Add the new cdldr CD bootstrap loader. This patch includes the following:

- Fix btxldr to preserve a NULL bootinfo pointer when it copies the kernel
- Add the cdldr bootstrap program.  This program is tacked onto the
  beginning of the standard 3rd stage boot loader (/boot/loader) to form
  the CD boot loader (/boot/cdboot).  When a CD is booted, the cdboot file
  is copied into memory instead and executed.  The cdldr stub emulates the
  environment normally provided by boot2 and then starts the loader.  This
  booting method does not emulate a floppy drive, but boots directly off of
  the CD.  This should fix the problems some BIOS's have with emulating a
  2.88 MB floppy image.
- Add support to the loader to recognize that it has been booted by cdldr
  instead of boot2 and use a simpler method of extracting the BIOS boot
This commit is contained in:
jhb 2000-01-27 21:21:01 +00:00
parent f1a9497df5
commit 372aab7cb7
9 changed files with 589 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# $FreeBSD$
SUBDIR= mbr boot0 kgzldr btx boot2 libi386 loader
SUBDIR= mbr boot0 kgzldr btx boot2 cdldr libi386 loader
.include <>

View File

@ -90,7 +90,9 @@ start.1: movl (%ebx),%eax # Get argument and
call dputstr # End message
movl $0x48,%ecx # Allocate space
subl %ecx,%ebp # for bootinfo
movl 0x18(%esp,1),%esi # Source
movl 0x18(%esp,1),%esi # Source: bootinfo
cmpl $0x0, %esi # If the bootinfo pointer
je start_null_bi # is null, don't copy it
movl %ebp,%edi # Destination
rep # Copy
movsb # it
@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ start.1: movl (%ebx),%eax # Get argument and
movl %ebp,%eax # bootinfo
call dhexout # relocation
call dputstr # message
movl $0x18,%ecx # Allocate space
start_null_bi: movl $0x18,%ecx # Allocate space
subl %ecx,%ebp # for arguments
leal 0x4(%esp,1),%esi # Source
movl %ebp,%edi # Destination

View File

@ -90,7 +90,9 @@ start.1: movl (%ebx),%eax # Get argument and
call dputstr # End message
movl $0x48,%ecx # Allocate space
subl %ecx,%ebp # for bootinfo
movl 0x18(%esp,1),%esi # Source
movl 0x18(%esp,1),%esi # Source: bootinfo
cmpl $0x0, %esi # If the bootinfo pointer
je start_null_bi # is null, don't copy it
movl %ebp,%edi # Destination
rep # Copy
movsb # it
@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ start.1: movl (%ebx),%eax # Get argument and
movl %ebp,%eax # bootinfo
call dhexout # relocation
call dputstr # message
movl $0x18,%ecx # Allocate space
start_null_bi: movl $0x18,%ecx # Allocate space
subl %ecx,%ebp # for arguments
leal 0x4(%esp,1),%esi # Source
movl %ebp,%edi # Destination

