Whitespace (dialog options separated to minimize diffs)

This commit is contained in:
dteske 2016-12-12 20:41:27 +00:00
parent b7278ffafc
commit f36072e86a

View File

@ -60,9 +60,14 @@ country_set()
if [ "$error_str" ]; then
dialog --backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" --title "Error" \
--yes-label Change --no-label Ignore --yesno \
"Error while applying chosen settings ($error_str)" 0 0
dialog \
--backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "Error" \
--yes-label Change \
--no-label Ignore \
--yesno \
"Error while applying chosen settings ($error_str)" \
0 0
if [ $? -eq $DIALOG_OK ]; then
return $FAILURE # Restart
@ -158,8 +163,11 @@ EOF
# See if we succeeded
wpa_cli ping >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 -a ! "$BSDINSTALL_CONFIGCURRENT" ]; then
dialog --backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" --title "Error" --msgbox \
"Wireless cannot be configured without making changes to the local system!" \ 0 0
dialog \
--backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "Error" \
--msgbox "Wireless cannot be configured without making changes to the local system!" \
0 0
exit 1
@ -175,9 +183,11 @@ if [ "$BSDINSTALL_CONFIGCURRENT" ]; then
DEF_COUNTRY=$( echo $INPUT | cut -w -f 4 )
[ "$DEF_REGDOMAIN" = 0 ] && DEF_REGDOMAIN="<not selected>"
[ "$DEF_COUNTRY" = 0 ] && DEF_COUNTRY="<not selected>"
dialog --backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" --title "Regdomain/country" \
--yesno "Change regdomain/country (now \
dialog \
--backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "Regdomain/country" \
--yesno "Change regdomain/country (now $DEF_REGDOMAIN/$DEF_COUNTRY)?" \
0 0
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
while :
@ -193,28 +203,41 @@ while :; do
output=$( wpa_cli scan 2>&1 )
f_dprintf "%s" "$output"
dialog --backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" --title "Scanning" \
--ok-label "Skip" \
--pause "Waiting 5 seconds to scan for wireless networks..." \
9 40 5 || exit 1
dialog \
--backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "Scanning" \
--ok-label "Skip" \
--pause "Waiting 5 seconds to scan for wireless networks..." \
9 40 5 || exit 1
SCAN_RESULTS=$( wpa_cli scan_results )
NETWORKS=$( echo "$SCAN_RESULTS" | awk -F '\t' \
'/..:..:..:..:..:../ {if (length($5) > 0) \
printf("\"%s\"\t%s\n", $5, $4);}' | sort | uniq )
NETWORKS=$( echo "$SCAN_RESULTS" | awk -F '\t' '
/..:..:..:..:..:../ {
if (length($5) > 0)
printf("\"%s\"\t%s\n", $5, $4);
' | sort | uniq )
if [ ! "$NETWORKS" ]; then
dialog --backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" --title "Error" \
--yesno "No wireless networks were found. Rescan?" 0 0 &&
dialog \
--backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "Error" \
--yesno "No wireless networks were found. Rescan?" \
0 0 && continue
exit 1
exec 3>&1
NETWORK=$( sh -c "dialog --extra-button --extra-label \"Rescan\" \
--backtitle \"$DIALOG_BACKTITLE\" --title \"Network Selection\" \
--menu \"Select a wireless network to connect to.\" 0 0 0 \
$(echo $NETWORKS | tr '\n' ' ')" 2>&1 1>&3 )
