(LCP/CCP/IPCP), one for urgent IP traffic and one for
everything else.
o Add the ``set urgent'' command for adjusting the list of
urgent port numbers. The default urgent ports are 21, 22,
23, 513, 514, 543 and 544 (Ports 80 and 81 have been
removed from the default priority list).
o Increase the buffered packet threshold from 20 to 30.
o Report the number of packets in the IP output queue and the
list of urgent ports under ``show ipcp''.
that ppp stays in the foreground.
o Add the -quiet switch to quieten ppps startup
o Add the -nat flag and discourage the use of the -alias flag. Both do
the same thing.
o Correct some nat usage strings.
o Change the internal ``alias'' command to ``nat''.
o If we're using RADIUS and the RADIUS mtu is less than our
peers mru/mrru, reduce our mtu to this value for NetBSD too.
o Make struct throughput's sample period dynamic and tweak the ppp
version number to reflect the extra stuff being passed through
the local domain socket as a result (MP mode).
o Measure the current throughput based on the number of samples actually
taken rather than on the full sample period.
o Keep the throughput statisics persistent while being passed to
another ppp invocation through the local domain socket.
o When showing throughput statistics after the timer has stopped, use
the stopped time for overall calculations, not the current time.
Also show the stopped time and how long the current throughput has
been sampled for.
o Use time() consistently in throughput.c
o Tighten up the ``show bundle'' output.
o Introduce the ``set bandwidth'' command.
o Rewrite the ``set autoload'' command. It now takes three arguments
and works based on a rolling bundle throughput average compared against
the theoretical bundle bandwidth over a given period (read: it's now
o Show more information about missing MP fragments in ``show mp''.
o Do away with mbuf_Log(). It was showing mbuf stats twice on
receipt of LCP/CCP/IPCP packets.... ???!!?
o Pre-allocate a bit extra when creating LQR packets to avoid having
to allocate another mbuf in mbuf_Prepend().
header in fsm_Input() we often end up with a NULL mbuf.
Deal with a possible NULL mbuf being passed into
Adjust some spacing to make things more consistent.
the layering.
We now ``stack'' layers as soon as we open the device (when we figure
out what we're dealing with). A static set of `dispatch' routines are
also declared for dealing with incoming packets after they've been
`pulled' up through the stacked layers.
Physical devices are now assigned handlers based on the device type
when they're opened. For the moment there are three device types;
ttys, execs and tcps.
o Increment version number to 2.2
o Make an entry in [uw]tmp for non-tty -direct invocations (after
pap/chap authentication).
o Make throughput counters quad_t's
o Account for the absolute number of mbuf malloc()s and free()s in
``show mem''.
o ``show modem'' becomes ``show physical''.
This was pretty harmless as netmasks on a POINTOPOINT
interface are pretty much ignored, but it looked funny.
Mention the configured netmask in ``show ipcp''.
Describe in more detail what a proxy arp entry is.
that are made in each of the FSMs (LCP, CCP & IPCP) and the
number of REQs/Challenges for PAP/CHAP by accepting more arguments
in the ``set {c,ip,l}cpretry'' and ``set {ch,p}apretry'' commands.
Change the non-convergence thresholds to 3 times the number of configured
REQ tries (rather than the previous fixed ``10''). We now notice
repeated NAKs and REJs rather than just REQs.
Don't suggest that CHAP 0x05 isn't supported when it's not configured.
Fix some bugs that expose themselves with smaller numbers of retries:
o Handle instantaneous disconnects (set device /dev/null) correctly
by stopping all fsm timers in fsm2initial.
o Don't forget to uu_unlock() devices that are files but are not
ttys (set device /dev/zero).
Fix a *HORRENDOUS* bug in RFC1661 (already fixed for an Open event in state
According to the state transition table, a RCR+ or RCR- received in
the ``Stopped'' state are supposed to InitRestartCounter, SendConfigReq
and SendConfig{Ack,Nak}. However, in ``Stopped'', we haven't yet
done a TLS (or the last thing we did is a TLF). We must therefore
do the TLS at this point !
This was never noticed before because LCP and CCP used not use
LayerStart() for anything interesting, and IPCP tends to go into
Stopped then get a Down because of an LCP RTR rather than getting a
RCR again.
input routines and take advantage of the new init/continue
interface in libradius. This allows a timely response on
other links in an MP setup while RADIUS requests are in
progress as well as the ability to handle other data from
the peer in parallel. It should also make the future addition
of PAM support trivial.
