Update this to be able to output ASSERT_VOP_(UN)LOCKED() based on the
lock specifications in kern/vnode_if.src. At present, this do not distinguish between exclusive and shared locks, and the kernel is so full of bugs in this area that running with auto-generation of assertions enabled makes DEBUG_VFS_LOCKS totally useless for anybody that has used it for anything prior to outputting automated assertions. Due to this, I made vnode_if.sh only output locking assertions if you have the environment variable DEBUG_ALL_VFS_LOCKS set to "YES". In order to actually use the assertions, you need to also add "options DEBUG_VFS_LOCKS" to your kernel config file. Urged to commit by: phk
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#!/bin/sh -
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if $running_under_some_shell;
# Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
# The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
@ -34,35 +37,33 @@
# @(#)vnode_if.sh 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93
# $FreeBSD$
# Script to produce VFS front-end sugar.
# usage: vnode_if.sh srcfile
# (where srcfile is currently /sys/kern/vnode_if.src)
# These awk scripts are not particularly well written, specifically they
# don't use arrays well and figure out the same information repeatedly.
# Please rewrite them if you actually understand how to use awk. Note,
# they use nawk extensions and gawk's toupper.
if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
echo 'usage: vnode_if.sh srcfile'
exit 1
my %lockdata;
if ($#ARGV != 0) {
print "usage: vnode_if.sh srcfile\n";
# Name of the source file.
# Names of the created files.
# Awk program (must support nawk extensions and gawk's "toupper")
# Use "awk" at Berkeley, "gawk" elsewhere.
open(HEADER, ">$HEADER") || die "Unable to create $HEADER";
open(CFILE, ">$CFILE") || die "Unable to create $CFILE";
open(SRC, "<$SRC") || die "Unable to open input file";
# Print out header information for vnode_if.h.
* This file is produced automatically.
* Do not modify anything in here by hand.
@ -72,111 +73,10 @@ cat << END_OF_LEADING_COMMENT > $HEADER
extern struct vnodeop_desc vop_default_desc;
# Awk script to take vnode_if.src and turn it into vnode_if.h.
$AWK '
NF == 0 || $0 ~ "^#" {
# Get the function name.
name = $1;
uname = toupper(name);
# Get the function arguments.
for (c1 = 0;; ++c1) {
if (getline <= 0)
if ($0 ~ "^};")
a[c1] = $0;
# Print out the vop_F_args structure.
printf("struct %s_args {\n\tstruct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;\n",
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
if (t[2] ~ "WILLRELE")
c4 = 3;
c4 = 2;
for (; c4 < c3; ++c4)
printf("%s ", t[c4]);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
substr(t[c4], 0, beg - 1), substr(t[c4], beg));
# Print out extern declaration.
printf("extern struct vnodeop_desc %s_desc;\n", name);
# Print out prototype.
printf("static __inline int %s __P((\n", uname);
sep = ",\n";
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
if (c2 == c1 - 1)
sep = "));\n";
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
if (t[2] ~ "WILLRELE")
c4 = 3;
c4 = 2;
for (; c4 < c3; ++c4)
printf("%s ", t[c4]);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c3], ";");
substr(t[c4], 0, beg - 1),
substr(t[c4], beg, end - beg), sep);
# Print out function.
printf("static __inline int %s(", uname);
sep = ", ";
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
if (c2 == c1 - 1)
sep = ")\n";
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c3], ";");
printf("%s%s", substr(t[c3], beg, end - beg), sep);
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
if (t[2] ~ "WILLRELE")
c4 = 3;
c4 = 2;
for (; c4 < c3; ++c4)
printf("%s ", t[c4]);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
substr(t[c4], 0, beg - 1), substr(t[c4], beg));
printf("{\n\tstruct %s_args a;\n\n", name);
printf("\ta.a_desc = VDESC(%s);\n", name);
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c3], ";");
printf("a.a_%s = %s\n",
substr(t[c3], beg, end - beg), substr(t[c3], beg));
c1 = split(a[0], t);
beg = match(t[c1], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c1], ";");
printf("\treturn (VCALL(%s, VOFFSET(%s), &a));\n}\n",
substr(t[c1], beg, end - beg), name);
}' < $SRC >> $HEADER
# Print out header information for vnode_if.c.
* This file is produced automatically.
* Do not modify anything in here by hand.
@ -200,153 +100,228 @@ struct vnodeop_desc vop_default_desc = {
# Awk script to take vnode_if.src and turn it into vnode_if.c.
$AWK 'function kill_surrounding_ws (s) {
sub (/^[ \t]*/, "", s);
sub (/[ \t]*$/, "", s);
return s;
line: while (<SRC>) {
chop; # strip record separator
@Fld = split ' ';
if (@Fld == 0) {
next line;
if (/^#/) {
if (!/^#%\s+([a-z]+)\s+([a-z]+)\s+(.)\s(.)\s(.)/) {
if (!defined($lockdata{"vop_$1"})) {
$lockdata{"vop_$1"} = {};
