-- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD -- -- Copyright (c) 2015 Pedro Souza <pedrosouza@freebsd.org> -- Copyright (C) 2018 Kyle Evans <kevans@FreeBSD.org> -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- are met: -- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND -- ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE -- ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS -- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) -- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT -- LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY -- OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF -- SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- $FreeBSD$ -- local core = require("core") local color = require("color") local config = require("config") local screen = require("screen") local drawer = require("drawer") local menu = {} local drawn_menu local return_menu_entry = { entry_type = core.MENU_RETURN, name = "Back to main menu" .. color.highlight(" [Backspace]"), } local function OnOff(str, value) if value then return str .. color.escapefg(color.GREEN) .. "On" .. color.escapefg(color.WHITE) else return str .. color.escapefg(color.RED) .. "off" .. color.escapefg(color.WHITE) end end local function bootenvSet(env) loader.setenv("vfs.root.mountfrom", env) loader.setenv("currdev", env .. ":") config.reload() end -- Module exports menu.handlers = { -- Menu handlers take the current menu and selected entry as parameters, -- and should return a boolean indicating whether execution should -- continue or not. The return value may be omitted if this entry should -- have no bearing on whether we continue or not, indicating that we -- should just continue after execution. [core.MENU_ENTRY] = function(_, entry) -- run function entry.func() end, [core.MENU_CAROUSEL_ENTRY] = function(_, entry) -- carousel (rotating) functionality local carid = entry.carousel_id local caridx = config.getCarouselIndex(carid) local choices = entry.items if type(choices) == "function" then choices = choices() end if #choices > 0 then caridx = (caridx % #choices) + 1 config.setCarouselIndex(carid, caridx) entry.func(caridx, choices[caridx], choices) end end, [core.MENU_SUBMENU] = function(_, entry) menu.process(entry.submenu) end, [core.MENU_RETURN] = function(_, entry) -- allow entry to have a function/side effect if entry.func ~= nil then entry.func() end return false end, } -- loader menu tree is rooted at menu.welcome menu.boot_environments = { entries = { -- return to welcome menu return_menu_entry, { entry_type = core.MENU_CAROUSEL_ENTRY, carousel_id = "be_active", items = core.bootenvList, name = function(idx, choice, all_choices) if #all_choices == 0 then return "Active: " end local is_default = (idx == 1) local bootenv_name = "" local name_color if is_default then name_color = color.escapefg(color.GREEN) else name_color = color.escapefg(color.BLUE) end bootenv_name = bootenv_name .. name_color .. choice .. color.resetfg() return color.highlight("A").."ctive: " .. bootenv_name .. " (" .. idx .. " of " .. #all_choices .. ")" end, func = function(_, choice, _) bootenvSet(choice) end, alias = {"a", "A"}, }, { entry_type = core.MENU_ENTRY, name = function() return color.highlight("b") .. "ootfs: " .. core.bootenvDefault() end, func = function() -- Reset active boot environment to the default config.setCarouselIndex("be_active", 1) bootenvSet(core.bootenvDefault()) end, alias = {"b", "B"}, }, }, } menu.boot_options = { entries = { -- return to welcome menu return_menu_entry, -- load defaults { entry_type = core.MENU_ENTRY, name = "Load System " .. color.highlight("D") .. "efaults", func = core.setDefaults, alias = {"d", "D"}, }, { entry_type = core.MENU_SEPARATOR, }, { entry_type = core.MENU_SEPARATOR, name = "Boot Options:", }, -- acpi { entry_type = core.MENU_ENTRY, visible = core.isSystem386, name = function() return OnOff(color.highlight("A") .. "CPI :", core.acpi) end, func = core.setACPI, alias = {"a", "A"}, }, -- safe mode { entry_type = core.MENU_ENTRY, name = function() return OnOff("Safe " .. color.highlight("M") .. "ode :", core.sm) end, func = core.setSafeMode, alias = {"m", "M"}, }, -- single user { entry_type = core.MENU_ENTRY, name = function() return OnOff(color.highlight("S") .. "ingle user:", core.su) end, func = core.setSingleUser, alias = {"s", "S"}, }, -- verbose boot { entry_type = core.MENU_ENTRY, name = function() return OnOff(color.highlight("V") .. "erbose :", core.verbose) end, func = core.setVerbose, alias = {"v", "V"}, }, }, } menu.welcome = { entries = function() local menu_entries = menu.welcome.all_entries -- Swap the first two menu items on single user boot if core.isSingleUserBoot() then -- We'll cache the swapped menu, for performance if menu.welcome.swapped_menu ~= nil then return menu.welcome.swapped_menu end -- Shallow copy the table menu_entries = core.deepCopyTable(menu_entries) -- Swap the first two menu entries menu_entries[1], menu_entries[2] = menu_entries[2], menu_entries[1] -- Then set