Divorce bsd disklabels, IBM PC MBR's and whatever the things are

called on NEC PC98 machines.

Sponsored by: DARPA & NAI Labs.
This commit is contained in:
Poul-Henning Kamp 2002-10-01 19:29:19 +00:00
parent aa98088877
commit c111eed934
3 changed files with 6 additions and 769 deletions

@ -289,63 +289,6 @@ static const char *fstypenames[] = {
#define D_RAMDISK 0x08 /* disk emulator */
#define D_CHAIN 0x10 /* can do back-back transfers */
/* DOS partition table -- located in boot block */
#if defined(PC98) && !defined(PC98_ATCOMPAT)
#define DOSBBSECTOR 0 /* DOS boot block relative sector number */
#define DOSPARTOFF 0
#define NDOSPART 16
#define DOSPTYP_386BSD 0x94 /* 386BSD partition type */
struct dos_partition {
unsigned char dp_mid;
#define DOSMID_386BSD (0x14|0x80) /* 386bsd|bootable */
unsigned char dp_sid;
#define DOSSID_386BSD (0x44|0x80) /* 386bsd|active */
unsigned char dp_dum1;
unsigned char dp_dum2;
unsigned char dp_ipl_sct;
unsigned char dp_ipl_head;
unsigned short dp_ipl_cyl;
unsigned char dp_ssect; /* starting sector */
unsigned char dp_shd; /* starting head */
unsigned short dp_scyl; /* starting cylinder */
unsigned char dp_esect; /* end sector */
unsigned char dp_ehd; /* end head */
unsigned short dp_ecyl; /* end cylinder */
unsigned char dp_name[16];
#else /* IBMPC */
#define DOSBBSECTOR 0 /* DOS boot block relative sector number */
#define DOSPARTOFF 446
#define NDOSPART 4
#define DOSPTYP_386BSD 0xa5 /* 386BSD partition type */
#define DOSPTYP_LINSWP 0x82 /* Linux swap partition */
#define DOSPTYP_LINUX 0x83 /* Linux partition */
#define DOSPTYP_EXT 5 /* DOS extended partition */
#define DOSPTYP_EXTLBA 15 /* DOS extended partition */
struct dos_partition {
unsigned char dp_flag; /* bootstrap flags */
unsigned char dp_shd; /* starting head */
unsigned char dp_ssect; /* starting sector */
unsigned char dp_scyl; /* starting cylinder */
unsigned char dp_typ; /* partition type */
unsigned char dp_ehd; /* end head */
unsigned char dp_esect; /* end sector */
unsigned char dp_ecyl; /* end cylinder */
u_int32_t dp_start; /* absolute starting sector number */
u_int32_t dp_size; /* partition size in sectors */
CTASSERT(sizeof (struct dos_partition) == 16);
#define DPSECT(s) ((s) & 0x3f) /* isolate relevant bits of sector */
#define DPCYL(c, s) ((c) + (((s) & 0xc0)<<2)) /* and those that are cylinder */
* Disklabel-specific ioctls.

@ -34,289 +34,9 @@
* $FreeBSD$
#ifndef _SYS_DISKMBR_H_
#define _SYS_DISKMBR_H_
#ifndef _KERNEL
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioccom.h>
* Disk description table, see disktab(5)
#define _PATH_DISKTAB "/etc/disktab"
* Each disk has a label which includes information about the hardware
* disk geometry, filesystem partitions, and drive specific information.
* The label is in block 0 or 1, possibly offset from the beginning
* to leave room for a bootstrap, etc.
/* XXX these should be defined per controller (or drive) elsewhere, not here! */
#ifdef __i386__
#define LABELSECTOR 1 /* sector containing label */
#define LABELOFFSET 0 /* offset of label in sector */
#ifdef __alpha__
#define LABELOFFSET 64
#ifdef __ia64__
#ifdef __sparc64__
#define LABELOFFSET 128
#define LABELOFFSET 64
#define DISKMAGIC ((u_int32_t)0x82564557) /* The disk magic number */
/* Size of bootblock area in sector-size neutral bytes */
#define BBSIZE 8192
#define LABEL_PART 2 /* partition containing label */
#define RAW_PART 2 /* partition containing whole disk */
#define SWAP_PART 1 /* partition normally containing swap */
struct disklabel {
u_int32_t d_magic; /* the magic number */
u_int16_t d_type; /* drive type */
u_int16_t d_subtype; /* controller/d_type specific */
char d_typename[16]; /* type name, e.g. "eagle" */
char d_packname[16]; /* pack identifier */
/* disk geometry: */
u_int32_t d_secsize; /* # of bytes per sector */
u_int32_t d_nsectors; /* # of data sectors per track */
u_int32_t d_ntracks; /* # of tracks per cylinder */
u_int32_t d_ncylinders; /* # of data cylinders per unit */
u_int32_t d_secpercyl; /* # of data sectors per cylinder */
u_int32_t d_secperunit; /* # of data sectors per unit */
* Spares (bad sector replacements) below are not counted in
* d_nsectors or d_secpercyl. Spare sectors are assumed to
* be physical sectors which occupy space at the end of each
* track and/or cylinder.
