<machine/profile.h>. The old version was writing an incomplete
header without the profrate field that is necessary to handle the
current faster profiling clock. The counters that are where the
the profrate should be are usually 0 and gprof converts a profrate
of 0 to hz so the old version gave times too large by a factor of
profhz/hz = 10.24.
This fixes the problems Warner's having with ctors not being called
again with the latest round of ld changes and updates the file-names to what
Paul is using now.
The name change will not affect anything as we are not (yet) using it.
program. The idea was that these are 'alignment' crap, but the image
is 16byte-aligned without these. Location 0 still doesn't have a 0,
but who cares, binaries wil be built with page zero unmapped in the
near future.