragraph handling after
- @exampleindent lines.
-2004-02-19 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/index.c (index_add_arg): create an anchor where @index is
- used in HTML documents.
- (cm_printindex): make index text an hyperlink to the created anchor.
-2004-02-19 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion): skip empty lines following
- @table, @ftable, @vtable and @itemize lines.
-2004-02-18 Karl Berry
- * lib/substring.c,
- * lib/xexit.c,
- * lib/xmalloc.c,
- * lib/system.h: ANSI-fy. (Other lib files come from gnulib.)
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Definition Commands): describe the argument/@var
- situation more accurately.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Definition Commands): explicitly document the
- implicit index entry creation in all cases.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Printing Indices & Menus, Indices, Predefined
- Indices): remove redundancies, make different
- purposes clear, etc.
-2004-02-18 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.h:
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_get_assoc_for_id, xml_associate_title_with_id):
- removed these functions.
- * makeinfo/xref.c (cm_xref): do not call xml_get_assoc_for_id.
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c (sectioning_underscore): added xreflabel
- attribute to @unnumbered for Docbook.
-2004-02-18 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xref.c (cm_xref): for Docbook, use lowercase ``see'' when
- printing index.
-2004-02-18 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_insert_indexentry): removed ``see'' from index
- entries as cm_xref takes care of it.
-2004-02-17 Karl Berry
- * doc/info.texi (Help-Int): mention the new line number feature.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Indices): plural correction.
- * doc/info-stnd.texi (Invoking Info): matche typo.
- (Searching Commands): grammar.
- * info/session.c (info_menu_or_ref_item): need to subtract 1 from
- the actual line number to get to the right place,
- don't really know why.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c, info/info.c, util/texindex.c,
- utils/install-info.c, util/texi2dvi: update copyright year to
- 2004, and do not mark copyright line for translation, since
- international law says to always use the English word "copyright".
-2004-02-17 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (end_insertion): use add_html_block_elt instead
- of add_word for ending @example and the like.
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): use add_html_block_elt for .
-2004-02-17 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion): do not expand @copying for
- HTML and Info too.
- (cm_insert_copying): expand copying_text for all formats here.
- * makeinfo/html.c (html_output_head): use text_expansion for copying
- text.
-2004-02-17 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (float): mention @multitable and @image
- as typical contents. From Arnold.
-2004-02-17 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_insert_element_with_attribute): removed check
- to see if current element contains para before calling xml_start_para,
- as that check is performed in xml_start_para too.
-2004-02-17 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (end_insertion): indent float caption.
-2004-02-17 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion): for XML and Docbook, do not
- expand @copying text. Instead of calling @anchor, use for XML.
- (cm_copying): removed ugly copying_text manipulation for Docbook.
- Warn if there is no @copying before @insertcopying.
- * makeinfo/xml.c: made floats contain para.
- (xml_start_para): check if current element can contain para.
- (xml_add_char): removed @copying checks.
-2004-02-17 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (end_insertion): if the output format is XML,
- do not call close_insertion_paragraph after @end menu.
-2004-02-17 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_insert_element_with_attribute): indentation
- fixes for @multitable.
-2004-02-17 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/multi.c (do_multitable): remove trailing newline when the
- output format is Docbook or XML, as output_paragraph becomes unusable
- later for xml_indent during select_output_environment.
-2004-02-16 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_bye): do not call flush_output as text appended
- by convert_from_loaded_file may need to play with output_paragraph.
-2004-02-16 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_end_document): insert newline after
- only if indentation is disabled (otherwise xml_indent takes care of
- the newline.)
- (xml_insert_indexentry): disable warnings when executing implicit
- @xref commands for Docbook, otherwise makeinfo will warn about
- missing punctuation.
-2004-02-16 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion): eat one newline after
- @xml/@docbook blocks for proper indentation.
-2004-02-16 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_center): fixed line wrapping after the @center
- command.
-2004-02-15 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_begin_document): disabled warnings around the
- implicit register_delayed_write("@documentencoding") call.
-2004-02-15 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion, end_insertion): when handling
- @xml, @html and @docbook blocks, do not touch para elements, and keep
- whitespace as-is.
-2004-02-15 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.h: made xml_keep_space extern.
