#!/bin/sh -
#	$Id: netstart,v 1.30 1995/05/11 19:08:36 rgrimes Exp $
#	From: @(#)netstart	5.9 (Berkeley) 3/30/91

# Note that almost all the user-configurable behavior is no longer in
# this file, but rather in /etc/sysconfig.  Please check this file
# first before contemplating any changes here.

# If there is a global system configuration file, suck it in.
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig ]; then
	. /etc/sysconfig

# Set the host name if it is not already set
if [ -z "`hostname -s`" ] ; then
	hostname $hostname

# Set the domainname if we're using NIS
if [ -n "$defaultdomainname" -a "x$defaultdomainname" != "xNO" ] ; then
	domainname $defaultdomainname

# XXX This is known to cause an error if /usr is nfs mounted since it
# will not be avaliable until after the network is up :-(.  Once the
# relocation of sysctl to /sbin is done that problem will go away.
if [ -n "$tcp_extensions" -a "x$tcp_extensions" = "xNO" ] ; then
	sysctl -nw net.inet.tcp.rfc1323=0
	sysctl -nw net.inet.tcp.rfc1644=0

# Set up all the network interfaces, calling startup scripts if needed
for ifn in ${network_interfaces}; do
	if [ -e /etc/start_if.${ifn} ]; then
		. /etc/start_if.${ifn} ${ifn}
	eval ifconfig_args=\$ifconfig_${ifn}
	ifconfig ${ifn} ${ifconfig_args}
	ifconfig ${ifn}

# set the address for the loopback interface
ifconfig lo0 inet localhost

# set interface for multicasts to default interface
# this needs to happen before router discovery
route add -netmask 0xf0000000 -interface $hostname

if [ -n "$defaultrouter" -a "x$defaultrouter" != "xNO" ] ; then
	route add default $defaultrouter

# use loopback, not the wire
# route add $hostname localhost

if [ "x$gated" != "xNO" -o "x$routedflags" != "xNO" ] ; then
	echo -n starting routing daemons:

	# $gated and $routedflags are imported from /etc/sysconfig.
	# If $gated == YES, gated is used; otherwise routed.
	# If $routedflags == NO, routed isn't run.

	if [ "X${gated}" = X"YES" -a -r /etc/gated.conf ]; then
		echo -n	' gated';	/usr/local/sbin/gated $gatedflags
	elif [ "X${routedflags}" != X"NO" ]; then
		echo -n ' routed';	routed $routedflags

	echo '.'