Changed the output of the isa probe routine, that only devices, that
have an IO address and are smaller than 0x100 to be on the motherboard.
The seagate SCSI adapter is an example of a card, that doesn't have
an IO address and works only memory mapped.
Choose older MULTIPORT version, because lastest bde version
not worked.
Don't force HUPCL for bidirectional case.
From bde:
Use bit (1 << (16 + 4)) in schedsoftcom() to avoid clash with
non-serial h/w on IRQ4.
Allow FIFO_TRIGGER in config.
Clear com->mcr_image when clearing mcr for init of 4port. The
usual value MCR_IENABLE should have broken 4ports unless
something happened to clear it later.
Turn off interrupts as well as DTR after an error waiting for
carrier (bidir dialin case).
Drain fifo more carefully.
Don't hang up if debugging.
Rearrange siointr() -> siointr1() for multiport case for speed,
lower latency and clarity.
Use suser() to check perms.
Provide missing splx() after failed perms checks.
c_ispeed == 0 means c_ispeed = c_ospeed (POSIX).
Set parameters (except speed) for c_ospeed == 0 as well as
hanging up.
Better initialization for console (fifo stuff...).
Misc. cleanups.
Fix dead hang if modem power is off.
problems in the moment are stray intr's in the ifconfig up/down.
No way to select all three interfaces on a combo card with
AUI/BNC/UTP interfaces and the performance doesn't look good.
Only tested with a ISA AUI/BNC card yet.
Added it to the list of known boards and put it into the the list for
the mailbox unlock. Maybe all board-ids over 0x42 should be in the
mailbox unlock part ?
enough tests to be considered more stable than current driver.
Lots of work by Bruce, David G., and Guido have gone into this version, and
more is to come in the future.
Support for multiple controllers is in, but doesn't work correctly with
different controllers (IDE AND MFM), but multiple alike controllers appears
to work.
Most of the stray interrupts problems should be fixed, although you will
get a couple 'extra interrupts' when disklabeling and on startup.
can actually write a sane netif device to support one of these. Note that it
was necessary to steal a netisr bit from another protocol; I took the one for
PF_DATAKIT (no great loss).
a binary link-kit. Make all non-optional options (pagers, procfs) standard,
and update LINT to reflect new symtab requirements.
NB: -Wtraditional will henceforth be forgotten. This editing pass was
primarily intended to detect any constructions where the old code might
have been relying on traditional C semantics or syntax. These were all
fixed, and the result of fixing some of them means that -Wall is now a
realistic possibility within a few weeks.
Entries for 800 and 820 fixed.
incorporate Joerg Wunsch formatting code
correct handle timeouted operations
fixed entry for 720 media
GAP values changed suitable for possible format code addition.
Read/write GAP always 2 now.
Interleave parameter added for possible format code addition.
Many logical formats added.
720K physical drive added.
Problems: still can't read 720..820 media in 1.44 drive.
800K in HD 5.25in (maximum for DD diskettes)
1.44M in HD 5.25in (for easy distributions)
1.46M in HD 5.25in (maximum for 5.25)
Some cosmetique changes.
Now minor looks like UU DDDDDD, UU - unit, DDDDDD - density.
If density == 0, CMOS-detect format assumed.
Fix attach code for correct work with unknown CMOS
floppy types.
Trick diskerr to handle new minor.
1.722M floppy in 1.44M drive popular format added.
Sergey Ryzhkov, Serge Vakulenko
E-mail: <>, <>
This is the streamer tape driver for 386bsd and FreeBSD, which
supports Wangtek and Archive compatible QIC-02/QIC-36 controllers.
It was developed as a replacement of the old Wangtek tape driver from CMU.
In comparison with the CMU driver, this version has the following enhancements:
1) Support for Archive SC402 and SC499 tape controllers added.
2) Support for up to three tape controllers on the same machine.
3) Support for BSD-style ioctls MTIOCGET, MTIOCTOP.
Mt command now works adequately with this driver.
2) Asynchronous REWIND and FSF operations, close() will not wait
until they finish. The next open() will wait for it instead.
4) Use of WTQICMD ioctl is limited to ERASE and RETENS operations.
This prevents the user from locking the tape driver by strange
tape operations.
5) Tape density switching added.