-2004-02-15 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_noindent_cmd, cm_indent): implicitly start
- para element for Docbook and XML.
-2004-02-15 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\hyphenation): add more hyphenation exceptions,
- gleaned from the log in TUGboat.
- * doc/info-stnd.texi: document new option --where.
- * info/info.c (main): in print_where_p case, ensure we don't try
- to print NULL.
-2004-02-14 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\addtokens): had two identical definitions,
- remove one.
- (\maketoks): no space token after |ENDTOKS|,
- although I guess it hasn't mattered.
- (\entry): make clear what is the argument to
- \pdfgettoks and what is output.
- (\appendtomacro): use our own token registers,
- for safety.
- (\listoffloatsdoentry): fully expand the page
- number, and don't expand the lof text.
-2004-02-14 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_strong):
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_begin_index): cast output_paragraph to char, to
- avoid warnings with -pedantic.
-2004-02-13 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c:
- * makeinfo/cmds.h:
- * makeinfo/defun.c:
- * makeinfo/defun.h:
- * makeinfo/files.c:
- * makeinfo/files.h:
- * makeinfo/float.c:
- * makeinfo/float.h:
- * makeinfo/footnote.c:
- * makeinfo/footnote.h:
- * makeinfo/html.c:
- * makeinfo/html.h:
- * makeinfo/index.c:
- * makeinfo/index.h:
- * makeinfo/insertion.c:
- * makeinfo/insertion.h:
- * makeinfo/lang.c:
- * makeinfo/lang.h:
- * makeinfo/macro.c:
- * makeinfo/macro.h:
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c:
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.h:
- * makeinfo/multi.c:
- * makeinfo/node.c:
- * makeinfo/node.h:
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c:
- * makeinfo/sectioning.h:
- * makeinfo/toc.c:
- * makeinfo/toc.h:
- * makeinfo/xml.c:
- * makeinfo/xml.h:
- * makeinfo/xref.c:
- * makeinfo/xref.h: protoized functions.
-2004-02-13 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/multi.h: new file.
-2004-02-13 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\caption): make \long.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Nodes): mention that changing node names is bad.
- (caption shortcaption, listoffloats): write these, finishing the
- first cut at @float documentation.
-2004-02-12 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_verb): end @verb only if delimiter is followed
- by a closing brace.
-2004-02-12 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/lang.c (cm_accent_generic): warn if accented character is
- whitespace.
-2004-02-12 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertionc. (end_insertion): decrement current_indent
- only if the output format is Info.
-2004-02-12 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (end_insertion): adjusted caption styles for
- label and type conditions.
- (begin_insertion, end_insertion): indent first paragraphs inside
- @float, even if first paragraph in a chapter. Increment/decrement
- current_indent.
-2004-02-12 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/tests/defxcond: look for `--' instead of `-'.
-2004-02-12 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): change warning wording.
-2004-02-11 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\dofloat): initialize caption macros here, not
- globally.
- (\Efloat): rewrite for more consistent caption
- line, matching documentation.
- (\appendtomacro): new macro.
- (\currentparindent): this \newdimen was not used; removed.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (float): continue documenting.
- * makeinfo/files.c (register_delayed_write): change wording of msgs.
-2004-02-10 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/defun.c: --- (which gets reduced to --)
- instead of -- (which gets reduced to -).
- Report from Akim Demaille , 09 Feb 2004 18:06:29 +0100.
-2004-02-09 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\pickupwholefraction): allow the fraction to be
- an integer without a decimal point, like `1'. Report from: Dumas
- Patrice , 9 Feb 2004 16:46:30 +0100.
- * makeinfo/multi.c (setup_multitable_parameters): compute width
- and pass it, for clarity.
-2004-02-07 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (cm_insert_copying): insert double newlines
- instead of one in non XML outputs.
-2004-02-07 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_code): do not decrement in_fixed_width_font as
- it gets decremented elsewhere.
-2004-02-07 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (next_nonwhitespace_character): also check
- global input_text since filestack does not contain it.
-2004-02-07 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (next_nonwhitespace_character): go through the
- whole filestack looking for the next character.
-2004-02-06 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\indexnofonts): define \bullet .. \result, so
- they can be used in @?index commands.
- Report from: Akim Demaille , 06 Feb 2004 13:34:15 +0100.