$lockdata{"vop_$1"}->{$2} = {
'Entry' => $3,
'OK' => $4,
'Error' => $5,
# Get the function name.
$name = $Fld[0];
$uname = uc($name);
# Get the function arguments.
for ($numargs = 0; ; ++$numargs) {
if ($ln = <SRC>) {
} else {
die "Unable to read through the arguments for \"$name\"";
if ($ln =~ /^\};/) {
# For the header file
$a{$numargs} = $ln;
# The rest of this loop is for the C file
# Delete comments, if any.
$ln =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///g;
# Delete leading/trailing space.
$ln =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
# Pick off direction.
if ($ln =~ s/^INOUT\s+//) {
$dir = 'INOUT';
} elsif ($ln =~ s/^IN\s+//) {
$dir = 'IN';
} elsif ($ln =~ s/^OUT\s+//) {
$dir = 'OUT';
} else {
die "No IN/OUT direction for \"$ln\".";
if ($ln =~ s/^WILLRELE\s+//) {
$rele = 'WILLRELE';
} else {
$rele = 'WONTRELE';
function read_args() {
numargs = 0;
while (getline ln) {
if (ln ~ /}/) {
# Delete comments, if any.
gsub (/\/\*.*\*\//, "", ln);
# Delete leading/trailing space.
ln = kill_surrounding_ws(ln);
# Pick off direction.
if (1 == sub(/^INOUT[ \t]+/, "", ln))
dir = "INOUT";
else if (1 == sub(/^IN[ \t]+/, "", ln))
dir = "IN";
else if (1 == sub(/^OUT[ \t]+/, "", ln))
dir = "OUT";
bail("No IN/OUT direction for \"" ln "\".");
# check for "WILLRELE"
if (1 == sub(/^WILLRELE[ \t]+/, "", ln)) {
rele = "WILLRELE";
} else {
rele = "WONTRELE";
# kill trailing ;
if (1 != sub (/;$/, "", ln)) {
bail("Missing end-of-line ; in \"" ln "\".");
# pick off variable name
if (!(i = match(ln, /[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/))) {
bail("Missing var name \"a_foo\" in \"" ln "\".");
arg = substr (ln, i);
# Want to <<substr(ln, i) = "";>>, but nawk cannot.
# Hack around this.
ln = substr(ln, 1, i-1);
# what is left must be type
# (put clean it up some)
type = ln;
gsub (/[ \t]+/, " ", type); # condense whitespace
type = kill_surrounding_ws(type);
# (boy this was easier in Perl)
dirs[numargs] = dir;
reles[numargs] = rele;
types[numargs] = type;
args[numargs] = arg;
# kill trailing ;
if ($ln !~ s/;$//) {
&bail("Missing end-of-line ; in \"$ln\".");
function generate_operation_vp_offsets() {
printf ("static int %s_vp_offsets[] = {\n", name);
# as a side effect, figure out the releflags
releflags = "";
vpnum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=numargs; i++) {
if (types[i] == "struct vnode *") {
printf ("\tVOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct %s_args,a_%s),\n",
name, args[i]);
if (reles[i] == "WILLRELE") {
releflags = releflags "|VDESC_VP" vpnum "_WILLRELE";
sub (/^\|/, "", releflags);
print "\tVDESC_NO_OFFSET";
print "};";
# pick off variable name
if ($ln !~ s/([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$//) {
&bail("Missing var name \"a_foo\" in \"$ln\".");
function find_arg_with_type (type) {
for (i=1; i<=numargs; i++) {
if (types[i] == type) {
return "VOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct " name "_args,a_" args[i] ")";
$arg = $1;
# what is left must be type
# (put clean it up some)
$type = $ln;
# condense whitespace
$type =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$type =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
$dirs{$numargs} = $dir;
$reles{$numargs} = $rele;
$types{$numargs} = $type;
$args{$numargs} = $arg;
# Print out the vop_F_args structure.
print HEADER "struct ${name}_args {\n\tstruct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;\n";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /^\s*(INOUT|OUT|IN)(\s+WILLRELE)?\s+(.*?)\s+(\**)(\S*\;)/;
print HEADER "\t$3 $4a_$5\n",
print HEADER "};\n";
# Print out extern declaration.
print HEADER "extern struct vnodeop_desc ${name}_desc;\n";
# Print out prototype.
print HEADER "static __inline int ${uname} __P((\n";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /^\s*(INOUT|OUT|IN)(\s+WILLRELE)?\s+(.*?)\s+(\**\S*)\;/;
print HEADER "\t$3 $4" .
($c2 < $numargs-1 ? "," : "));") . "\n";
