diff --git a/share/examples/mdoc/example.9 b/share/examples/mdoc/example.9 new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f392c4aab45e --- /dev/null +++ b/share/examples/mdoc/example.9 @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +.\" Copyright (c) [year] [your name] +.\" All rights reserved. +.\" +.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +.\" are met: +.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +.\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the +.\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. +.\" +.\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND +.\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +.\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE +.\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE +.\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +.\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS +.\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) +.\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT +.\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY +.\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +.\" SUCH DAMAGE. +.\" +.\" $FreeBSD$ +.\" +.\" Note: The date here should be updated whenever a non-trivial +.\" change is made to the manual page. +.Dd January 12, 2005 +.Dt EXAMPLE 9 +.Os +.Sh NAME +.Nm example +.Nd "example kernel interface manual page" +.Sh SYNOPSIS +.In example.h +.Ft int +.Fn example "char *ptr" "int mode" +.Sh DESCRIPTION +This is an example library function manual page for the +.Fn example +kernel function. +It is intended that this example can be used as a template +when writing a new manual page. +.Pp +The +.Fn example +function takes two arguments: +.Fa ptr +and +.Fa mode . +The argument +.Fa mode +may have one of the following values: +.Bl -tag -width ".Dv EXAMPLE_ONE" +.It Dv EXAMPLE_ONE +First example of a defined variable. +.Dv EXAMPLE_ONE +is described below. +.It Dv EXAMPLE_TWO +Second example. +.El +.Pp +The above values are defined in +.In example.h +as follows: +.Bd -literal +#define EXAMPLE_ONE 1 +#define EXAMPLE_TWO 2 +.Ed +.Sh IMPLEMENTATION NOTES +The +.Fn example +function is not actually implemented. +.Sh RETURN VALUES +The +.Fn example +function returns the value 0 if successful; +otherwise one of the values listed in the +.Sx ERRORS +section is returned, to indicate the error. +.Sh EXAMPLES +.Bd -literal + int val; + + if ((val = example(NULL, EXAMPLE_ONE)) != 0) + return (val); +.Ed +.Sh COMPATIBILITY +The +.Fn example +function has no known compatibility issues. +.Sh ERRORS +.\" Delete any errno's that are not returned by your +.\" function or system call and then tailor the +.\" remaining text as needed. +The +.Fn example +function will fail if: +.Bl -tag -width Er +.It Bq Er EPERM +Operation not permitted. +.It Bq Er ENOENT +No such file or directory. +.It Bq Er ESRCH +No such process. +.It Bq Er EINTR +Interrupted system call. +.It Bq Er EIO +Input/output error. +.It Bq Er ENXIO +Device not configured. +.It Bq Er E2BIG +Argument list too long. +.It Bq Er ENOEXEC +Exec format error. +.It Bq Er EBADF +Bad file descriptor. +.It Bq Er ECHILD +No child processes. +.It Bq Er EDEADLK +Resource deadlock avoided. +.It Bq Er ENOMEM +Cannot allocate memory. +.It Bq Er EACCES +Permission denied. +.It Bq Er EFAULT +Bad address. +.It Bq Er ENOTBLK +Block device required. +.It Bq Er EBUSY +Device busy. +.It Bq Er EEXIST +File exists. +.It Bq Er EXDEV +Cross-device link. +.It Bq Er ENODEV +Operation not supported by device. +.It Bq Er ENOTDIR +Not a directory. +.It Bq Er EISDIR +Is a directory. +.It Bq Er EINVAL +Invalid argument. +.It Bq Er ENFILE +Too many open files in system. +.It Bq Er EMFILE +Too many open files. +.It Bq Er ENOTTY +Inappropriate ioctl for device. +.It Bq Er ETXTBSY +Text file busy. +.It Bq Er EFBIG +File