network layer (ether).
- Don't abuse module names to facilitate ifconfig module loading;
such abuse isn't really needed. (And if we do need type information
associated with a module then we should make it explicit and not
use hacks.)
#define COMPAT_PCI_DRIVER(name,data) DATA_SET(pcidevice_set,data)
.. to 2.2.x and 3.x if people think it's worth it. Driver writers can do
this if it's not defined. (The reason for this is that I'm trying to
progressively eliminate use of linker_sets where it hurts modularity and
runtime load capability, and these DATA_SET's keep getting in the way.)
This will make a number of things easier in the future, as well as (finally!)
avoiding the Id-smashing problem which has plagued developers for so long.
Boy, I'm glad we're not using sup anymore. This update would have been
insane otherwise.