# $FreeBSD$
# Refer to devd.conf(5) and devd(8) man pages for the details on how to
# run and configure devd.

# NB: All regular expressions have an implicit ^$ around them.
# NB: device-name is shorthand for 'match device-name'

options {
	# Each directory directive adds a directory the list of directories
	# that we scan for files.  Files are read-in in the order that they
	# are returned from readdir(3).  The rule-sets are combined to
	# create a DFA that's used to match events to actions.
	directory "/etc/devd";
	directory "/usr/local/etc/devd";
	pid-file "/var/run/devd.pid";

	# Setup some shorthand for regex that we use later in the file.
	#XXX Yes, these are gross -- imp
	set scsi-controller-regex

# Note that the attach/detach with the highest value wins, so that one can
# override these general rules.

# For ethernet like devices start configuring the interface.  Due to
# a historical accident, this script is called pccard_ether.
attach 0 {
	media-type "ethernet";
	action "/etc/pccard_ether $device-name start";

detach 0 {
	media-type "ethernet";
	action "/etc/pccard_ether $device-name stop";

# Try to start dhclient on Ethernet like interfaces when the link comes
# up.  Only devices that are configured to support DHCP will actually
# run it.  No link down rule exists because dhclient automaticly exits
# when the link goes down.
notify 0 {
	match "system"		"IFNET";
	match "type"		"LINK_UP";
	media-type		"ethernet";
	action "/etc/rc.d/dhclient start $subsystem";

# Like Ethernet devices, but separate because
# they have a different media type.  We may want
# to exploit this later.
detach 0 {
	media-type "802.11";
	action "/etc/pccard_ether $device-name stop";
attach 0 {
	media-type "802.11";
	action "/etc/pccard_ether $device-name start";
notify 0 {
	match "system"		"IFNET";
	match "type"		"LINK_UP";
	media-type		"802.11";
	action "/etc/rc.d/dhclient start $subsystem";

# An entry like this might be in a different file, but is included here
# as an example of how to override things.  Normally 'ed50' would match
# the above attach/detach stuff, but the value of 100 makes it
# hard wired to
attach 100 {
	device-name "ed50";
	action "ifconfig $device-name inet netmask 0xffff0000";
detach 100 {
	device-name "ed50";

# When a USB keyboard arrives, attach it as the console keyboard.
attach 100 {
	device-name "ukbd0";
	action "kbdcontrol -k /dev/ukbd0 < /dev/console && /etc/rc.d/syscons restart";
detach 100 {
	device-name "ukbd0";
	action "kbdcontrol -k /dev/kbd0 < /dev/console";

# The entry below starts moused when a mouse is plugged in. Moused
# stops automatically (actually it bombs :) when the device disappears.
attach 100 {
	device-name "ums[0-9]+";
	action "/etc/rc.d/moused start $device-name";

# Rescan scsi device-names on attach, but not detach.  However, it is
# disabled by default due to reports of problems.
attach 0 {
	device-name "$scsi-controller-regex";
//	action "camcontrol rescan all";

# Don't even try to second guess what to do about drivers that don't
# match here.  Instead, pass it off to syslog.  Commented out for the
# moment, as pnpinfo isn't set in devd yet.
nomatch 0 {
#	action "logger Unknown device: $pnpinfo $location $bus";

# Switch power profiles when the AC line state changes.
notify 10 {
	match "system"		"ACPI";
	match "subsystem"	"ACAD";
	action "/etc/rc.d/power_profile $notify";

# Notify all users before beginning emergency shutdown when we get
# a _CRT or _HOT thermal event and we're going to power down the system
# very soon.
notify 10 {
	match "system"		"ACPI";
	match "subsystem"	"Thermal";
	match "notify"		"0xcc";
	action "logger -p kern.emerg 'WARNING: system temperature too high, shutting down soon!'";


# The following might be an example of something that a vendor might
# install if you were to add their device.  This might reside in
# /usr/local/etc/devd/deqna.conf.  A deqna is, in this hypothetical
# example, a pccard ethernet-like device.  Students of history may
# know other devices by this name, and will get the in-jokes in this
# entry.
nomatch 10 {
	match "bus" "pccard[0-9]+";
	match "manufacturer" "0x1234";
	match "product" "0x2323";
	action "kldload if_deqna";
attach 10 {
	device-name "deqna[0-9]+";
	action "/etc/pccard_ether $device-name start";
detach 10 {
	device-name "deqna[0-9]+";
	action "/etc/pccard_ether $device-name stop";

# Examples of notify hooks.  A notify is a generic way for a kernel
# subsystem to send event notification to userland.
# Here are some examples of ACPI notify handlers.  ACPI subsystems that
# generate notifies include the AC adapter, power/sleep buttons,
# control method batteries, lid switch, and thermal zones.
# Information returned is not always the same as the ACPI notify
# events.  See the ACPI specification for more information about
# notifies.  Here is the information returned for each subsystem:
# ACAD:		AC line state (0 is offline, 1 is online)
# Button:	Button pressed (0 for power, 1 for sleep)
# CMBAT:	ACPI battery events
# Lid:		Lid state (0 is closed, 1 is open)
# Thermal:	ACPI thermal zone events
# This example calls a script when the AC state changes, passing the
# notify value as the first argument.  If the state is 0x00, it might
# call some sysctls to implement economy mode.  If 0x01, it might set
# the mode to performance.
notify 10 {
	match "system"		"ACPI";
	match "subsystem"	"ACAD";
	action			"/etc/acpi_ac $notify";