/* Knights Tour - a brain game */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef __386BSD__ #define srand48 srandom #define lrand48 random #endif short board [64]; /* the squares */ char row, column; /* input characters */ int rw,col; /* numeric equivalent of row and column */ int curow,curcol; /* current row and column integers */ int rdif, cdif; /* difference between input and current */ int j; /* index into board */ char script[]={"'_)//,/(-)/__/__(_<_(__),|/|/_///_/_or< two squares in any direction and one square in a", "perpendicular direction. He may not, of course, move off the board.", "", " At the beginning of a game you will be asked to either choose a", "starting square or allow the computer to select a random location.", "Squares are designated by a letter-number combination where the row is", "specified by a letter A-H and the numbers 1-8 define a column. Invalid", "entries are ignored and illegal moves produce a beep at the terminal.", "", " The objective is to visit every square on the board. When you claim", "a square a marker is placed on it to show where you've been. You may", "not revisit a square that you've landed on before.", "", " After each move the program checks to see if you have any legal", "moves left. If not, the game ends and your squares are counted. If", "you've made all the squares you win the game. Otherwise, you are told", "the number of squares you did make.", "END" }; void init(void); int play(void); void drawboard(void); void dosquares(void); void getfirst(void); void getrc(void); void putstars(void); int evalmove(void); int chkmoves(void); int endgame(void); int chksqr(int, int); void instruct(void); void title(int, int); int main () { init (); for (;;) if (!play ()) { endwin (); exit (0); } } void init () { srand48 (getpid()); initscr (); cbreak (); /* immediate char return */ noecho (); /* no immediate echo */ traceon(); title (1,23); traceoff(); mvaddstr (23, 25, "Would you like instructions? "); refresh(); if ((toupper(getch())) == 'Y') instruct(); clear (); } int play () { drawboard (); /* clear screen and drawboard */ for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) board[j]=0; getfirst (); /* get the starting square */ for (;;) { getrc(); if (evalmove()) { putstars (); if (!chkmoves()) return (endgame ()); } else beep(); } } void drawboard () { erase (); dosquares (); refresh (); mvaddstr (0, 7, "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8"); for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) mvaddch (2*j+2, 3, j + 'A'); refresh (); mvaddstr (20, 5, "ROW:"); mvaddstr (20, 27, "COLUMN:"); mvaddstr (14, 49, "CURRENT ROW"); mvaddstr (16, 49, "CURRENT COL"); mvaddstr (22, 5, "A - H or Q to quit"); mvaddstr (22, 27, "1 - 8 or ESC to cancel row"); refresh (); title (1,40); } void dosquares () { mvaddstr (1, 6, "-------------------------------"); for (j = 1; j < 9; j++){ mvaddstr (2*j, 5, "| | | | | | | | |"); mvaddstr (2*j+1, 6, "-------------------------------"); } } void getfirst () /* get first square */ { mvaddstr (23, 25, "(S)elect or (R)andom "); refresh (); do { row = toupper(getch()); } while ((row != 'S') && (row != 'R')); if (row == 'R') { rw = lrand48() % 8; col = lrand48() % 8; j = 8* rw + col; row = rw + 'A'; column = col + '1'; } else { mvaddstr (23, 25, "Enter starting row and column"); refresh (); getrc(); /* get row and column */ } putstars (); move (23, 0); clrtobot(); } void getrc () /* get row and column */ { noecho (); do { mvaddstr (20, 35, " "); refresh (); do { mvaddch (20, 11, ' '); move (20, 11); refresh (); row=toupper(getch()); if (row == 'Q') { endwin (); exit (1); } } while ((row < 'A') || (row > 'H')); addch (row); move (20, 35); refresh (); do { column=getch(); if (column == '\033') break; } while ((column < '1') || (column > '8')); if (column != '\033') addch (column); } while (column == '\033'); refresh(); rw = row - 'A'; col= column - '1'; j = 8 * rw + col; } void putstars () /* place the stars, update board & currents */ { mvaddch (2*curow+2, 38, ' '); mvaddch (2*rw+2, 38, '<'); mvaddch (18, curcol*4+7, ' '); mvaddch (18, col*4+7, '^'); curow = rw; curcol= col; mvaddstr (2 * rw + 2, 4*col+6, "***"); mvaddch (14, 61, row); mvaddch (16, 61, column); refresh (); board[j] = 1; } int evalmove() /* convert row and column to integers */ /* and evaluate move */ { rdif = rw - curow; cdif = col - curcol; rdif = abs(rw - curow); cdif = abs(col - curcol); refresh (); if ((rdif == 1) && (cdif == 2)) if (board [j] == 0) return (1); if ((rdif == 2) && (cdif == 1)) if (board [j] == 0) return (1); return (0); } int chkmoves () /* check to see if valid moves are available */ { if (chksqr(2,1)) return (1); if (chksqr(2,-1)) return (1); if (chksqr(-2,1)) return (1); if (chksqr(-2,-1)) return (1); if (chksqr(1,2)) return (1); if (chksqr(1,-2)) return (1); if (chksqr(-1,2)) return (1); if (chksqr(-1,-2)) return (1); return (0); } int endgame () /* check for filled board or not */ { rw = 0; for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) if (board[j] != 0) rw+=1; if (rw == 64) mvaddstr (20, 20, "Congratulations !! You got 'em all"); else mvprintw (20, 20, "You have ended up with %2d squares",rw); mvaddstr (21, 25, "Play again ? (y/n) "); refresh (); if ((row=tolower(getch())) == 'y') return (1); else return (0); } #ifndef abs abs(num) int num; { if (num < 0) return (-num); else return (num); } #endif int chksqr (int n1, int n2) { int r1, c1; r1 = rw + n1; c1 = col + n2; if ((r1<0) || (r1>7)) return (0); if ((c1<0) || (c1>7)) return (0); if (board[r1*8+c1] == 0) return (1); else return (0); } void instruct() { int i; clear (); for (i=0;;i++) { if ((strcmp(instructions[i],"END"))) mvaddstr (i, 0, instructions[i]); else { mvaddstr (23, 25, "Ready to play ? (y/n) "); refresh(); if (toupper(getch()) == 'Y') { clear (); return; } else { clear (); refresh (); endwin (); exit (0); } } } } void title (y,x) int y,x; { char c; j = 0; do { c = script[j]; if (c == 0) break ; mvaddch (ypos[j]+y, xpos[j]+x, c); j++; } while (c != 0); refresh (); }