Configuring FreeBSD to run diskless Oct 15/1994 =================================== 1) Find a machine that will be your server. This machine will require enough disk space to hold the FreeBSD 2.0 binaries and have bootp and tftp services available. 2) Create a bootptab entry for the diskless FreeBSD machine. sample entry: diskless:\ :ht=ether:\ :ha=0000c01f848a:\ :sm=\ :hn:\ :ds=\ :ip=\ :vm=rfc1048: 3) Create a cfg.x.x.x.x file for your diskless machine. This is now an ASCII file with netboot commands in it. sample cfg.x.x.x.x: hostname rootfs swapfs 4) On the server, export the root and swap filesystems to the client. This usually involves putting them in the /etc/exports file and one some machines running /usr/etc/exportfs -av 5) Make a BOOTROM by copying netboot.rom to an EPROM, or copy to a DOS diskette. 6) Boot the diskless machine and run if you're using DOS. Martin Renters