/* * Copyright (c) 1994, Paul Richards. * * All rights reserved. * * This software may be used, modified, copied, distributed, and * sold, in both source and binary form provided that the above * copyright and these terms are retained, verbatim, as the first * lines of this file. Under no circumstances is the author * responsible for the proper functioning of this software, nor does * the author assume any responsibility for damages incurred with * its use. */ #define TITLE "FreeBSD 2.0.1-Development Installation" #define MAXFS 25 #define MAX_NO_DISKS 10 #define SCRATCHSIZE 1024 #define ERRMSGSIZE 256 #define DEFROOTSIZE 16 #define DEFSWAPSIZE 16 #define DEFUSRSIZE 80 /* My disk is not that big Paul ! */ #define BOOT_MAGIC 0xAA55 #define ACTIVE 0x80 #define COPYRIGHT_FILE "/COPYRIGHT" #define README_FILE "/README" #ifndef EXTERN # define EXTERN extern #endif EXTERN char *devicename[MAXFS+1]; EXTERN char *mountpoint[MAXFS+1]; EXTERN int dialog_active; extern int no_disks; extern int inst_disk; extern unsigned char *scratch; extern unsigned char *errmsg; extern int *avail_fds; extern struct disklabel *avail_disklabels; extern u_short dkcksum(struct disklabel *); /* utils.c */ void Abort __P((void)); void ExitSysinstall __P((void)); void TellEm __P((char *fmt, ...)); void stage0 __P((void)); void *Malloc __P((size_t size)); char *StrAlloc __P((char *str)); void Fatal __P((char *fmt, ...)); void AskAbort __P((char *fmt, ...)); void MountUfs __P((char *device, char *prefix, char *mountpoint, int do_mkdir)); void Mkdir __P((char *path)); /* exec.c */ int exec __P((int magic, char *cmd, char *args, ...)); #define EXEC_MAXARG 100 /* stage0.c */ void stage0 __P((void)); /* stage1.c */ void stage1 __P((void)); /* stage2.c */ void stage2 __P((void)); /* stage3.c */ void stage3 __P((void)); /* termcap.c */ int set_termcap __P((void));