diff --git a/etc/daily b/etc/daily
index 25cc17e6f0b7..1f56ce424672 100644
--- a/etc/daily
+++ b/etc/daily
@@ -112,9 +112,16 @@ if [ -f /etc/Distfile ]; then
-echo ""
-echo "Running calendar:"
-calendar -a
+# `calendar -a' needs to die. Why? Because it's a bad idea, particular
+# with networked home directories, but also in general.  If you want the
+# output of `calendar' mailed to you, set up a cron job to do it,
+# or run it from your ~/.profile or ~/.login.
+# echo ""
+# echo "Running calendar:"
+# calendar -a
 if [ -d /var/spool/uucp -a -f /etc/uuclean.daily ]; then
 	echo ""