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# $FreeBSD$
all: cdldr
cdldr: cdldr.o
.if ${OBJFORMAT} == aout
${LD} -nostdlib -N -s -T ${ORG} -o cdldr.out cdldr.o
dd if=cdldr.out of=${.TARGET} ibs=32 skip=1
${LD} -N -e start -Ttext ${ORG} -o cdldr.out cdldr.o
objcopy -S -O binary cdldr.out ${.TARGET}
cdldr.o: cdldr.s
${AS} ${AFLAGS} -o ${.TARGET} ${.CURDIR}/cdldr.s
CLEANFILES+= cdldr cdldr.out cdldr.o
.include <>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
# Copyright (c) 2000 John Baldwin
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
# permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
# paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
# such forms.
# This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
# implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
# warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
# purpose.
# $FreeBSD$
# This simple program is a preloader for the normal boot3 loader. It is simply
# prepended to the beginning of a fully built and btxld'd loader. It then
# copies the loader to the address boot2 normally loads it, emulates the
# boot[12] environment (protected mode, a bootinfo struct, etc.), and then jumps
# to the start of btxldr to start the boot process. This method allows a stock
# /boot/loader to be used w/o having to fully rewrite boot[12] to handle the
# cd9660 file system.
# Memory locations.
.set MEM_LOADER_ADDRESS,0x100000 # where the loader lives
.set MEM_LDR_ENTRY,0x7c00 # our entry point
.set MEM_ARG,0x900 # Arguments at start
.set MEM_ARG_BTX,0xa100 # Where we move them to so the
# BTX client can see them
.set MEM_ARG_SIZE,0x18 # Size of the arguments
.set MEM_BTX_ADDRESS,0x9000 # where BTX lives
.set MEM_BTX_ENTRY,0x9010 # where BTX starts to execute
.set MEM_AOUT_HEADER,0x1000 # size of the a.out header
.set MEM_BTX_OFFSET,0x1000 # offset of BTX in the loader
# BTX is in the loader
.set MEM_BTX_CLIENT,0xa000 # where BTX clients live
# Flags for kargs->bootflags
.set KARGS_FLAGS_CD,0x1 # flag to indicate booting from
# CD loader
# Segment selectors.
.set SEL_SDATA,0x8 # Supervisor data
.set SEL_RDATA,0x10 # Real mode data
.set SEL_SCODE,0x18 # PM-32 code
.set SEL_SCODE16,0x20 # PM-16 code
# BTX constants
.set INT_SYS,0x30 # BTX syscall interrupt
# We expect to be loaded by the BIOS at 0x7c00 (standard boot loader entry point)
.globl start
.org 0x0, 0x0
# BTX program loader for CD booting
start: jmp begin # skip the boot info table
.org 0x8, 0x90 # fill with nops up to the table
# Boot information table that is filled in by mkisofs(8), see the man page for
# details
bi_pvd_LBA: .long 0x0
bi_file_LBA: .long 0x0
bi_file_length: .long 0x0
bi_checksum: .long 0x0
bi_reserved: .byte 0x0
.org 0x40, 0x0
# Actual start of execution
begin: cld # string ops inc
xorw %ax, %ax # zero %ax
movw %ax, %ss # setup the
movw $MEM_LDR_ENTRY, %sp # stack
pushw %dx # save the BIOS boot device in
# %dl for later
movw $(MEM_LDR_ENTRY/0x10), %ax # setup the
movw %ax, %ds # data segment
movl $welcome_msg, %si # %ds:(%si) -> welcome message
call putstr # display the welcome message
# Setup the arguments that the loader is expecting from boot[12]
movl $bootinfo_msg, %si # %ds:(%si) -> boot args message
call putstr # display the message
pushw %ss # Copy %ss
popw %es # to %es
movl $MEM_ARG, %ebx # %es:(%ebx) -> boot args
movw %bx, %di # %es:(%di) -> boot args
xorl %eax, %eax # zero %eax
movw $(MEM_ARG_SIZE/4), %cx # Size of arguments in 32-bit
# dwords
rep # Clear the arguments
stosl # to zero
popw %dx # restore BIOS boot device
movb %dl, %es:0x4(%ebx) # set kargs->bootdev
orb $KARGS_FLAGS_CD, %es:0x8(%ebx) # kargs->bootflags |= KARGS_FLAGS_CD
# Turn on the A20 address line
call seta20 # Turn A20 on
# Relocate the loader and BTX using a very lazy protected mode
movw $relocate_msg, %si # Display the