While I'm in there, validate pap & chap header IDs if
``idcheck'' is enabled (the default) for other FSM packet
NOTE: This involved integrating the generation of chap
challenges and the validation of chap responses
(and commenting what's going on in those routines).
I currently have no way of testing ppps ability
to respond to M$Chap CHALLENGEs correctly, so if
someone could do the honours, it'd be much
appreciated (it *looks* ok!).
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details. Compiling with -DNORADIUS (the default for `release')
removes support.
TODO: The functionality in libradius::rad_send_request() needs
to be supplied as a set of routines so that ppp doesn't
have to wait indefinitely for the radius server(s). Instead,
we need to get a descriptor back, select() on the descriptor,
and ask libradius to service it when necessary.
For now, ppp blocks SIGALRM while in rad_send_request(), so
it misses PAP/CHAP retries & timeouts if they occur.
Only PAP is functional. When CHAP is attempted, libradius
complains that no User-Password has been specified... rfc2138
says that it *mustn't* be used for CHAP :-(
Sponsored by: Internet Business Solutions Ltd., Switzerland
for every machine on every class C or smaller subnet that we
route to.
Add ``set {send,recv}pipe'' for controlling our socket buffer
Mention the IP number with the problem in a few error messages.
All submitted by: Craig Leres <leres@ee.lbl.gov>
Modified slightly by: me
demand-dial links with dynamic IP numbers where the program
that causes the dial bind()s to an interface address that is
subsequently changed after ppp negotiation.
The problem is defeated by adding negotiated addresses to the
tun interface as additional alias addresses and providing a set
of ``iface'' commands for managing the interface. Libalias is
also required (and what a name clash!) - it happily IP-aliases
the address so that the source is that of the primary (negotiated)
interface and un-IP-aliases it on the way back.
An ``enable iface-alias'' is done implicitly by the -alias command
line switch. If -alias isn't given, iface-aliasing is disabled by
default and can't be enabled 'till an ``alias enable yes'' is done.
``alias enable no'' silently disables iface-alias.
So, for dynamic-IP-type-connections, running ``ppp -alias -auto blah''
will work for the first connection, although existing bindings will
not survive a disconnect/connect as the TCP peer will be trying to
send to the old IP address - the packets won't route.
It's now a lot easier to add IPXCP to ppp with minor updates to
the new iface.[ch] (if anyone ever gets 'round to it).
It's also now possible to manually add interface aliases with
something like ``iface add''. This allows
multi-homed ppp links :-)
(see the new ``set callback'' and ``set cbcp'' commands)
o Add a ``cbcp'' log level and mbuf type.
o Don't dump core when \T is given in ``set login'' or
``set hangup''.
o Allow ``*'' and blanks as placeholders in ppp.secret and
allow a fifth field for specifying auth/cbcp dialback
o Remove a few extraneous #includes
o Define the default number of REQs (restart counter) in defs.h
rather than hardcoding ``5'' all over the place.
o Fix a few man page inconsistencies.
o Allow ``set ....'' when we have multiple links but aren't in
multilink mode.
o Do a TLS when we receive a ``Open'' event in ``Closed'' state,
despite the rfc state transition table. This is clearly an
error in the RFC as TLS cannot have yet been called (without
TLF) in the ``Closed'' state.
I've posted a message to comp.protocols.ppp for confirmation.
open capable of re-negotiatiating the various layers.
It is now possible to change various link options and then
re-open the relevant layer, making the changes effective -
for example, switching off VJ compression or starting ECHO
LQRs on-the-fly.
for all datalinks in a bundle. Ppp now deals correctly
with link types that are changed while open
o When changing the type of the last AUTO link, only clear
the interface if we're not in PHASE_NETWORK. This allows
us to switch to -ddial mode while we have a connection
without suddenly unexpectedly throttling ourselves by
clearing the interface configuration.
Problem area noted by: Aaron Jeremias Luz <aaron@csh.rit.edu>
in `set mode', `allow modes', on the command line and when
outputting mode names. The strings are matched so that only
enough characters to uniquely identify the string are required,
so you can now
ppp -a mylabel (for auto mode)
ppp -b mylabel (for background mode)
ppp -dd mylabel (for direct dial mode)
o Make -ddial dial when specified on the command line (oops).
