Remove send-pr, the supported interface to submit bugs is now via Removing send-pr also removes one more piece of non-BSD-licensed software. Hat: bugmeister MFC after: 3 days
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ lib/libbluetooth emax Pre-commit review preferred.
lib/libsdp emax Pre-commit review preferred.
usr.bin/bluetooth emax Pre-commit review preferred.
usr.sbin/bluetooth emax Pre-commit review preferred.
gnu/usr.bin/send-pr bugmaster Pre-commit review requested.
*env(3) secteam Due to the problematic security history of this
code, please have patches reviewed by secteam.
share/zoneinfo edwin Heads-up appreciated, since our data is coming
@ -38,6 +38,11 @@
# xargs -n1 | sort | uniq -d;
# done
# 20140614: send-pr removal
# 20140512: new clang import which bumps version from 3.4 to 3.4.1.
@ -240,7 +240,6 @@ distribution:
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/periodic; ${MAKE} install
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/pkg; ${MAKE} install
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/rc.d; ${MAKE} install
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/../gnu/usr.bin/send-pr; ${MAKE} etc-gnats-freefall
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/../share/termcap; ${MAKE} etc-termcap
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/../usr.sbin/rmt; ${MAKE} etc-rmt
${_+_}cd ${.CURDIR}/pam.d; ${MAKE} install
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ SUBDIR= ${_binutils} \
${_groff} \
${_rcs} \
sdiff \
send-pr \
${_tests} \
@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
he GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# $FreeBSD$
# Makefile for building a standalone send-pr.
SCRIPTS= send-pr
MAN= send-pr.1
SUBMITTERS= current-users
RELEASE= `uname -rsm`
CLEANFILES+= send-pr send-pr.el
SUBDIR+= doc
LINKS= ${BINDIR}/send-pr ${BINDIR}/sendbug
MLINKS= send-pr.1 sendbug.1
send-pr: Makefile
sed -e 's,@DATADIR@,/etc,g' \
${.ALLSRC:N*Makefile} > ${.TARGET}
send-pr.el: Makefile
default_release=`uname -rsm`; \
sed -e 's,@DATADIR@,/etc,g' \
-e "s/@DEFAULT_RELEASE@/$${default_release}/g" \
-e 's/"unknown"/"$(SUBMITTERS)"/g' \
${.ALLSRC:N*Makefile} > ${.TARGET}
# called from /usr/src/etc/Makefile
${INSTALL} -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m 0644 \
${.CURDIR}/categories ${DESTDIR}/etc/gnats/freefall
.include <>
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
send-pr - sends bug reports to a central support site
`send-pr' uses electronic mail to submit support questions and
software bugs to a central site. No piece of software is perfect, and
software organizations understand this `send-pr' is designed to allow
users who have problems to submit reports of these problems to sites
responsible for supporting the software in question, in a defined form
which can be read by an electronically managed database.
`send-pr' is part of a suite of programs known collectively as GNATS,
an acronym for Problem Report Management System. GNATS consists of
several programs which, used in concert, formulate and partially
administer a database of Problem Reports, or PRs, at a central support
site. A PR goes through several states in its lifetime; GNATS tracks
the PR and all information associated with it through each state and
finally acts as an archive for PRs which have been resolved.
The same engine can be used to submit bugs to any number of support
sites by setting up aliases for each of them; `send-pr' error-checks
each PR as it is sent to be sure that the category specified matches a
category supported by the site in question.
`send-pr' invokes an editor on a problem report template (after trying
to fill in some fields with reasonable default values). When you exit
the editor, `send-pr' sends the completed form to the support site.
At the support site, the PR is assigned a unique number and is stored
in the GNATS database according to its category and customer-id. GNATS
automatically replies with an acknowledgement, citing the category and
the PR number.
See the Texinfo file `send-pr.texi' or the Info file `'
for detailed installation and usage information.
See the file MANIFEST for a list of the files which should have
accompanied this distribution.
See `send-pr.texi', `', or the file INSTALL for the
installation procedure for `send-pr'.
Copyright (c) 1993, Free Software Foundation, Inc.
See the file COPYING for copyright information concerning this
distribution and all its components.
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# $FreeBSD$
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
INFO = send-pr
INFOSECTION="System Utilities"
.include <>
@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
@c $FreeBSD$
@node Valid Categories
@unnumberedsec Valid Categories
@cindex valid categories
@cindex example of a list of valid categories
@table @code
@item bfd
@sc{gnu} binary file descriptor library.
@item bifrabulator
This one doesn't actually exist.
@item binutils
@sc{gnu} utilities for binary files (@code{ar}, @code{nm}, @code{size}@dots{}).
@item bison
@sc{gnu} parser generator.
@item byacc
Free parser generator.
@item config
Cygnus Solutions Software configuration and installation.
@item cvs
Concurrent Version System.
@item diff
@sc{gnu} @code{diff} program.
@item doc
Documentation and manuals.
@item emacs
@sc{gnu} Emacs editor and related functions.
@item flex
@sc{gnu} lexical analyzer.
@item g++
@sc{gnu} C++ compiler.
@item gas
@sc{gnu} assembler.
@item gcc
@sc{gnu} C compiler.
@item gdb
@sc{gnu} source code debugger.
@item glob
The filename globbing functions.
@item gprof
@sc{gnu} profiler.
@item grep
@sc{gnu} @code{grep} program.
@item info
@sc{gnu} @code{info} hypertext reader.
@item ispell
@sc{gnu} spelling checker.
@item kerberos
Kerberos authentication system.
@item ld
@sc{gnu} linker.
@item libc
Cygnus Solutions C Support Library.
@item libg++
@sc{gnu} C++ class library.
@item libiberty
@sc{gnu} @samp{libiberty} library.
@item libm
Cygnus Solutions C Math Library.
@item make
@sc{gnu} @code{make} program.
@item makeinfo
@sc{gnu} utility to build Info files from Texinfo documents.
@item mas
@sc{gnu} Motorola syntax assembler.
@item newlib
Cygnus Solutions C Support and Math Libraries.
@item patch
@sc{gnu} bug patch program.
@item gnats
@sc{gnu} Problem Report Management System.
@item rcs
Revision Control System.
@item readline
@sc{gnu} @code{readline} library.
@item send-pr
@sc{gnu} Problem Report submitting program.
@item test
Category to use when testing @code{send-pr}.
@item texindex
@sc{gnu} documentation indexing utility.
@item texinfo
@sc{gnu} documentation macros.
@item other
Anything which is not covered by the above categories.
@end table
@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
@c $FreeBSD$
@node Fields
@section Problem Report format
@cindex Problem Report format
@cindex format
@cindex database similarities
@cindex fields
The format of a PR is designed to reflect the nature of @sc{gnats} as a
database. Information is arranged into @dfn{fields}, and kept in
individual records (Problem Reports).
A Problem Report contains two different types of fields: @dfn{Mail
Header} fields, which are used by the mail handler for delivery, and
@dfn{Problem Report} fields, which contain information relevant to the
Problem Report and its submitter. A Problem Report is essentially a
specially formatted electronic mail message.
Problem Report fields are denoted by a keyword which begins with
@samp{>} and ends with @samp{:}, as in @samp{>Confidential:}. Fields
belong to one of three data types:
@table @asis
@cindex Problem Report data types
@cindex @emph{Enumerated} data types
@item @sc{Enumerated}
One of a specific set of values, which vary according to the field. The
value for each keyword must be on the same line as the keyword. These
values are not configurable (yet).
@ifset SENDPR
For each @sc{Enumerated} keyword, the possible choices are listed in the
@code{send-pr} template as a comment.
@end ifset
The following fields are @sc{Enumerated} format; see the descriptions of
fields below for explanations of each field in detail:
>Confidential: >Severity: >Priority:
>Class: >State: >Number:
@end group
@end smallexample
@cindex @emph{Text} data types
@item @sc{Text}
One single line of text which must begin and end on the same line (i.e.,
before a newline) as the keyword. See the descriptions of fields below
for explanations of each field in detail. The following fields are
@sc{Text} format:
>Submitter-Id: >Originator: >Synopsis:
>Category: >Release: >Responsible:
@end group
@end smallexample
@cindex @emph{MultiText} data types
@item @sc{MultiText}
Text of any length may occur in this field. @sc{MultiText} may span
multiple lines and may also include blank lines. A @sc{MultiText} field
ends only when another keyword appears. See the descriptions of fields
below for explanations of each field in detail.
The following fields are @sc{MultiText} format:
>Organization: >Environment: >Description:
>How-To-Repeat: >Fix: >Audit-Trail:
@end group
@end smallexample
@end table
@ifclear SENDPR
@subheading Example Problem Report
@end ifclear
The following is an example Problem Report. Mail headers are at the
top, followed by @sc{gnats} fields, which begin with @samp{>} and end
with @samp{:}. The @samp{Subject:} line in the mail header and the
@samp{>Synopsis:} field are usually duplicates of each other.
@cindex sample Problem Report
@cindex example Problem Report
@cindex Problem Report template
Message-Id: @var{message-id}
Date: @var{date}
From: @var{address}
Reply-To: @var{address}
To: @var{bug-address}
Subject: @var{subject}
>Number: @var{gnats-id}
>Category: @var{category}
>Synopsis: @var{synopsis}
>Confidential: yes @emph{or} no
>Severity: critical, serious, @emph{or} non-critical
>Priority: high, medium @emph{or} low
>Responsible: @var{responsible}
>State: open, analyzed, suspended, feedback, @emph{or} closed
>Class: sw-bug, doc-bug, change-request, support,
@ifset SENDPR
@emph{or} duplicate
@end ifset
@ifclear SENDPR
duplicate, @emph{or} mistaken
@end ifclear
>Submitter-Id: @var{submitter-id}
>Arrival-Date: @var{date}
>Originator: @var{name}
>Organization: @var{organization}
>Release: @var{release}
State-Changed-From-To: @var{from}-@var{to}
State-Changed-When: @var{date}
Responsible-Changed-From-To: @var{from}-@var{to}
Responsible-Changed-When: @var{date}
@end group
@end smallexample
@end cartouche
* Mail header fields::
* Problem Report fields::
@end menu
@c ----------------------
@node Mail header fields
@subsection Mail header fields
@cindex mail header fields
@cindex Internet standard RFC-822
A Problem Report may contain any mail header field described in the
Internet standard RFC-822. However, only the fields which identify the
sender and the subject are required by @code{send-pr}:
@table @code
@cindex @code{To:} header
@item To:
The preconfigured mail address for the Support Site where the PR is to
be sent, automatically supplied by @code{send-pr}.
@cindex @code{Subject:} header
@item Subject:
A terse description of the problem. This field normally contains the
same information as the @samp{>Synopsis:} field.
@cindex @code{From:} header
@item From:
Usually supplied automatically by the originator's mailer; should
contain the originator's electronic mail address.
@cindex @code{Reply-To:} header
@item Reply-To:
A return address to which electronic replies can be sent; in most cases,
the same address as the @code{From:} field.
@end table
@ifclear SENDPR
@cindex @code{Received-By:} headers
One of the configurable options for @sc{gnats} is whether or not to
retain @w{@samp{Received-By:}} headers, which often consume a lot of
space and are not often used. @xref{Local configuration,,Changing your
local configuration}.
@end ifclear
@c ----------------------
@node Problem Report fields
@subsection Problem Report fields
@cindex GNATS database fields
@cindex field format
@c FIXME - this node is loooooooooooooooong...
@subheading Field descriptions
The following fields are present whenever a PR is submitted via the
program @code{send-pr}. @sc{gnats} adds additional fields when the PR
arrives at the Support Site; explanations of them follow this list.
@cindex fields - list
@cindex GNATS fields - list
@table @code
@cindex @code{Submitter-Id} field
@cindex @code{>Submitter-Id:}
@item >Submitter-Id:
(@sc{Text}) A unique identification code assigned by the Support Site.
It is used to identify all Problem Reports coming from a particular
site. (Submitters without a value for this field can invoke
@code{send-pr} with the @samp{--request-id} option to apply for one from
the support organization. Problem Reports from those not affiliated
with the support organization should use the default value of @samp{net}
for this field.)
@cindex @code{Originator} field
@cindex @code{>Originator:}
@item >Originator:
(@sc{Text}) Originator's real name. The default is the value of the
originator's environment variable @code{NAME}.
@cindex @code{>Organization:}
@cindex @code{Organization} field
@item >Organization:
(@sc{MultiText}) The originator's organization. The default value is
set with the variable @w{@code{DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION}} in the
@ifclear SENDPR
@file{config} file (@pxref{config file,,The @code{config} file}).
@end ifclear
@ifset SENDPR
@code{send-pr} shell script.
@end ifset
@cindex @code{Confidential} field
@cindex @code{>Confidential:}
@cindex confidentiality in PRs
@cindex PR confidentiality
@item >Confidential:
(@sc{Enumerated}) Use of this field depends on the originator's
relationship with the support organization; contractual agreements often
have provisions for preserving confidentiality. Conversely, a lack of a
contract often means that any data provided will not be considered
confidential. Submitters should be advised to contact the support
organization directly if this is an issue.
If the originator's relationship to the support organization provides
for confidentiality, then if the value of this field is @samp{yes} the
support organization treats the PR as confidential; any code samples
provided are not made publicly available (e.g., in regression test
suites). The default value is @samp{no}.