their names to their alternate names menu_entries[1].name, menu_entries[2].name = menu_entries[1].alternate_name, menu_entries[2].alternate_name menu.welcome.swapped_menu = menu_entries end return menu_entries end, all_entries = { -- boot multi user { entry_type = core.MENU_ENTRY, name = color.highlight("B") .. "oot Multi user " .. color.highlight("[Enter]"), -- Not a standard menu entry function! alternate_name = color.highlight("B") .. "oot Multi user", func = function() core.setSingleUser(false) core.boot() end, alias = {"b", "B"}, }, -- boot single user { entry_type = core.MENU_ENTRY, name = "Boot " .. color.highlight("S") .. "ingle user", -- Not a standard menu entry function! alternate_name = "Boot " .. color.highlight("S") .. "ingle user " .. color.highlight("[Enter]"), func = function() core.setSingleUser(true) core.boot() end, alias = {"s", "S"}, }, -- escape to interpreter { entry_type = core.MENU_RETURN, name = color.highlight("Esc") .. "ape to loader prompt", func = function() loader.setenv("autoboot_delay", "NO") end, alias = {core.KEYSTR_ESCAPE}, }, -- reboot { entry_type = core.MENU_ENTRY, name = color.highlight("R") .. "eboot", func = function() loader.perform("reboot") end, alias = {"r", "R"}, }, { entry_type = core.MENU_SEPARATOR, }, { entry_type = core.MENU_SEPARATOR, name = "Options:", }, -- kernel options { entry_type = core.MENU_CAROUSEL_ENTRY, carousel_id = "kernel", items = core.kernelList, name = function(idx, choice, all_choices) if #all_choices == 0 then return "Kernel: " end local is_default = (idx == 1) local kernel_name = "" local name_color if is_default then name_color = color.escapefg(color.GREEN) kernel_name = "default/" else name_color = color.escapefg(color.BLUE) end kernel_name = kernel_name .. name_color .. choice .. color.resetfg() return color.highlight("K") .. "ernel: " .. kernel_name .. " (" .. idx .. " of " .. #all_choices .. ")" end, func = function(_, choice, _) config.selectKernel(choice) end, alias = {"k", "K"}, }, -- boot options { entry_type = core.MENU_SUBMENU, name = "Boot " .. color.highlight("O") .. "ptions", submenu = menu.boot_options, alias = {"o", "O"}, }, -- boot environments { entry_type = core.MENU_SUBMENU, visible = function() return core.isZFSBoot() and #core.bootenvList() > 1 end, name = "Boot " .. color.highlight("E") .. "nvironments", submenu = menu.boot_environments, alias = {"e", "E"}, }, }, } menu.default = menu.welcome -- current_alias_table will be used to keep our alias table consistent across -- screen redraws, instead of relying on whatever triggered the redraw to update -- the local alias_table in menu.process. menu.current_alias_table = {} function menu.draw(menudef) -- Clear the screen, reset the cursor, then draw screen.clear() menu.current_alias_table = drawer.drawscreen(menudef) drawn_menu = menudef screen.defcursor() end -- 'keypress' allows the caller to indicate that a key has been pressed that we -- should process as our initial input. function menu.process(menudef, keypress) assert(menudef ~= nil) if drawn_menu ~= menudef then menu.draw(menudef) end while true do local key = keypress or io.getchar() keypress = nil -- Special key behaviors if (key == core.KEY_BACKSPACE or key == core.KEY_DELETE) and menudef ~= menu.default then break elseif key == core.KEY_ENTER then core.boot() -- Should not return end key = string.char(key) -- check to see if key is an alias local sel_entry = nil for k, v in pairs(menu.current_alias_table) do if key == k then sel_entry = v break end end -- if we have an alias do the assigned action: if sel_entry ~= nil then local handler = menu.handlers[sel_entry.entry_type] assert(handler ~= nil) -- The handler's return value indicates if we -- need to exit this menu. An omitted or true -- return value means to continue. if handler(menudef, sel_entry) == false then return end -- If we got an alias key the screen is out of date... -- redraw it. menu.draw(menudef) end end end function menu.run() menu.draw(menu.default) local autoboot_key = menu.autoboot() menu.process(menu.default, autoboot_key) drawn_menu = nil screen.defcursor() print("Exiting menu!") end function menu.autoboot() local ab = loader.getenv("autoboot_delay") if ab ~= nil and ab:lower() == "no" then return nil elseif tonumber(ab) == -1 then core.boot() end ab = tonumber(ab) or 10 local x = loader.getenv("loader_menu_timeout_x") or 4 local y = loader.getenv("loader_menu_timeout_y") or 23 local endtime = loader.time() + ab local time local last repeat time = endtime - loader.time() if last == nil or last ~= time then last = time screen.setcursor(x, y) print("Autoboot in " .. time .. " seconds, hit [Enter] to boot" .. " or any other key to stop ") screen.defcursor() end if io.ischar() then local ch = io.getchar() if ch == core.KEY_ENTER then break else -- erase autoboot msg screen.setcursor(0, y) print(string.rep(" ", 80)) screen.defcursor() return ch end end loader.delay(50000) until time <= 0 local cmd = loader.getenv("menu_timeout_command") or "boot" cli_execute_unparsed(cmd) end return menu