-2004-02-05 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/xref.c (add_xref_punctuation): if we insert anything,
- make it a period.
- (cm_xref): include command name in error message.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (ref): mention generating a period, if needed.
- Too many complaints when we made a warning for @ref not followed
- by period or comma.
-2004-02-05 Alper Ersoy
- * info/info-utils.c (info_parse_node): look for ``(line '' instead of
- skipping any non-digit characters.
-2004-02-05 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/index.c (insert_index_output_line_no): made ``(line NNN)'' not
- translatable for Info output.
-2004-02-03 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (flush_output): increment node_line_number too.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.h: new variable node_line_number to hold the last
- output line number the current node.
- * makeinfo/nodes.c (cm_node): reset node_line_number just before the
- node start cookie.
- * makeinfo/files.h: new node member in DELAYED_WRITE struct.
- * makeinfo/files.c (register_delayed_write): save current node name if
- there's one.
- (handle_delayed_writes): adjust line numbers in indices only if the
- output is plaintext, or the index entry appears in the changed node.
- * makeinfo/index.c (index_add_arg, cm_printindex): use
- node_line_number instead of output_line_number if the output is an
- Info file.
-2004-02-03 Alper Ersoy
- * info/info-utils.h: new line_number member in REFERENCE struct.
- * info/info-utils.c (info_parse_node): parse (line ...) strings
- from menu items.
- (info_references_internal): save parsed line number in the entry.
- * info/session.c (info_menu_of_ref_item): if selected entry has a line
- number associated with it, jump to that line after updating window.
-2004-02-02 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (add_xref_punctuation): new function that inserts
- necessary punctuation after @ref and @pxref commands.
- (cm_xref): call add_xref_punctuation when multiple parameters are
- given, make use of next_nonwhitespace_character function in the END
- case.
- (cm_ref): do not call cm_xref in the END case.
-2004-02-02 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (next_nonwhitespace_character): new function.
-2004-02-02 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_code): call xml_start_para instead of tweaking
- in_fixed_width_font, and use entities rather than quotes.
-2004-02-02 Arnold D. Robbins
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_TeX, cm_LaTeX): Add docbook support.
- (cm_code): Add opening and closing single quotes for @samp in the
- Docbook output.
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_begin_document): Add `tex' and `latex' entities.
- * makeinfo/xref.c (cm_xref): Add `See' and `see' strings for docbook
- and xml.
-2004-01-31 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (main): fixed ``--option: makeinfo'' messages.
-2004-01-31 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_TeX, cm_LaTeX): really ignore the arguments as
- the warning suggests.
-2004-01-31 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_TeX, cm_LaTeX): warn if there are any arguments.
-2004-01-31 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/files.c (pop_path_from_include_path): do not mock with
- include_files_path address directly, as it confuses realloc.
-2004-01-31 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (main, usage): new --output-indent option.
-2004-01-31 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_add_char): break long lines in paragraphs
- when the output format is Docbook.
-2004-01-31 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/files.c (prepend_to_include_path, append_to_include_path)
- (pop_path_from_include_path): new functions to manipulate
- include_files_path.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (convert_from_file): prepend the loaded file's
- path to include_files_path in order to make relative include files to
- be found, then remove afterwards.
- (main): make use of new functions for -I and -P options.
-2004-01-30 Alper Ersoy
- * util/texinfo.dtd: added exdent element.
-2004-01-29 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (convert_from_loaded_file): call
- xml_begin_document after opening the output stream for writing.
- * makeinfo/files.c (register_delayed_write): use delayed_command
- instead of command in messages as it may differ from the actual
- command name. Check the usability of current_output_filename.
-2004-01-28 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (HTML Splitting): describe when two nodes are
- written to one output file.
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\TeX): \edef using original \TeX definition.
-2004-01-28 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/defun.c (process_defun_args, defun_internal):
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion, end_insertion): execute XML
- only blocks for Docbook also.
- * makeinfo/xml.c: added Docbook elements for definition commands.
- (xml_begin_def_term): for Docbook, generate an Info-like @defun line.
- (xml_insert_element_with_attribute): do not indent DEFINITION and
- DEFINITIONTERM when the output is Docbook.
-2004-01-25 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c: changed majorheading and the like with bridgehead
- for Docbook.
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c (sectioning_underscore): do not start sections
- with @majorheading and the like, only insert title.