@cindex @code{Synopsis} field
@cindex @code{>Synopsis:}
@item >Synopsis:
(@sc{Text}) One-line summary of the problem. @w{@code{send-pr}} copies
this information to the @samp{Subject:} line when you submit a Problem
@cindex @code{Severity} field
@cindex @code{>Severity:}
@item >Severity:
(@sc{Enumerated}) The severity of the problem. Accepted values include:
@table @code
@cindex @emph{critical} severity problems
@item critical
The product, component or concept is completely non-operational or some
essential functionality is missing. No workaround is known.
@cindex @emph{serious} severity problems
@item serious
The product, component or concept is not working properly or significant
functionality is missing. Problems that would otherwise be considered
@samp{critical} are rated @samp{serious} when a workaround is known.
@cindex @emph{non-critical} severity problems
@item non-critical
The product, component or concept is working in general, but lacks
features, has irritating behavior, does something wrong, or doesn't
match its documentation.
@end table
The default value is @samp{serious}.
@sp 1
@cindex @code{Priority} field
@cindex @code{>Priority:}
@item >Priority:
(@sc{Enumerated}) How soon the originator requires a solution. Accepted
values include:
@table @code
@cindex @emph{high} priority problems
@item high
A solution is needed as soon as possible.
@cindex @emph{medium} priority problems
@item medium
The problem should be solved in the next release.
@cindex @emph{low} priority problems
@item low
The problem should be solved in a future release.
@end table
The default value is @samp{medium}.
@sp 1
@cindex @code{Category} field
@cindex @code{>Category:}
@item >Category:
(@sc{Text}) The name of the product, component or concept where
the problem lies. The values for this field are defined by the Support
@ifclear SENDPR
@xref{categories file,,The @code{categories} file}, for details.
@end ifclear
@cindex @code{Class} field
@cindex @code{>Class:}
@item >Class:
(@sc{Enumerated}) The class of a problem can be one of the following:
@table @code
@cindex @emph{sw-bug} class
@item sw-bug
A general product problem. (@samp{sw} stands for ``software''.)
@cindex @emph{doc-bug} class
@item doc-bug
A problem with the documentation.
@cindex @emph{change-request} class
@item change-request
A request for a change in behavior, etc.
@cindex @emph{support} class
@item support
A support problem or question.
@cindex @emph{duplicate} class
@item duplicate (@var{pr-number})
Duplicate PR. @var{pr-number} should be the number of the original PR.
@ifclear SENDPR
@cindex @emph{mistaken} class
@item mistaken
No problem, user error or misunderstanding. This value is valid only at
the Support Site.
@end ifclear
@end table
The default is @samp{sw-bug}.
@sp 1
@cindex @code{Release} field
@cindex @code{>Release:}
@item >Release:
(@sc{Text}) Release or version number of the product, component or
@cindex @code{Environment} field
@cindex @code{>Environment:}
@item >Environment:
(@sc{MultiText}) Description of the environment where the problem occured:
machine architecture, operating system, host and target types,
libraries, pathnames, etc.
@cindex @code{Description} field
@cindex @code{>Description:}
@item >Description:
(@sc{MultiText}) Precise description of the problem.
@cindex @code{How-To-Repeat} field
@cindex @code{>How-To-Repeat:}
@item >How-To-Repeat:
(@sc{MultiText}) Example code, input, or activities to reproduce the
problem. The support organization uses example code both to reproduce
the problem and to test whether the problem is fixed. Include all
preconditions, inputs, outputs, conditions after the problem, and
symptoms. Any additional important information should be included.
Include all the details that would be necessary for someone else to
recreate the problem reported, however obvious. Sometimes seemingly
arbitrary or obvious information can point the way toward a solution.
See also @ref{Helpful hints,,Helpful hints}.
@cindex @code{Fix} field
@cindex @code{>Fix:}
@item >Fix:
(@sc{MultiText}) A description of a solution to the problem, or a patch
which solves the problem. (This field is most often filled in at the
Support Site; we provide it to the submitter in case she has solved the
@end table
@sc{gnats} adds the following fields when the PR arrives at the Support
@table @code
@cindex @code{Number} field
@cindex @code{>Number:}
@item >Number:
(@sc{Enumerated}) The incremental identification number for this PR.
@ifclear SENDPR
This is included in the automated reply to the submitter (if that
feature of @sc{gnats} is activated; @pxref{Local configuration,,Changing
your local configuration}). It is also included in the copy of the PR
that is sent to the maintainer.
@end ifclear
The @samp{>Number:} field is often paired with the @samp{>Category:}
field as
@end smallexample
in subsequent email messages. This is for historical reasons, as well
as because Problem Reports are stored in subdirectories which are named
by category.
@cindex @code{State} field
@cindex @code{>State:}
@item >State:
(@sc{Enumerated}) The current state of the PR. Accepted values are:
@table @code
@item open
The PR has been filed and the responsible person notified.
@item analyzed
The responsible person has analyzed the problem.
@item feedback
The problem has been solved, and the originator has been given a patch
or other fix.
@item closed
The changes have been integrated, documented, and tested, and the
originator has confirmed that the solution works.
@item suspended
Work on the problem has been postponed.
@end table
The initial state of a PR is @samp{open}. @xref{States,,States of
Problem Reports}.
@cindex @code{Responsible} field
@cindex @code{>Responsible:}
@item >Responsible:
(@sc{Text}) The person responsible for this category.
@ifclear SENDPR
@sc{gnats} retrieves this information from the @file{categories} file
(@pxref{categories file,,The @code{categories} file}).
@end ifclear
@cindex @code{>Arrival-Date:}
@cindex @code{Arrival-Date} field
@item >Arrival-Date:
(@sc{Text}) The time that this PR was received by @sc{gnats}. The date
is provided automatically by @sc{gnats}.
@cindex @code{>Audit-Trail:}
@cindex @code{Audit-Trail} field
@item >Audit-Trail:
(@sc{MultiText}) Tracks related electronic mail as well as changes in
the @samp{>State:} and @samp{>Responsible:} fields with the sub-fields:
@table @code
@cindex @code{State-Changed-<From>-<To>:} in @code{>Audit-Trail:}
@item @w{State-Changed-<From>-<To>: @var{oldstate}>-<@var{newstate}}
The old and new @samp{>State:} field values.
@cindex @code{Responsible-Changed-<From>-<To>:} in @code{>Audit-Trail:}
@item @w{Responsible-Changed-<From>-<To>: @var{oldresp}>-<@var{newresp}}
The old and new @samp{>Responsible:} field values.
@cindex @code{State-Changed-By:} in @code{>Audit-Trail:}
@cindex @code{Responsible-Changed-By:} in @code{>Audit-Trail:}
@item State-Changed-By: @var{name}
@itemx Responsible-Changed-By: @var{name}
The name of the maintainer who effected the change.
@cindex @code{State-Changed-When:} in @code{>Audit-Trail:}
@cindex @code{Responsible-Changed-When:} in @code{>Audit-Trail:}
@item State-Changed-When: @var{timestamp}
@itemx Responsible-Changed-When: @var{timestamp}
The time the change was made.
@cindex @code{State-Changed-Why:} in @code{>Audit-Trail:}
@cindex @code{Responsible-Changed-Why:} in @code{>Audit-Trail:}
@item State-Changed-Why: @var{reason@dots{}}
@itemx Responsible-Changed-Why: @var{reason@dots{}}
The reason for the change.
@end table
@cindex subsequent mail
@cindex other mail
@cindex appending PRs
@cindex saving related mail
@cindex related mail
The @samp{>Audit-Trail:} field also contains any mail messages received
by @sc{gnats} related to this PR, in the order received.
@cindex @code{>Unformatted:}
@cindex @code{Unformatted} field
(@sc{MultiText}) Any random text found outside the fields in the
original Problem Report.
@end table
@ -1,570 +0,0 @@
@c $FreeBSD$
@c This is the usage section for send-pr. It is called as
@c chapter (Invoking send-pr) by send-pr.texi, and also as
@c section (Submitting Problem Reports) by gnats.texi (chapter/section
@c identifiers are adjusted accordingly)
@c FIXME! This still seems jumbled...
You can invoke @code{send-pr} from a shell prompt, or from within
@sc{gnu} Emacs using @w{@samp{M-x send-pr}}.
* using send-pr:: Creating new Problem Reports
* send-pr in Emacs:: Using send-pr from within Emacs
* send-pr from the shell:: Invoking send-pr from the shell
* Submitting via e-mail:: Submitting a Problem Report via direct e-mail
* Helpful hints::
@end menu
@node using send-pr
@section Creating new Problem Reports
@c FIXME - this is a long node
Invoking @code{send-pr} presents a PR @dfn{template} with a number of
fields already filled in. Complete the template as thoroughly as
possible to make a useful bug report. Submit only one bug with each PR.
@cindex template
A template consists of three sections:
@table @dfn
@item Comments
The top several lines of a blank template consist of a series of
comments that provide some basic instructions for completing the Problem
Report, as well as a list of valid entries for the @samp{>Category:}
field. These comments are all preceded by the string @samp{SEND-PR:}
and are erased automatically when the PR is submitted. The
instructional comments within @samp{<} and @samp{>} are also removed.
(Only these comments are removed; lines you provide that happen to have
those characters in them, such as examples of shell-level redirection,
are not affected.)
@item Mail Header
@code{send-pr} creates a standard mail header. @code{send-pr} completes
all fields except the @samp{Subject:} line with default values.
(@xref{Fields,,Problem Report format}.)
@item @sc{gnats} fields
These are the informational fields that @sc{gnats} uses to route your
Problem Report to the responsible party for further action. They should
be filled out as completely as possible. (@xref{Fields,,Problem Report
format}. Also see @ref{Helpful hints,,Helpful hints}.)
@end table
@ifset SENDPR
For examples of a Problem Report template and complete Problem Report,
see @ref{An Example}.
@end ifset
The default template contains your preconfigured @samp{>Submitter-Id:}.
@code{send-pr} attempts to determine values for the @samp{>Originator:}
and @samp{>Organization:} fields (@pxref{Fields,,Problem Report
format}). @code{send-pr} will set the @samp{>Originator:} field to
the value of the @code{NAME} environment variable if it has been set;
similarly, @samp{>Organization:} will be set to the value of @code{ORGANIZATION}.
@code{send-pr} also attempts to find out some information
about your system and architecture, and places this information in the
@samp{>Environment:} field if it finds any.
You may submit problem reports to different Support Sites from the
default site by specifying the alternate site when you invoke
@code{send-pr}. @xref{send-pr from the shell}.
Each @code{site} has its own list of categories for
which it accepts Problem Reports.
@c FIXME! This should go in..
@c For a list of sites to whom @code{send-pr} is configured to send
@c Problem Reports, type @w{@samp{send-pr -S}}.
@ifset SENDPR
(@xref{default site,,Setting a default @var{site}}.)
@end ifset
@code{send-pr} also provides the mail header section of the template
with default values in the @samp{To:}, @samp{From:}, and
@samp{Reply-To:} fields. The @samp{Subject:} field is empty.
The template begins with a comment section:
@cindex template comment section
@cindex comment section in the PR template
SEND-PR: -*- send-pr -*-
SEND-PR: Lines starting with `SEND-PR' will be removed
SEND-PR: automatically as well as all comments (the text
SEND-PR: below enclosed in `<' and `>').
SEND-PR: Please consult the document `Reporting Problems
SEND-PR: Using send-pr' if you are not sure how to fill out
SEND-PR: a problem report.
SEND-PR: Choose from the following categories:
@end group
@end smallexample
and also contains a list of valid @code{>Category:} values for the
Support Site to whom you are submitting this Problem Report. One (and
only one) of these values should be placed in the @code{>Category:}
@ifset SENDPR
A complete sample bug report, from template to completed PR, is shown in
@ref{An Example}. For a complete list of valid categories, type
@w{@samp{send-pr -L}} at your prompt. @xref{Valid Categories,,Valid
Categories}, for a sample list of categories, .
@end ifset
@c FIXME.. this sounds awkward
The mail header is just below the comment section. Fill out the
@samp{Subject:} field, if it is not already completed using the value of
@samp{>Synopsis:}. The other mail header fields contain default values.
@cindex mail header section
To: @var{support-site}
Subject: @emph{complete this field}
From: @var{your-login}@@@var{your-site}
Reply-To: @var{your-login}@@@var{your-site}
X-send-pr-version: send-pr @value{VERSION}
@end group
@end smallexample
where @var{support-site} is an alias on your local machine for the
Support Site you wish to submit this PR to.
The rest of the template contains @sc{gnats} fields. Each field is
either automatically completed with valid information (such as your
@samp{>Submitter-Id:}) or contains a one-line instruction specifying the
information that field requires in order to be correct. For example,
the @samp{>Confidential:} field expects a value of @samp{yes} or
@samp{no}, and the answer must fit on one line; similarly, the
@samp{>Synopsis:} field expects a short synopsis of the problem, which
must also fit on one line. Fill out the fields as completely as
possible. @xref{Helpful hints,,Helpful hints}, for suggestions as to
what kinds of information to include.