call putstr # relocation message
movl $MEM_LOADER_ADDRESS, %edi # %edi is the destination
movl $(MEM_LDR_ENTRY+end-start+MEM_AOUT_HEADER), %esi # %esi is
# the start of the raw loader
movl bi_file_length, %ecx # Set %ecx to the length
subl $(end-start+MEM_AOUT_HEADER), %ecx # of the raw loader
lgdt gdtdesc # setup our own gdt
cli # turn off interrupts
movl %cr0, %eax # Turn on
orl $0x1, %eax # protected
movl %eax, %cr0 # mode
.byte 0xea # long jump to
.word MEM_LDR_ENTRY+pm_start # clear the instruction
.word SEL_SCODE # pre-fetch
pm_start: movw $SEL_SDATA, %ax # Initialize
movw %ax, %ds # %ds and
movw %ax, %es # %es to a flat selector
rep # Relocate
movsb # the loader
movl $MEM_BTX_IMAGE, %esi # %esi -> BTX in the loader
movl $MEM_BTX_ADDRESS, %edi # %edi -> where BTX needs to go
movzwl 0xa(%esi), %ecx # %ecx -> length of BTX
rep # Relocate
movsb # BTX
ljmp $SEL_SCODE16,$(MEM_LDR_ENTRY+pm_16) # Jump to 16-bit PM
pm_16: movw $SEL_RDATA, %ax # Initialize
movw %ax, %ds # %ds and
movw %ax, %es # %es to a real mode selector
movl %cr0, %eax # Turn off
andl $~0x1, %eax # protected
movl %eax, %cr0 # mode
.byte 0xea # Long jump to
.word pm_end # clear the instruction
.word MEM_LDR_ENTRY/0x10 # pre-fetch
pm_end: sti # Turn interrupts back on now
# Copy the BTX client to MEM_BTX_CLIENT
movw $(MEM_LDR_ENTRY/0x10), %ax # Initialize
movw %ax, %ds # %ds to local data segment
xorw %ax, %ax # zero %ax and initialize
movw %ax, %es # %es to segment 0
movw $MEM_BTX_CLIENT, %di # Prepare to relocate
movw $btx_client, %si # the simple btx client
movw $(btx_client_end-btx_client), %cx # length of btx client
rep # Relocate the
movsb # simple BTX client
# Copy the boot[12] args to where the BTX client can see them
movw $MEM_ARG, %si # where the args are at now
movw %ax, %ds # need segment 0 in %ds
movw $MEM_ARG_BTX, %di # where the args are moving to
movw $(MEM_ARG_SIZE/4), %cx # size of the arguments in longs
rep # Relocate
movsl # the words
# Now we just start up BTX and let it do the rest
movw $(MEM_LDR_ENTRY/0x10), %ax # Initialize
movw %ax, %ds # %ds to the local data segment
movl $jump_message, %si # Display the
call putstr # jump message
.byte 0xea # Jump to
.word MEM_BTX_ENTRY # BTX entry
.word 0x0 # point
# Display a null-terminated string
putstr: lodsb # load %al from %ds:(%si)
testb %al,%al # stop at null
jnz putc # if the char != null, output it
ret # return when null is hit
putc: movw $0x7,%bx # attribute for output
movb $0xe,%ah # BIOS: put_char
int $0x10 # call BIOS, print char in %al
jmp putstr # keep looping
# Enable A20
seta20: cli # Disable interrupts
seta20.1: inb $0x64,%al # Get status
testb $0x2,%al # Busy?
jnz seta20.1 # Yes
movb $0xd1,%al # Command: Write
outb %al,$0x64 # output port
seta20.2: inb $0x64,%al # Get status
testb $0x2,%al # Busy?
jnz seta20.2 # Yes
movb $0xdf,%al # Enable
outb %al,$0x60 # A20
sti # Enable interrupts
ret # To caller
# BTX client to start btxld
btx_client: movl $(MEM_ARG_BTX-MEM_BTX_CLIENT+MEM_ARG_SIZE-4), %esi
# %ds:(%esi) -> end
# of boot[12] args
movl $(MEM_ARG_SIZE/4), %ecx # Number of words to push
std # Go backwards
push_arg: lodsl # Read argument
pushl %eax # Push it onto the stack
loop push_arg # Push all of the arguments
cld # In case anyone depends on this
pushl $(MEM_LOADER_ADDRESS) # Address to jump to
pushl %eax # Emulate a near call
movl $0x1, %eax # 'exec' system call
int $INT_SYS # BTX system call
.p2align 4
# Global descriptor table.
gdt: .word 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0 # Null entry
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9200,0xcf # SEL_SDATA
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9200,0x0 # SEL_RDATA
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9a00,0xcf # SEL_SCODE (32-bit)
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9a00,0x8f # SEL_SCODE16 (16-bit)
