Jordan goes to winter time on the last Friday in October.
Tocantins in Brazil will not go into summer time in October.
Indonesian time zones renames.
Lots of cleanups in with regarding to links and historical data.
- Morocco:
announced that the year's Ramadan daylight-savings transitions
would be 2013-07-07 and 2013-08-10.
- Israel:
As of 2013, DST starts at 02:00 on the Friday before the last
Sunday in March. DST ends at 02:00 on the first Sunday after
October 1, unless it occurs on the second day of the Jewish Rosh
Hashana holiday, in which case DST ends a day later (i.e. at 02:00
the first Monday after October 2). [Rosh Hashana holidays are
factored in until 2100.]
Obtained from:
- antarctica: AusAQ and ATAQ have been removed.
- Antarctica/Macquarie has been moved to australasia file and AU.
- Asia/Hebron, Palestine updated for 2013.
- Paraguay stays with DST for the whole year.
Obtained from:
Lots of historical data added.
Morocco: add DST rules for the coming years
Cuba: Doing DST in 2013.
Chili: Will do DST in 2013 as it seems.
Obtained from:
- Pacific/Fiji will go into DST from 21 October 2012 till 20 January 2013.
- Fix offset for Pacific/Tokelau.
- Gaza and West Bank had DST from 29 March to 28 September 2012.
- Syria has DST from April till October
- Morocco had DST from April to September 2012 except for 20 July to 20 August.
- Cuba changed to DST from 1 April 2012 only.
- Haiti has DST between 8 March and 1 November in 2012.
Obtained from:
Update to 2012a
- Updates to various locations in Antarctica.
- Armenia will abolish DST this year.
- Not only Samoa has moved to UTC+14, also Fakaofo did.
- There will be a leap second in 30 June 2012.
- Historical updates of 1918 to Canada, Winn, Regina, Edm, Vanc, Creston.
- Chili stays on DST until 28 April 2012
- The Falkland islands will stay on DST this year.
Obtained from:
- Fiji will end DST on 22 January 2012.
- Moldova split into two timezones has been cancelled.
- Cuba will end DST on 13 November 2011
Obtained from:
- Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR, also known as
"Pridnestrovie") has abolished seasonal clock change (no transition
to the Winter Time).
- The recent change to the Ukranian time zone (Europe/Kiev) to
introduce permanent daylight saving time (similar to Russia) was
South America:
- Bahia: The President signed a decree that includes Bahia in summer
- Add Europe/Tiraspol Pridnestrovie
Obtained from:
Changes in 2011i:
- Added South Sudan: Africa/Juba
- Samoa will go forward 24 hours at 30 December 2011 to better match
the day of the week with its neighbours.
- Europe/Kaliningrad will have the timezone KALT.
North America:
- Updates to Metlakatla historical data
- Newfoundland, Labrador and Resolute will do something which I
can't figure out.
- Add SS for South Sudan.
Changes in 2011j:
- Samoa will go from 29 December 23:59:59 to 31 December 00:00:00.
- Samoa DST will end on 1 April 2012
Changes in 2011k:
- Gaza / West Bank goes back to standard time on 02 August 2011.
- West Bank went bac kto DST on 30 August 2011.
- Lots of changes in Minsk (GMT+3 without DST) and other Russian
regions. A new timezone has been created for them, FET: Further-eastern
European Time aka GMT+3.
- Add Asian/Hebron to the file.
Changes in 2011l:
- West Bank came out of DST on 30 September 2011.
- Fiji will g oin DST on 23 October and out of it on 26 Februari
- State Bahia might go back to DST in 16 October 2011
Due to legal problems, ado and Paul Eggert have to temporary suspend
their work on the timezone database
( Their work has
been continued by volunteers on the tz community and the hosting
of the data files is done by Robert Elz at
Obtained from:,
Change for Africa/Casablanca:
- The 3rd april 2011 at 00:00:00, [it] will be 3rd april 1:00:00
- The 31th july 2011 at 00:59:59, [it] will be 31th July 00:00:00
Update for SouthAmerica/Chili:
- Chile's clocks will go back an hour this year on the 7th of May instead
of this Saturday. They will go forward again the 3rd Saturday in
August, not in October as they have since 1968. This is a pilot plan
which will be reevaluated in 2012.
Obtained from:
- No leapsecond in June 2011
- Add and update timezones for America/Juneau, America/Sitka,
- Change of Summer time to Winter time in Chili happens in April
2011, not in March 2011.
Obtained from:
- Daylight Saving Time will not be used in Egypt during Ramadan this year.
- Proper names for Pacific/Pohnpei and Pacific/Chuuk
- Fix historical information for Finland for 1981 and 1982
- No leap-second for December 2010.
- Fix historical information for Ontario (Canada)
Obtained from:
- Bahia de Banderas (Mexican state of Nayarit) changed time zone
UTC-7 to new time zone UTC-6 on April 4, 2010 (to share the same
time zone as nearby city Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco).
Obtained from:
From tzdata2010h:
- Tunis will not go into DST this year.
- Pakistan will not go into DST this year.
From tzdata2010g:
- Bangladesh cancels DST.
- Palestine goes into DST one day later than expected.
- Russian timezones update:
Europe/Samara goes to Moscow time.
Asia/Kamchatka goes to Moscow+8 time.
Asia/Anadyr goes to Moscow+8 time.
Obtained from:
The Australian Antartic Division:
- Macquarie Island will stay on UTC+11 for winter and not switch back from DST.
- Casey station reverted to its normal time of UTC+8 on 5 March 2010.
- Davis station will revert to its normal time of UTC+7 at 10 March 2010
- Mawson station stays on UTC+5.
Syria will start DST on Thursday 1 April 2010 at midnight.
Correct Samao DST start date (26 Sep vs 24 Oct)
Obtained from:
Mexico's House of Representatives has approved a proposal for
northern Mexico's border cities to share the same daylight saving
schedule as the United States.
Obtained from:
- New region: Asia/Novokuznetsk
- Kemerovo oblast' (Kemerovo region) in Russia will change current
time zone on 29 March 2010
- Add historical data for Hongkong 1941 - 1980
- Syria will go to winter time in the last weekend of October 2009.
Obtained from:
- Fix coordinates of Africa/Gaborone, Pacific/Noumea, Pacific/Tongatapu,
- Fix URLs (=3D -> = etc)
- Jordan doesn't go at last Friday of March 00:00 but no last
Thursday of March 24:00
- Specifically state license for the data: public domain
- Asia/Katmandu -> Asia/Kathmandu
- Fix historical references to DST in Switzerland
- Correct rules for America/Resolute (Nunavut)
- Cuba didn't have DST in 2005.
- Minor update for Mauritius (which I don't understand)
- Syria goes to DST at 1 November instead of 1 October.
- Niue is now located at the right side of the equator.
- Mauritius will have a DST experiment between 2008-11-01 and 2009-03-31.
- Add/Fix historical data for C-Eur, the SovietZone, Germany,
Bahamas, San Luis.
- Add information about West Para (America/Santarem)
- America/Eirunepe and America/Rio_Branco go to UTC-4
Approved by: bde (mentor, implicit), des