-2004-01-25 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c:
- * makeinfo/xml.h: new element EXDENT.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_comment): save the paragraph state.
- (cm_exdent): use EXDENT element for XML, LINEANNOTATION for Docbook.
- * makeinfo/html.c (html_output_head):
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_begin_document): erase output_paragraph.
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion): canonize whitespace around
- copying text.
- (cm_insert_copying): comment fixes. Do not append newline if the
- output is Docbook.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (close_paragraph): return if Docbook too.
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c (sectioning_underscore): removed newline from
- the end of titles.
- * makeinfo/lang.c (cm_documentencoding): insert encoding attribute
- into XML and Docbook prologs when handling delayed writes.
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_begin_document): register a delayed write for
- @documentencoding when writing the prolog.
- (xml_end_para): removed docbook checks.
- (xml_insert_element_with_attribute): skip indentation if
- xml_keep_space is true, indent after table element. When the output
- is Docbook, do not insert xml:space attribute, and do not remove from
- the end of group element and keep_space blocks.
- (xml_add_char): join lines in a paragraph for Docbook too.
-2004-01-24 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/multi.c (out_char): simple use add_char for XML and Docbook
- outputs too.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (close_paragraph): just return when the output
- format is XML.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.h: new variable xml_indendation_increment.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_comment): insert a newline before the comment,
- if there is not already one.
- (cm_noindent_cmd): skip whitespace after the command.
- * makeinfo/xml.c:
- * makeinfo/xml.h: new element DETAILMENU.
- * makeinfo/xml.c: menuentry and menucomment should not contain para.
- (xml_indent, xml_indent_end_para): use xml_indentation_increment
- value, and indent only if it is a positive number.
- (xml_start_para): apply indentation for XML output too.
- (xml_end_para): add newline if xml_indentation_increment is positive.
- (xml_insert_element_with_attribute): major indentation fixes.
- (xml_start_menu_entry): skip whitespace at the start of menu comments.
- (xml_add_char): fixed paragraph detection in menus, and added a check
- to detect multiple whitespaces after newline in menu comments. Do not
- return when inside multitable to avoid concatenation of two lines
- without a space char in between.
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (cm_insert_copying, cm_lisp, cm_smalllisp)
- (cm_format, cm_smallformat, cm_display, cm_smalldisplay, cm_example)
- (cm_smallexample): do not insert newline when the output is XML.
- (end_insertion): ditto for the above mentioned block commands and
- @group. Do not increment in_fixed_font for XML output.
- (begin_insertion, end_insertion): enclose @detailmenu in a detailmenu
- element.
- * util/texinfo.dtd: added detailmenu, and fixed menucomment and
- tableitem definitions.
-2004-01-23 Alper Ersoy
- * util/Makefile.am: substituted catalog in EXTRA_DIST with catalog.in,
- and added catalog to CLEANFILES.
-2004-01-23 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/files.h: new input_filename member in delayed_write struct.
- * makeinfo/files.c (register_delayed_write): added input_filename to
- saved variables, and adjusted line_number saving.
- (handle_delayed_writes): set input_filename and line_number for
- correct warning and error messages.
-2004-01-23 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats):
- * makeinfo/index.c (cm_printindex): decrement line_number only if
- not handling delayed writes.
- * makeinfo/float.c (float_type_exists): check if float has a label.
-2004-01-23 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (main): updated copyright year in --version text.
-2004-01-23 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/tests/Makefile.am: commented top2.texi to fix distcheck.
-2004-01-23 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_begin_document): use PUBLIC id for TexinfoML
- instead of SYSTEM.
-2004-01-23 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/Makefile.am: removed texinfo.dtd and texinfo.xsl and ...
- * util/Makefile.am: added here.
-2004-01-23 Alper Ersoy
- * utils/catalog.in: catalog file for texinfo.dtd.
-2004-01-23 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/texinfo.dtd:
- * makeinfo/texinfo.xsl: moved to ...
- * utils/texinfo.dtd:
- * utils/texinfo.xsl: here.
-2004-01-23 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/texinfo.dtd: added ordm and ordf entities and dmn element.
- updated indexterm location in tables.
-2004-01-22 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\dofloat): handle empty float type and empty
- float label separately, matching makeinfo behavior.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Floats): new section, not yet fully written.