u_int16_t d_sparespertrack; /* # of spare sectors per track */
u_int16_t d_sparespercyl; /* # of spare sectors per cylinder */
* Alternate cylinders include maintenance, replacement, configuration
* description areas, etc.
u_int32_t d_acylinders; /* # of alt. cylinders per unit */
/* hardware characteristics: */
* d_interleave, d_trackskew and d_cylskew describe perturbations
* in the media format used to compensate for a slow controller.
* Interleave is physical sector interleave, set up by the
* formatter or controller when formatting. When interleaving is
* in use, logically adjacent sectors are not physically
* contiguous, but instead are separated by some number of
* sectors. It is specified as the ratio of physical sectors
* traversed per logical sector. Thus an interleave of 1:1
* implies contiguous layout, while 2:1 implies that logical
* sector 0 is separated by one sector from logical sector 1.
* d_trackskew is the offset of sector 0 on track N relative to
* sector 0 on track N-1 on the same cylinder. Finally, d_cylskew
* is the offset of sector 0 on cylinder N relative to sector 0
* on cylinder N-1.
u_int16_t d_rpm; /* rotational speed */
u_int16_t d_interleave; /* hardware sector interleave */
u_int16_t d_trackskew; /* sector 0 skew, per track */
u_int16_t d_cylskew; /* sector 0 skew, per cylinder */
u_int32_t d_headswitch; /* head switch time, usec */
u_int32_t d_trkseek; /* track-to-track seek, usec */
u_int32_t d_flags; /* generic flags */
#define NDDATA 5
u_int32_t d_drivedata[NDDATA]; /* drive-type specific information */
#define NSPARE 5
u_int32_t d_spare[NSPARE]; /* reserved for future use */
u_int32_t d_magic2; /* the magic number (again) */
u_int16_t d_checksum; /* xor of data incl. partitions */
/* filesystem and partition information: */
u_int16_t d_npartitions; /* number of partitions in following */
u_int32_t d_bbsize; /* size of boot area at sn0, bytes */
u_int32_t d_sbsize; /* max size of fs superblock, bytes */
struct partition { /* the partition table */
u_int32_t p_size; /* number of sectors in partition */
u_int32_t p_offset; /* starting sector */
u_int32_t p_fsize; /* filesystem basic fragment size */
u_int8_t p_fstype; /* filesystem type, see below */
u_int8_t p_frag; /* filesystem fragments per block */
u_int16_t p_cpg; /* filesystem cylinders per group */
} d_partitions[MAXPARTITIONS]; /* actually may be more */
CTASSERT(sizeof(struct disklabel) == 276);
static __inline u_int16_t dkcksum(struct disklabel *lp);
static __inline u_int16_t
dkcksum(struct disklabel *lp)
u_int16_t *start, *end;
u_int16_t sum = 0;
start = (u_int16_t *)lp;
end = (u_int16_t *)&lp->d_partitions[lp->d_npartitions];
while (start < end)
sum ^= *start++;
return (sum);
/* d_type values: */
#define DTYPE_SMD 1 /* SMD, XSMD; VAX hp/up */
#define DTYPE_MSCP 2 /* MSCP */
#define DTYPE_DEC 3 /* other DEC (rk, rl) */
#define DTYPE_SCSI 4 /* SCSI */
#define DTYPE_ESDI 5 /* ESDI interface */
#define DTYPE_ST506 6 /* ST506 etc. */
#define DTYPE_HPIB 7 /* CS/80 on HP-IB */
#define DTYPE_HPFL 8 /* HP Fiber-link */
#define DTYPE_FLOPPY 10 /* floppy */
#define DTYPE_CCD 11 /* concatenated disk */
#define DTYPE_VINUM 12 /* vinum volume */
#define DTYPE_DOC2K 13 /* Msys DiskOnChip */
#define DTYPE_JFS2 16 /* IBM JFS 2 */
static const char *dktypenames[] = {
"old DEC",
"type 9",
#define DKMAXTYPES (sizeof(dktypenames) / sizeof(dktypenames[0]) - 1)
* Filesystem type and version.