# Print out function.
print HEADER "static __inline int ${uname}(";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /\**([^;\s]*)\;[^\s]*$/;
print HEADER "$1" . ($c2 < $numargs - 1 ? ', ' : ")\n");
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /^\s*(INOUT|OUT|IN)(\s+WILLRELE)?\s+(.*?)\s+(\**\S*\;)/;
print HEADER "\t$3 $4\n";
print HEADER "{\n\tstruct ${name}_args a;\n";
print HEADER "\tint rc;\n";
print HEADER "\ta.a_desc = VDESC(${name});\n";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /(\**)([^;\s]*)([^\s]*)$/;
print HEADER "\ta.a_$2 = $2$3\n",
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
if (!exists($args{$c2})) {
die "Internal error";
function generate_operation_desc() {
printf ("struct vnodeop_desc %s_desc = {\n", name);
# offset
printf ("\t0,\n");
# printable name
printf ("\t\"%s\",\n", name);
# flags
vppwillrele = "";
for (i=1; i<=numargs; i++) {
if (types[i] == "struct vnode **" &&
(reles[i] == "WILLRELE")) {
vppwillrele = "|VDESC_VPP_WILLRELE";
if (releflags == "") {
printf ("\t0%s,\n", vppwillrele);
} else {
printf ("\t%s%s,\n", releflags, vppwillrele);
# vp offsets
printf ("\t%s_vp_offsets,\n", name);
# vpp (if any)
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct vnode **"));
# cred (if any)
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct ucred *"));
# proc (if any)
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct proc *"));
# componentname
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct componentname *"));
# transport layer information
printf ("\tNULL,\n};\n");
if (exists($lockdata{$name}) &&
exists($lockdata{$name}->{$args{$c2}})) {
if ($ENV{'DEBUG_ALL_VFS_LOCKS'} =~ /yes/i) {
# Add assertions for locking
if ($lockdata{$name}->{$args{$c2}}->{Entry} eq "L") {
print HEADER
"\tASSERT_VOP_LOCKED($args{$c2}, \"$uname\");\n";
} elsif ($lockdata{$name}->{$args{$c2}}->{Entry} eq "U") {
print HEADER
"\tASSERT_VOP_UNLOCKED($args{$c2}, \"$uname\");\n";
} elsif (0) {
# XXX More checks!
$a{0} =~ /\s\**([^;\s]*);/;
print HEADER "\trc = VCALL($1, VOFFSET(${name}), &a);\n";
print HEADER "\treturn (rc);\n";
print HEADER "}\n";
NF == 0 || $0 ~ "^#" {
# Print out the vop_F_vp_offsets structure. This all depends
# on naming conventions and nothing else.
printf CFILE "static int %s_vp_offsets[] = {\n", $name;
# as a side effect, figure out the releflags
$releflags = '';
$vpnum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numargs; $i++) {
if ($types{$i} eq 'struct vnode *') {
printf CFILE "\tVOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct %s_args,a_%s),\n",
$name, $args{$i};
if ($reles{$i} eq 'WILLRELE') {
$releflags = $releflags . '|VDESC_VP' . $vpnum . '_WILLRELE';
# get the function name
name = $1;
# get the function arguments
$releflags =~ s/^\|//;
print CFILE "};\n";
# Print out the vop_F_vp_offsets structure. This all depends
# on naming conventions and nothing else.
# Print out the vnodeop_desc structure.
print CFILE "struct vnodeop_desc ${name}_desc = {\n";
# offset
print CFILE "\t0,\n";
# printable name
printf CFILE "\t\"%s\",\n", $name;
# flags
$vppwillrele = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $numargs; $i++) {
if ($types{$i} eq 'struct vnode **' &&
($reles{$i} eq 'WILLRELE')) {
$vppwillrele = '|VDESC_VPP_WILLRELE';
# Print out the vnodeop_desc structure.
if ($releflags eq '') {
printf CFILE "\t0%s,\n", $vppwillrele;
else {
printf CFILE "\t%s%s,\n", $releflags, $vppwillrele;
printf "\n";
# vp offsets
printf CFILE "\t%s_vp_offsets,\n", $name;
# vpp (if any)
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct vnode **');
# cred (if any)
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct ucred *');
# proc (if any)
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct proc *');
# componentname
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct componentname *');
# transport layer information
print CFILE "\tNULL,\n};\n\n";
}' < $SRC >> $CFILE
close(HEADER) || die "Unable to close $HEADER";
close(CFILE) || die "Unable to close $CFILE";
close(SRC) || die;
exit 0;
sub find_arg_with_type {
my $type = shift;
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i < $numargs; $i++) {
if ($types{$i} eq $type) {
return "VOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct ${name}_args,a_" . $args{$i} . ")";
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#!/bin/sh -
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if $running_under_some_shell;
# Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
# The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
@ -34,35 +37,33 @@
# @(#)vnode_if.sh 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93
# $FreeBSD$
# Script to produce VFS front-end sugar.
# usage: vnode_if.sh srcfile
# (where srcfile is currently /sys/kern/vnode_if.src)
# These awk scripts are not particularly well written, specifically they
# don't use arrays well and figure out the same information repeatedly.
# Please rewrite them if you actually understand how to use awk. Note,
# they use nawk extensions and gawk's toupper.
if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
echo 'usage: vnode_if.sh srcfile'
exit 1
my %lockdata;
if ($#ARGV != 0) {
print "usage: vnode_if.sh srcfile\n";
# Name of the source file.
# Names of the created files.
# Awk program (must support nawk extensions and gawk's "toupper")
# Use "awk" at Berkeley, "gawk" elsewhere.
open(HEADER, ">$HEADER") || die "Unable to create $HEADER";
open(CFILE, ">$CFILE") || die "Unable to create $CFILE";
open(SRC, "<$SRC") || die "Unable to open input file";
# Print out header information for vnode_if.h.
* This file is produced automatically.
* Do not modify anything in here by hand.