- (Special Displays): new chapter to hold it.
- (Footnotes, Images): move these sections to the new chapter.
- (@@-Command Summary): list new commands.
- * NEWS: mention new commands here too.
-2004-01-21 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_begin_index): move data to a temporary location
- for delayed use and insert back when handling delayed writes.
- * makeinfo/index.c (cm_printindex): call xml_begin_index when not
- handling delayed writes too.
-2004-01-19 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex: doc fix.
-2004-01-18 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\commondummies): dummify @tie and remaining
- @ commands.
- (\tocindent): reduce to 15pt to match \defaultparindent.
- (\setref): use XR as control sequence prefix
- instead of just X; seems nicer. Change calls.
- Finish implementing @listoffloats:
- (\xrdef): keep lists of each float type.
- (\dofloat): save the floattype in the aux file.
- (\Efloat): write the lof text to the aux file.
- (\iffloat, \doiffloat, \listoffloats,
- \listoffloatsdo, \listoffloatsentry): new macros.
- * bootstrap: autoheader should come after aclocal, I think.
-2004-01-17 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\doitemize): rename from \itemizey.
- (\itemizeitem): do not set \parskip=0 if the last
- thing was a \nobreak (e.g., from \sectionheading).
- Report from: Jesper Harder ,
- 17 Jan 2004 22:03:51 +0100.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (email): no angle brackets in TeX output.
- Report from: Jesper Harder ,
- 17 Jan 2004 21:03:21 +0100.
-2004-01-17 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): Prefixed captions with
- float_type. For HTML, used an block.
-2004-01-17 Alper Ersoy
- * info/info.c (main, info_short_help): new option -w, --where,
- --location that prints the physical location of Info file.
-2004-01-17 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/defun.c (defun_internal):
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (end_insertion): enclose paragraphs in @def
- blocks in a blockquote element for indentation in the HTML output.
-2004-01-17 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/html.c (insert_html_tag_with_attribute): new function.
- (insert_html_tag): only call insert_html_tag_with_attribute with
- NULL attribute string and return.
- (push_tag, pop_tag): keep the element attributes in stack too.
- (html_output_head): fixed span.roman in the default CSS.
- * makeinfo/html.h: new attribs member in hstack struct.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_dmn, cm_code, cm_sc, cm_r): use
- insert_html_tag_with_attribute for setting element class.
-2004-01-15 Karl Berry
- * texinfo.tex (\readauxfile): \ must have catcode other to
- handle \ in node/section names.
-2004-01-16 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/toc.c (cm_contents): fixed Docbook element stack underflow.
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_insert_indexterm): set xml_dont_touch_items_defs
- for only XML output.
-2004-01-14 Simon Josefsson
- * util/gendocs.sh: new option --html.
-2004-01-14 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/html.c (rollback_empty_tag): rewrote to also identify empty
- elements with attributes.
- (insert_html_tag): increment and decrement in_html_elt.
- * makeinfo/index.c (index_add_arg): do not call flush_output for xml
- and html outputs as they do not need an accurate output line number
- tracking, and flush_output makes rollback_empty tag useless.
-2004-01-13 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_code): increment and decrement in_html_elt when
- inserting the class attribute to avoid space char being replaced with
- entities.
- (cm_r, cm_dmn): use insert_string instead of add_word for the class
- attribute.
-2004-01-13 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_r): changed add_word_args with insert_html_tag,
- and changed inline style with a class attribute.
- * makeinfo/html.c (insert_html_tag): when the current element is the
- same with the last in the stack, do not return if it's span.
- (html_output_head): new CSS class roman (for @r.)
-2004-01-13 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/node.c (cm_node): reset output_position when closing the
- current HTML output file.
- * makeinfo/files.c (handle_delayed_writes): fixed position updating of
- the next writes.
-2004-01-13 Karl Berry
- * makeinfo/files.c (register_delayed_write): reword warning, and
- only warn if writing to stdout, not /dev/null.
-2004-01-13 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/node.c (glean_node_from_menu): removed unnecessary
- line_number incrementation.
-2004-01-13 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats):
- * makeinfo/index.c (cm_printindex): decrement line_number just after
- get_rest_of_line to make messages refer to the correct line,
- re-increment it just before returning.