* Used to interpret other filesystem-specific
* per-partition information.
#define FS_UNUSED 0 /* unused */
#define FS_SWAP 1 /* swap */
#define FS_V6 2 /* Sixth Edition */
#define FS_V7 3 /* Seventh Edition */
#define FS_SYSV 4 /* System V */
#define FS_V71K 5 /* V7 with 1K blocks (4.1, 2.9) */
#define FS_V8 6 /* Eighth Edition, 4K blocks */
#define FS_BSDFFS 7 /* 4.2BSD fast filesystem */
#define FS_MSDOS 8 /* MSDOS filesystem */
#define FS_BSDLFS 9 /* 4.4BSD log-structured filesystem */
#define FS_OTHER 10 /* in use, but unknown/unsupported */
#define FS_HPFS 11 /* OS/2 high-performance filesystem */
#define FS_ISO9660 12 /* ISO 9660, normally CD-ROM */
#define FS_BOOT 13 /* partition contains bootstrap */
#define FS_VINUM 14 /* Vinum drive */
#define FS_JFS2 21 /* IBM JFS2 */
static const char *fstypenames[] = {
"Version 6",
"Version 7",
"System V",
"Eighth Edition",
#define FSMAXTYPES (sizeof(fstypenames) / sizeof(fstypenames[0]) - 1)
* flags shared by various drives:
#define D_REMOVABLE 0x01 /* removable media */
#define D_ECC 0x02 /* supports ECC */
#define D_BADSECT 0x04 /* supports bad sector forw. */
#define D_RAMDISK 0x08 /* disk emulator */
#define D_CHAIN 0x10 /* can do back-back transfers */
/* DOS partition table -- located in boot block */
#if defined(PC98) && !defined(PC98_ATCOMPAT)
#define DOSBBSECTOR 0 /* DOS boot block relative sector number */
#define DOSPARTOFF 0
#define NDOSPART 16
#define DOSPTYP_386BSD 0x94 /* 386BSD partition type */
struct dos_partition {
unsigned char dp_mid;
#define DOSMID_386BSD (0x14|0x80) /* 386bsd|bootable */
unsigned char dp_sid;
#define DOSSID_386BSD (0x44|0x80) /* 386bsd|active */
unsigned char dp_dum1;
unsigned char dp_dum2;
unsigned char dp_ipl_sct;
unsigned char dp_ipl_head;
unsigned short dp_ipl_cyl;
unsigned char dp_ssect; /* starting sector */
unsigned char dp_shd; /* starting head */
unsigned short dp_scyl; /* starting cylinder */
unsigned char dp_esect; /* end sector */
unsigned char dp_ehd; /* end head */
unsigned short dp_ecyl; /* end cylinder */
unsigned char dp_name[16];
#else /* IBMPC */
#define DOSBBSECTOR 0 /* DOS boot block relative sector number */
#define DOSPARTOFF 446
#define NDOSPART 4
@ -341,79 +61,8 @@ struct dos_partition {
CTASSERT(sizeof (struct dos_partition) == 16);
#define DPSECT(s) ((s) & 0x3f) /* isolate relevant bits of sector */
#define DPCYL(c, s) ((c) + (((s) & 0xc0)<<2)) /* and those that are cylinder */
* Disklabel-specific ioctls.
* NB: <sys/disk.h> defines ioctls from 'd'/128 and up.
/* get and set disklabel */
#define DIOCGDINFO _IOR('d', 101, struct disklabel)/* get */
#define DIOCSDINFO _IOW('d', 102, struct disklabel)/* set */
#define DIOCWDINFO _IOW('d', 103, struct disklabel)/* set, update disk */
#define DIOCWLABEL _IOW('d', 109, int) /* write en/disable label */
#ifdef _KERNEL
* XXX encoding of disk minor numbers, should be elsewhere.
* See <sys/reboot.h> for a possibly better encoding.