too large. +.It Bq Er ENOSPC +No space left on device. +.It Bq Er ESPIPE +Illegal seek. +.It Bq Er EROFS +Read-only file system. +.It Bq Er EMLINK +Too many links. +.It Bq Er EPIPE +Broken pipe. +.It Bq Er EDOM +Numerical argument out of domain. +.It Bq Er ERANGE +Result too large. +.It Bq Er EAGAIN +Resource temporarily unavailable. +.It Bq Er EWOULDBLOCK +Operation would block. +.It Bq Er EINPROGRESS +Operation now in progress. +.It Bq Er EALREADY +Operation already in progress. +.It Bq Er ENOTSOCK +Socket operation on non-socket. +.It Bq Er EDESTADDRREQ +Destination address required. +.It Bq Er EMSGSIZE +Message too long. +.It Bq Er EPROTOTYPE +Protocol wrong type for socket. +.It Bq Er ENOPROTOOPT +Protocol not available. +.It Bq Er EPROTONOSUPPORT +Protocol not supported. +.It Bq Er ESOCKTNOSUPPORT +Socket type not supported. +.It Bq Er EOPNOTSUPP +Operation not supported. +.It Bq Er EPFNOSUPPORT +Protocol family not supported. +.It Bq Er EAFNOSUPPORT +Address family not supported by protocol family. +.It Bq Er EADDRINUSE +Address already in use. +.It Bq Er EADDRNOTAVAIL +Cannot assign requested address. +.It Bq Er ENETDOWN +Network is down. +.It Bq Er ENETUNREACH +Network is unreachable. +.It Bq Er ENETRESET +Network dropped connection on reset. +.It Bq Er ECONNABORTED +Software causes connection abort. +.It Bq Er ENOBUFS +No buffer space available. +.It Bq Er EISCONN +Socket is already connected. +.It Bq Er ENOTCONN +Socket is not connected. +.It Bq Er ESHUTDOWN +Cannot send after socket shutdown. +.It Bq Er ETOOMANYREFS +Too many references: cannot splice. +.It Bq Er ETIMEDOUT +Operation timed out. +.It Bq Er ECONNREFUSED +Connection refused. +.It Bq Er ELOOP +Too many levels of symbolic links. +.It Bq Er ENAMETOOLONG +File name too long. +.It Bq Er EHOSTDOWN +Host is down. +.It Bq Er EHOSTUNREACH +No route to host. +.It Bq Er ENOTEMPTY +Directory not empty. +.It Bq Er EPROCLIM +Too many processes. +.It Bq Er EUSERS +Too many users. +.It Bq Er EDQUOT +Disc quota exceeded. +.It Bq Er ESTALE +Stale NFS file handle. +.It Bq Er EREMOTE +Too many levels of remote in path. +.It Bq Er EBADRPC +RPC struct is bad. +.It Bq Er ERPCMISMATCH +RPC version wrong. +.It Bq Er EPROGUNAVAIL +RPC program not available. +.It Bq Er EPROGMISMATCH +Program version wrong. +.It Bq Er EPROCUNAVAIL +Bad procedure for program. +.It Bq Er ENOLCK +No locks available. +.It Bq Er ENOSYS +Function not implemented. +.It Bq Er EFTYPE +Inappropriate file type or format. +.It Bq Er EAUTH +Authentication error. +.It Bq Er ENEEDAUTH +Need authenticator. +.It Bq Er EIDRM +Identifier removed. +.It Bq Er ENOMSG +No message of desired type. +.It Bq Er EOVERFLOW +Value too large to be stored in data type. +.It Bq Er ECANCELED +Operation canceled. +.It Bq Er EILSEQ +Illegal byte sequence. +.It Bq Er ENOATTR +Attribute not found. +.It Bq Er EDOOFUS +Programming error. +.El +.Sh LOCKING +The +.Dv example_lock +lock must be held before +.Fn example +is called. +.Pp +Since +.Fn example_lock +is a +.Xr mutex 9 , +no sleepable locks (i.e., +.Xr sx 9 +locks) can be acquired in +.Fn example . +.Sh SEE ALSO +.Xr example 1 , +.Xr example 3 , +.Xr example 4 , +.Xr mdoc 7 +.Rs +.%A "A. B. Author" +.%T "Example RFC Title" +.%O RFC0000 +.Re +.Rs +.%A "A. B. Author" +.%B "Example Book Title" +.%O ISBN-0-000-00000-0 +.Re +.Rs +.%A "A. B. Author" +.%D "January 1997" +.%J "Example Journal Name" +.%T "Example Article Title" +.Re +.Sh HISTORY +The +.Nm +manual page example first appeared in +.Fx 6.0 . +.Pp +Some other common +.Sx HISTORY +section examples are: +.Pp +The +.Nm +manual page example first appeared in +.Bx 4.4 . +.Pp +The +.Nm +manual page example first appeared in +.At v6 . +.Sh AUTHORS +This +manual page was written by +.An Giorgos Keramidas Aq keramida@FreeBSD.org . +.Sh BUGS +The actual code for this function is vaporware.