-- -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD -- -- Copyright (c) 2015 Pedro Souza -- Copyright (C) 2018 Kyle Evans -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- are met: -- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND -- ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE -- ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS -- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) -- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT -- LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY -- OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF -- SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- $FreeBSD$ -- local hook = require("hook") local config = {} local modules = {} local carousel_choices = {} -- Which variables we changed local env_changed = {} -- Values to restore env to (nil to unset) local env_restore = {} local MSG_FAILEXEC = "Failed to exec '%s'" local MSG_FAILSETENV = "Failed to '%s' with value: %s" local MSG_FAILOPENCFG = "Failed to open config: '%s'" local MSG_FAILREADCFG = "Failed to read config: '%s'" local MSG_FAILPARSECFG = "Failed to parse config: '%s'" local MSG_FAILEXBEF = "Failed to execute '%s' before loading '%s'" local MSG_FAILEXMOD = "Failed to execute '%s'" local MSG_FAILEXAF = "Failed to execute '%s' after loading '%s'" local MSG_MALFORMED = "Malformed line (%d):\n\t'%s'" local MSG_DEFAULTKERNFAIL = "No kernel set, failed to load from module_path" local MSG_KERNFAIL = "Failed to load kernel '%s'" local MSG_KERNLOADING = "Loading kernel..." local MSG_MODLOADING = "Loading configured modules..." local MSG_MODLOADFAIL = "Could not load one or more modules!" local function restoreEnv() -- Examine changed environment variables for k, v in pairs(env_changed) do local restore_value = env_restore[k] if restore_value == nil then -- This one doesn't need restored for some reason goto continue end local current_value = loader.getenv(k) if current_value ~= v then -- This was overwritten by some action taken on the menu -- most likely; we'll leave it be. goto continue end restore_value = restore_value.value if restore_value ~= nil then loader.setenv(k, restore_value) else loader.unsetenv(k) end ::continue:: end env_changed = {} env_restore = {} end local function setEnv(key, value) -- Track the original value for this if we haven't already if env_restore[key] == nil then env_restore[key] = {value = loader.getenv(key)} end env_changed[key] = value return loader.setenv(key, value) end -- name here is one of 'name', 'type', flags', 'before', 'after', or 'error.' -- These are set from lines in loader.conf(5): ${key}_${name}="${value}" where -- ${key} is a module name. local function setKey(key, name, value) if modules[key] == nil then modules[key] = {} end modules[key][name] = value end -- Escapes the named value for use as a literal in a replacement pattern. -- e.g. dhcp.host-name gets turned into dhcp%.host%-name to remove the special -- meaning. local function escapeName(name) return name:gsub("([%p])", "%%%1") end local function processEnvVar(value) for name in value:gmatch("${([^}]+)}") do local replacement = loader.getenv(name) or "" value = value:gsub("${" .. escapeName(name) .. "}", replacement) end for name in value:gmatch("$([%w%p]+)%s*") do local replacement = loader.getenv(name) or "" value = value:gsub("$" .. escapeName(name), replacement) end return value end local pattern_table = { { str = "^%s*(#.*)", process = function(_, _) end, }, -- module_load="value" { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_load%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) if modules[k] == nil then modules[k] = {} end modules[k].load = v:upper() end, }, -- module_name="value" { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_name%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) setKey(k, "name", v) end, }, -- module_type="value" { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_type%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) setKey(k, "type", v) end, }, -- module_flags="value" { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_flags%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) setKey(k, "flags", v) end, }, -- module_before="value" { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_before%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) setKey(k, "before", v) end, }, -- module_after="value" { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_after%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) setKey(k, "after", v) end, }, -- module_error="value" { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_error%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) setKey(k, "error", v) end, }, -- exec="command" { str = "^%s*exec%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, _) if cli_execute_unparsed(k) ~= 0 then print(MSG_FAILEXEC:format(k)) end end, }, -- env_var="value" { str = "^%s*([%w%p]+)%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) if setEnv(k, processEnvVar(v)) ~= 0 then print(MSG_FAILSETENV:format(k, v)) end end, }, -- env_var=num { str = "^%s*([%w%p]+)%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) if setEnv(k, processEnvVar(v)) ~= 0 then print(MSG_FAILSETENV:format(k, tostring(v))) end end, }, } local function isValidComment(line) if line ~= nil then local s = line:match("^%s*#.