This tells ppp to loopback packets addressed to
the ppp interface IP coming *from* the tun
This means that you can ping the tun interface IP
from inside :-)
idependently time out any of the FSMs.
Split LCP logging into LCP, IPCP and CCP logging,
and make room in "struct fsm" for the log level
that the state machine should use.
"set stopped" directive. If the timeout occurs
it will cause a "Down" event, hanging up the line
if it's still up. This *isn't* part of the FSM
diagram, but I consider it ok as a "higher level
implementation specific timeout" as specified in
the rfc ;-}
Discussed briefly with: joerg
INT cause a hangup - not exiting for -ddial & -auto.
HUP must exit because init sends this at system shutdown
time (why, I don't know), and we don't want to end up
redialing after the HUP (due to another dfilter packet).
Pointed out by and discussed with: ache
Catch SIGUSR1 to re-init listening socket.
Document signal behaviour.
Add missing '\n's to LogPrintf(LogWARN,...)
Main() returns int not void.
AF_LOCAL ideal suggested a long time ago by: joerg
unless defined out - including while a telnet
session with a -auto ppp is in effect. If you
don't create ppp.secrets, you deserve what you
telnet connection capabilities will be configurable
per system soon.
Suggested by: Terry Dwyer <>
o Style police
o Make hangup abort the current connection, not
necessarily exiting (-auto/-ddial).
o Trap HUP and INT during DoChat and abort the
connection attempt. This means you can now
type "dial" and change your mind with ^C, or
HUP the process to stop it dialing.
Slapped into doing it by: Chuck Robey <>
Submitted by: Forgotten
Passed on by: Terry Dwyer 61 8 9491 5161 <>
Also remove extraneous setuid(0) - it's only undone by
the subsequent call to SelectSystem().
o Allow "set var" with no args to blank var (don't req "").
o Zero VarTerm ASAP if not in interactive mode.
o Never print anything to stdout in -direct mode.
o Count redial when failing to open modem.
o Increase device size to 40 characters (for host:port).
o Remove missed "if (fd == 0) fd = 1;".
o Don't give up on incoming non-terminal connections.