# Pseudo-descriptors.
gdtdesc: .word gdt.1-gdt-1 # Limit
.long gdt+MEM_LDR_ENTRY # Base
welcome_msg: .asciz "CD Loader 1.00\r\n\n"
bootinfo_msg: .asciz "Building the boot loader arguments\r\n"
relocate_msg: .asciz "Relocating the loader and the BTX\r\n"
jump_message: .asciz "Starting the BTX loader\r\n"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# $FreeBSD$
all: cdldr
cdldr: cdldr.o
.if ${OBJFORMAT} == aout
${LD} -nostdlib -N -s -T ${ORG} -o cdldr.out cdldr.o
dd if=cdldr.out of=${.TARGET} ibs=32 skip=1
${LD} -N -e start -Ttext ${ORG} -o cdldr.out cdldr.o
objcopy -S -O binary cdldr.out ${.TARGET}
cdldr.o: cdldr.s
${AS} ${AFLAGS} -o ${.TARGET} ${.CURDIR}/cdldr.s
CLEANFILES+= cdldr cdldr.out cdldr.o
.include <>

sys/boot/i386/cdldr/cdldr.s Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
# Copyright (c) 2000 John Baldwin
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
# permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
# paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
# such forms.
# This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
# implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
# warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
# purpose.
# $FreeBSD$
# This simple program is a preloader for the normal boot3 loader. It is simply
# prepended to the beginning of a fully built and btxld'd loader. It then
# copies the loader to the address boot2 normally loads it, emulates the
# boot[12] environment (protected mode, a bootinfo struct, etc.), and then jumps
# to the start of btxldr to start the boot process. This method allows a stock
# /boot/loader to be used w/o having to fully rewrite boot[12] to handle the
# cd9660 file system.
# Memory locations.
.set MEM_LOADER_ADDRESS,0x100000 # where the loader lives
.set MEM_LDR_ENTRY,0x7c00 # our entry point
.set MEM_ARG,0x900 # Arguments at start
.set MEM_ARG_BTX,0xa100 # Where we move them to so the
# BTX client can see them
.set MEM_ARG_SIZE,0x18 # Size of the arguments
.set MEM_BTX_ADDRESS,0x9000 # where BTX lives
.set MEM_BTX_ENTRY,0x9010 # where BTX starts to execute
.set MEM_AOUT_HEADER,0x1000 # size of the a.out header
.set MEM_BTX_OFFSET,0x1000 # offset of BTX in the loader
# BTX is in the loader
.set MEM_BTX_CLIENT,0xa000 # where BTX clients live
# Flags for kargs->bootflags
.set KARGS_FLAGS_CD,0x1 # flag to indicate booting from
# CD loader
# Segment selectors.
.set SEL_SDATA,0x8 # Supervisor data
.set SEL_RDATA,0x10 # Real mode data
.set SEL_SCODE,0x18 # PM-32 code
.set SEL_SCODE16,0x20 # PM-16 code
# BTX constants
.set INT_SYS,0x30 # BTX syscall interrupt
# We expect to be loaded by the BIOS at 0x7c00 (standard boot loader entry point)
.globl start
.org 0x0, 0x0
# BTX program loader for CD booting
start: jmp begin # skip the boot info table
.org 0x8, 0x90 # fill with nops up to the table
# Boot information table that is filled in by mkisofs(8), see the man page for
# details
bi_pvd_LBA: .long 0x0
bi_file_LBA: .long 0x0
bi_file_length: .long 0x0
bi_checksum: .long 0x0
bi_reserved: .byte 0x0
.org 0x40, 0x0
# Actual start of execution
begin: cld # string ops inc
xorw %ax, %ax # zero %ax
movw %ax, %ss # setup the
movw $MEM_LDR_ENTRY, %sp # stack
pushw %dx # save the BIOS boot device in
# %dl for later
movw $(MEM_LDR_ENTRY/0x10), %ax # setup the
movw %ax, %ds # data segment
movl $welcome_msg, %si # %ds:(%si) -> welcome message
call putstr # display the welcome message