* "cpio -H newc" can be used to back up device files with large minor
* numbers (but not ones >= 2^31). Old cpio formats and all tar formats
* don't have enough bits, and cpio and tar don't notice the lossage.
* There are also some sign extension bugs.
3 2 1 0
1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
#define DKMAXUNIT 0x1ff
#define dkmakeminor(unit, slice, part) \
(((slice) << 16) | (((unit) & 0x1e0) << 16) | \
(((unit) & 0x1f) << 3) | (part))
#define dkpart(dev) (minor(dev) & 7)
#define dkslice(dev) ((minor(dev) >> 16) & 0x1f)
#define dksparebits(dev) ((minor(dev) >> 25) & 0x7f)
struct bio;
struct bio_queue_head;
int bounds_check_with_label(struct bio *bp, struct disklabel *lp,
int wlabel);
dev_t dkmodpart(dev_t dev, int part);
dev_t dkmodslice(dev_t dev, int slice);
u_int dkunit(dev_t dev);
char *readdisklabel(dev_t dev, struct disklabel *lp);
int setdisklabel(struct disklabel *olp, struct disklabel *nlp,
u_long openmask);
int writedisklabel(dev_t dev, struct disklabel *lp);
#ifdef __alpha__
struct buf;
void alpha_fix_srm_checksum(struct buf *bp);
#endif /* _KERNEL */
#ifndef _KERNEL
struct disklabel *getdiskbyname(const char *);
#endif /* !_SYS_DISKLABEL_H_ */
#endif /* !_SYS_DISKMBR_H_ */

@ -34,264 +34,9 @@
* $FreeBSD$
#ifndef _SYS_DISKPC98_H_
#define _SYS_DISKPC98_H_
#ifndef _KERNEL
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioccom.h>
* Disk description table, see disktab(5)
#define _PATH_DISKTAB "/etc/disktab"
* Each disk has a label which includes information about the hardware
* disk geometry, filesystem partitions, and drive specific information.
* The label is in block 0 or 1, possibly offset from the beginning
* to leave room for a bootstrap, etc.
/* XXX these should be defined per controller (or drive) elsewhere, not here! */
#ifdef __i386__
#define LABELSECTOR 1 /* sector containing label */
#define LABELOFFSET 0 /* offset of label in sector */
#ifdef __alpha__
#define LABELOFFSET 64
#ifdef __ia64__
#ifdef __sparc64__
#define LABELOFFSET 128
#define LABELOFFSET 64
#define DISKMAGIC ((u_int32_t)0x82564557) /* The disk magic number */
/* Size of bootblock area in sector-size neutral bytes */
#define BBSIZE 8192
#define LABEL_PART 2 /* partition containing label */
#define RAW_PART 2 /* partition containing whole disk */
#define SWAP_PART 1 /* partition normally containing swap */
struct disklabel {
u_int32_t d_magic; /* the magic number */
u_int16_t d_type; /* drive type */
u_int16_t d_subtype; /* controller/d_type specific */
char d_typename[16]; /* type name, e.g. "eagle" */
char d_packname[16]; /* pack identifier */
/* disk geometry: */
u_int32_t d_secsize; /* # of bytes per sector */
u_int32_t d_nsectors; /* # of data sectors per track */
u_int32_t d_ntracks; /* # of tracks per cylinder */
u_int32_t d_ncylinders; /* # of data cylinders per unit */
u_int32_t d_secpercyl; /* # of data sectors per cylinder */
u_int32_t d_secperunit; /* # of data sectors per unit */
* Spares (bad sector replacements) below are not counted in
* d_nsectors or d_secpercyl. Spare sectors are assumed to
* be physical sectors which occupy space at the end of each
* track and/or cylinder.
u_int16_t d_sparespertrack; /* # of spare sectors per track */
u_int16_t d_sparespercyl; /* # of spare sectors per cylinder */
* Alternate cylinders include maintenance, replacement, configuration
* description areas, etc.
u_int32_t d_acylinders; /* # of alt. cylinders per unit */
/* hardware characteristics: */
* d_interleave, d_trackskew and d_cylskew describe perturbations
* in the media format used to compensate for a slow controller.
* Interleave is physical sector interleave, set up by the
* formatter or controller when formatting. When interleaving is
* in use, logically adjacent sectors are not physically
* contiguous, but instead are separated by some number of
* sectors. It is specified as the ratio of physical sectors
* traversed per logical sector. Thus an interleave of 1:1
* implies contiguous layout, while 2:1 implies that logical
* sector 0 is separated by one sector from logical sector 1.