In this example, words in @emph{italics} are filled in with
pre-configured information:
@cindex @code{send-pr} fields
>Submitter-Id: @emph{your submitter-id}
>Originator: @emph{your name here}
@emph{your organization}
>Confidential:<[ yes | no ] (one line)>
>Synopsis: <synopsis of the problem (one line)>
>Severity: <[non-critical | serious | critical](one line)>
>Priority: <[ low | medium | high ] (one line)>
>Category: <name of the product (one line)>
>Class: <[sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | support]>
>Release: <release number (one line)>
<machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)>
<precise description of the problem (multiple lines)>
<code/input/activities to reproduce (multiple lines)>
<how to correct or work around the problem, if known
(multiple lines)>
@end group
@end smallexample
@cindex @code{Submitter-Id} field
@cindex @code{>Submitter-Id:}
When you finish editing the Problem Report, @code{send-pr} mails it to
the address named in the @samp{To:} field in the mail header.
@code{send-pr} checks that the complete form contains a valid
@ifset SENDPR
Your copy of @code{send-pr} should have already been customized on
installation to reflect your @samp{>Submitter-Id:}. (@xref{Installing
send-pr, , Installing @code{send-pr} on your system}.) If you don't
know your @samp{>Submitter-Id:}, you can request it using
@w{@samp{send-pr --request-id}}. If your organization is not affiliated
with the site you send Problem Reports to, a good generic
@samp{>Submitter-Id:} to use is @samp{net}. @emph{NOTE:} If you are using
send-pr to send problem reports to the FreeBSD Project, this version of
send-pr already has a customer ID in it and you do not need to request a
new one.
@end ifset
@cindex bad Problem Reports
@cindex errors
@cindex invalid Problem Reports
If your PR has an invalid value in one of the @sc{Enumerated} fields
(@pxref{Fields,,Problem Report format}), @code{send-pr} places the PR in
a temporary file named @samp{/tmp/pbad@var{nnnn}} on your machine.
@var{nnnn} is the process identification number given to your current
@code{send-pr} session. If you are running @code{send-pr} from the
shell, you are prompted as to whether or not you wish to try editing the
same Problem Report again. If you are running @code{send-pr} from
Emacs, the Problem Report is placed in the buffer
@w{@samp{*send-pr-error*}}; you can edit this file and then submit it
M-x gnats-submit-pr
@end smallexample
@cindex subsequent mail
@cindex other mail
@cindex appending PRs
@cindex saving related mail
@cindex related mail
Any further mail concerning this Problem Report should be carbon-copied
to the @sc{gnats} mailing address as well, with the category and
identification number in the @samp{Subject:} line of the message.
Subject: Re: PR @var{category}/@var{gnats-id}: @var{original message subject}
@end smallexample
Messages which arrive with @samp{Subject:} lines of this form are
automatically appended to the Problem Report in the @samp{>Audit-Trail:}
field in the order received.
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------
@node send-pr in Emacs
@section Using @code{send-pr} from within Emacs
@cindex using @code{send-pr} from within Emacs
@cindex @code{send-pr} within Emacs
@cindex invoking @code{send-pr} from Emacs
@cindex interactive interface
You can use an interactive @code{send-pr} interface from within @sc{gnu}
Emacs to fill out your Problem Report. We recommend that you
familiarize yourself with Emacs before using this feature
(@pxref{Introduction,,Introduction,emacs,GNU Emacs}).
Call @code{send-pr} with @w{@samp{M-x send-pr}}.@footnote{If typing
@w{@samp{M-x send-pr}} doesn't work, see your system administrator for
help loading @code{send-pr} into Emacs.} @code{send-pr} responds with a
Problem Report template preconfigured for the Support Site from which
you received @code{send-pr}. (If you use @code{send-pr} locally, the
default Support Site is probably your local site.)
You may also submit problem reports to different Support Sites from the
default site. To use this feature, invoke @code{send-pr} with
C-u M-x send-pr
@end smallexample
@code{send-pr} prompts you for the name of a @var{site}. @var{site} is
an alias on your local machine which points to an alternate Support
@cindex Emacs
@code{send-pr} displays the template and prompts you in the minibuffer
with the line:
>Category: other
@end smallexample
Delete the default value @samp{other} @emph{in the minibuffer} and
replace it with the keyword corresponding to your problem (the list of
valid categories is in the topmost section of the PR template). For
example, if the problem you wish to report has to do with the @sc{gnu} C
compiler, and your support organization accepts bugs submitted for this
program under the category @samp{gcc}, delete @samp{other} and then type
@w{@samp{gcc[@key{RET}]}}. @code{send-pr} replaces the line
>Category: <name of the product (one line)>
@end smallexample
in the template with
>Category: gcc
@end smallexample
and moves on to another field.
@cindex completion in Emacs
@cindex name completion in Emacs
@w{@code{send-pr}} provides name completion in the minibuffer. For
instance, you can also type @w{@samp{gc[@key{TAB}]}}, and @code{send-pr}
attempts to complete the entry for you. Typing @w{@samp{g[@key{TAB}]}}
may not have the same effect if several possible entries begin with
@samp{g}. In that case @code{send-pr} cannot complete the entry because
it cannot determine whether you mean @samp{gcc} or, for example,
@samp{gdb}, if both of those are possible categories.
@w{@code{send-pr}} continues to prompt you for a valid entry until you
enter one.
@w{@code{send-pr}} prompts you interactively to enter each field for
which there is a range of specific choices. If you attempt to enter a
value which is not in the range of acceptable entries, @code{send-pr}
responds with @w{@samp{[No match]}} and allows you to change the entry
until it contains an acceptable value. This avoids unusable information
(at least in these fields) and also avoids typographical errors which
could cause problems later.
@code{send-pr} prompts you for the following fields:
@c FIXME - should these go before the discussion on completion?
>Confidential: (@emph{default}: no)
>Severity: (@emph{default}: serious)
>Priority: (@emph{default}: medium)
>Class: (@emph{default}: sw-bug)
>Synopsis: (@emph{this value is copied to @code{Subject:}})
@end group
@end example
After you complete these fields, @w{@code{send-pr}} places the cursor in
the @samp{>Description:} field and displays the message
To send the problem report use: C-c C-c
@end smallexample
in the minibuffer. At this point, edit the file in the main buffer to
reflect your specific problem, putting relevant information in the
proper fields.
@ifset SENDPR
@xref{An Example}, for a sample Problem Report.
@end ifset
@w{@samp{send-pr}} provides a few key bindings to make moving
around in a template buffer more simple:
@table @code
@item C-c C-f
@itemx M-x change-field
Changes the field under the cursor. @code{edit-pr} prompts you for a
new value.
@item M-C-b
@itemx M-x gnats-backward-field
Moves the cursor to the beginning of the value of the current field.
@item M-C-f
@itemx M-x gnats-forward-field
Moves the cursor to the end of the value of the current field.
@item M-p
@itemx M-x gnats-previous-field
Moves the cursor back one field to the beginning of the value of the
previous field.
@item M-n
@itemx M-x gnats-next-field
Moves the cursor forward one field to the beginning of the value of the
next field.
@end table
@code{send-pr} takes over again when you type @samp{C-c C-c} to send the
message. @code{send-pr} reports any errors in a separate buffer, which
remains in existence until you send the PR properly (or, of course,
until you explicitly kill the buffer).
For detailed instructions on using Emacs, see
@ref{Introduction,,,emacs,GNU Emacs}.
@node send-pr from the shell
@section Invoking @code{send-pr} from the shell
@cindex command line options
@cindex invoking @code{send-pr} from the shell
@cindex shell invocation
@c FIXME! Add [ -S ] right after [ -L ]...
send-pr [ @var{site} ]
[ -f @var{problem-report} | --file @var{problem-report} ]
[ -t @var{mail-address} | --to @var{mail-address} ]
[ --request-id ]
[ -L | --list ] [ -P | --print ]
[ -V | --version] [ -h | --help ]
@end smallexample
@var{site} is an alias on your local machine which points to an address
used by a Support Site. If this argument is not present, the default
@var{site} is usually the site which you received @code{send-pr} from,
or your local site if you use @sc{gnats} locally.
@ifset SENDPR
(@xref{default site,,Setting a default @var{site}}.)
@end ifset
Invoking @code{send-pr} with no options calls the editor named in your
environment variable @code{EDITOR} on a default PR template. If the
environment variable @code{PR_FORM} is set, its value is used as a file
name which contains a valid template. If @code{PR_FORM} points to a
missing or unreadable file, or if the file is empty, @code{send-pr}
generates an error message and opens the editor on a default template.
@table @code
@item -f @var{problem-report}
@itemx --file @var{problem-report}
Specifies a file, @var{problem-report}, where a completed Problem Report
already exists. @code{send-pr} sends the contents of the file without
invoking an editor. If @var{problem-report} is @samp{-},
@w{@code{send-pr}} reads from standard input.
@item -t @var{mail-address}
@itemx --to @var{mail-address}
Sends the PR to @var{mail-address}. The default is preset when
@code{send-pr} is configured. @emph{This option is not recommended};
instead, use the argument @var{site} on the command line.
@item -c @var{mail-address}
@itemx --cc @var{mail-address}
Places @var{mail-address} in the @code{Cc:} header field of the message
to be sent.
@item --request-id
Sends a request for a @code{>Submitter-Id:} to the Support Site.
@cindex listing valid categories
@item -L
@itemx --list
Prints the list of valid @code{>Category:} values on standard output.
No mail is sent.
@item -s @var{severity}
@itemx --severity @var{severity}
@cindex @code{send-pr} fields
Sets the initial value of the @code{>Severity:} field to @var{severity}.
@item -S
@itemx --sites
Displays a list of valid @var{site} values on standard output. No mail
is sent.
@end ignore
@item -P
@itemx --print
Displays the PR template. If the variable @code{PR_FORM} is set in your
environment, the file it specifies is printed. If @code{PR_FORM} is not
set, @code{send-pr} prints the standard blank form. If the file
specified by @code{PR_FORM} doesn't exist, @code{send-pr} displays an
error message. No mail is sent.
@item -V
@itemx --version
Displays the @code{send-pr} version number and a usage summary. No mail
is sent.
@item -h
@itemx --help
Displays a usage summary for @code{send-pr}. No mail is sent.
@end table
@c -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Submitting via e-mail
@section Submitting a Problem Report via direct e-mail
@cindex Direct e-mail
@cindex Submitting a PR via e-mail
In addition to using @code{send-pr}, there is another way to submit a problem
report. You can simply send an e-mail message to the support site.
To do this, look at the address in the @samp{To:} field of the @code{send-pr}
template. When you send unformatted e-mail to this address, @sc{gnats}
processes the message as a new problem report, filling in as many fields from
defaults as it can:
@table @code
@item Synopsis
The @samp{>Synopsis} field is filled in by the @samp{Subject:} header.
@item Submitter ID
@sc{gnats} will try to derive the @samp{>Submitter} field from the address
in the @samp{From:} header.
@item Description
All of the text in the body of the e-mail message is put into the
@samp{>Description} field. Each line of the text is indented by one space,
indicating that it is "quoted text" from the sender.
@end table
Other fields, such as category, version, severity, etc. are set to default
values (if the @sc{gnats} administrator has set them).
@c --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@node Helpful hints
@section Helpful hints
@cindex helpful hints
@cindex Using and Porting @sc{gnu} CC
@cindex effective problem reporting
@cindex kinds of helpful information
@cindex information to submit
@cindex Report all the facts!
There is no orthodox standard for submitting effective bug reports,
though you might do well to consult the section on submitting bugs for
@sc{gnu} @code{gcc} in @ref{Bugs, , Reporting Bugs, gcc, Using and
Porting GNU CC}, by Richard Stallman. This section contains
instructions on what kinds of information to include and what kinds of
mistakes to avoid.
In general, common sense (assuming such an animal exists) dictates the
kind of information that would be most helpful in tracking down and
resolving problems in software.
@itemize @bullet
Include anything @emph{you} would want to know if you were looking at
the report from the other end. There's no need to include every minute
detail about your environment, although anything that might be different
from someone else's environment should be included (your path, for
Narratives are often useful, given a certain degree of restraint. If a
person responsible for a bug can see that A was executed, and then B and
then C, knowing that sequence of events might trigger the realization of
an intermediate step that was missing, or an extra step that might have
changed the environment enough to cause a visible problem. Again,
restraint is always in order (``I set the build running, went to get a
cup of coffee (Columbian, cream but no sugar), talked to Sheila on the
phone, and then THIS happened@dots{}'') but be sure to include anything
Richard Stallman writes, ``The fundamental principle of reporting bugs
usefully is this: @strong{report all the facts}. If you are not sure
whether to state a fact or leave it out, state it!'' This holds true
across all problem reporting systems, for computer software or social
injustice or motorcycle maintenance. It is especially important in the
software field due to the major differences seemingly insignificant
changes can make (a changed variable, a missing semicolon, etc.).
Submit only @emph{one} problem with each Problem Report. If you have
multiple problems, use multiple PRs. This aids in tracking each problem
and also in analyzing the problems associated with a given program.
It never hurts to do a little research to find out if the bug you've
found has already been reported. Most software releases contain lists
of known bugs in the Release Notes which come with the software; see
your system administrator if you don't have a copy of these.