@ -72,111 +73,10 @@ cat << END_OF_LEADING_COMMENT > $HEADER
extern struct vnodeop_desc vop_default_desc;
# Awk script to take vnode_if.src and turn it into vnode_if.h.
$AWK '
NF == 0 || $0 ~ "^#" {
# Get the function name.
name = $1;
uname = toupper(name);
# Get the function arguments.
for (c1 = 0;; ++c1) {
if (getline <= 0)
if ($0 ~ "^};")
a[c1] = $0;
# Print out the vop_F_args structure.
printf("struct %s_args {\n\tstruct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;\n",
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
if (t[2] ~ "WILLRELE")
c4 = 3;
c4 = 2;
for (; c4 < c3; ++c4)
printf("%s ", t[c4]);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
substr(t[c4], 0, beg - 1), substr(t[c4], beg));
# Print out extern declaration.
printf("extern struct vnodeop_desc %s_desc;\n", name);
# Print out prototype.
printf("static __inline int %s __P((\n", uname);
sep = ",\n";
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
if (c2 == c1 - 1)
sep = "));\n";
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
if (t[2] ~ "WILLRELE")
c4 = 3;
c4 = 2;
for (; c4 < c3; ++c4)
printf("%s ", t[c4]);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c3], ";");
substr(t[c4], 0, beg - 1),
substr(t[c4], beg, end - beg), sep);
# Print out function.
printf("static __inline int %s(", uname);
sep = ", ";
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
if (c2 == c1 - 1)
sep = ")\n";
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c3], ";");
printf("%s%s", substr(t[c3], beg, end - beg), sep);
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
if (t[2] ~ "WILLRELE")
c4 = 3;
c4 = 2;
for (; c4 < c3; ++c4)
printf("%s ", t[c4]);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
substr(t[c4], 0, beg - 1), substr(t[c4], beg));
printf("{\n\tstruct %s_args a;\n\n", name);
printf("\ta.a_desc = VDESC(%s);\n", name);
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c3], ";");
printf("a.a_%s = %s\n",
substr(t[c3], beg, end - beg), substr(t[c3], beg));
c1 = split(a[0], t);
beg = match(t[c1], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c1], ";");
printf("\treturn (VCALL(%s, VOFFSET(%s), &a));\n}\n",
substr(t[c1], beg, end - beg), name);
}' < $SRC >> $HEADER
# Print out header information for vnode_if.c.
* This file is produced automatically.
* Do not modify anything in here by hand.
@ -200,153 +100,228 @@ struct vnodeop_desc vop_default_desc = {
# Awk script to take vnode_if.src and turn it into vnode_if.c.
$AWK 'function kill_surrounding_ws (s) {
sub (/^[ \t]*/, "", s);
sub (/[ \t]*$/, "", s);
return s;
line: while (<SRC>) {
chop; # strip record separator
@Fld = split ' ';
if (@Fld == 0) {
next line;
if (/^#/) {
if (!/^#%\s+([a-z]+)\s+([a-z]+)\s+(.)\s(.)\s(.)/) {
if (!defined($lockdata{"vop_$1"})) {
$lockdata{"vop_$1"} = {};
$lockdata{"vop_$1"}->{$2} = {
'Entry' => $3,
'OK' => $4,
'Error' => $5,
# Get the function name.
$name = $Fld[0];
$uname = uc($name);
# Get the function arguments.
for ($numargs = 0; ; ++$numargs) {
if ($ln = <SRC>) {
} else {
die "Unable to read through the arguments for \"$name\"";
if ($ln =~ /^\};/) {
# For the header file
$a{$numargs} = $ln;
# The rest of this loop is for the C file
# Delete comments, if any.
$ln =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///g;
# Delete leading/trailing space.
$ln =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
# Pick off direction.
if ($ln =~ s/^INOUT\s+//) {
$dir = 'INOUT';
} elsif ($ln =~ s/^IN\s+//) {
$dir = 'IN';
} elsif ($ln =~ s/^OUT\s+//) {
$dir = 'OUT';
} else {
die "No IN/OUT direction for \"$ln\".";
if ($ln =~ s/^WILLRELE\s+//) {
$rele = 'WILLRELE';
} else {
$rele = 'WONTRELE';
function read_args() {
numargs = 0;
while (getline ln) {
if (ln ~ /}/) {
# Delete comments, if any.
gsub (/\/\*.*\*\//, "", ln);
# Delete leading/trailing space.
ln = kill_surrounding_ws(ln);
# Pick off direction.
if (1 == sub(/^INOUT[ \t]+/, "", ln))
dir = "INOUT";
else if (1 == sub(/^IN[ \t]+/, "", ln))
dir = "IN";
else if (1 == sub(/^OUT[ \t]+/, "", ln))
dir = "OUT";
bail("No IN/OUT direction for \"" ln "\".");
# check for "WILLRELE"
if (1 == sub(/^WILLRELE[ \t]+/, "", ln)) {
rele = "WILLRELE";
} else {
rele = "WONTRELE";
# kill trailing ;
if (1 != sub (/;$/, "", ln)) {
bail("Missing end-of-line ; in \"" ln "\".");
# pick off variable name
if (!(i = match(ln, /[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/))) {
bail("Missing var name \"a_foo\" in \"" ln "\".");
arg = substr (ln, i);