* d_trackskew is the offset of sector 0 on track N relative to
* sector 0 on track N-1 on the same cylinder. Finally, d_cylskew
* is the offset of sector 0 on cylinder N relative to sector 0
* on cylinder N-1.
u_int16_t d_rpm; /* rotational speed */
u_int16_t d_interleave; /* hardware sector interleave */
u_int16_t d_trackskew; /* sector 0 skew, per track */
u_int16_t d_cylskew; /* sector 0 skew, per cylinder */
u_int32_t d_headswitch; /* head switch time, usec */
u_int32_t d_trkseek; /* track-to-track seek, usec */
u_int32_t d_flags; /* generic flags */
#define NDDATA 5
u_int32_t d_drivedata[NDDATA]; /* drive-type specific information */
#define NSPARE 5
u_int32_t d_spare[NSPARE]; /* reserved for future use */
u_int32_t d_magic2; /* the magic number (again) */
u_int16_t d_checksum; /* xor of data incl. partitions */
/* filesystem and partition information: */
u_int16_t d_npartitions; /* number of partitions in following */
u_int32_t d_bbsize; /* size of boot area at sn0, bytes */
u_int32_t d_sbsize; /* max size of fs superblock, bytes */
struct partition { /* the partition table */
u_int32_t p_size; /* number of sectors in partition */
u_int32_t p_offset; /* starting sector */
u_int32_t p_fsize; /* filesystem basic fragment size */
u_int8_t p_fstype; /* filesystem type, see below */
u_int8_t p_frag; /* filesystem fragments per block */
u_int16_t p_cpg; /* filesystem cylinders per group */
} d_partitions[MAXPARTITIONS]; /* actually may be more */
CTASSERT(sizeof(struct disklabel) == 276);
static __inline u_int16_t dkcksum(struct disklabel *lp);
static __inline u_int16_t
dkcksum(struct disklabel *lp)
u_int16_t *start, *end;
u_int16_t sum = 0;
start = (u_int16_t *)lp;
end = (u_int16_t *)&lp->d_partitions[lp->d_npartitions];
while (start < end)
sum ^= *start++;
return (sum);
/* d_type values: */
#define DTYPE_SMD 1 /* SMD, XSMD; VAX hp/up */
#define DTYPE_MSCP 2 /* MSCP */
#define DTYPE_DEC 3 /* other DEC (rk, rl) */
#define DTYPE_SCSI 4 /* SCSI */
#define DTYPE_ESDI 5 /* ESDI interface */
#define DTYPE_ST506 6 /* ST506 etc. */
#define DTYPE_HPIB 7 /* CS/80 on HP-IB */
#define DTYPE_HPFL 8 /* HP Fiber-link */
#define DTYPE_FLOPPY 10 /* floppy */
#define DTYPE_CCD 11 /* concatenated disk */
#define DTYPE_VINUM 12 /* vinum volume */
#define DTYPE_DOC2K 13 /* Msys DiskOnChip */
#define DTYPE_JFS2 16 /* IBM JFS 2 */
static const char *dktypenames[] = {
"old DEC",
"type 9",
#define DKMAXTYPES (sizeof(dktypenames) / sizeof(dktypenames[0]) - 1)
* Filesystem type and version.
* Used to interpret other filesystem-specific
* per-partition information.