The more closely a PR adheres to the standard format, the less
interaction is required by a database administrator to route the
information to the proper place. Keep in mind that anything that
requires human interaction also requires time that might be better spent
in actually fixing the problem. It is therefore in everyone's best
interest that the information contained in a PR be as correct as
possible (in both format and content) at the time of submission.
@end itemize
@ -1,658 +0,0 @@
@c $FreeBSD$
\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
@settitle Reporting Problems Using send-pr
@setchapternewpage odd
@include version.texi
* send-pr: (send-pr). Reporting problems--using send-pr
@end format
@end ifinfo
Copyright @copyright{} 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
results, provided the printed document carries a copying permission
notice identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph
(this paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
@end ignore
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that
the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
@end ifinfo
@title Reporting Problems
@subtitle Using @code{send-pr}, version @value{VERSION}
@subtitle October 1993
@author Jeffrey M. Osier
@author Cygnus Support
@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
Copyright @copyright{} 1993, 1994, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that
the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
@end titlepage
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------
@node Top
@top Overview
@cindex foreword to @code{send-pr}
@cindex overview to @code{send-pr}
@cindex introduction to @code{send-pr}
This manual documents @code{send-pr},
version @value{VERSION},
@end ifinfo
which uses electronic mail to submit support questions and problem
reports to a central Support Site. No body of work is perfect, and
support organizations understand this; @code{send-pr} is designed to
allow users who have problems to submit reports of these problems to
sites responsible for supporting the products in question, in a defined
form which can be read by an electronically managed database.
@cindex GNATS
@code{send-pr} is part of a suite of programs known collectively as
@sc{gnats}, the @sc{gnu} Problem Report Management System. @sc{gnats}
consists of several programs which, used in concert, formulate and
partially administer a database of @dfn{Problem Reports}, or @dfn{PRs},
at a central Support Site. A PR goes through several states in its
lifetime; @sc{gnats} tracks the PR and all information associated with it
through each state and finally acts as an archive for PRs which have
been @dfn{closed}.
Because @code{send-pr} exists as a shell (@file{/bin/sh}) script and as
an Elisp file for use with @sc{gnu} Emacs, it can be used from any
machine on your network which can run a shell script and/or Emacs.
In general, you can use any editor and mailer to submit valid Problem
Reports, as long as the format required by @sc{gnats} is preserved.
@code{send-pr} automates the process, however, and ensures that certain
fields necessary for automatic processing are present. @code{send-pr}
is strongly recommended for all initial problem-oriented correspondence
with your Support Site. The organization you submit Problem Reports to
supplies an address to which further information can be sent; the person
responsible for the category of the problem you report contacts you
* send-pr in detail:: Details about send-pr and GNATS
* Invoking send-pr:: Editing and sending PRs
* An Example:: A working example
* Installing send-pr:: Installing send-pr on your system
* Index::
@end menu
@node send-pr in detail
@chapter Details about send-pr and GNATS
@cindex details about @code{send-pr}
@cindex Problem Reports
A @dfn{Problem Report} is a message that describes a problem you are
having with a body of work. @code{send-pr} organizes this message into
a form which can be understood and automatically processed by @sc{gnats},
the @sc{gnu} Problem Report Management System. A Problem Report is
organized into @dfn{fields} which contain data describing you, your
organization, and the problem you are announcing (@pxref{Fields,,Problem
Report format}). Problem Reports go through several defined states in
their lifetimes, from @dfn{open} to @dfn{closed} (@pxref{States,,States
of Problem Reports}).
* States:: States of Problem Reports
* Fields:: Problem Report format
@end menu
@include states.texi
@include fields.texi
@node Invoking send-pr
@chapter Editing and sending PRs
@cindex editing and sending PRs
@cindex sending PRs
@cindex invoking send-pr
@cindex using send-pr
@cindex generating new PRs
@include s-usage.texi
@node An Example
@chapter An Example
@cindex an example
@cindex example PR
@cindex Cygnus Solutions
@cindex @sc{gnu} software support
Cygnus Solutions in Sunnyvale, CA, uses @sc{gnats} and @code{send-pr}
extensively for their support activities. As a support company, Cygnus
finds problem tracking to be a crucial part of everyday business.
Cygnus supports the @sc{gnu} compiling tools (including @sc{gnats} and
@code{send-pr}) over several many platforms
With each shipment of the Cygnus Solutions Developer's Kit, customers
receive the latest version of @code{send-pr}, which contains an
up-to-date listing of valid categories (values for the @code{>Category:}
field). Using these tools, Cygnus' customers can communicate their
problems to Cygnus effectively and receive automatic confirmation of
receipt as well as notification of changes in the status of their
reported problems. Much of Cygnus' support mechanism relies on
electronic mail.
As an example, let's pretend we're a customer of Cygnus Solutions, and
that we're having a problem compiling some of our software using the
@sc{gnu} C compiler, which Cygnus supports.
Assume that we're getting an error in our @code{bifrabulator} program
wherein the @samp{prestidigitation} routines don't match with the
@samp{whatsitsname}. We've made sure we're following the rules of the
program and checked the Release Notes from Cygnus and found that the bug
isn't already known. In other words, we're pretty sure we've found a
@cindex Imaginary Software, Ltd.
Our first step is to call @code{send-pr}. It really doesn't matter
whether we use @code{send-pr} from the shell or from within Emacs.
Indeed, if we use Emacs as a primary editor, calling @code{send-pr} from
the shell is likely to start @code{send-pr} in an Emacs buffer anyway.
So, since our company, @emph{Imaginary Software, Ltd.}, uses @sc{gnu}
software extensively, we're pretty familiar with Emacs, so from within
Emacs we type
M-x send-pr
@end smallexample
and we're greeted with the following screen:
@cindex default PR template
@cindex example of a default template
@cindex blank PR template
@cindex @code{bifrabulator}
SEND-PR: -*- text -*-
SEND-PR: Lines starting with `SEND-PR' will be removed
SEND-PR: automatically as well as all comments (the text
SEND-PR: below enclosed in `<' and `>').
SEND-PR: Please consult the manual if you are not sure
SEND-PR: how to fill out a problem report.
SEND-PR: Choose from the following categories:
SEND-PR: bfd binutils bison
SEND-PR: byacc clib config cvs diff
SEND-PR: doc emacs flex g++ gas
SEND-PR: gcc gdb glob gprof grep
SEND-PR: info ispell kerberos ld libg++
SEND-PR: libiberty make makeinfo mas newlib
SEND-PR: other patch rcs readline send-pr
SEND-PR: test texindex texinfo texinfo.tex
SEND-PR: bifrabulator <---@emph{note: this one is fake}
X-send-pr-version: send-pr @value{VERSION}
>Submitter-Id: imaginary
>Originator: Jeffrey Osier
Imaginary Software, Ltd.
>Confidential: <[ yes | no ] (one line)>
>Synopsis: <synopsis of the problem (one line)>
>Severity: <[ non-critical | serious | critical ] (one line)>
>Priority: <[ low | medium | high ] (one line)>
>Category: <name of the product (one line)>
>Class: <[sw-bug|doc-bug|change-request|support](oneline)>
>Release: <release number or tag (one line)>
<machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)>
System: SunOS 4.1.1 1 sun4
Architecture: sun4
<precise description of the problem (multiple lines)>
<code/input/activities to reproduce (multiple lines)>
@end iftex
-----Emacs: *send-pr* (send-pr Fill)----All------------------
@end iftex
>Category: other[]
@end smallexample
@end cartouche
We know from past experience that we need to set certain information into
each field, so we compile all the information we know about our problem.
We have some sample code which we know should work, even though it
doesn't, so we'll include that. Below is the completed PR; we send this
using @kbd{C-c C-c}. (The comments have been truncated).
@cindex completed Problem Report
@cindex example of a completed PR
SEND-PR: Lines starting with `SEND-PR' will be removed
SEND-PR: automatically as well as all comments (the text
SEND-PR: @dots{}
Subject: bifrabulator routines don't match
X-send-pr-version: send-pr @value{VERSION}
>Submitter-Id: imaginary
>Originator: Jeffrey Osier
Imaginary Software, Ltd.
>Confidential: no
>Synopsis: bifrabulator routines don't match
>Severity: serious
>Priority: medium
>Category: bifrabulator
>Class: sw-bug
>Release: progressive-930101
System: SunOS 4.1.1 1 sun4
Architecture: sun4 (SPARC)
the following code I fed into the bifrabulator came back
with a strange error. apparently, the prestidigitation
routine doesn't match with the whatsitsname in all cases.
call the bifrabulator on the following code.
@emph{code sample@dots{}}
@end iftex
-----Emacs: *send-pr* (send-pr Fill)----All------------------
@end iftex
To send the problem report use: C-c C-c
@end smallexample
@end cartouche
We type @kbd{C-c C-c}, and off it goes. Now, we depend on Cygnus
Support to figure out the answer to our problem.
Soon afterward, we get the following message from Cygnus:
From: gnats (GNATS management)
Sender: gnats-admin
Subject: Re: bifrabulator/1425: routines don't match
Thank you very much for your problem report.
It has the internal identification: g++/1425.
The individual assigned to look at your bug is: hacker
(F.B. Hacker)
Category: bifrabulator
Responsible: hacker
Synopsis: bifrabulator routines don't match
Arrival-Date: Sat Feb 30 03:12:55 1993
@end group
@end smallexample
This is our receipt that the bug has been accepted and forwarded to the
responsible party.
A while later, we get the analysis:
Subject: Re: bifrabulator/1425: routines don't match
Got your message, Jeff. It seems that the bifrabulator was
confusing the prestidigitation routines with the realitychecker
when lexically parsing the whatsitsname.
I'm working on robustisizing the bifrabulator now.
How about lunch next week?
F.B. Hacker
Cygnus Solutions, Sunnyvale, CA 408 542 9600
#include <std-disclaimer.h>
@end group
@end smallexample
About the same time, we get another message from Cygnus.
@cindex state change example
@cindex example of a state change
Subject: Re: bifrabulator/1425: doesn't match prestidig
`F.B. Hacker' changed the state to `analyzed'.
State-Changed-From-To: open-analyzed
State-Changed-By: hacker
State-Changed-When: Fri Feb 31 1993 08:59:16 1993
figured out the problem, working on a patch this afternoon
F.B. Hacker
Cygnus Solutions, Sunnyvale, CA 408 542 9600
#include <std-disclaimer.h>
@end group
@end smallexample
The bug has now been analyzed, and Cygnus is working on a solution.
Sometime later, we get more mail from F.B.:
Subject: Re: bifrabulator/1425: routines don't match
There's a patch now that you can ftp over and check out.
Hey, that joke you sent me was great! The one about the
strings walking into a bar... my boss laughed for an hour!
F.B. Hacker
Cygnus Solutions, Sunnyvale, CA 408 542 9600
#include <std-disclaimer.h>
@end group
@end smallexample
@sp 2
Subject: Re: bifrabulator/1425: doesn't match prestidig
`F.B. Hacker' changed the state to `feedback'.
State-Changed-From-To: analyzed-feedback
State-Changed-By: hacker
State-Changed-When: Fri Feb 31 1993 23:43:16 1993
got the patch finished, notified Jeff at Imaginary Software
F.B. Hacker
Cygnus Solutions, Sunnyvale, CA 408 542 9600
#include <std-disclaimer.h>
@end group
@end smallexample
The bug has gone into @dfn{feedback} status now, until we get the patch,
install it and test it. When everything tests well, we can mail F.B.
back and tell him the bug's been fixed, and he can change the state of
the PR from @dfn{feedback} to @dfn{closed}.
Following is a list of valid @samp{>Category:} entries that are
supported by Cygnus.
* Valid Categories::
@end menu
@c FIXME - is this list up to date?
@include categ.texi
@node Installing send-pr
@appendix Installing @code{send-pr} on your system
@cindex installation
If you receive @code{send-pr} as part of a larger software distribution,
it probably gets installed when the full distribution is installed. If
you are using @sc{gnats} at your site as well, you must decide where
@code{send-pr} sends Problem Reports by default; see @ref{default site,,
Setting a default @var{site}}.
* installation:: installing `send-pr' by itself
* default site:: setting a default site
@end menu
@node installation
@section Installing @code{send-pr} by itself
@cindex installation procedure
Install @code{send-pr} by following these steps (you may need
@code{root} access in order to change the @file{aliases} file and to
install @code{send-pr}):
@itemize @bullet
Unpack the distribution into a directory which we refer to as
Edit the file @file{Makefile} to reflect local conventions.
Specifically, you should edit the variable @samp{prefix} to alter the
installation location. The default is @file{/usr/local}. All files are
installed under @samp{prefix} (see below).
@item @emph{Run}
make all install [ info ] [ install-info ] [ clean ]
@end smallexample
The targets mean the following:
@table @code
@item all
Builds @code{send-pr} and @code{install-sid}
@item install
Installs the following:
@table @code
@item install-sid
@itemx send-pr
into @file{@var{prefix}/bin}
@item send-pr.1
into @file{@var{prefix}/man/man1}
@item @var{site}
the list of valid @var{categories} for the Support Site from which you
received @code{send-pr}, installed as
@item send-pr.el
into @w{@file{@var{prefix}/share/emacs/lisp}}@footnote{If your main Emacs
lisp repository is in a different directory from this, substitute that
directory for @w{@file{@var{prefix}/share/emacs/lisp}}.}
@end table
@item info (@emph{optional})
Builds @file{} from @file{send-pr.texi}@*
@c FIXME - is this still true?
