Add a new tool which attempts to check for kernel configuration options that

are missing from NOTES files.
This commit is contained in:
John Baldwin 2009-12-24 14:32:11 +00:00
parent 113d8e5046
commit 9516bdf18c
3 changed files with 367 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ mfc Merge a directory from HEAD to a branch where it does not
mid Create a Message-ID database for mailing lists. mid Create a Message-ID database for mailing lists.
mwl Tools specific to the Marvell 88W8363 support mwl Tools specific to the Marvell 88W8363 support
ncpus Count the number of processors ncpus Count the number of processors
notescheck Check for missing devices and options in NOTES files.
npe Tools specific to the Intel IXP4XXX NPE device npe Tools specific to the Intel IXP4XXX NPE device
nxge A diagnostic tool for the nxge(4) driver nxge A diagnostic tool for the nxge(4) driver
pciid Generate src/share/misc/pci_vendors. pciid Generate src/share/misc/pci_vendors.

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# $FreeBSD$
.include <>

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@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
# This script analyzes sys/conf/files*, sys/conf/options*,
# sys/conf/NOTES, and sys/*/conf/NOTES and checks for inconsistencies
# such as options or devices that are not specified in any NOTES files
# or MI devices specified in MD NOTES files.
# $FreeBSD$
import glob
import os.path
import sys
def usage():
print >>sys.stderr, "notescheck <path>"
print >>sys.stderr
print >>sys.stderr, "Where 'path' is a path to a kernel source tree."
# These files are used to determine if a path is a valid kernel source tree.
requiredfiles = ['conf/files', 'conf/options', 'conf/NOTES']
# This special platform string is used for managing MI options.
global_platform = 'global'
# This is a global string that represents the current file and line
# being parsed.
location = ""
# Format the contents of a set into a sorted, comma-separated string
def format_set(set):
l = []
for item in set:
if len(l) == 0:
return "(empty)"
if len(l) == 2:
return "%s and %s" % (l[0], l[1])
s = "%s" % (l[0])
if len(l) == 1:
return s
for item in l[1:-1]:
s = "%s, %s" % (s, item)
s = "%s, and %s" % (s, l[-1])
return s
# This class actually covers both options and devices. For each named
# option we maintain two different lists. One is the list of
# platforms that the option was defined in via an options or files
# file. The other is the list of platforms that the option was tested
# in via a NOTES file. All options are stored as lowercase since
# config(8) treats the names as case-insensitive.
class Option:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.type = None
self.defines = set()
self.tests = set()
def set_type(self, type):
if self.type is None:
self.type = type
self.type_location = location
elif self.type != type:
print "WARN: Attempt to change type of %s from %s to %s%s" % \
(, self.type, type, location)
print " Previous type set%s" % (self.type_location)
def add_define(self, platform):
def add_test(self, platform):
def title(self):
if self.type == 'option':
return 'option %s' % (
if self.type == None:
return '%s %s' % (self.type,
def warn(self):
# If the defined and tested sets are equal, then this option
# is ok.
if self.defines == self.tests:
# If the tested set contains the global platform, then this
# option is ok.
if global_platform in self.tests:
if global_platform in self.defines:
# If the device is defined globally ans is never tested, whine.
if len(self.tests) == 0:
print 'WARN: %s is defined globally but never tested' % \
# If the device is defined globally and is tested on
# multiple MD platforms, then it is ok. This often occurs
# for drivers that are shared across multiple, but not
# all, platforms (e.g. acpi, agp).
if len(self.tests) > 1:
# If a device is defined globally but is only tested on a
# single MD platform, then whine about this.
print 'WARN: %s is defined globally but only tested in %s NOTES' % \
(self.title(), format_set(self.tests))
# If an option or device is never tested, whine.
if len(self.tests) == 0:
print 'WARN: %s is defined in %s but never tested' % \
(self.title(), format_set(self.defines))
# The set of MD platforms where this option is defined, but not tested.
notest = self.defines - self.tests
if len(notest) != 0:
print 'WARN: %s is not tested in %s NOTES' % \
(self.title(), format_set(notest))
print 'ERROR: bad state for %s: defined in %s, tested in %s' % \
(self.title(), format_set(self.defines), format_set(self.tests))
# This class maintains a dictionary of options keyed by name.
class Options:
def __init__(self):
self.options = {}
# Look up the object for a given option by name. If the option
# doesn't already exist, then add a new option.
def find(self, name):
name = name.lower()
if name in self.options:
return self.options[name]
option = Option(name)
self.options[name] = option
return option
# Warn about inconsistencies
def warn(self):