6) The status of the process, blocked on the tape operation,
is displayed at the WCHAN column of the `ps' command as:
wtread reading data from the tape
wtwrite writing data to the tape
wtrfm reading the tape marker
wtwfm writing the tape marker
wtrew rewinding the tape
wterase doing WTQICMD ERASE operation
wtretens doing WTQICMD RETENS operation
wtorew doing MTIOCTOP REW/OFFL operation
wtorfm doing MTIOCTOP FSF operation
wtowfm doing MTIOCTOP WEOF operation
7) It's possible to use the tape with "default density",
useful for devices which don't support density switching
or do automatic format determination.
8) Some controllers support only 1024 block length.
Setting WT_BSIZE bit in device minor number turns on this mode.
Minor number structure:
uuu - Unit number. It's possible to install
up to three tape controllers on the same machine,
using DRQs 1..3. Hence, unit number can lie
in range 0..2.
fff - Tape format number:
0 - /dev/rwt0 - default density (auto select)
1 - /dev/rwt0a - QIC 11 (obsolete)
2 - /dev/rwt0b - QIC 24 (60 megabytes)
3 - /dev/rwt0c - QIC 120 (120 megabytes)
4 - /dev/rwt0d - QIC 150 (150 megabytes)
5 - /dev/rwt0e - QIC 300 (300 megabytes?)
6 - /dev/rwt0f - QIC 600 (600 megabytes?)
b - Long block size flag. With this bit set,
the driver will perform all i/o operations
with the controller using 1024-byte
blocks, instead of 512 ones.
Some controllers need it (CMS for example).
If you Wangtek controller does not stream well,
you can try to use /dev/rWt0 device instead
of /dev/rwt0 (uncomment needed lines in /dev/MAKEDEV
to create it).
Block interface (writing blocks less than 2048 bytes) is not functioning
pwoperly. Use raw interface instead.
Thanks to all who helped to test it on the following hardware:
Controller Drive Volume Interface Thanks to
Archive SC-499 Archive 2150L 150 Meg QIC-02 KIAE
CMS? ? 150 Meg QIC-02 KIAE
Everex EV 831/833 ? ? QIC-36 Joergen Haegg
Wangtek ASSY Wangtek 60 Meg QIC-02 Ken Whedbee
Tecmar QT150i? Wangtek 5150EQ ? QIC-02? Marko Teiste
? Wangtek 5099EK 60 Meg QIC-36 Robert Shien
Archive SC400S ? 60 Meg ? Warren Toomey
possible end-user errors.
1) on physical 1.2 can open logical 1.2, 720, 360H
2) on physical 1.44 can open logical 1.44, 720
3) on physical 360 can open logical 360
All other variants refused.
C-style improved in this check, multiply if's changed to switch.
More work to add 720K floppy support.
Restore good old dependance of device and floppy type.
fd?a == 1.44
fd?b == 1.2
fd?c == 720
fd?d == 360 in HD
fd?e == 360
Add more strict size check in Fdopen, not it refuse:
1) Attempt to open any type expect fd?e, if you have only 360K drive.
2) Attempt to open fd?a if you have only 1.2 drive.
added to probe.
2) Force CLOCAL=on for outgoing ports and CLOCAL=off for
incoming ports into open in bidirectional case.
3) Add DELAY after writing to com_ier for fifo drain into probe.
From: <>
Changes between EPSILON and RELEASE of FreeBSD have again caused
the kernel to not see my floppy disk drives. I don't know what happened,
'cause I don't see any changes to fd.c, but here is an old fix that
I have applied to the probe routine which will solve the problem (at
least for me). Since this is a rather brute-force solution - I understand
if you want to ignore it...
[Upgrading to pre-Beta FreeBSD caused this on my system. -AM]
* merged in Garrett Wollman's strict prototype changes
* Revision 2.15 1993/11/29 16:32:58 davidg
* From Thomas Sandford <>
* Add support for the 8013W board type
From: Geoff Rehmet <>
On bootup, probe of wd drives fails (CP30104), and kernel panics
- cannot mount root
It appears that the device probe just times out.
Increasing the timeout back to its old value fixes the problem.
SUP FreBSD-current, Find a CP30104 ..... (ok ok ok)
Basically - Soren's changes barf my disk.