Yes it is almost code freeze, but as the result of many thought, now I
think this should be added before 4.0...
make world check, kernel build check is done.
Reviewed by: green
Obtained from: KAME project
#Please forget the strange log message of the previous commit .
IPv6 multicast routing.
kernel IPv6 multicast routing support.
pim6 dense mode daemon
pim6 sparse mode daemon
netstat support of IPv6 multicast routing statistics
Merging to the current and testing with other existing multicast routers
is done by Tatsuya Jinmei <>, who writes and maintainances
the base code in KAME distribution.
Make world check and kernel build check was also successful.
Obtained from: KAME project
pr_input() routines prototype is also changed to support IPSEC and IPV6
chained protocol headers.
Reviewed by: freebsd-arch, cvs-committers
Obtained from: KAME project
packet divert at kernel for IPv6/IPv4 translater daemon
This includes queue related patch submitted by
Submitted by: queue related patch from
Reviewed by: freebsd-arch, cvs-committers
Obtained from: KAME project
for IPv6 yet)
With this patch, you can assigne IPv6 addr automatically, and can reply to
IPv6 ping.
Reviewed by: freebsd-arch, cvs-committers
Obtained from: KAME project