(@file{} is included with this distribution)
@item install-info (@emph{optional})
Installs @file{} into @w{@file{@var{prefix}/info}}
@item clean (@emph{optional})
Removes all intermediary build files that can be rebuilt from source
@end table
install-sid @var{your-sid}
@end smallexample
where @var{your-sid} is the identification code you received with
@w{@code{send-pr}}. @code{send-pr} automatically inserts this value
into the template field @samp{>Submitter-Id:}. If you've downloaded
@code{send-pr} from the Net, use @samp{net} for this value.
Place the following line in
@w{@file{@var{prefix}/share/emacs/lisp/default.el}}, or instruct your
users to place the following line in their @file{.emacs} files:
(autoload 'send-pr "send-pr" "Submit a Problem Report." t)
@end smallexample
Create a mail alias for the Support Site from which you received
@code{send-pr}, and for every site with which you wish to use
@code{send-pr} to communicate. Each alias must have a suffix of
@samp{-gnats}. The Support Site(s) will provide the correct addresses
where these aliases should point. For instance, edit your mail aliases
file to contain something like:
# support sites; for use with send-pr
cygnus-gnats: # Cygnus Solutions
bumblebee-gnats: # Bumblebee Inc.
mycompany-gnats: (@emph{if you use @sc{gnats} locally})
@end smallexample
@code{send-pr} automatically searches for these aliases when you type
send-pr cygnus
send-pr bumblebee
send-pr @var{site}@dots{}
@end smallexample
@code{send-pr} also uses @var{site} to determine the categories of
problems accepted by the site in question by looking in
@end smallexample
@end itemize
@node default site
@section Setting a default @var{site}
@cindex default @var{site}
@cindex setting a default @var{site}
@code{send-pr} is capable of sending Problem Reports to any number of
Support Sites, using mail aliases which have @samp{-gnats} appended them.
@code{send-pr} automatically appends the suffix, so that when you type
send-pr @var{site}
@end smallexample
the Problem Report goes to the address noted in the @file{aliases} file
as @w{@samp{@var{site}-gnats}}. You can do this in the Emacs version of
@code{send-pr} by invoking the program with
C-u M-x send-pr
@end smallexample
You are prompted for @var{site}.
@var{site} is also used to error-check the @samp{>Category:} field, as a
precaution against sending mistaken information (and against sending
information to the wrong site).
You may also simply type
@end smallexample
from the shell (or @w{@samp{M-x send-pr}} in Emacs), and the Problem
Report you generate will be sent to the @var{site}, which is usually the
site from which you received your distribution of @w{@code{send-pr}}.
If you use @sc{gnats} at your own organization, the default is usually
your local address for reporting problems.
To change this, simply edit the file @file{Makefile} before installing
and change the line
GNATS_SITE = @var{site}
@end smallexample
to reflect the site where you wish to send PRs by default.
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------
@node Index
@unnumbered Index
@printindex cp
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
@c $FreeBSD$
@node States
@section States of Problem Reports
@cindex life-cycle of a Problem Report
@cindex states of Problem Reports
@cindex Problem Report states
@cindex automatic notification
Each PR goes through a defined series of states between origination and
closure. The originator of a PR receives notification automatically of
any state changes.
Unless your site has customized states (see @pxref{states
file,,,gnats}), @sc{gnats} uses these states:
@table @dfn
@cindex @emph{open} state
@cindex initial state (@dfn{open})
@cindex state---@dfn{open}
@item open
The initial state of a Problem Report. This means the PR has been filed
and the responsible person(s) notified.
@cindex @emph{analyzed} state
@cindex state---@dfn{analyzed}
@item analyzed
The responsible person has analyzed the problem. The analysis should
contain a preliminary evaluation of the problem and an estimate of the
amount of time and resources necessary to solve the problem. It should
also suggest possible workarounds.
@cindex @emph{feedback} state
@cindex state---@dfn{feedback}
@item feedback
The problem has been solved, and the originator has been given a patch
or other fix. The PR remains in this state until the originator
acknowledges that the solution works.
@cindex @emph{closed} state
@cindex state---@dfn{closed}
@cindex final state (@dfn{closed})
@item closed
A Problem Report is closed (``the bug stops here'') only when any
changes have been integrated, documented, and tested, and the submitter
has confirmed the solution.
@cindex @emph{suspended} state
@cindex state---@dfn{suspended}
@item suspended
Work on the problem has been postponed. This happens if a timely
solution is not possible or is not cost-effective at the present time.
The PR continues to exist, though a solution is not being actively
sought. If the problem cannot be solved at all, it should be closed
rather than suspended.
@end table
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
@c $FreeBSD$
@set VERSION 3.113
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
# Drop in the SUBMITTER id into a site's installed send-pr script.
# Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Contributed by Brendan Kehoe (, based on a
# version written by Heinz G. Seidl (
# This file is part of GNU GNATS.
# GNU GNATS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GNU GNATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU GNATS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
COMMAND=`echo $0 | sed -e 's,.*/,,g'`
USAGE="Usage: $COMMAND [--install-dir=prefix] [--help] [--version] submitter-id"
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$USAGE"
exit 1
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
I=`echo "$1" | sed 's/-*i[a-z\-]*=//'`
BINDIR=$I/bin ;;
--version) echo $COMMAND version $VERSION ; exit 1 ;;
-*) echo "$USAGE" ; exit 1 ;;
*) SUBMITTER=$1 ;;
path=`echo $0 | sed -e "s;${COMMAND};;"`
[ -z "$path" ] && path=.
if [ -f $BINDIR/send-pr ]; then
elif [ -f $path/send-pr ]; then
echo "$COMMAND: cannot find \`$BINDIR/send-pr' or \`$path/send-pr'" >&2
exit 1
trap 'rm -f $TEMP ; exit 0' 0
trap 'echo "$COM: Aborting ..."; rm -f $TEMP ; exit 1' 1 2 3 13 15
if grep $SUBMITTER $TEMP > /dev/null; then
cp $SPPATH $SPPATH.orig &&
rm -f $SPPATH &&
chmod a+rx $SPPATH &&
rm -f $TEMP $SPPATH.orig ||
{ echo "$COMMAND: unable to replace send-pr" >&2 ; exit 1; }
echo "$COMMAND: something went wrong when sed-ing the submitter into send-pr" >&2
exit 1
echo "$COMMAND: \`$SUBMITTER' is now the default submitter ID for send-pr"
exit 0
@ -1,813 +0,0 @@
;;;; -*-emacs-lisp-*-
;;;; EMACS interface for send-pr (by Heinz G. Seidl)
;;;; Slightly hacked by Brendan Kehoe (
;;;; This file is part of the Problem Report Management System (GNATS)
;;;; Copyright 1992, 1993, 1997 Cygnus Support
;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
;;;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
;;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
;;;; This file contains the EMACS interface to the Problem Report Management
;;;; System (GNATS):
;;;; - The `send-pr' command and the `send-pr-mode' for sending
;;;; Problem Reports (PRs).
;;;; For more information about how to send a PR see send-pr(1).
;;;; Configuration: the symbol `DEFAULT-RELEASE' can be replaced by
;;;; site/release specific strings during the configuration/installation
;;;; process.
;;;; Install this file in your EMACS library directory.
;;;; $FreeBSD$
(provide 'send-pr)
;;;; Customization: put the following forms into your default.el file
;;;; (or into your .emacs)
;(autoload 'send-pr-mode "send-pr"
; "Major mode for sending problem reports." t)
;(autoload 'send-pr "send-pr"
; "Command to create and send a problem report." t)
;;;; End of Customization Section
(autoload 'server-buffer-done "server")
(defvar server-buffer-clients nil)
(defvar mail-self-blind nil)
(defvar mail-default-reply-to nil)
(defconst send-pr::version "3.113")
(defvar gnats:root "/home/gnats"
"*The top of the tree containing the GNATS database.")
;;;; hooks
(defvar text-mode-hook nil) ; we define it here in case it's not defined
(defvar send-pr-mode-hook text-mode-hook "Called when send-pr is invoked.")
;;;; Domains and default values for (some of) the Problem Report fields;
;;;; constants and definitions.
(defconst gnats::emacs-19p
(not (or (and (boundp 'epoch::version) epoch::version)
(string-lessp emacs-version "19")))
"Is this emacs v19?")
;;; This has to be here rather than at the bottom of this file with
;;; the other utility functions because it is used by
;;; gnats::get-config, which is called when send-pr.el is being
;;; loaded (see the "defconst" below), before the whole file has been
;;; loaded.
(defun gnats::find-safe-default-directory (&optional buffer)
"If the directory referred to by `default-directory' for the current
buffer (or for optional argument BUFFER) does not exist, set it to the home
directory of the current user if that exists, or to `/'.
Returns the final value of default-directory in the buffer."
(let ((homedir (expand-file-name "~/")))
(if buffer (set-buffer buffer))
(if (not (file-exists-p default-directory))
(if (file-exists-p homedir)
(setq default-directory homedir)
(setq default-directory "/")))
;;; These may be changed during configuration/installation or by the individual
;;; user in his/her .emacs file.
(defun gnats::get-config (var)
(let ((shell-file-name "/bin/sh")
(buf (generate-new-buffer " *GNATS config*"))
(set-buffer buf)
(point-min) (point-max)
(concat ". " gnats:root "/gnats-adm/config; echo $" var ) t)
(goto-char (point-min))
; We have to use get-buffer, since shell-command-on-region will wipe
; out the buffer if there's no output from the command.
(if (or (not (get-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"))
(looking-at "^\\.:\\|/bin/sh:\\|\n"))
(setq ret nil)
(setq ret (buffer-substring (point-min) (- (point-max) 1)))))
(if (and ret (string-equal ret "")) (setq ret nil))
(kill-buffer buf)
;; const because it must match the script's value
(defconst send-pr:datadir (or (gnats::get-config "DATADIR") "@DATADIR@")
"*Where the `gnats' subdirectory containing category lists lives.")
(defvar send-pr::sites nil
"List of GNATS support sites; computed at runtime.")
(defvar send-pr:default-site
(or (gnats::get-config "GNATS_SITE") "freefall")
"Default site to send bugs to.")
(defvar send-pr:::site send-pr:default-site
"The site to which a problem report is currently being submitted, or NIL
if using the default site (buffer local).")
(defvar send-pr:::categories nil
"Buffer local list of available categories, derived at runtime from
send-pr:::site and send-pr::category-alist.")
(defvar send-pr::category-alist nil
"Alist of GNATS support sites and the categories supported at each; computed
at runtime.")
;;; Ideally we would get all the following values from a central database
;;; during runtime instead of having them here in the code.
(defconst send-pr::fields
(` (("Category" send-pr::set-categories
(, (or (gnats::get-config "DEFAULT_CATEGORY") nil)) enum)
("Class" (("sw-bug") ("doc-bug") ("change-request") ("update") ("maintainer-update"))
(, (or (gnats::get-config "DEFAULT_CLASS") 0)) enum)
("Confidential" (("yes") ("no"))
(, (or (gnats::get-config "DEFAULT_CONFIDENTIAL") 1)) enum)
("Severity" (("non-critical") ("serious") ("critical"))
(, (or (gnats::get-config "DEFAULT_SEVERITY") 1)) enum)
("Priority" (("low") ("medium") ("high"))
(, (or (gnats::get-config "DEFAULT_PRIORITY") 1)) enum)
("Release" nil
(, (or (gnats::get-config "DEFAULT_RELEASE") "@DEFAULT_RELEASE@"))
("Submitter-Id" nil
(, (or (gnats::get-config "DEFAULT_SUBMITTER") "unknown")) text)
("Synopsis" nil nil text
(lambda (a b c) (gnats::set-mail-field "Subject" c)))))
"AList, keyed on the name of the field, of:
1) The field name.
2) The list of completions. This can be a list, a function to call, or nil.
3) The default value.
4) The type of the field.
5) A sub-function to call when changed.")
(defvar gnats::fields nil)
(defmacro gnats::push (i l)
(` (setq (, l) (cons (,@ (list i l))))))
(defun send-pr::set-categories (&optional arg)
"Get the list of categories for the current site out of
send-pr::category-alist if there or from send-pr if not. With arg, force
(let ((entry (assoc send-pr:::site send-pr::category-alist)))
(or (and entry (null arg))
(let ((oldpr (getenv "GNATS_ROOT")) cats)
(send-pr::set-sites arg)
(setenv "GNATS_ROOT" gnats:root)
(setq cats (gnats::get-value-from-shell
"send-pr" "-CL" send-pr:::site))
(setenv "GNATS_ROOT" oldpr)
(if entry (setcdr entry cats)
(setq entry (cons send-pr:::site cats))
(gnats::push entry send-pr::category-alist))))
(setq send-pr:::categories (cdr entry))))
(defun send-pr::set-sites (&optional arg)
"Get the list of sites (by listing the contents of DATADIR/gnats) and assign
it to send-pr::sites. With arg, force update."
