diff --git a/share/doc/handbook/sup.sgml b/share/doc/handbook/sup.sgml
index b03964d12760..1d59abffbf33 100644
--- a/share/doc/handbook/sup.sgml
+++ b/share/doc/handbook/sup.sgml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -92,17 +92,40 @@ src-eBones: /usr/src/eBones Kerberos and DES
And for the ports collection:
-ports-base: /usr/ports/... misc files at the top of /usr/ports
-ports-editors: /usr/ports/editors text editors
-ports-game: /usr/ports/games games
-ports-lang: /usr/ports/lang programming languages
-ports-mail: /usr/ports/mail mail software
-ports-math: /usr/ports/math math software
-ports-net: /usr/ports/net networking software
-ports-news: /usr/ports/news USENET news software
-ports-print: /usr/ports/print printing software
-ports-russian: /usr/ports/russian russian software
-ports-shells: /usr/ports/shells various UN*X shells
-ports-utils: /usr/ports/utils miscellaneous utilities
-ports-x11: /usr/ports/x11 X11 software
+ports-base: /usr/ports/... misc files at the top of /usr/ports
+ports-archivers: /usr/ports/archivers archiving tools
+ports-audio: /usr/ports/audio sound support
+ports-benchmarks: /usr/ports/benchmarks benchmarks
+ports-cad: /usr/ports/cad CAD tools
+ports-comms: /usr/ports/comms communication software
+ports-databases: /usr/ports/databases databases
+ports-devel: /usr/ports/devel development utilities
+ports-editors: /usr/ports/editors editors
+ports-emulators: /usr/ports/emulators emulators for other OSes
+ports-games: /usr/ports/games games
+ports-graphics: /usr/ports/graphics various graphics utilities
+ports-japanese: /usr/ports/japanese Japanese software.
+ports-lang: /usr/ports/lang programming languages
+ports-mail: /usr/ports/mail mail software
+ports-math: /usr/ports/math numerical computation software
+ports-misc: /usr/ports/misc miscellaneous utilities
+ports-net: /usr/ports/net networking software
+ports-news: /usr/ports/news USENET news software
+ports-plan9: /usr/ports/plan9 various programs from Plan9
+ports-print: /usr/ports/print printing software
+ports-russian: /usr/ports/russian Russian software
+ports-security: /usr/ports/security ``security'' utilities, for better or for worse
+ports-shells: /usr/ports/shells various UN*X shells
+ports-sysutils: /usr/ports/sysutils system utilities
+ports-www: /usr/ports/www software related to the world wide web
+ports-x11: /usr/ports/x11 X11 software
If you want to keep updated on the original source of the ports,
+you can also add this to your supfile. But note that this collection
+is enormous, and unless you are an ftp site mirroring the
+entire FreeBSD tree (but can't use ``mirror'' for some reason), you
+(and us) are much better off not using sup to collect these:
+ports-distfiles: /usr/ports/distfiles original tarballs