/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* hack.worm.c - version 1.0.2 */
/* $FreeBSD$ */

#include "hack.h"
#ifndef NOWORM
#include "def.wseg.h"

struct wseg *wsegs[32];	/* linked list, tail first */
struct wseg *wheads[32];
long wgrowtime[32];

getwn(mtmp) struct monst *mtmp; {
int tmp;
	for(tmp=1; tmp<32; tmp++) if(!wsegs[tmp]) {
		mtmp->wormno = tmp;
	return(0);	/* level infested with worms */

/* called to initialize a worm unless cut in half */
initworm(mtmp) struct monst *mtmp; {
struct wseg *wtmp;
int tmp = mtmp->wormno;
	if(!tmp) return;
	wheads[tmp] = wsegs[tmp] = wtmp = newseg();
	wgrowtime[tmp] = 0;
	wtmp->wx = mtmp->mx;
	wtmp->wy = mtmp->my;
/*	wtmp->wdispl = 0; */
	wtmp->nseg = 0;

worm_move(mtmp) struct monst *mtmp; {
struct wseg *wtmp, *whd;
int tmp = mtmp->wormno;
	wtmp = newseg();
	wtmp->wx = mtmp->mx;
	wtmp->wy = mtmp->my;
	wtmp->nseg = 0;
/*	wtmp->wdispl = 0; */
	(whd = wheads[tmp])->nseg = wtmp;
	wheads[tmp] = wtmp;
		atl(whd->wx, whd->wy, '~');
		whd->wdispl = 1;
	} else	whd->wdispl = 0;
	if(wgrowtime[tmp] <= moves) {
		if(!wgrowtime[tmp]) wgrowtime[tmp] = moves + rnd(5);
		else wgrowtime[tmp] += 2+rnd(15);
		mtmp->mhpmax += 3;
		mtmp->mhp += 3;
	whd = wsegs[tmp];
	wsegs[tmp] = whd->nseg;

worm_nomove(mtmp) struct monst *mtmp; {
int tmp;
struct wseg *wtmp;
	tmp = mtmp->wormno;
	wtmp = wsegs[tmp];
	if(wtmp == wheads[tmp]) return;
	if(wtmp == 0 || wtmp->nseg == 0) panic("worm_nomove?");
	wsegs[tmp] = wtmp->nseg;
	mtmp->mhp -= 3;	/* mhpmax not changed ! */

wormdead(mtmp) struct monst *mtmp; {
int tmp = mtmp->wormno;
struct wseg *wtmp, *wtmp2;
	if(!tmp) return;
	mtmp->wormno = 0;
	for(wtmp = wsegs[tmp]; wtmp; wtmp = wtmp2){
		wtmp2 = wtmp->nseg;
	wsegs[tmp] = 0;

wormhit(mtmp) struct monst *mtmp; {
int tmp = mtmp->wormno;
struct wseg *wtmp;
	if(!tmp) return;	/* worm without tail */
	for(wtmp = wsegs[tmp]; wtmp; wtmp = wtmp->nseg)
		(void) hitu(mtmp,1);

wormsee(tmp) unsigned tmp; {
struct wseg *wtmp = wsegs[tmp];
	if(!wtmp) panic("wormsee: wtmp==0");
	for(; wtmp->nseg; wtmp = wtmp->nseg)
		if(!cansee(wtmp->wx,wtmp->wy) && wtmp->wdispl){
			newsym(wtmp->wx, wtmp->wy);
			wtmp->wdispl = 0;

pwseg(wtmp) struct wseg *wtmp; {
		atl(wtmp->wx, wtmp->wy, '~');
		wtmp->wdispl = 1;

struct monst *mtmp;
xchar x,y;
uchar weptyp;		/* uwep->otyp or 0 */
	struct wseg *wtmp, *wtmp2;
	struct monst *mtmp2;
	int tmp,tmp2;
	if(mtmp->mx == x && mtmp->my == y) return;	/* hit headon */

	/* cutting goes best with axe or sword */
	tmp = rnd(20);
	if(weptyp == LONG_SWORD || weptyp == TWO_HANDED_SWORD ||
		weptyp == AXE) tmp += 5;
	if(tmp < 12) return;

	/* if tail then worm just loses a tail segment */
	tmp = mtmp->wormno;
	wtmp = wsegs[tmp];
	if(wtmp->wx == x && wtmp->wy == y){
		wsegs[tmp] = wtmp->nseg;

	/* cut the worm in two halves */
	mtmp2 = newmonst(0);
	*mtmp2 = *mtmp;
	mtmp2->mxlth = mtmp2->mnamelth = 0;

	/* sometimes the tail end dies */
	if(rn2(3) || !getwn(mtmp2)){
		tmp2 = 0;
	} else {
		tmp2 = mtmp2->wormno;
		wsegs[tmp2] = wsegs[tmp];
		wgrowtime[tmp2] = 0;
	do {
		if(wtmp->nseg->wx == x && wtmp->nseg->wy == y){
			if(tmp2) wheads[tmp2] = wtmp;
			wsegs[tmp] = wtmp->nseg->nseg;
			wtmp->nseg = 0;
				pline("You cut the worm in half.");
				mtmp2->mhpmax = mtmp2->mhp =
					d(mtmp2->data->mlevel, 8);
				mtmp2->mx = wtmp->wx;
				mtmp2->my = wtmp->wy;
				mtmp2->nmon = fmon;
				fmon = mtmp2;
			} else {
				pline("You cut off part of the worm's tail.");
			mtmp->mhp /= 2;
		wtmp2 = wtmp->nseg;
		if(!tmp2) remseg(wtmp);
		wtmp = wtmp2;
	} while(wtmp->nseg);
	panic("Cannot find worm segment");

remseg(wtmp) struct wseg *wtmp; {
		newsym(wtmp->wx, wtmp->wy);
	free((char *) wtmp);
#endif NOWORM