#define FS_UNUSED 0 /* unused */
#define FS_SWAP 1 /* swap */
#define FS_V6 2 /* Sixth Edition */
#define FS_V7 3 /* Seventh Edition */
#define FS_SYSV 4 /* System V */
#define FS_V71K 5 /* V7 with 1K blocks (4.1, 2.9) */
#define FS_V8 6 /* Eighth Edition, 4K blocks */
#define FS_BSDFFS 7 /* 4.2BSD fast filesystem */
#define FS_MSDOS 8 /* MSDOS filesystem */
#define FS_BSDLFS 9 /* 4.4BSD log-structured filesystem */
#define FS_OTHER 10 /* in use, but unknown/unsupported */
#define FS_HPFS 11 /* OS/2 high-performance filesystem */
#define FS_ISO9660 12 /* ISO 9660, normally CD-ROM */
#define FS_BOOT 13 /* partition contains bootstrap */
#define FS_VINUM 14 /* Vinum drive */
#define FS_JFS2 21 /* IBM JFS2 */
static const char *fstypenames[] = {
"Version 6",
"Version 7",
"System V",
"Eighth Edition",
#define FSMAXTYPES (sizeof(fstypenames) / sizeof(fstypenames[0]) - 1)
* flags shared by various drives:
#define D_REMOVABLE 0x01 /* removable media */
#define D_ECC 0x02 /* supports ECC */
#define D_BADSECT 0x04 /* supports bad sector forw. */
#define D_RAMDISK 0x08 /* disk emulator */
#define D_CHAIN 0x10 /* can do back-back transfers */
/* DOS partition table -- located in boot block */
#if defined(PC98) && !defined(PC98_ATCOMPAT)
#define DOSBBSECTOR 0 /* DOS boot block relative sector number */
#define DOSPARTOFF 0
#define NDOSPART 16
@ -316,104 +61,4 @@ struct dos_partition {
unsigned char dp_name[16];
#else /* IBMPC */
#define DOSBBSECTOR 0 /* DOS boot block relative sector number */
#define DOSPARTOFF 446
#define NDOSPART 4
#define DOSPTYP_386BSD 0xa5 /* 386BSD partition type */
#define DOSPTYP_LINSWP 0x82 /* Linux swap partition */
#define DOSPTYP_LINUX 0x83 /* Linux partition */
#define DOSPTYP_EXT 5 /* DOS extended partition */
#define DOSPTYP_EXTLBA 15 /* DOS extended partition */
struct dos_partition {
unsigned char dp_flag; /* bootstrap flags */
unsigned char dp_shd; /* starting head */
unsigned char dp_ssect; /* starting sector */
unsigned char dp_scyl; /* starting cylinder */
unsigned char dp_typ; /* partition type */
unsigned char dp_ehd; /* end head */
unsigned char dp_esect; /* end sector */
unsigned char dp_ecyl; /* end cylinder */
u_int32_t dp_start; /* absolute starting sector number */
u_int32_t dp_size; /* partition size in sectors */
CTASSERT(sizeof (struct dos_partition) == 16);
#define DPSECT(s) ((s) & 0x3f) /* isolate relevant bits of sector */
#define DPCYL(c, s) ((c) + (((s) & 0xc0)<<2)) /* and those that are cylinder */
* Disklabel-specific ioctls.
* NB: <sys/disk.h> defines ioctls from 'd'/128 and up.
/* get and set disklabel */
#define DIOCGDINFO _IOR('d', 101, struct disklabel)/* get */
#define DIOCSDINFO _IOW('d', 102, struct disklabel)/* set */
#define DIOCWDINFO _IOW('d', 103, struct disklabel)/* set, update disk */
#define DIOCWLABEL _IOW('d', 109, int) /* write en/disable label */
#ifdef _KERNEL
* XXX encoding of disk minor numbers, should be elsewhere.
* See <sys/reboot.h> for a possibly better encoding.
* "cpio -H newc" can be used to back up device files with large minor
* numbers (but not ones >= 2^31). Old cpio formats and all tar formats
* don't have enough bits, and cpio and tar don't notice the lossage.
* There are also some sign extension bugs.
3 2 1 0
1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
#define DKMAXUNIT 0x1ff
#define dkmakeminor(unit, slice, part) \
(((slice) << 16) | (((unit) & 0x1e0) << 16) | \
(((unit) & 0x1f) << 3) | (part))
#define dkpart(dev) (minor(dev) & 7)
#define dkslice(dev) ((minor(dev) >> 16) & 0x1f)
#define dksparebits(dev) ((minor(dev) >> 25) & 0x7f)
struct bio;
struct bio_queue_head;
int bounds_check_with_label(struct bio *bp, struct disklabel *lp,
int wlabel);
dev_t dkmodpart(dev_t dev, int part);
dev_t dkmodslice(dev_t dev, int slice);
u_int dkunit(dev_t dev);
char *readdisklabel(dev_t dev, struct disklabel *lp);
int setdisklabel(struct disklabel *olp, struct disklabel *nlp,
u_long openmask);
int writedisklabel(dev_t dev, struct disklabel *lp);
#ifdef __alpha__
struct buf;
void alpha_fix_srm_checksum(struct buf *bp);
#endif /* _KERNEL */
#ifndef _KERNEL
struct disklabel *getdiskbyname(const char *);
#endif /* !_SYS_DISKLABEL_H_ */
#endif /* !_SYS_DISKPC98_H_ */