(or (and (null arg) send-pr::sites)
(setq send-pr::sites nil)
(lambda (file)
(or (memq t (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (string= x file)))
'("." ".." "pr-edit" "pr-addr")))
(not (file-readable-p file))
(gnats::push (list (file-name-nondirectory file))
(directory-files (format "%s/gnats" send-pr:datadir) t))
(setq send-pr::sites (reverse send-pr::sites)))))
(defconst send-pr::pr-buffer-name "*send-pr*"
"Name of the temporary buffer, where the problem report gets composed.")
(defconst send-pr::err-buffer-name "*send-pr-error*"
"Name of the temporary buffer, where send-pr error messages appear.")
(defvar send-pr:::err-buffer nil
"The error buffer used by the current PR buffer.")
(defvar send-pr:::spawn-to-send nil
"Whether or not send-pr-mode should spawn a send-pr process to send the PR.")
(defconst gnats::indent 17 "Indent for formatting the value.")
;;;; `send-pr' - command for creating and sending of problem reports
(fset 'send-pr 'send-pr:send-pr)
(defun send-pr:send-pr (&optional site)
"Create a buffer and read in the result of `send-pr -P'.
When finished with editing the problem report use \\[send-pr:submit-pr]
to send the PR with `send-pr -b -f -'."
(if current-prefix-arg
(list (completing-read "Site: " (send-pr::set-sites 'recheck) nil t
(or site (setq site send-pr:default-site))
(let ((buf (get-buffer send-pr::pr-buffer-name)))
(if (or (not buf)
(progn (switch-to-buffer buf)
(cond ((or (not (buffer-modified-p buf))
(y-or-n-p "Erase previous problem report? "))
(erase-buffer) t)
(t nil))))
(send-pr::start-up site))))
(defun send-pr::start-up (site)
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create send-pr::pr-buffer-name))
(setq default-directory (expand-file-name "~/"))
(auto-save-mode auto-save-default)
(let ((oldpr (getenv "GNATS_ROOT"))
(case-fold-search nil))
(setenv "GNATS_ROOT" gnats:root)
(send-pr::insert-template site)
(setenv "GNATS_ROOT" oldpr)
(goto-char (point-min))
(if (looking-at "send-pr:")
(cond ((looking-at "send-pr: .* does not have a categories list")
(setq send-pr::sites nil)
(error "send-pr: the GNATS site %s does not have a categories list" site))
(t (error (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))))
;; Clear cruft inserted by bdamaged .cshrcs
(goto-char 1)
(re-search-forward "^SEND-PR:")
(delete-region 1 (match-beginning 0)))))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(setq send-pr:::site site)
(setq send-pr:::spawn-to-send t)
(if (null send-pr:::categories)
(and send-pr:::err-buffer (kill-buffer send-pr:::err-buffer))
(kill-buffer nil)
(message "send-pr: no categories found"))
(or (stringp mail-default-reply-to)
(setq mail-default-reply-to (getenv "REPLYTO")))
(and mail-default-reply-to
(gnats::set-mail-field "Reply-To" mail-default-reply-to))
(and mail-self-blind
(gnats::set-mail-field "BCC" (user-login-name)))
(mapcar 'send-pr::maybe-change-field send-pr::fields)
(gnats::position-on-field "Description")
(message (substitute-command-keys
"To send the problem report use: \\[send-pr:submit-pr]"))))
(defvar send-pr::template-alist nil
"An alist containing the output of send-pr -P <sitename> for various sites.")
(defun send-pr::insert-template (site)
(let ((elt (assoc site send-pr::template-alist)))
(if elt
(save-excursion (insert (cdr elt)))
(call-process "send-pr" nil t nil "-P" site)
(setq send-pr::template-alist
(cons (cons site (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
(fset 'do-send-pr 'send-pr:submit-pr) ;backward compat
(defun send-pr:submit-pr ()
"Pipe the contents of the buffer *send-pr* to `send-pr -f -.' unless this
buffer was loaded with emacsclient, in which case save the buffer and exit."
((and (boundp 'server-buffer-clients)
(let ((buffer (current-buffer))
(version-control nil) (buffer-backed-up nil))
(save-buffer buffer)
(kill-buffer buffer)
(server-buffer-done buffer)))
(if (or (buffer-modified-p)
(not send-pr:::sent)
(y-or-n-p "PR already sent; resend? "))
(or (and send-pr:::err-buffer
(buffer-name send-pr:::err-buffer))
(setq send-pr:::err-buffer
(get-buffer-create send-pr::err-buffer-name)))
(let ((err-buffer send-pr:::err-buffer) mesg ok)
(save-excursion (set-buffer err-buffer) (erase-buffer))
(message "running send-pr...")
(let ((oldpr (getenv "GNATS_ROOT")))
(setenv "GNATS_ROOT" gnats:root)
;; ensure that a final newline is present:
(if (not (equal (char-after (1- (point-max))) ?\n))
(save-excursion (goto-char (point-max))
(insert ?\n)))
(call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) "send-pr"
nil err-buffer nil send-pr:::site
"-b" "-f" "-")
(setenv "GNATS_ROOT" oldpr))
(message "running send-pr...done")
;; stupidly we cannot check the return value in EMACS 18.57,
;; thus we need this kluge to find out whether send-pr succeeded.
(if (save-excursion
(set-buffer err-buffer)
(goto-char (point-min))
(setq mesg (buffer-substring (point-min) (- (point-max) 1)))
(search-forward "problem report sent" nil t))
(progn (message mesg)
(kill-buffer err-buffer)
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(setq send-pr:::sent t)
(pop-to-buffer err-buffer))
(message "Exit emacs to send the PR."))))
;;;; send-pr:send-pr-mode mode
(defvar send-pr-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'send-pr:submit-pr)
(define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'gnats:change-field)
(define-key map "\M-n" 'gnats:next-field)
(define-key map "\M-p" 'gnats:previous-field)
(define-key map "\C-\M-f" 'gnats:forward-field)
(define-key map "\C-\M-b" 'gnats:backward-field)
"Keymap for send-pr mode.")
(defconst gnats::keyword "^>\\([-a-zA-Z]+\\):")
(defconst gnats::before-keyword "[ \t\n\f]*[\n\f]+>\\([-a-zA-Z]+\\):")
(defconst gnats::after-keyword "^>\\([-a-zA-Z]+\\):[ \t\n\f]+")
(fset 'send-pr-mode 'send-pr:send-pr-mode)
(defun send-pr:send-pr-mode ()
"Major mode for submitting problem reports.
For information about the form see gnats(1) and send-pr(1).
Special commands: \\{send-pr-mode-map}
Turning on send-pr-mode calls the value of the variable send-pr-mode-hook,
if it is not nil."
(put 'send-pr:send-pr-mode 'mode-class 'special)
(setq major-mode 'send-pr:send-pr-mode)
(setq mode-name "send-pr")
(use-local-map send-pr-mode-map)
(set-syntax-table text-mode-syntax-table)
(setq local-abbrev-table text-mode-abbrev-table)
(setq buffer-offer-save t)
(make-local-variable 'send-pr:::site)
(make-local-variable 'send-pr:::categories)
(make-local-variable 'send-pr:::err-buffer)
(make-local-variable 'send-pr:::spawn-to-send)
(make-local-variable 'send-pr:::sent)
(setq send-pr:::sent nil)
(make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
(setq paragraph-separate (concat (default-value 'paragraph-separate)
"\\|" gnats::keyword "[ \t\n\f]*$"))
(make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
(setq paragraph-start (concat (default-value 'paragraph-start)
"\\|" gnats::keyword))
(run-hooks 'send-pr-mode-hook)
;;;; Functions to read and replace field values.
(defun gnats::position-on-field (field &optional quiet)
(goto-char (point-min))
(if (not (re-search-forward (concat "^>" field ":") nil t))
(if quiet
(error "Field `>%s:' not found." field))
(re-search-forward "[ \t\n\f]*")
(if (looking-at gnats::keyword)
(backward-char 1))
(defun gnats::mail-position-on-field (field)
(let (end
(case-fold-search t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward "^$")
(setq end (match-beginning 0))
(goto-char (point-min))
(if (not (re-search-forward (concat "^" field ":") end 'go-to-end))
(insert field ": \n")
(re-search-forward "[ \t\n\f]*"))
(skip-chars-backward "\n")
(defun gnats::field-contents (field &optional elem move)
(let (pos)
(if (not (gnats::position-on-field field t))
(setq pos (point-marker))
(if (or (looking-at "<.*>$") (eolp))
(looking-at ".*$") ; to set match-{beginning,end}
(buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
(and move pos (goto-char pos)))))
(defun gnats::functionp (thing)
(or (and (symbolp thing) (fboundp thing))
(and (listp thing) (eq (car thing) 'lambda))))
(defun gnats::field-values (field)
"Return the possible (known) values for field FIELD."
(let* ((fields (if (eq major-mode 'gnats:gnats-mode) gnats::fields
(thing (elt (assoc field fields) 1)))
(cond ((gnats::functionp thing) (funcall thing))
((listp thing) thing)
(t (error "ACK")))))
(defun gnats::field-default (field)
"Return the default value for field FIELD."
(let* ((fields (if (eq major-mode 'gnats:gnats-mode) gnats::fields
(thing (elt (assoc field fields) 2)))
(cond ((stringp thing) thing)
((null thing) "")
((numberp thing) (car (elt (gnats::field-values field) thing)))
((gnats::functionp thing)
(funcall thing (gnats::field-contents field)))
((eq thing t) (gnats::field-contents field))
(t (error "ACK")))))
(defun gnats::field-type (field)
"Return the type of field FIELD."
(let* ((fields (if (eq major-mode 'gnats:gnats-mode) gnats::fields
(thing (elt (assoc field fields) 3)))
(defun gnats::field-action (field)
"Return the extra handling function for field FIELD."
(let* ((fields (if (eq major-mode 'gnats:gnats-mode) gnats::fields
(thing (elt (assoc field fields) 4)))
(cond ((null thing) 'ignore)
((gnats::functionp thing) thing)
(t (error "ACK")))))
;;;; Point movement functions
(or (fboundp 'defsubst) (fset 'defsubst 'defun))
(defun send-pr::maybe-change-field (field)
(setq field (car field))
(let ((thing (gnats::field-contents field)))
(and thing (eq t thing)
(not (eq 'multi-text (gnats::field-type field)))
(gnats:change-field field))))
(defun gnats:change-field (&optional field default)
"Change the value of the field containing the cursor. With arg, ask the
user for the field to change. From a program, the function takes optional
arguments of the field to change and the default value to use."
(or field current-prefix-arg (setq field (gnats::current-field)))
(or field
(setq field
(completing-read "Field: "
(if (eq major-mode 'gnats:gnats-mode)
nil t)))
(gnats::position-on-field field)
(sit-for 0)
(let* ((old (gnats::field-contents field))
(if (null old)
(error "ACK")
(if (or (interactive-p) t)
(let ((prompt (concat ">" field ": "))
(domain (gnats::field-values field))
(type (gnats::field-type field)))
(or default (setq default (gnats::field-default field)))
(setq new
(if (eq type 'enum)
(completing-read prompt domain nil t
(if gnats::emacs-19p (cons default 0)
(read-string prompt (if gnats::emacs-19p (cons default 1)
(setq new default))
(gnats::set-field field new)
(funcall (gnats::field-action field) field old new)
(defun gnats::set-field (field value)
(gnats::position-on-field field)
(looking-at ".*$")
(concat (make-string (- gnats::indent (length field) 2) ?\40 ) value) t)))
(defun gnats::set-mail-field (field value)
(gnats::mail-position-on-field field)
(looking-at ".*$")
(replace-match (concat " " value) t)))
(defun gnats::before-keyword (&optional where)
"Returns t if point is in some white space before a keyword.
If where is nil, then point is not changed; if where is t then point is moved
to the beginning of the keyword, otherwise it is moved to the beginning
of the white space it was in."
(if (looking-at gnats::before-keyword)
(prog1 t
(cond ((eq where t)
(re-search-forward "^>") (backward-char))
((not (eq where nil))
(re-search-backward "[^ \t\n\f]") (forward-char))))
(defun gnats::after-keyword (&optional where)
"Returns t if point is in some white space after a keyword.
If where is nil, then point is not changed; if where is t then point is moved
to the beginning of the keyword, otherwise it is moved to the end of the white
space it was in."
(if (gnats::looking-after gnats::after-keyword)
(prog1 t
(cond ((eq where t)
(re-search-backward "^>"))
((not (eq where nil))
(re-search-forward "[^ \t\n\f]") (backward-char))))
(defun gnats::in-keyword (&optional where)
"Returns t if point is within a keyword.
If where is nil, then point is not changed; if where is t then point is moved
to the beginning of the keyword."
(let ((old-point (point-marker)))
(cond ((and (looking-at gnats::keyword)
(< old-point (match-end 0)))
(prog1 t
(if (eq where t)
(goto-char old-point))))
(t (goto-char old-point)
(defun gnats::forward-bofield ()
"Moves point to the beginning of a field. Assumes that point is in the
(if (re-search-forward "[ \t\n\f]+[^ \t\n\f]" (point-max) '-)
(defun gnats::backward-eofield ()
"Moves point to the end of a field. Assumes point is in the keyword."