NETWORK=$( sh -c "dialog \
--extra-button \
--extra-label \"Rescan\" \
--backtitle \"$DIALOG_BACKTITLE\" \
--title \"Network Selection\" \
--menu \"Select a wireless network to connect to.\" \
0 0 0 \
$( echo $NETWORKS | tr '\n' ' ' )" \
2>&1 1>&3
case $? in
@ -224,9 +247,17 @@ while :; do
f_dialog_title "Network Selection"
f_dialog_yesno "Do you want to select the network manually?" || exit 1
f_dialog_input NETWORK "Enter SSID" || exit 1
ENCRYPTION=$( dialog --backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" --title \
"$DIALOG_TITLE" --menu "Select encryption type" 0 0 0 \
"1 WPA/WPA2 PSK" "" "2 WPA/WPA2 EAP" "" "3 WEP" "" "0 None" "" 2>&1 1>&3 ) || exit 1
ENCRYPTION=$( dialog \
--backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "$DIALOG_TITLE" \
--menu "Select encryption type" \
0 0 0 \
"1 WPA/WPA2 PSK" "" \
"2 WPA/WPA2 EAP" "" \
"3 WEP" "" \
"0 None" "" \
2>&1 1>&3
) || exit 1
@ -237,17 +268,21 @@ while :; do
exec 3>&-
[ "$ENCRYPTION" ] || ENCRYPTION=$( echo "$NETWORKS" | awk -F '\t' \
"/^\"$NETWORK\"\t/ {printf(\"%s\n\", \\\$2 );}" )
awk -F '\t' "/^\"$NETWORK\"\t/ { printf(\"%s\n\", \\\$2 ); }" )
if echo $ENCRYPTION | grep -q 'PSK'; then
exec 3>&1
PASS=$( dialog --insecure --backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "WPA Setup" --mixedform "" 0 0 0 \
PASS=$( dialog \
--insecure \
--backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "WPA Setup" \
--mixedform "" \
0 0 0 \
"SSID" 1 0 "$NETWORK" 1 12 0 0 2 \
"Password" 2 0 "" 2 12 15 63 1 \
2>&1 1>&3 ) \
|| exec $0 $@
2>&1 1>&3
) || exec $0 $@
exec 3>&-
awk 'sub(/^\t/,"")||1' \
>> "$BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/wpa_supplicant.conf" <<-EOF
@ -260,13 +295,16 @@ if echo $ENCRYPTION | grep -q 'PSK'; then
elif echo $ENCRYPTION | grep -q EAP; then
exec 3>&1
USERPASS=$( dialog --insecure --backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "WPA-Enterprise Setup" --mixedform "" 0 0 0 \
USERPASS=$( dialog \
--insecure \
--backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "WPA-Enterprise Setup" \
--mixedform "" 0 0 0 \
"SSID" 1 0 "$NETWORK" 1 12 0 0 2 \
"Username" 2 0 "" 2 12 25 63 0 \
"Password" 3 0 "" 3 12 25 63 1 \
2>&1 1>&3 ) \
|| exec $0 $@
2>&1 1>&3
) || exec $0 $@
exec 3>&-
awk 'sub(/^\t/,"")||1' \
>> "$BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/wpa_supplicant.conf" <<-EOF
@ -287,12 +325,15 @@ elif echo $ENCRYPTION | grep -q EAP; then
elif echo $ENCRYPTION | grep -q WEP; then
exec 3>&1
WEPKEY=$( dialog --insecure --backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "WEP Setup" --mixedform "" 0 0 0 \
WEPKEY=$( dialog \
--insecure \
--backtitle "$DIALOG_BACKTITLE" \
--title "WEP Setup" \
--mixedform "" 0 0 0 \
"SSID" 1 0 "$NETWORK" 1 12 0 0 2 \
"WEP Key 0" 2 0 "" 2 12 15 0 1 \
2>&1 1>&3 ) \
|| exec $0 $@
2>&1 1>&3
) || exec $0 $@
awk 'sub(/^\t/,"")||1' \
>> "$BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/wpa_supplicant.conf" <<-EOF
@ -304,7 +345,7 @@ elif echo $ENCRYPTION | grep -q WEP; then
else # Open
else # Open
awk 'sub(/^\t/,"")||1' \
>> "$BSDINSTALL_TMPETC/wpa_supplicant.conf" <<-EOF