# Want to <<substr(ln, i) = "";>>, but nawk cannot.
# Hack around this.
ln = substr(ln, 1, i-1);
# what is left must be type
# (put clean it up some)
type = ln;
gsub (/[ \t]+/, " ", type); # condense whitespace
type = kill_surrounding_ws(type);
# (boy this was easier in Perl)
dirs[numargs] = dir;
reles[numargs] = rele;
types[numargs] = type;
args[numargs] = arg;
# kill trailing ;
if ($ln !~ s/;$//) {
&bail("Missing end-of-line ; in \"$ln\".");
function generate_operation_vp_offsets() {
printf ("static int %s_vp_offsets[] = {\n", name);
# as a side effect, figure out the releflags
releflags = "";
vpnum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=numargs; i++) {
if (types[i] == "struct vnode *") {
printf ("\tVOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct %s_args,a_%s),\n",
name, args[i]);
if (reles[i] == "WILLRELE") {
releflags = releflags "|VDESC_VP" vpnum "_WILLRELE";
sub (/^\|/, "", releflags);
print "\tVDESC_NO_OFFSET";
print "};";
# pick off variable name
if ($ln !~ s/([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$//) {
&bail("Missing var name \"a_foo\" in \"$ln\".");
function find_arg_with_type (type) {
for (i=1; i<=numargs; i++) {
if (types[i] == type) {
return "VOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct " name "_args,a_" args[i] ")";
$arg = $1;
# what is left must be type
# (put clean it up some)
$type = $ln;
# condense whitespace
$type =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$type =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
$dirs{$numargs} = $dir;
$reles{$numargs} = $rele;
$types{$numargs} = $type;
$args{$numargs} = $arg;
# Print out the vop_F_args structure.
print HEADER "struct ${name}_args {\n\tstruct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;\n";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /^\s*(INOUT|OUT|IN)(\s+WILLRELE)?\s+(.*?)\s+(\**)(\S*\;)/;
print HEADER "\t$3 $4a_$5\n",
print HEADER "};\n";
# Print out extern declaration.
print HEADER "extern struct vnodeop_desc ${name}_desc;\n";
# Print out prototype.
print HEADER "static __inline int ${uname} __P((\n";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /^\s*(INOUT|OUT|IN)(\s+WILLRELE)?\s+(.*?)\s+(\**\S*)\;/;
print HEADER "\t$3 $4" .
($c2 < $numargs-1 ? "," : "));") . "\n";
# Print out function.
print HEADER "static __inline int ${uname}(";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /\**([^;\s]*)\;[^\s]*$/;
print HEADER "$1" . ($c2 < $numargs - 1 ? ', ' : ")\n");
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /^\s*(INOUT|OUT|IN)(\s+WILLRELE)?\s+(.*?)\s+(\**\S*\;)/;
print HEADER "\t$3 $4\n";
print HEADER "{\n\tstruct ${name}_args a;\n";
print HEADER "\tint rc;\n";
print HEADER "\ta.a_desc = VDESC(${name});\n";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /(\**)([^;\s]*)([^\s]*)$/;
print HEADER "\ta.a_$2 = $2$3\n",
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
if (!exists($args{$c2})) {
die "Internal error";
function generate_operation_desc() {
printf ("struct vnodeop_desc %s_desc = {\n", name);
# offset
printf ("\t0,\n");
# printable name
printf ("\t\"%s\",\n", name);
# flags
vppwillrele = "";
for (i=1; i<=numargs; i++) {
if (types[i] == "struct vnode **" &&
(reles[i] == "WILLRELE")) {
vppwillrele = "|VDESC_VPP_WILLRELE";
if (releflags == "") {
printf ("\t0%s,\n", vppwillrele);
} else {
printf ("\t%s%s,\n", releflags, vppwillrele);
# vp offsets
printf ("\t%s_vp_offsets,\n", name);
# vpp (if any)
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct vnode **"));
# cred (if any)
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct ucred *"));
# proc (if any)
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct proc *"));
# componentname
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct componentname *"));
# transport layer information
printf ("\tNULL,\n};\n");
if (exists($lockdata{$name}) &&
exists($lockdata{$name}->{$args{$c2}})) {
if ($ENV{'DEBUG_ALL_VFS_LOCKS'} =~ /yes/i) {
# Add assertions for locking
if ($lockdata{$name}->{$args{$c2}}->{Entry} eq "L") {
print HEADER
"\tASSERT_VOP_LOCKED($args{$c2}, \"$uname\");\n";
} elsif ($lockdata{$name}->{$args{$c2}}->{Entry} eq "U") {
print HEADER
"\tASSERT_VOP_UNLOCKED($args{$c2}, \"$uname\");\n";
} elsif (0) {
# XXX More checks!
$a{0} =~ /\s\**([^;\s]*);/;
print HEADER "\trc = VCALL($1, VOFFSET(${name}), &a);\n";
print HEADER "\treturn (rc);\n";
print HEADER "}\n";
NF == 0 || $0 ~ "^#" {
# Print out the vop_F_vp_offsets structure. This all depends
# on naming conventions and nothing else.
printf CFILE "static int %s_vp_offsets[] = {\n", $name;
# as a side effect, figure out the releflags
$releflags = '';
$vpnum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numargs; $i++) {
if ($types{$i} eq 'struct vnode *') {
printf CFILE "\tVOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct %s_args,a_%s),\n",
$name, $args{$i};
if ($reles{$i} eq 'WILLRELE') {
$releflags = $releflags . '|VDESC_VP' . $vpnum . '_WILLRELE';
# get the function name
name = $1;
# get the function arguments
$releflags =~ s/^\|//;
print CFILE "};\n";