(if (re-search-backward "[^ \t\n\f][ \t\n\f]+" (point-min) '-)
(defun gnats::forward-eofield ()
"Moves point to the end of a field. Assumes that point is in the field."
;; look for the next field
(if (re-search-forward gnats::keyword (point-max) '-)
(progn (beginning-of-line) (gnats::backward-eofield))
(re-search-backward "[^ \t\n\f][ \t\n\f]*" (point-min) '-)
(defun gnats::backward-bofield ()
"Moves point to the beginning of a field. Assumes that point is in the
;;look for previous field
(if (re-search-backward gnats::keyword (point-min) '-)
(defun gnats:forward-field ()
"Move point forward to the end of the field or to the beginning of the next
(if (or (gnats::before-keyword t) (gnats::in-keyword t)
(gnats::after-keyword t))
(defun gnats:backward-field ()
"Move point backward to the beginning/end of a field."
(if (or (gnats::before-keyword t) (gnats::in-keyword t)
(gnats::after-keyword t))
(defun gnats:next-field ()
"Move point to the beginning of the next field."
(if (or (gnats::before-keyword t) (gnats::in-keyword t)
(gnats::after-keyword t))
(if (re-search-forward gnats::keyword (point-max) '-)
(defun gnats:previous-field ()
"Move point to the beginning of the previous field."
(if (or (gnats::after-keyword t) (gnats::in-keyword t)
(gnats::before-keyword t))
(progn (re-search-backward gnats::keyword (point-min) '-)
(defun gnats:beginning-of-field ()
"Move point to the beginning of the current field."
(cond ((gnats::in-keyword t)
((gnats::after-keyword 0))
(defun gnats::current-field ()
(if (cond ((or (gnats::in-keyword t) (gnats::after-keyword t))
(looking-at gnats::keyword))
((re-search-backward gnats::keyword nil t)))
(buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))
;;;; Support functions
(defun gnats::looking-after (regex)
"Returns t if point is after regex."
(let* ((old-point (point))
(start (if (eobp)
(forward-char) (point))))
(cond ((re-search-backward regex (point-min) t)
(goto-char old-point)
(cond ((eq (match-end 0) start)
(defun gnats::nth-word (string &optional elem)
"Returns the elem-th word of the string.
If elem is nil, then the first wort is returned, if elem is 0 then
the whole string is returned."
(if (integerp elem)
(cond ((eq elem 0) string)
((eq elem 1) (gnats::first-word string))
((equal string "") "")
((>= elem 2)
(let ((i 0) (value ""))
(setq string ; strip leading blanks
(substring string (or (string-match "[^ \t]" string) 0)))
(while (< i elem)
(setq value
(substring string 0
(string-match "[ \t]*$\\|[ \t]+" string)))
(setq string
(substring string (match-end 0)))
(setq i (+ i 1)))
(gnats::first-word string)))
(defun gnats::first-word (string)
(setq string
(substring string (or (string-match "[^ \t]" string) 0)))
(substring string 0 (string-match "[ \t]*$\\|[ \t]+" string)))
(defun gnats::patch-exec-path ()
"Replaces `//' by `/' in `exec-path'."
;(make-local-variable 'exec-path)
(let ((err-buffer (get-buffer-create " *gnats::patch-exec-path*"))
(setq exec-path (save-excursion (set-buffer err-buffer)
(prin1 exec-path err-buffer)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward "//" nil t)
(replace-match "/" nil t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(setq ret (read err-buffer))
(kill-buffer err-buffer)
(defun gnats::get-value-from-shell (&rest command)
"Execute shell command to get a list of valid values for `variable'."
(let ((err-buffer (get-buffer-create " *gnats::get-value-from-shell*")))
(set-buffer err-buffer)
(condition-case var
(apply 'call-process
(car command) nil err-buffer nil (cdr command))
(goto-char (point-min))
(if (looking-at "[-a-z]+: ")
(error (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
(read err-buffer))
(error nil))
(kill-buffer err-buffer)))))
(or (fboundp 'setenv)
(defun setenv (variable &optional value)
"Set the value of the environment variable named VARIABLE to VALUE.
VARIABLE should be a string. VALUE is optional; if not provided or is
`nil', the environment variable VARIABLE will be removed.
This function works by modifying `process-environment'."
(interactive "sSet environment variable: \nsSet %s to value: ")
(if (string-match "=" variable)
(error "Environment variable name `%s' contains `='" variable)
(let ((pattern (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote (concat variable "="))))
(case-fold-search nil)
(scan process-environment))
(while scan
((string-match pattern (car scan))
(if (eq nil value)
(setq process-environment (delq (car scan)
(setcar scan (concat variable "=" value)))
(setq scan nil))
((null (setq scan (cdr scan)))
(setq process-environment
(cons (concat variable "=" value)
;;;; end of send-pr.el
@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
.\" -*- nroff -*-
.\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" man page for send-pr (by Heinz G. Seidl,
.\" updated Feb 1993 for GNATS 3.00 by Jeffrey Osier,
.\" This file is part of the Problem Report Management System (GNATS)
.\" Copyright 1992 Cygnus Support
.\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
.\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
.\" License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
.\" version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
.\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
.\" General Public License for more details.
.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
.\" License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
.\" Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
.\" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.\" $FreeBSD$
.TH SEND-PR 1 3.113 "October 2006"
send-pr \- send problem report (PR) to a central support site
.B send-pr
.I site
.B \-f
.I problem-report
.B \-t
.I mail-address
.in +0.8i
.B \-P
.B \-L
.B \-s
.I severity
.B \-V
.B \-\-version
.B \-c
.I address
.B \-a
.I file
.B send-pr
is a tool used to submit
.I problem reports
.\" SITE ADMINISTRATORS - change this if you use a local default
(PRs) to a central support site. In most cases the correct
.I site
will be the default. This argument indicates the support site which
is responsible for the category of problem involved. Some sites may
use a local address as a default.
.I site
values are defined by using the
.BR aliases (5).
.B send-pr
invokes an editor on a problem report template (after trying to fill
in some fields with reasonable default values). When you exit the
.B send-pr
sends the completed form to the
.I Problem Report Management System
(\fBGNATS\fR) at a central support site. At the support site, the PR
is assigned a unique number and is stored in the \fBGNATS\fR database
according to its category and submitter-id. \fBGNATS\fR automatically
replies with an acknowledgement, citing the category and the PR
To ensure that a PR is handled promptly, it should contain
one of the available \fIcategories\fR to identify the
problem area. (Use
.B `send-pr -L'
to see a list of categories.)
The more precise your problem description and the more complete your
information, the faster your support team can solve your problems.
.B send-pr
depends on a correctly configured mail submission system to work correctly.
If, for any reason, sending mail is not working, problem reports can be
submitted over the web, through:
.BI \-f " problem-report"
specify a file (\fIproblem-report\fR) which already contains a
complete problem report.
.B send-pr
sends the contents of the file without invoking the editor. If
the value for
.I problem-report
.BR `\|\-\|' ,
.B send-pr
reads from standard input.
.BI \-s " severity"
Give the problem report the severity
.IR severity .
.BI \-t " mail-address"
Change mail address at the support site for problem reports. The
.I mail-address
is the address used for the default
.IR site .
Use the
.I site
argument rather than this option in nearly all cases.
.BI \-c " address"
.I address
in the
.B Cc:
header of the message.
.BI \-a " file"
Copy the specified
.I file
into the
.B Fix:
Binary files are uuencoded.
.B \-P
print the form specified by the environment variable
on standard output. If
is not set, print the standard blank PR template. No mail is sent.
.B \-L
print the list of available categories. No mail is sent.
.B \-V
Display the
.B send-pr
version number.
This may also be specified as
.B \-\-version.
Note: use
.B send-pr
to submit problem reports rather than mailing them directly. Using
both the template and
.B send-pr
itself will help ensure all necessary information will reach the
support site.
.B advocacy
This used to be for the advocacy WWW pages.
Now deprecated in favour of the
.B www
category, relevant alternative use of this category is encouraged.
.B alpha
Alpha processor specific problems.
.B amd64
AMD64 processor specific problems.
.B arm
ARM processor specific problems.
.B bin
Corrections or enhancements to system executables.
.B conf
Corrections or enhancements to the system configuration files.
.B docs
Corrections or enhancements to the manpages or other documentation.
.B gnu
Corrections or enhancements to the GNU contributed software.
.B i386
Intel x86 processor specific problems.
.B ia64
Intel ia64 processor specific problems.
.B java
Problems related to Java.
.B kern
Changes or enhancements to the architecture independent kernel sources.
.B misc
Problems that do not fit into any of the other categories.
.B ports
Corrections or enhancements (including new ports) to the ports collection.
.B powerpc
PowerPC processor specific problems.
.B sparc64
SPARC processor specific problems.
.B standards
Standards conformance issues.
.B threads
Problems related to threading on FreeBSD.
.B usb
Problems related to the USB subsystem.
.B www
Changes or enhancements to the FreeBSD website.
The environment variable
specifies the editor to invoke on the template.
.B vi
If the environment variable
is set, its value is used as the path + command line arguments of the
executable to be invoked for sending the problem report (which will be
provided via standard input).
This can be useful if you either use a MTA other than sendmail or need
to provide additional parameters, such as the envelope sender on
machines without a valid FQDN.
Default value:
.B /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t
If the environment variable
is set, then its value is used as the file name of the template for
your problem-report editing session. You can use this to start with a
partially completed form (for example, a form with the identification
fields already completed).
Problem reports have to be in a particular form so that a program can
easily manage them. Please remember the following guidelines:
.IP \(bu 3m
describe only
.B one problem
with each problem report.
.IP \(bu 3m
For follow-up mail, use the same subject line as the one in the automatic
acknowledgement. It consists of category, PR number and the original synopsis
line. This allows the support site to relate several mail messages to a
particular PR and to record them automatically.
.IP \(bu 3m
Please try to be as accurate as possible in the subject and/or synopsis line.
.IP \(bu 3m
The subject and the synopsis line are not confidential. This is
because open-bugs lists are compiled from them. Avoid confidential
information there.
See the GNU
.B Info
or the document \fIReporting Problems With send-pr\fR\ for detailed
information on reporting problems
Submit small code samples with the PR. Contact the support site for
instructions on submitting larger test cases and problematic source
.ta \w'/tmp/pbad.XXXXXXXX 'u
/tmp/pf.XXXXXXXX copy of PR used in editing session
/tmp/pf.XXXXXXXX copy of empty PR form, for testing purposes
/tmp/pr.XXXXXXXX copy of filled PR form, created on interrupt
/tmp/pbad.XXXXXXXX file for rejected PRs
An Emacs user interface for
.B send-pr
with completion of field values is part of the
.B send-pr
distribution (invoked with
.BR "M-x send-pr" ).
See the file
or the ASCII file
in the top level directory of the distribution for configuration and
installation information. The Emacs LISP template file is
and is installed as
.BR send-pr.el .
for installation instructions.
.I Reporting Problems Using send-pr
(also installed as the GNU Info file
.BR ).
Jeffrey Osier, Brendan Kehoe, Jason Merrill, Heinz G. Seidl (Cygnus
Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be included in
translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in
the original English.
@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
# Submit a problem report to a GNATS site.
# Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Contributed by Brendan Kehoe (, based on a
# version written by Heinz G. Seidl (
# This file is part of GNU GNATS.
# GNU GNATS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GNU GNATS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU GNATS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# $FreeBSD$
# The version of this send-pr.
# The submitter-id for your site.
# "current-users" is the only allowable value for FreeBSD.
# Where the GNATS directory lives, if at all.
[ -z "$GNATS_ROOT" ] &&
# The default mail address for PR submissions.
# Where the gnats category tree lives.
# If we've been moved around, try using GCC_EXEC_PREFIX.
# The default release for this host.
# The default organization.
# The default site to look for.
# Newer config information?
[ -f ${GNATS_ROOT}/gnats-adm/config ] && . ${GNATS_ROOT}/gnats-adm/config
# What mailer to use. This must come after the config file, since it is
# host-dependent.
MAIL_AGENT="${MAIL_AGENT:-/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t}"
# Path to pw(8)
if [ $ECHON = bsd ] ; then
ECHON1="echo -n"
elif [ $ECHON = sysv ] ; then
# find a user name
if [ "$LOGNAME" = "" ]; then
if [ "$USER" != "" ]; then
# Find out the name of the originator of this PR.
if [ -n "$NAME" ]; then
elif [ -f $HOME/.fullname ]; then
ORIGINATOR="`sed -e '1q' $HOME/.fullname`"
PTEMP=`mktemp -t p` || exit 1
PTEMP2=`mktemp -t p` || exit 1
# Must use temp file due to incompatibilities in quoting behavior
# and to protect shell metacharacters in the expansion of $LOGNAME
$ECHON1 $LOGNAME | awk '{print toupper(substr($1,1,1))substr($1,2)}' > $PTEMP2
$PW usershow $LOGNAME | awk -F: '{ print $8 }' \
| sed -e "s/\&/$ICLOGNAME/" \
| sed -e 's/,.*//' > $PTEMP
rm -f "$PTEMP" "$PTEMP2"
if [ -n "$ORGANIZATION" ]; then
if [ -f "$ORGANIZATION" ]; then
if [ -n "$DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION" ]; then
elif [ -f $HOME/.organization ]; then
ORGANIZATION="`cat $HOME/.organization`"
# If they don't have a preferred editor set, then use
if [ -z "$VISUAL" ]; then
if [ -z "$EDITOR" ]; then
# Find out some information.
SYSTEM=`( [ -f /bin/uname ] && /bin/uname -a ) || \
( [ -f /usr/bin/uname ] && /usr/bin/uname -a ) || echo ""`
ARCH=`[ -f /bin/arch ] && /bin/arch`
MACHINE=`[ -f /bin/machine ] && /bin/machine`
COMMAND=`echo $0 | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
USAGE="Usage: $COMMAND [-PVL] [-t address] [-f filename] [-s severity]
[-c address] [-a file] [--version]"
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
-r) ;; # Ignore for backward compat.