-2004-01-13 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/node.c (cm_node): fixed prev, next, up nodes defaulting
- code to not make use of @menus after @bye.
-2004-01-13 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/index.c (cm_printindex): handle @printindex immediately
- if the output format is Docbook, rather than waiting for delayed
- writes.
-2004-01-13 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): insert xml elements also for
- docbook.
-2004-01-13 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (float_type_exists): new function that checks if a
- specific type of @float is previously used.
- (cm_listoffloats): warn if requested float_type is unknown.
-2004-01-12 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/files.c (register_delayed_write): warn if delayed write is
- requested when the output file is not seekable.
-2004-01-10 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.txi (Using Include Files): mention the possibility
- of no nodes in an include file. From Bob.
-2004-01-10 Simon Josefsson
- * makeinfo/node.c (cm_node): Only print ",\n" at correct places.
-2004-01-10 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/html.c (html_output_head): use insert_string instead of
- add_word for css inclusion to avoid reformatting.
-2004-01-09 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/xml.c:
- * makeinfo/xml.h: new variable xml_dont_touch_items_defs.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_comment, cm_sp):
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_insert_indexterm): set and unset
- xml_dont_touch_items_defs.
- * makeinfo/xml.c (xml_insert_element_with_attribute)
- (xml_add_char): do not do anything about @deffnx and @itemx commands
- if xml_dont_touch_items_defs is non-zero.
-2004-01-09 Alper Ersoy
- * info/Makefile.am: define INFODIR2 that points to $datadir/info.
- * info/info.c (main): prepend INFODIR2 to infopath, if defined and if
- not the same with INFODIR.
-2004-01-08 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/index.c (cm_printindex): adapted to delayed writing,
- decreased the space between the columns of plaintext output.
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): disabled menu header checks,
- synced column_width with @printindex.
-2004-01-08 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/index.c: moved INDEX_ELT and INDEX_ALIST typedefs to ...
- * makeinfo/index.h: here
- * makeinfo/files.h:
- * makeinfo/files.c (register_delayed_write): save line number in input
- document that the calling command is in.
- (handle_delayed_writes): adjust byte offsets in tag table and output
- line numbers in all of the indices,
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (convert_from_loaded_file): when finished, write
- the tag table after handling delayed writes.
- * makeinfo/node.c (write_tag_table): accept a filename argument, and
- open the file in append mode.
-2004-01-08 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (add_new_float):
- * makeinfo/float.h: save the line number @float command used.
-2004-01-08 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/toc.c (cm_contents): moved the call to html_output_head
- to ...
- * makeinfo/files.c (register_delayed_write): here.
-2004-01-08 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): adapted for delayed writing,
- and slightly fixed formatting with no_headers.
-2004-01-08 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c: use cm_contents for @shortcontents
- and @summarycontents too.
- * makeinfo/files.c (register_delayed_write)
- (handle_delayed_writes): new functions.
- * makeinfo/files.h: new delayed_write struct and
- handling_delayed_writes variable.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (insert): use whitespace macro instead of
- testing characters manually.
- (convert_from_loaded_file): call handle_delayed_writes when finished.
- * makeinfo/toc.c (contents_update_html, contents_update_info)
- (shortcontents_update_html, shortcontents_update_info): changed file
- read/writes with insert and insert_string.
- (rewrite_top, contents_update, shortcontents_update)
- (toc_update, cm_shortcontents): removed functions.
- (cm_contents): for HTML and Info, only call register_delayed_write if
- handling_delayed_writes is not true. Call contents_update_html and
- other variants according to output format and command name.
- * makeinfo/toc.h: removed obsolete variables and functions.
-2004-01-08 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/index.c (index_add_arg): keep line number of the index
- entry where it appears in the output.
- (insert_index_output_line_no): new function.
- (cm_printindex): call insert_index_output_line_no for info and
- plaintext outputs.
-2004-01-08 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.h: new variable output_line_number.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (flush_output): keep number of lines in the
- flushed data, in output_line_number variable.
-2004-01-07 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): when there is no caption, do not
- insert space between the float number and the colon.
-2004-01-07 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): use shorttitle only if it's
- defined.
-2004-01-07 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/cmds.c: new command @shortcaption.
- * makeinfo/xml.c:
- * makeinfo/xml.h: new element SHORTCAPTION.