# Print out the vop_F_vp_offsets structure. This all depends
# on naming conventions and nothing else.
# Print out the vnodeop_desc structure.
print CFILE "struct vnodeop_desc ${name}_desc = {\n";
# offset
print CFILE "\t0,\n";
# printable name
printf CFILE "\t\"%s\",\n", $name;
# flags
$vppwillrele = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $numargs; $i++) {
if ($types{$i} eq 'struct vnode **' &&
($reles{$i} eq 'WILLRELE')) {
$vppwillrele = '|VDESC_VPP_WILLRELE';
# Print out the vnodeop_desc structure.
if ($releflags eq '') {
printf CFILE "\t0%s,\n", $vppwillrele;
else {
printf CFILE "\t%s%s,\n", $releflags, $vppwillrele;
printf "\n";
# vp offsets
printf CFILE "\t%s_vp_offsets,\n", $name;
# vpp (if any)
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct vnode **');
# cred (if any)
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct ucred *');
# proc (if any)
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct proc *');
# componentname
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct componentname *');
# transport layer information
print CFILE "\tNULL,\n};\n\n";
}' < $SRC >> $CFILE
close(HEADER) || die "Unable to close $HEADER";
close(CFILE) || die "Unable to close $CFILE";
close(SRC) || die;
exit 0;
sub find_arg_with_type {
my $type = shift;
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i < $numargs; $i++) {
if ($types{$i} eq $type) {
return "VOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct ${name}_args,a_" . $args{$i} . ")";
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
#!/bin/sh -
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if $running_under_some_shell;
# Copyright (c) 1992, 1993
# The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
@ -34,35 +37,33 @@
# @(#)vnode_if.sh 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93
# $FreeBSD$
# Script to produce VFS front-end sugar.
# usage: vnode_if.sh srcfile
# (where srcfile is currently /sys/kern/vnode_if.src)
# These awk scripts are not particularly well written, specifically they
# don't use arrays well and figure out the same information repeatedly.
# Please rewrite them if you actually understand how to use awk. Note,
# they use nawk extensions and gawk's toupper.
if [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
echo 'usage: vnode_if.sh srcfile'
exit 1
my %lockdata;
if ($#ARGV != 0) {
print "usage: vnode_if.sh srcfile\n";
# Name of the source file.
# Names of the created files.
# Awk program (must support nawk extensions and gawk's "toupper")
# Use "awk" at Berkeley, "gawk" elsewhere.
open(HEADER, ">$HEADER") || die "Unable to create $HEADER";
open(CFILE, ">$CFILE") || die "Unable to create $CFILE";
open(SRC, "<$SRC") || die "Unable to open input file";
# Print out header information for vnode_if.h.
* This file is produced automatically.
* Do not modify anything in here by hand.
@ -72,111 +73,10 @@ cat << END_OF_LEADING_COMMENT > $HEADER
extern struct vnodeop_desc vop_default_desc;
# Awk script to take vnode_if.src and turn it into vnode_if.h.
$AWK '
NF == 0 || $0 ~ "^#" {
# Get the function name.
name = $1;
uname = toupper(name);
# Get the function arguments.
for (c1 = 0;; ++c1) {
if (getline <= 0)
if ($0 ~ "^};")
a[c1] = $0;
# Print out the vop_F_args structure.
printf("struct %s_args {\n\tstruct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;\n",
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
if (t[2] ~ "WILLRELE")
c4 = 3;
c4 = 2;
for (; c4 < c3; ++c4)
printf("%s ", t[c4]);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
substr(t[c4], 0, beg - 1), substr(t[c4], beg));
# Print out extern declaration.
printf("extern struct vnodeop_desc %s_desc;\n", name);
# Print out prototype.
printf("static __inline int %s __P((\n", uname);
sep = ",\n";
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
if (c2 == c1 - 1)
sep = "));\n";
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
if (t[2] ~ "WILLRELE")
c4 = 3;
c4 = 2;
for (; c4 < c3; ++c4)
printf("%s ", t[c4]);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c3], ";");
substr(t[c4], 0, beg - 1),
substr(t[c4], beg, end - beg), sep);
# Print out function.
printf("static __inline int %s(", uname);
sep = ", ";
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
if (c2 == c1 - 1)
sep = ")\n";
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c3], ";");
printf("%s%s", substr(t[c3], beg, end - beg), sep);
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
if (t[2] ~ "WILLRELE")
c4 = 3;
c4 = 2;
for (; c4 < c3; ++c4)
printf("%s ", t[c4]);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
substr(t[c4], 0, beg - 1), substr(t[c4], beg));
printf("{\n\tstruct %s_args a;\n\n", name);
printf("\ta.a_desc = VDESC(%s);\n", name);
for (c2 = 0; c2 < c1; ++c2) {
c3 = split(a[c2], t);
beg = match(t[c3], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c3], ";");
printf("a.a_%s = %s\n",
substr(t[c3], beg, end - beg), substr(t[c3], beg));
c1 = split(a[0], t);
beg = match(t[c1], "[^*]");
end = match(t[c1], ";");
printf("\treturn (VCALL(%s, VOFFSET(%s), &a));\n}\n",
substr(t[c1], beg, end - beg), name);
}' < $SRC >> $HEADER
# Print out header information for vnode_if.c.
* This file is produced automatically.