# Setup the arguments that the loader is expecting from boot[12]
movl $bootinfo_msg, %si # %ds:(%si) -> boot args message
call putstr # display the message
pushw %ss # Copy %ss
popw %es # to %es
movl $MEM_ARG, %ebx # %es:(%ebx) -> boot args
movw %bx, %di # %es:(%di) -> boot args
xorl %eax, %eax # zero %eax
movw $(MEM_ARG_SIZE/4), %cx # Size of arguments in 32-bit
# dwords
rep # Clear the arguments
stosl # to zero
popw %dx # restore BIOS boot device
movb %dl, %es:0x4(%ebx) # set kargs->bootdev
orb $KARGS_FLAGS_CD, %es:0x8(%ebx) # kargs->bootflags |= KARGS_FLAGS_CD
# Turn on the A20 address line
call seta20 # Turn A20 on
# Relocate the loader and BTX using a very lazy protected mode
movw $relocate_msg, %si # Display the
call putstr # relocation message
movl $MEM_LOADER_ADDRESS, %edi # %edi is the destination
movl $(MEM_LDR_ENTRY+end-start+MEM_AOUT_HEADER), %esi # %esi is
# the start of the raw loader
movl bi_file_length, %ecx # Set %ecx to the length
subl $(end-start+MEM_AOUT_HEADER), %ecx # of the raw loader
lgdt gdtdesc # setup our own gdt
cli # turn off interrupts
movl %cr0, %eax # Turn on
orl $0x1, %eax # protected
movl %eax, %cr0 # mode
.byte 0xea # long jump to
.word MEM_LDR_ENTRY+pm_start # clear the instruction
.word SEL_SCODE # pre-fetch
pm_start: movw $SEL_SDATA, %ax # Initialize
movw %ax, %ds # %ds and
movw %ax, %es # %es to a flat selector
rep # Relocate
movsb # the loader
movl $MEM_BTX_IMAGE, %esi # %esi -> BTX in the loader
movl $MEM_BTX_ADDRESS, %edi # %edi -> where BTX needs to go
movzwl 0xa(%esi), %ecx # %ecx -> length of BTX
rep # Relocate
movsb # BTX
ljmp $SEL_SCODE16,$(MEM_LDR_ENTRY+pm_16) # Jump to 16-bit PM
pm_16: movw $SEL_RDATA, %ax # Initialize
movw %ax, %ds # %ds and
movw %ax, %es # %es to a real mode selector
movl %cr0, %eax # Turn off
andl $~0x1, %eax # protected
movl %eax, %cr0 # mode
.byte 0xea # Long jump to
.word pm_end # clear the instruction
.word MEM_LDR_ENTRY/0x10 # pre-fetch
pm_end: sti # Turn interrupts back on now
# Copy the BTX client to MEM_BTX_CLIENT
movw $(MEM_LDR_ENTRY/0x10), %ax # Initialize
movw %ax, %ds # %ds to local data segment
xorw %ax, %ax # zero %ax and initialize
movw %ax, %es # %es to segment 0
movw $MEM_BTX_CLIENT, %di # Prepare to relocate
movw $btx_client, %si # the simple btx client
movw $(btx_client_end-btx_client), %cx # length of btx client
rep # Relocate the
movsb # simple BTX client
# Copy the boot[12] args to where the BTX client can see them
movw $MEM_ARG, %si # where the args are at now
movw %ax, %ds # need segment 0 in %ds
movw $MEM_ARG_BTX, %di # where the args are moving to
movw $(MEM_ARG_SIZE/4), %cx # size of the arguments in longs
rep # Relocate
movsl # the words
# Now we just start up BTX and let it do the rest
movw $(MEM_LDR_ENTRY/0x10), %ax # Initialize
movw %ax, %ds # %ds to the local data segment
movl $jump_message, %si # Display the
call putstr # jump message
.byte 0xea # Jump to
.word MEM_BTX_ENTRY # BTX entry
.word 0x0 # point
# Display a null-terminated string
putstr: lodsb # load %al from %ds:(%si)
testb %al,%al # stop at null
jnz putc # if the char != null, output it
ret # return when null is hit
putc: movw $0x7,%bx # attribute for output
movb $0xe,%ah # BIOS: put_char
int $0x10 # call BIOS, print char in %al
jmp putstr # keep looping
# Enable A20
seta20: cli # Disable interrupts
seta20.1: inb $0x64,%al # Get status
testb $0x2,%al # Busy?
jnz seta20.1 # Yes
movb $0xd1,%al # Command: Write
outb %al,$0x64 # output port
seta20.2: inb $0x64,%al # Get status
testb $0x2,%al # Busy?
