/* * Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)setup.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93"; #endif /* not lint */ # include <stdlib.h> # include "trek.h" # include "getpar.h" /* ** INITIALIZE THE GAME ** ** The length, skill, and password are read, and the game ** is initialized. It is far too difficult to describe all ** that goes on in here, but it is all straight-line code; ** give it a look. ** ** Game restart and tournament games are handled here. */ struct cvntab Lentab[] = { "s", "hort", (int (*)())1, 0, "m", "edium", (int (*)())2, 0, "l", "ong", (int (*)())4, 0, "restart", "", 0, 0, 0 }; struct cvntab Skitab[] = { "n", "ovice", (int (*)())1, 0, "f", "air", (int (*)())2, 0, "g", "ood", (int (*)())3, 0, "e", "xpert", (int (*)())4, 0, "c", "ommodore", (int (*)())5, 0, "i", "mpossible", (int (*)())6, 0, 0 }; setup() { struct cvntab *r; register int i, j; double f; int d; int fd; int klump; int ix, iy; register struct quad *q; struct event *e; while (1) { r = getcodpar("What length game", Lentab); Game.length = (long) r->value; if (Game.length == 0) { if (restartgame()) continue; return; } break; } r = getcodpar("What skill game", Skitab); Game.skill = (long) r->value; Game.tourn = 0; getstrpar("Enter a password", Game.passwd, 14, 0); if (sequal(Game.passwd, "tournament")) { getstrpar("Enter tournament code", Game.passwd, 14, 0); Game.tourn = 1; d = 0; for (i = 0; Game.passwd[i]; i++) d += Game.passwd[i] << i; srandom(d); } Param.bases = Now.bases = ranf(6 - Game.skill) + 2; if (Game.skill == 6) Param.bases = Now.bases = 1; Param.time = Now.time = 6.0 * Game.length + 2.0; i = Game.skill; j = Game.length; Param.klings = Now.klings = i * j * 3.5 * (franf() + 0.75); if (Param.klings < i * j * 5) Param.klings = Now.klings = i * j * 5; if (Param.klings <= i) /* numerical overflow problems */ Param.klings = Now.klings = 127; Param.energy = Ship.energy = 5000; Param.torped = Ship.torped = 10; Ship.ship = ENTERPRISE; Ship.shipname = "Enterprise"; Param.shield = Ship.shield = 1500; Param.resource = Now.resource = Param.klings * Param.time; Param.reserves = Ship.reserves = (6 - Game.skill) * 2.0; Param.crew = Ship.crew = 387; Param.brigfree = Ship.brigfree = 400; Ship.shldup = 1; Ship.cond = GREEN; Ship.warp = 5.0; Ship.warp2 = 25.0; Ship.warp3 = 125.0; Ship.sinsbad = 0; Ship.cloaked = 0; Param.date = Now.date = (ranf(20) + 20) * 100; f = Game.skill; f = log(f + 0.5); for (i = 0; i < NDEV; i++) if (Device[i].name[0] == '*') Param.damfac[i] = 0; else Param.damfac[i] = f; /* these probabilities must sum to 1000 */ Param.damprob[WARP] = 70; /* warp drive 7.0% */ Param.damprob[SRSCAN] = 110; /* short range scanners 11.0% */ Param.damprob[LRSCAN] = 110; /* long range scanners 11.0% */ Param.damprob[PHASER] = 125; /* phasers 12.5% */ Param.damprob[TORPED] = 125; /* photon torpedoes 12.5% */ Param.damprob[IMPULSE] = 75; /* impulse engines 7.5% */ Param.damprob[SHIELD] = 150; /* shield control 15.0% */ Param.damprob[COMPUTER] = 20; /* computer 2.0% */ Param.damprob[SSRADIO] = 35; /* subspace radio 3.5% */ Param.damprob[LIFESUP] = 30; /* life support 3.0% */ Param.damprob[SINS] = 20; /* navigation system 2.0% */ Param.damprob[CLOAK] = 50; /* cloaking device 5.0% */ Param.damprob[XPORTER] = 80; /* transporter 8.0% */ /* check to see that I didn't blow it */ for (i = j = 0; i < NDEV; i++) j += Param.damprob[i]; if (j != 1000) syserr("Device probabilities sum to %d", j); Param.dockfac = 0.5; Param.regenfac = (5 - Game.skill) * 0.05; if (Param.regenfac < 0.0) Param.regenfac = 0.0; Param.warptime = 10; Param.stopengy = 50; Param.shupengy = 40; i = Game.skill; Param.klingpwr = 100 + 150 * i; if (i >= 6) Param.klingpwr += 150; Param.phasfac = 0.8; Param.hitfac = 0.5; Param.klingcrew = 200; Param.srndrprob = 0.0035; Param.moveprob[KM_OB] = 45; Param.movefac[KM_OB] = .09; Param.moveprob[KM_OA] = 40; Param.movefac[KM_OA] = -0.05; Param.moveprob[KM_EB] = 40; Param.movefac[KM_EB] = 0.075; Param.moveprob[KM_EA] = 25 + 5 * Game.skill; Param.movefac[KM_EA] = -0.06 * Game.skill; Param.moveprob[KM_LB] = 0; Param.movefac[KM_LB] = 0.0; Param.moveprob[KM_LA] = 10 + 10 * Game.skill; Param.movefac[KM_LA] = 0.25; Param.eventdly[E_SNOVA] = 0.5; Param.eventdly[E_LRTB] = 25.0; Param.eventdly[E_KATSB] = 1.0; Param.eventdly[E_KDESB] = 3.0; Param.eventdly[E_ISSUE] = 1.0; Param.eventdly[E_SNAP] = 0.5; Param.eventdly[E_ENSLV] = 0.5; Param.eventdly[E_REPRO] = 2.0; Param.navigcrud[0] = 1.50; Param.navigcrud[1] = 0.75; Param.cloakenergy = 1000; Param.energylow = 1000; for (i = 0; i < MAXEVENTS; i++) { e = &Event[i]; e->date = 1e50; e->evcode = 0; } xsched(E_SNOVA, 1, 0, 0, 0); xsched(E_LRTB, Param.klings, 0, 0, 0); xsched(E_KATSB, 1, 0, 0, 0); xsched(E_ISSUE, 1, 0, 0, 0); xsched(E_SNAP, 1, 0, 0, 0); Ship.sectx = ranf(NSECTS); Ship.secty = ranf(NSECTS); Game.killk = Game.kills = Game.killb = 0; Game.deaths = Game.negenbar = 0; Game.captives = 0; Game.killinhab = 0; Game.helps = 0; Game.killed = 0; Game.snap = 0; Move.endgame = 0; /* setup stars */ for (i = 0; i < NQUADS; i++) for (j = 0; j < NQUADS; j++) { q = &Quad[i][j]; q->klings = q->bases = 0; q->scanned = -1; q->stars = ranf(9) + 1; q->holes = ranf(3) - q->stars / 5; q->qsystemname = 0; } /* select inhabited starsystems */ for (d = 1; d < NINHAB; d++) { do { i = ranf(NQUADS); j = ranf(NQUADS); q = &Quad[i][j]; } while (q->qsystemname); q->qsystemname = d; } /* position starbases */ for (i = 0; i < Param.bases; i++) { while (1) { ix = ranf(NQUADS); iy = ranf(NQUADS); q = &Quad[ix][iy]; if (q->bases > 0) continue; break; } q->bases = 1; Now.base[i].x = ix; Now.base[i].y = iy; q->scanned = 1001; /* start the Enterprise near starbase */ if (i == 0) { Ship.quadx = ix; Ship.quady = iy; } } /* position klingons */ for (i = Param.klings; i > 0; ) { klump = ranf(4) + 1; if (klump > i) klump = i; while (1) { ix = ranf(NQUADS); iy = ranf(NQUADS); q = &Quad[ix][iy]; if (q->klings + klump > MAXKLQUAD) continue; q->klings += klump; i -= klump; break; } } /* initialize this quadrant */ printf("%d Klingons\n%d starbase", Param.klings, Param.bases); if (Param.bases > 1) printf("s"); printf(" at %d,%d", Now.base[0].x, Now.base[0].y); for (i = 1; i < Param.bases; i++) printf(", %d,%d", Now.base[i].x, Now.base[i].y); printf("\nIt takes %d units to kill a Klingon\n", Param.klingpwr); Move.free = 0; initquad(0); srscan(1); attack(0); }