* Do not modify anything in here by hand.
@ -200,153 +100,228 @@ struct vnodeop_desc vop_default_desc = {
# Awk script to take vnode_if.src and turn it into vnode_if.c.
$AWK 'function kill_surrounding_ws (s) {
sub (/^[ \t]*/, "", s);
sub (/[ \t]*$/, "", s);
return s;
line: while (<SRC>) {
chop; # strip record separator
@Fld = split ' ';
if (@Fld == 0) {
next line;
if (/^#/) {
if (!/^#%\s+([a-z]+)\s+([a-z]+)\s+(.)\s(.)\s(.)/) {
if (!defined($lockdata{"vop_$1"})) {
$lockdata{"vop_$1"} = {};
$lockdata{"vop_$1"}->{$2} = {
'Entry' => $3,
'OK' => $4,
'Error' => $5,
# Get the function name.
$name = $Fld[0];
$uname = uc($name);
# Get the function arguments.
for ($numargs = 0; ; ++$numargs) {
if ($ln = <SRC>) {
} else {
die "Unable to read through the arguments for \"$name\"";
if ($ln =~ /^\};/) {
# For the header file
$a{$numargs} = $ln;
# The rest of this loop is for the C file
# Delete comments, if any.
$ln =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///g;
# Delete leading/trailing space.
$ln =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
# Pick off direction.
if ($ln =~ s/^INOUT\s+//) {
$dir = 'INOUT';
} elsif ($ln =~ s/^IN\s+//) {
$dir = 'IN';
} elsif ($ln =~ s/^OUT\s+//) {
$dir = 'OUT';
} else {
die "No IN/OUT direction for \"$ln\".";
if ($ln =~ s/^WILLRELE\s+//) {
$rele = 'WILLRELE';
} else {
$rele = 'WONTRELE';
function read_args() {
numargs = 0;
while (getline ln) {
if (ln ~ /}/) {
# Delete comments, if any.
gsub (/\/\*.*\*\//, "", ln);
# Delete leading/trailing space.
ln = kill_surrounding_ws(ln);
# Pick off direction.
if (1 == sub(/^INOUT[ \t]+/, "", ln))
dir = "INOUT";
else if (1 == sub(/^IN[ \t]+/, "", ln))
dir = "IN";
else if (1 == sub(/^OUT[ \t]+/, "", ln))
dir = "OUT";
bail("No IN/OUT direction for \"" ln "\".");
# check for "WILLRELE"
if (1 == sub(/^WILLRELE[ \t]+/, "", ln)) {
rele = "WILLRELE";
} else {
rele = "WONTRELE";
# kill trailing ;
if (1 != sub (/;$/, "", ln)) {
bail("Missing end-of-line ; in \"" ln "\".");
# pick off variable name
if (!(i = match(ln, /[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/))) {
bail("Missing var name \"a_foo\" in \"" ln "\".");
arg = substr (ln, i);
# Want to <<substr(ln, i) = "";>>, but nawk cannot.
# Hack around this.
ln = substr(ln, 1, i-1);
# what is left must be type
# (put clean it up some)
type = ln;
gsub (/[ \t]+/, " ", type); # condense whitespace
type = kill_surrounding_ws(type);
# (boy this was easier in Perl)
dirs[numargs] = dir;
reles[numargs] = rele;
types[numargs] = type;
args[numargs] = arg;
# kill trailing ;
if ($ln !~ s/;$//) {
&bail("Missing end-of-line ; in \"$ln\".");
function generate_operation_vp_offsets() {
printf ("static int %s_vp_offsets[] = {\n", name);
# as a side effect, figure out the releflags
releflags = "";
vpnum = 0;
for (i=1; i<=numargs; i++) {
if (types[i] == "struct vnode *") {
printf ("\tVOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct %s_args,a_%s),\n",
name, args[i]);
if (reles[i] == "WILLRELE") {
releflags = releflags "|VDESC_VP" vpnum "_WILLRELE";
sub (/^\|/, "", releflags);
print "\tVDESC_NO_OFFSET";
print "};";
# pick off variable name
if ($ln !~ s/([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$//) {
&bail("Missing var name \"a_foo\" in \"$ln\".");
function find_arg_with_type (type) {
for (i=1; i<=numargs; i++) {
if (types[i] == type) {
return "VOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct " name "_args,a_" args[i] ")";
$arg = $1;
# what is left must be type
# (put clean it up some)
$type = $ln;
# condense whitespace
$type =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$type =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
$dirs{$numargs} = $dir;
$reles{$numargs} = $rele;
$types{$numargs} = $type;
$args{$numargs} = $arg;
# Print out the vop_F_args structure.
print HEADER "struct ${name}_args {\n\tstruct vnodeop_desc *a_desc;\n";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /^\s*(INOUT|OUT|IN)(\s+WILLRELE)?\s+(.*?)\s+(\**)(\S*\;)/;
print HEADER "\t$3 $4a_$5\n",
print HEADER "};\n";
# Print out extern declaration.
print HEADER "extern struct vnodeop_desc ${name}_desc;\n";
# Print out prototype.
print HEADER "static __inline int ${uname} __P((\n";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /^\s*(INOUT|OUT|IN)(\s+WILLRELE)?\s+(.*?)\s+(\**\S*)\;/;
print HEADER "\t$3 $4" .