jnz seta20.2 # Yes
movb $0xdf,%al # Enable
outb %al,$0x60 # A20
sti # Enable interrupts
ret # To caller
# BTX client to start btxld
btx_client: movl $(MEM_ARG_BTX-MEM_BTX_CLIENT+MEM_ARG_SIZE-4), %esi
# %ds:(%esi) -> end
# of boot[12] args
movl $(MEM_ARG_SIZE/4), %ecx # Number of words to push
std # Go backwards
push_arg: lodsl # Read argument
pushl %eax # Push it onto the stack
loop push_arg # Push all of the arguments
cld # In case anyone depends on this
pushl $(MEM_LOADER_ADDRESS) # Address to jump to
pushl %eax # Emulate a near call
movl $0x1, %eax # 'exec' system call
int $INT_SYS # BTX system call
.p2align 4
# Global descriptor table.
gdt: .word 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0 # Null entry
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9200,0xcf # SEL_SDATA
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9200,0x0 # SEL_RDATA
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9a00,0xcf # SEL_SCODE (32-bit)
.word 0xffff,0x0,0x9a00,0x8f # SEL_SCODE16 (16-bit)
# Pseudo-descriptors.
gdtdesc: .word gdt.1-gdt-1 # Limit
.long gdt+MEM_LDR_ENTRY # Base
welcome_msg: .asciz "CD Loader 1.00\r\n\n"
bootinfo_msg: .asciz "Building the boot loader arguments\r\n"
relocate_msg: .asciz "Relocating the loader and the BTX\r\n"
jump_message: .asciz "Starting the BTX loader\r\n"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# $FreeBSD$
BASE= loader
PROG= ${BASE} cdboot
MAN5= ../../forth/loader.conf.5
MAN8= loader.8 ../../forth/loader.4th.8
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ BTXDIR= ${.OBJDIR}/../btx
BTXDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../btx
BTXLDR= ${BTXDIR}/btxldr/btxldr
CDLDR= ${.CURDIR}/../cdldr/cdldr
BTXKERN= ${BTXDIR}/btx/btx
BTXCRT= ${BTXDIR}/lib/crt0.o
CFLAGS+= -I${.CURDIR}/../btx/lib
@ -70,6 +71,11 @@ vers.o: ${.CURDIR}/../../common/ ${.CURDIR}/version
sh ${.CURDIR}/../../common/ ${.CURDIR}/version ${NEWVERSWHAT}
${CC} -c vers.c
cdboot: ${BASE} ${CDLDR}
cat ${CDLDR} ${BASE} > ${.TARGET}.tmp
dd if=${.TARGET}.tmp of=${.TARGET} obs=2k conv=osync
rm ${.TARGET}.tmp
${BASE}: ${BASE}.bin ${BTXLDR} ${BTXKERN} ${BTXCRT} ${BASE}.help
btxld -v -f aout -e 0x100000 -o ${.TARGET} -l ${BTXLDR} -b ${BTXKERN} \

View File

@ -40,12 +40,14 @@
#include "libi386/libi386.h"
#include "btxv86.h"
#define KARGS_FLAGS_CD 0x1
/* Arguments passed in from the boot1/boot2 loader */
static struct
u_int32_t howto;
u_int32_t bootdev;
u_int32_t res0;
u_int32_t bootflags;
u_int32_t res1;
u_int32_t res2;
u_int32_t bootinfo;
@ -143,7 +145,12 @@ extract_currdev(void)
currdev.d_dev = devsw[0]; /* XXX presumes that biosdisk is first in devsw */
currdev.d_type = currdev.d_dev->dv_type;
if ((initial_bootdev & B_MAGICMASK) != B_DEVMAGIC) {
if ((kargs->bootinfo == NULL) && ((kargs->bootflags & KARGS_FLAGS_CD) != 0)) {
/* we are booting from a CD with cdldr */
currdev.d_kind.biosdisk.slice = -1;
currdev.d_kind.biosdisk.partition = 0;
biosdev = initial_bootdev;
} else if ((initial_bootdev & B_MAGICMASK) != B_DEVMAGIC) {
/* The passed-in boot device is bad */
currdev.d_kind.biosdisk.slice = -1;
currdev.d_kind.biosdisk.partition = 0;