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (cm_caption): insert CAPTION or SHORTCAPTION
- according to command.
- (begin_insertion): read @shortcaption too. Fixed XML floatpos
- contents.
- * makeinfo/float.h: added shorttitle and position to the float_elt
- struct.
- * makeinfo/float.c (add_new_float): accept a shorttitle argument.
- (current_float_shorttitle, current_float_position): new functions.
- (cm_listoffloats): if title is too long to fit into a line, try
- shorttitle.
-2004-01-07 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/float.h: new variable node_has_listoffloats.
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): insert menu header string only
- if node_has_listoffloats is not true.
- * makeinfo/node.c (cm_node): reset node_has_listoffloats.
-2004-01-06 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion): fixed a thinko in @float
- arguments parsing code, regarding string termination; changed manual
- input text skipping with skip_whitespace_and_newlines for proper
- line_number handling; and changed magic number 10 with sizeof for
- improved readability.
- * makeinfo/float.c (cm_listoffloats): end paragraph before the menu
- header. Use add_html_block_elt to insert element.
-2004-01-06 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/crossrefs.c:
- * makeinfo/crossrefs.h: moved to ...
- * makeinfo/xref.c:
- * makeinfo/xref.h: new files.
- * makeinfo/Makefile.am:
- * makeinfo/cmds.c:
- * makeinfo/footnote.c:
- * makeinfo/html.c:
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c:
- * makeinfo/node.c:
- * makeinfo/node.h:
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c:
- * makeinfo/toc.c: adjusted for new names.
-2004-01-06 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c:
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.h: moved cross referencing commands to ...
- * makeinfo/crossrefs.c:
- * makeinfo/crossrefs.h: new files.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c:
- * makeinfo/footnote.c:
- * makeinfo/html.c:
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c:
- * makeinfo/node.c:
- * makeinfo/sectioning.c:
- * makeinfo/toc.c: added crossrefs.h to includes.
- * makeinfo/Makefile.am: added new files crossrefs.c and crossrefs.h
-2004-01-06 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/node.c (cm_node): removed ``Node: '' from the
- node headers.
-2004-01-06 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/insertion.c (begin_insertion): keep line_number the same
- before and after get_until, so messages issued inside full_expansion
- have correct line numbers.
-2004-01-06 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (handle_menu_entry):
- * makeinfo/node.c (glean_node_from_menu): adjust line_number.
-2004-01-05 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\rawbackslashxx): rename to \backslashcurfont,
- to keep reducing the number of `xx's here.
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\setref): call \atdummies, not \indexnofonts; we
- need to keep the user's commands.
- (\dofloat): call \indexnofonts and \turnoffactive
- to support commands and special characters in the
- float type name.
- * doc/texinfo.txi (firstparindent): shorten name so it doesn't
- break in the toc.
-2004-01-05 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/html.c (html_output_head): new CSS entry span.sc for
- small-caps font variant.
- * makeinfo/cmds.c (cm_sc): use span with class attribute sc, instead
- of small.
-2004-01-04 Stepan Kasal
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\commondummies, \indexnofonts): Merge the
- common part of these two to ...
- (\commondummiesnofonts): ... a new macro.
- (\indexdummylatex, \indexdummytex, \indexdummydots): Nuke,
- the time saved is not worth the hassle.
-2004-01-04 Stepan Kasal
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\makedispenv): Determine the size of the fonts
- according to the value of SETdispenvsize, using ...
- (\setnormaldispenv, \setsmalldispenv, \SETdispenvsize, \smallword):
- (\nosmallword): ... these new macros.
- (\flushleft): No longer defined via \makedispenv.
-2004-01-03 Karl Berry
- * doc/texinfo.tex (\TeX): new macro, copying plain but make a
- period following end a sentence. Idea from LaTeX.
-2004-01-02 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/node.c (clean_old_split_files): new function.
- (split_file): moved filename generation code to a ...
- (enumerate_filename): new function.
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (convert_from_loaded_file): call
- clean_old_split_files before calling split_file.
-2004-01-02 Alper Ersoy
- * makeinfo/makeinfo.c (create_html_directory): new function.
- (insert_toplevel_subdirectory): moved common if blocks to
- create_html_directory. Adjusted checks to reuse existing
- directories, and remove existing