($c2 < $numargs-1 ? "," : "));") . "\n";
# Print out function.
print HEADER "static __inline int ${uname}(";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /\**([^;\s]*)\;[^\s]*$/;
print HEADER "$1" . ($c2 < $numargs - 1 ? ', ' : ")\n");
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /^\s*(INOUT|OUT|IN)(\s+WILLRELE)?\s+(.*?)\s+(\**\S*\;)/;
print HEADER "\t$3 $4\n";
print HEADER "{\n\tstruct ${name}_args a;\n";
print HEADER "\tint rc;\n";
print HEADER "\ta.a_desc = VDESC(${name});\n";
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
$a{$c2} =~ /(\**)([^;\s]*)([^\s]*)$/;
print HEADER "\ta.a_$2 = $2$3\n",
for ($c2 = 0; $c2 < $numargs; ++$c2) {
if (!exists($args{$c2})) {
die "Internal error";
function generate_operation_desc() {
printf ("struct vnodeop_desc %s_desc = {\n", name);
# offset
printf ("\t0,\n");
# printable name
printf ("\t\"%s\",\n", name);
# flags
vppwillrele = "";
for (i=1; i<=numargs; i++) {
if (types[i] == "struct vnode **" &&
(reles[i] == "WILLRELE")) {
vppwillrele = "|VDESC_VPP_WILLRELE";
if (releflags == "") {
printf ("\t0%s,\n", vppwillrele);
} else {
printf ("\t%s%s,\n", releflags, vppwillrele);
# vp offsets
printf ("\t%s_vp_offsets,\n", name);
# vpp (if any)
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct vnode **"));
# cred (if any)
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct ucred *"));
# proc (if any)
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct proc *"));
# componentname
printf ("\t%s,\n", find_arg_with_type("struct componentname *"));
# transport layer information
printf ("\tNULL,\n};\n");
if (exists($lockdata{$name}) &&
exists($lockdata{$name}->{$args{$c2}})) {
if ($ENV{'DEBUG_ALL_VFS_LOCKS'} =~ /yes/i) {
# Add assertions for locking
if ($lockdata{$name}->{$args{$c2}}->{Entry} eq "L") {
print HEADER
"\tASSERT_VOP_LOCKED($args{$c2}, \"$uname\");\n";
} elsif ($lockdata{$name}->{$args{$c2}}->{Entry} eq "U") {
print HEADER
"\tASSERT_VOP_UNLOCKED($args{$c2}, \"$uname\");\n";
} elsif (0) {
# XXX More checks!
$a{0} =~ /\s\**([^;\s]*);/;
print HEADER "\trc = VCALL($1, VOFFSET(${name}), &a);\n";
print HEADER "\treturn (rc);\n";
print HEADER "}\n";
NF == 0 || $0 ~ "^#" {
# Print out the vop_F_vp_offsets structure. This all depends
# on naming conventions and nothing else.
printf CFILE "static int %s_vp_offsets[] = {\n", $name;
# as a side effect, figure out the releflags
$releflags = '';
$vpnum = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numargs; $i++) {
if ($types{$i} eq 'struct vnode *') {
printf CFILE "\tVOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct %s_args,a_%s),\n",
$name, $args{$i};
if ($reles{$i} eq 'WILLRELE') {
$releflags = $releflags . '|VDESC_VP' . $vpnum . '_WILLRELE';
# get the function name
name = $1;
# get the function arguments
$releflags =~ s/^\|//;
print CFILE "};\n";
# Print out the vop_F_vp_offsets structure. This all depends
# on naming conventions and nothing else.
# Print out the vnodeop_desc structure.
print CFILE "struct vnodeop_desc ${name}_desc = {\n";
# offset
print CFILE "\t0,\n";
# printable name
printf CFILE "\t\"%s\",\n", $name;
# flags
$vppwillrele = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $numargs; $i++) {
if ($types{$i} eq 'struct vnode **' &&
($reles{$i} eq 'WILLRELE')) {
$vppwillrele = '|VDESC_VPP_WILLRELE';
# Print out the vnodeop_desc structure.
if ($releflags eq '') {
printf CFILE "\t0%s,\n", $vppwillrele;
else {
printf CFILE "\t%s%s,\n", $releflags, $vppwillrele;
printf "\n";
# vp offsets
printf CFILE "\t%s_vp_offsets,\n", $name;
# vpp (if any)
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct vnode **');
# cred (if any)
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct ucred *');
# proc (if any)
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct proc *');
# componentname
printf CFILE "\t%s,\n", &find_arg_with_type('struct componentname *');
# transport layer information
print CFILE "\tNULL,\n};\n\n";
}' < $SRC >> $CFILE
close(HEADER) || die "Unable to close $HEADER";
close(CFILE) || die "Unable to close $CFILE";
close(SRC) || die;
exit 0;
sub find_arg_with_type {
my $type = shift;
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i < $numargs; $i++) {
if ($types{$i} eq $type) {
return "VOPARG_OFFSETOF(struct ${name}_args,a_" . $args{$i} . ")";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user