*") if s == nil then s = line:match("^%s*$") end if s == nil then return false end end return true end local function loadModule(mod, silent) local status = true local pstatus for k, v in pairs(mod) do if v.load ~= nil and v.load:lower() == "yes" then local str = "load " if v.type ~= nil then str = str .. "-t " .. v.type .. " " end if v.name ~= nil then str = str .. v.name else str = str .. k end if v.flags ~= nil then str = str .. " " .. v.flags end if v.before ~= nil then pstatus = cli_execute_unparsed(v.before) == 0 if not pstatus and not silent then print(MSG_FAILEXBEF:format(v.before, k)) end status = status and pstatus end if cli_execute_unparsed(str) ~= 0 then if not silent then print(MSG_FAILEXMOD:format(str)) end if v.error ~= nil then cli_execute_unparsed(v.error) end status = false end if v.after ~= nil then pstatus = cli_execute_unparsed(v.after) == 0 if not pstatus and not silent then print(MSG_FAILEXAF:format(v.after, k)) end status = status and pstatus end end end return status end local function readConfFiles(loaded_files) local f = loader.getenv("loader_conf_files") if f ~= nil then for name in f:gmatch("([%w%p]+)%s*") do if loaded_files[name] ~= nil then goto continue end local prefiles = loader.getenv("loader_conf_files") print("Loading " .. name) -- These may or may not exist, and that's ok. Do a -- silent parse so that we complain on parse errors but -- not for them simply not existing. if not config.processFile(name, true) then print(MSG_FAILPARSECFG:format(name)) end loaded_files[name] = true local newfiles = loader.getenv("loader_conf_files") if prefiles ~= newfiles then readConfFiles(loaded_files) end ::continue:: end end end local function readFile(name, silent) local f = io.open(name) if f == nil then if not silent then print(MSG_FAILOPENCFG:format(name)) end return nil end local text, _ = io.read(f) -- We might have read in the whole file, this won't be needed any more. io.close(f) if text == nil and not silent then print(MSG_FAILREADCFG:format(name)) end return text end local function checkNextboot() local nextboot_file = loader.getenv("nextboot_file") if nextboot_file == nil then return end local text = readFile(nextboot_file, true) if text == nil then return end if text:match("^nextboot_enable=\"NO\"") ~= nil then -- We're done; nextboot is not enabled return end if not config.parse(text) then print(MSG_FAILPARSECFG:format(nextboot_file)) end -- Attempt to rewrite the first line and only the first line of the -- nextboot_file. We overwrite it with nextboot_enable="NO", then -- check for that on load. -- It's worth noting that this won't work on every filesystem, so we -- won't do anything notable if we have any errors in this process. local nfile = io.open(nextboot_file, 'w') if nfile ~= nil then -- We need the trailing space here to account for the extra -- character taken up by the string nextboot_enable="YES" -- Or new end quotation mark lands on the S, and we want to -- rewrite the entirety of the first line. io.write(nfile, "nextboot_enable=\"NO\" ") io.close(nfile) end end -- Module exports config.verbose = false -- The first item in every carousel is always the default item. function config.getCarouselIndex(id) return carousel_choices[id] or 1 end function config.setCarouselIndex(id, idx) carousel_choices[id] = idx end -- Returns true if we processed the file successfully, false if we did not. -- If 'silent' is true, being unable to read the file is not considered a -- failure. function config.processFile(name, silent) if silent == nil then silent = false end local text = readFile(name, silent) if text == nil then return silent end return config.parse(text) end -- silent runs will not return false if we fail to open the file function config.parse(text) local n = 1 local status = true for line in text:gmatch("([^\n]+)") do if line:match("^%s*$") == nil then local found = false for _, val in ipairs(pattern_table) do local k, v, c = line:match(val.str) if k ~= nil then found = true if isValidComment(c) then val.process(k, v) else print(MSG_MALFORMED:format(n, line)) status = false end break end end if not found then print(MSG_MALFORMED:format(n, line)) status = false end end n = n + 1 end return status end -- other_kernel is optionally the name of a kernel to load, if not the default -- or autoloaded default from the module_path function config.loadKernel(other_kernel) local flags = loader.getenv("kernel_options") or "" local kernel = other_kernel or loader.getenv("kernel") local function tryLoad(names) for name in names:gmatch("([^;]+)%s*;?") do local r = loader.perform("load " .. flags .. " " .. name) if r == 0 then return name end end return nil end local function loadBootfile() local bootfile = loader.getenv("bootfile") -- append default kernel name if bootfile == nil then bootfile = "kernel" else bootfile = bootfile .. ";kernel" end return tryLoad(bootfile) end -- kernel not set, try load from default module_path if kernel == nil then local res = loadBootfile() if res ~= nil then -- Default kernel is loaded config.kernel_loaded = nil return true else print(MSG_DEFAULTKERNFAIL) return false end else -- Use our cached module_path, so we don't end up with multiple -- automatically added kernel paths to our final module_path local module_path = config.module_path local res if other_kernel ~= nil then kernel = other_kernel end -- first try load kernel with module_path = /boot/${kernel} -- then try load with module_path=${kernel} local paths = {"/boot/" .. kernel, kernel} for _, v in pairs(paths) do loader.setenv("module_path", v) res = loadBootfile() -- succeeded, add path to module_path if res ~= nil then config.kernel_loaded = kernel if module_path ~= nil then loader.setenv("module_path", v .. ";" .. module_path) end return true end end -- failed to load with ${kernel} as a directory -- try as a file res = tryLoad(kernel) if res ~= nil then config.kernel_loaded = kernel return true else print(MSG_KERNFAIL:format(kernel)) return false end end end function config.selectKernel(kernel) config.kernel_selected = kernel end function config.load(file, reloading) if not file then file = "/boot/defaults/loader.conf" end if not config.processFile(file) then print(MSG_FAILPARSECFG:format(file)) end local loaded_files = {file = true} readConfFiles(loaded_files) checkNextboot() -- Cache the provided module_path at load time for later use config.module_path = loader.getenv("module_path") local verbose = loader.getenv("verbose_loading") or "no" config.verbose = verbose:lower() == "yes" if not reloading then hook.runAll("config.loaded") end end -- Reload configuration function config.reload(file) modules = {} restoreEnv() config.load(file, true) hook.runAll("config.reloaded") end function config.loadelf() local kernel = config.kernel_selected or config.kernel_loaded local loaded print(MSG_KERNLOADING) loaded = config.loadKernel(kernel) if not loaded then return end print(MSG_MODLOADING) if not loadModule(modules, not config.verbose) then print(MSG_MODLOADFAIL) end end hook.registerType("config.loaded") hook.registerType("config.reloaded") return config