Pointed out by: Alex <garbanzo@hooked.net>
It's now dealt with by the `server' object. This simplifies
things as we only have one list of prompt descriptors and
the log_ routines check prompt::logactive to determine
whether it should be used for output.
o Include the MP socket UpdateSet() result in bundle::UpdateSet().
o Don't select on the tun device unless we're in NETWORK
phase or AUTO mode.
o Stop the idle timer when we go to DEAD phase. We may
have transferred a link and not had a chance to kill
o Don't fail when trying to unlink our transferred datalink
from our descriptor lists just before the transfer.
o Add our link descriptor to the write set if we got a short
write the last time (physical::out is set).
o Log the connection source address when a connection is closed.
o Remove descriptor::next field. Descriptor lists are not required
any more.
is not possible to switch to or from dedicated or direct mode,
but all other combinations are ok (eg. -auto -> -ddial).
o Cope with the fact that commands with optional context may not
be able to obtain a link with command_ChooseLink() (if all links
have been deleted for example).
o Allow `clone'ing in non-multilink mode. We may for example want
to configure two links in unilink mode and dial them both, using
the one that comes up first. It's also possible to rename
``deflink'' by cloning it, deleting the original, then setting
the mode of the new link.
Any `add' or `delete' command that uses MYADDR or HISADDR
will be added to the sticky route list (show ipcp). When
MYADDR or HISADDR change due to IPCP negotiations, and if
`sroutes' is enabled (the default), all sticky route
entries are updated in the routing table.
The end result is that `add default hisaddr' will ``stick'',
as will ``add myaddr'' and
``add hisaddr''.
log debug'' without filling our filesystem/screen with
junk that we don't really want to see.
o change PHYS_STDIN to PHYS_DIRECT - we can handle incoming
connections that aren't on STDIN_FILENO now.
o Allow return values from our FSM LayerUp functions. If
LayerUp() fails, the FSM does an immediate FsmDown() without
calling the fsm_parent's Layer{Up,Down} functions.
o Clear the close-on-exec flag of file descriptor 3 when executing
chat programs so that our documented ability to communicate with
/dev/tty via that descriptor works. Also document it as
descriptor 3, not 4 :-O
o Allow a ``rm'' command as an alias for ``remove''.
o Fix the bind()/connect()/accept() calls made by the MP server.
o Create bundle_SendDatalink() and bundle_ReceiveDatalink().
This allows `struct datalink's to flatten themselves, pass
through a pipe (read: the eye of a needle !) and come alive
at the other end. The donator then fork()s & exec()s pppmpipe,
``passing'' the connection to another ppp instance.
Our link utilization is hideous, and lots of code needs
tidying still. It's also probably riddled with bugs !
It's been tested against itself only, and has hung once,
so confidence isn't high....
o Create struct mpserver as part of struct mp.
mpserver creates a unix-domain socket based on the
peers auth name and endpoint discriminator. If it
already exists, ppp will ``pass the link'' over to
the owner of the socket, joining it into the bundle
of another ppp invocation, otherwise ppp waits for
other invocations to pass it links through this
The final piece of code will be the code that flattens
our datalink info and passes it down this channel
(not yet implemented).
o change the default link name to ``deflink'' rather
than ``default''.
o Prepend the link name to CCP and LCP FSM diagnostics.
o Protect against 0 length options in CCP and IPCP REQ
interpreters (already done for LCP).
o Allow optional context for the `show' command.
o Use MPs link when interpreting commands if the multilink
mrru is configured rather than when multilink is active.
This means that once we've ``set mrru xxx'', we then need
to ``link deflink show ccp'' etc if we want to do link-level
stuff (based on the command requiring optional or manditory
o Use the ifconfig'd interface address in `set enddisc {ip,mac}'
if it's there, otherwise the configuration file value.
call it after link authentication.
o Pretty print our bundle MTU.
o Correct MP header encoding and decoding (should be network byte order).
o Add some debug diagnostics so that we can see MP fragment sending and
multilink ('cos I've seen my ISP REQ it without multilink).
Setting MRRU is ifdef'd out until it's debugged and we can
merge -direct links with other running programs.
Fix MTU setting.
o Make sure our ipcp throughput timer is stopped before being nuked
with a memset.
o Don't initialise struct async & struct hdlc twice in modem_Create().
o Clarify some comments.