-t | --to) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then echo "$USAGE"; exit 1; fi
shift ; GNATS_ADDR="$1"
-f | --file) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then echo "$USAGE"; exit 1; fi
shift ; IN_FILE="$1"
if [ "$IN_FILE" != "-" -a ! -r "$IN_FILE" ]; then
echo "$COMMAND: cannot read $IN_FILE"
exit 1
-b | --batch) BATCH=true ;;
-c | --cc) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then echo "$USAGE"; exit 1; fi
shift ; CC="$1"
-s | --severity) if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then echo "$USAGE"; exit 1; fi
shift ; SEVERITY_C="$1"
-p | -P | --print) PRINT=true ;;
-L | --list) FORMAT=norm ;;
-l | -CL | --lisp) FORMAT=lisp ;;
-h | --help) echo "$USAGE"; exit 0 ;;
-V | --version) echo "$VERSION"; exit 0 ;;
-a | --attach) if [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo "$USAGE" ; exit 1;
if [ -e "$2" -a ! -d "$2" ]; then
PRETTY_NAME=`basename $2`
if file $2 | grep "text" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then
--- $PRETTY_NAME begins here ---
`cat \"$2\"`
--- $PRETTY_NAME ends here ---
`uuencode \"$PRETTY_NAME\" < \"$2\"`
-*) echo "$USAGE" ; exit 1 ;;
*) if [ -z "$USER_GNATS_SITE" ]; then
if [ ! -r "$DATADIR/gnats/$1" ]; then
echo "$COMMAND: the GNATS site $1 does not have a categories list."
exit 1
# The site name is the alias they'll have to have created.
echo "$USAGE" ; exit 1
if [ -n "$USER_GNATS_SITE" ] && [ "$USER_GNATS_SITE" != "$GNATS_SITE" ]; then
if [ "$SUBMITTER" = "unknown" -a -z "$IN_FILE" ]; then
if [ -r "$DATADIR/gnats/$GNATS_SITE" ]; then
CATEGORIES=`grep -v '^#' $DATADIR/gnats/$GNATS_SITE | sort`
echo "$COMMAND: could not read $DATADIR/gnats/$GNATS_SITE for categories list."
exit 1
if [ -z "$CATEGORIES" ]; then
echo "$COMMAND: the categories list for $GNATS_SITE was empty!"
exit 1
case "$FORMAT" in
lisp) echo "$CATEGORIES" | \
awk 'BEGIN {printf "( "} {printf "(\"%s\") ",$0} END {printf ")\n"}'
exit 0
norm) l=`echo "$CATEGORIES" | \
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0; } { if (length($0) > max) { max = length($0); } }
END {print max + 1;}'`
c=`expr 70 / $l`
if [ $c -eq 0 ]; then c=1; fi
echo "$CATEGORIES" | \
awk 'BEGIN {print "Known categories:"; i = 0 }
{ printf ("%-'$l'.'$l's", $0); if ((++i % '$c') == 0) { print "" } }
END { print ""; }'
exit 0
ORIGINATOR_C='<name of the PR author (one line)>'
ORGANIZATION_C='<organization of PR author (multiple lines)>'
CONFIDENTIAL_C='no <FreeBSD PRs are public data>'
SYNOPSIS_C='<synopsis of the problem (one line)>'
if [ -z "$SEVERITY_C" ]; then
SEVERITY_C='<[ non-critical | serious | critical ] (one line)>'
PRIORITY_C='<[ low | medium | high ] (one line)>'
CATEGORY_C='<choose from the list of categories above (one line)>'
CLASS_C='<[ sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | update | maintainer-update ] (one line)>'
RELEASE_C='<release number or tag (one line)>'
ENVIRONMENT_C='<machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)>'
DESCRIPTION_C='<precise description of the problem (multiple lines)>'
HOW_TO_REPEAT_C='<code/input/activities to reproduce the problem (multiple lines)>'
FIX_C='<how to correct or work around the problem, if known (multiple lines)>'
# Create temporary files, safely
REF=`mktemp -t pf` || exit 1
TEMP=`mktemp -t pf` || exit 1
# Catch some signals. ($xs kludge needed by Sun /bin/sh)
trap 'rm -f $REF $TEMP; exit $xs' 0
trap 'SAV=`mktemp -t pr`;echo "$COMMAND: Aborting ... saving unfinished PR into $SAV"; rm -f $REF ; mv $TEMP $SAV; xs=1; exit' 1 2 3 13 15
# If they told us to use a specific file, then do so.
if [ -n "$IN_FILE" ]; then
if [ "$IN_FILE" = "-" ]; then
# The PR is coming from the standard input.
if [ -n "$EXPLICIT_GNATS_ADDR" ]; then
sed -e "s;^[Tt][Oo]:.*;To: $GNATS_ADDR;" > $TEMP
cat > $TEMP
# Use the file they named.
if [ -n "$EXPLICIT_GNATS_ADDR" ]; then
sed -e "s;^[Tt][Oo]:.*;To: $GNATS_ADDR;" $IN_FILE > $TEMP
cat $IN_FILE > $TEMP
if [ -n "$PR_FORM" -a -z "$PRINT_INTERN" ]; then
# If their PR_FORM points to a bogus entry, then bail.
if [ ! -f "$PR_FORM" -o ! -r "$PR_FORM" -o ! -s "$PR_FORM" ]; then
echo "$COMMAND: can't seem to read your template file (\`$PR_FORM'), ignoring PR_FORM"
sleep 1
if [ -n "$PR_FORM" -a -z "$PRINT_INTERN" ]; then
cp $PR_FORM $TEMP ||
( echo "$COMMAND: could not copy $PR_FORM" ; xs=1; exit )
for file in $TEMP $REF ; do
cat > $file << '__EOF__'
SEND-PR: -*- send-pr -*-
SEND-PR: vim: syntax=sendpr
SEND-PR: Lines starting with `SEND-PR' will be removed automatically, as
SEND-PR: will all comments (text enclosed in `<' and `>').
SEND-PR: Please consult the following URL if you are not sure how to
SEND-PR: fill out a problem report:
SEND-PR: Note that the Synopsis field is mandatory.
SEND-PR: Please note that (unless you state otherwise) if your report
SEND-PR: includes a patch then it will be taken under the same license as
SEND-PR: the one on the file(s) you want to change.
SEND-PR: If you wish to submit a problem report confidentially, then contact
SEND-PR: the FreeBSD bugmaster ( to arrange for a
SEND-PR: relevant developer to be contacted.
SEND-PR: For sensitive security issues, consider contacting the FreeBSD
SEND-PR: security officer team ( directly.
SEND-PR: Choose from the following categories:
# Format the categories so they fit onto lines.
l=`echo "$CATEGORIES" | \
awk 'BEGIN {max = 0; } { if (length($0) > max) { max = length($0); } }
END {print max + 1;}'`
c=`expr 61 / $l`
if [ $c -eq 0 ]; then c=1; fi
echo "$CATEGORIES" | \
awk 'BEGIN {printf "SEND-PR: "; i = 0 }
{ printf ("%-'$l'.'$l's", $0);
if ((++i % '$c') == 0) { printf "\nSEND-PR: " } }
END { printf "\nSEND-PR:\n"; }' >> $file
cat >> $file << __EOF__
From: $FROM
Reply-To: $REPLY_TO
Cc: $CC
X-send-pr-version: $VERSION
>Submitter-Id: $SUBMITTER
>Originator: $ORIGINATOR
>Confidential: $CONFIDENTIAL_C
>Synopsis: $SYNOPSIS_C
>Severity: $SEVERITY_C
>Priority: $PRIORITY_C
>Category: $CATEGORY_C
>Class: $CLASS_C
`[ -n "$SYSTEM" ] && echo System: $SYSTEM`
`[ -n "$ARCH" ] && echo Architecture: $ARCH`
`[ -n "$MACHINE" ] && echo Machine: $MACHINE`
if [ "$PRINT" = true -o "$PRINT_INTERN" = true ]; then
cat $TEMP
xs=0; exit
chmod u+w $TEMP
eval $EDIT $TEMP
if cmp -s $REF $TEMP ; then
echo "$COMMAND: problem report not filled out, therefore not sent"
xs=1; exit
# Check the enumeration fields
# This is a "sed-subroutine" with one keyword parameter
# (with workaround for Sun sed bug)
s|^[ ]*||
s|[ ]*$||
while true; do
# 1) Confidential
CONFIDENTIAL=`eval sed -n -e "\"/$PATTERN/$SED_CMD\"" $TEMP`
""|no) CNT=`expr $CNT + 1` ;;
*) echo "$COMMAND: \`$CONFIDENTIAL' is not a valid value for \`Confidential'." ;;
# 2) Severity
SEVERITY=`eval sed -n -e "\"/$PATTERN/$SED_CMD\"" $TEMP`
case "$SEVERITY" in
""|non-critical|serious|critical) CNT=`expr $CNT + 1` ;;
*) echo "$COMMAND: \`$SEVERITY' is not a valid value for \`Severity'."
# 3) Priority
PRIORITY=`eval sed -n -e "\"/$PATTERN/$SED_CMD\"" $TEMP`
case "$PRIORITY" in
""|low|medium|high) CNT=`expr $CNT + 1` ;;
*) echo "$COMMAND: \`$PRIORITY' is not a valid value for \`Priority'."
# 4) Category
CATEGORY=`eval sed -n -e "\"/$PATTERN/$SED_CMD\"" $TEMP`
if [ "$C" = "$CATEGORY" ]; then FOUND=true ; break ; fi
if [ -n "$FOUND" ]; then
CNT=`expr $CNT + 1`
if [ -z "$CATEGORY" ]; then
echo "$COMMAND: you must include a Category: field in your report."
echo "$COMMAND: \`$CATEGORY' is not a known category."
# 5) Class
CLASS=`eval sed -n -e "\"/$PATTERN/$SED_CMD\"" $TEMP`
case "$CLASS" in
""|sw-bug|doc-bug|change-request|update|maintainer-update) CNT=`expr $CNT + 1` ;;
*) echo "$COMMAND: \`$CLASS' is not a valid value for \`Class'."
# 6) Check that synopsis is not empty
if grep "^>Synopsis:[ ]*${SYNOPSIS_C}\$" $TEMP > /dev/null
echo "$COMMAND: Synopsis must not be empty."
CNT=`expr $CNT + 1`
[ $CNT -lt 6 -a -z "$BATCH" ] &&
echo "Errors were found with the problem report."
while true; do
if [ -z "$BATCH" ]; then
$ECHON1 "s)end, e)dit or a)bort? $ECHON2"
read input
if [ $CNT -eq 6 ]; then
case "$input" in
if [ -z "$BATCH" ]; then
BAD=`mktemp -t pbad`
echo "$COMMAND: the problem report remains in $BAD and is not sent."
echo "$COMMAND: the problem report is not sent."
xs=1; exit
eval $EDIT $TEMP
continue 2
if [ $CNT -lt 6 ]; then
if [ -z "$BATCH" ]; then
echo "But there are still errors in the problem report!"
continue 2
echo "Errors found in PR"
exit 1
break 2
# Remove the subject field if one is already there. There's no reason
# for it to be any different than the synopsis.
if grep '^Subject:' $TEMP > /dev/null
ed -s $TEMP << __EOF__
# Add the subject field with the value of $SYNOPSIS. We use the To:
# field as an anchor, which had better be there.
SYNOPSIS=`grep '^>Synopsis:' $TEMP | sed -e 's/^>Synopsis:[ ]*//' |
sed -e "s;$SYNOPSIS_C;;"`
ed -s $TEMP << __EOF__
Subject: $SYNOPSIS
# Remove comments and send the problem report
# (we have to use patterns, where the comment contains regex chars)
# /^>Originator:/s;$ORIGINATOR;;
sed -e "
" $TEMP > $REF
if $MAIL_AGENT < $REF; then
echo "$COMMAND: problem report sent"
xs=0; exit
echo "$COMMAND: mysterious mail failure."
if [ -z "$BATCH" ]; then
BAD=`mktemp -t pbad`
echo "$COMMAND: the problem report remains in $BAD and is not sent."
echo "$COMMAND: the problem report is not sent."
xs=1; exit
@ -86,10 +86,6 @@ see
.Xr rc 8
.It Pa bluetooth/
bluetooth configuration files
.It Pa gnats/
gnats configuration files;
.Xr send-pr 1
.It Pa localtime
local timezone information;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user