keys = self.options.keys()
for key in keys:
option = self.options[key]
# Global map of options
options = Options()
# Look for MD NOTES files to build our list of platforms. We ignore
# platforms that do not have a NOTES file.
def find_platforms(tree):
platforms = []
for file in glob.glob(tree + '*/conf/NOTES'):
if not file.startswith(tree):
print >>sys.stderr, "Bad MD NOTES file %s" %(file)
if global_platform in platforms:
print >>sys.stderr, "Found MD NOTES file for global platform"
return platforms
# Parse a file that has escaped newlines. Any escaped newlines are
# coalesced and each logical line is passed to the callback function.
# This also skips blank lines and comments.
def parse_file(file, callback, *args):
global location
f = open(file)
current = None
i = 0
for line in f:
# Update parsing location
i = i + 1
location = ' at %s:%d' % (file, i)
# Trim the newline
line = line[:-1]
# If the previous line had an escaped newline, append this
# line to that.
if current is not None:
line = current + line
current = None
# If the line ends in a '\', set current to the line (minus
# the escape) and continue.
if len(line) > 0 and line[-1] == '\\':
current = line[:-1]
# Skip blank lines or lines with only whitespace
if len(line) == 0 or len(line.split()) == 0:
# Skip comment lines. Any line whose first non-space
# character is a '#' is considered a comment.
if line.split()[0][0] == '#':
# Invoke the callback on this line
callback(line, *args)
if current is not None:
callback(current, *args)
location = ""
# Split a line into words on whitespace with the exception that quoted
# strings are always treated as a single word.
def tokenize(line):
if len(line) == 0:
return []
# First, split the line on quote characters.
groups = line.split('"')
# Ensure we have an even number of quotes. The 'groups' array
# will contain 'number of quotes' + 1 entries, so it should have
# an odd number of entries.
if len(groups) % 2 == 0:
print >>sys.stderr, "Failed to tokenize: %s%s" (line, location)
return []
# String split all the "odd" groups since they are not quoted strings.
quoted = False
words = []
for group in groups:
if quoted:
quoted = False
for word in group.split():
quoted = True
return words
# Parse a sys/conf/files* file adding defines for any options
# encountered. Note files does not differentiate between options and
# devices.
def parse_files_line(line, platform):
words = tokenize(line)
# Skip include lines.
if words[0] == 'include':
# Skip standard lines as they have no devices or options.
if words[1] == 'standard':
# Remaining lines better be optional or mandatory lines.
if words[1] != 'optional' and words[1] != 'mandatory':
print >>sys.stderr, "Invalid files line: %s%s" % (line, location)
# Drop the first two words and begin parsing keywords and devices.
skip = False
for word in words[2:]:
if skip:
skip = False
# Skip keywords
if word == 'no-obj' or word == 'no-implicit-rule' or \
word == 'before-depend' or word == 'local' or \
word == 'no-depend' or word == 'profiling-routine' or \
word == 'nowerror':
# Skip keywords and their following argument
if word == 'dependency' or word == 'clean' or \
word == 'compile-with' or word == 'warning':
skip = True
# Ignore pipes
if word == '|':
option = options.find(word)
# Parse a sys/conf/options* file adding defines for any options
# encountered. Unlike a files file, options files only add options.
def parse_options_line(line, platform):
# The first word is the option name.
name = line.split()[0]
# Ignore DEV_xxx options. These are magic options that are
# aliases for 'device xxx'.
if name.startswith('DEV_'):
option = options.find(name)
# Parse a sys/conf/NOTES file adding tests for any options or devices
# encountered.
def parse_notes_line(line, platform):
words = line.split()
# Skip lines with just whitespace
if len(words) == 0:
if words[0] == 'device' or words[0] == 'devices':
option = options.find(words[1])
if words[0] == 'option' or words[0] == 'options':
option = options.find(words[1].split('=')[0])
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
return 2
# Ensure the path has a trailing '/'.
tree = sys.argv[1]
if tree[-1] != '/':
tree = tree + '/'
for file in requiredfiles:
if not os.path.exists(tree + file):
print>> sys.stderr, "Kernel source tree missing %s" % (file)
return 1
platforms = find_platforms(tree)
# First, parse global files.
parse_file(tree + 'conf/files', parse_files_line, global_platform)
parse_file(tree + 'conf/options', parse_options_line, global_platform)
parse_file(tree + 'conf/NOTES', parse_notes_line, global_platform)
# Next, parse MD files.
for platform in platforms:
files_file = tree + 'conf/files.' + platform
if os.path.exists(files_file):
parse_file(files_file, parse_files_line, platform)
options_file = tree + 'conf/options.' + platform
if os.path.exists(options_file):
parse_file(options_file, parse_options_line, platform)
parse_file(tree + platform + '/conf/NOTES', parse_notes_line, platform)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":