# # Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Matthew Macy (mmacy@mattmacy.io) # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Neither the name of Matthew Macy nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # $FreeBSD$ # #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/systm.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <machine/bus.h> #include <sys/bus.h> #include <net/ethernet.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <net/if_var.h> #include <net/if_media.h> #include <net/iflib.h> #include <net/if_clone.h> #include <net/if_dl.h> #include <net/if_types.h> INTERFACE ifdi; CODE { static void null_void_op(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused) { } static int null_knlist_add(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, struct knote *_kn) { return (0); } static int null_knote_event(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, struct knote *_kn, int _hint) { return (0); } static void null_timer_op(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, uint16_t _qsidx __unused) { } static int null_int_op(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused) { return (0); } static int null_int_int_op(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, int arg0 __unused) { return (ENOTSUP); } static int null_queue_intr_enable(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, uint16_t _qid __unused) { return (ENOTSUP); } static void null_led_func(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, int _onoff __unused) { } static void null_vlan_register_op(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, uint16_t vtag __unused) { } static int null_q_setup(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, uint32_t _qid __unused) { return (0); } static int null_i2c_req(if_ctx_t _sctx __unused, struct ifi2creq *_i2c __unused) { return (ENOTSUP); } static int null_sysctl_int_delay(if_ctx_t _sctx __unused, if_int_delay_info_t _iidi __unused) { return (0); } static int null_iov_init(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, uint16_t num_vfs __unused, const nvlist_t *params __unused) { return (ENOTSUP); } static int null_vf_add(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, uint16_t num_vfs __unused, const nvlist_t *params __unused) { return (ENOTSUP); } static int null_priv_ioctl(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, u_long command, caddr_t *data __unused) { return (ENOTSUP); } static void null_media_status(if_ctx_t ctx __unused, struct ifmediareq *ifmr) { ifmr->ifm_status = IFM_AVALID | IFM_ACTIVE; ifmr->ifm_active = IFM_ETHER | IFM_25G_ACC | IFM_FDX; } static int null_cloneattach(if_ctx_t ctx __unused, struct if_clone *ifc __unused, const char *name __unused, caddr_t params __unused) { return (0); } static void null_rx_clset(if_ctx_t _ctx __unused, uint16_t _flid __unused, uint16_t _qid __unused, caddr_t *_sdcl __unused) { } static void null_object_info_get(if_ctx_t ctx __unused, void *data __unused, int size __unused) { } static int default_mac_set(if_ctx_t ctx, const uint8_t *mac) { struct ifnet *ifp = iflib_get_ifp(ctx); struct sockaddr_dl *sdl; if (ifp && ifp->if_addr) { sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)ifp->if_addr->ifa_addr; MPASS(sdl->sdl_type == IFT_ETHER); memcpy(LLADDR(sdl), mac, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); } return (0); } }; # # kevent interfaces # METHOD int knlist_add { if_ctx_t _ctx; struct knote *_kn; } DEFAULT null_knlist_add; METHOD int knote_event { if_ctx_t _ctx; struct knote *_kn; int hint; } DEFAULT null_knote_event; # # query # METHOD int object_info_get { if_ctx_t _ctx; void *data; int size; } DEFAULT null_object_info_get; # # bus interfaces # METHOD int attach_pre { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_int_op; METHOD int attach_post { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_int_op; METHOD int reinit_pre { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_int_op; METHOD int reinit_post { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_int_op; METHOD int cloneattach { if_ctx_t _ctx; struct if_clone *_ifc; const char *_name; caddr_t params; } DEFAULT null_cloneattach; METHOD int detach { if_ctx_t _ctx; }; METHOD int suspend { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_int_op; METHOD int shutdown { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_int_op; METHOD int resume { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_int_op; # # downcall to driver to allocate its # own queue state and tie it to the parent # METHOD int tx_queues_alloc { if_ctx_t _ctx; caddr_t *_vaddrs; uint64_t *_paddrs; int ntxqs; int ntxqsets; }; METHOD int rx_queues_alloc { if_ctx_t _ctx; caddr_t *_vaddrs; uint64_t *_paddrs; int nrxqs; int nrxqsets; }; METHOD void queues_free { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_void_op; METHOD void rx_clset { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint16_t _fl; uint16_t _qsetid; caddr_t *_sdcl; } DEFAULT null_rx_clset; # # interface reset / stop # METHOD void init { if_ctx_t _ctx; }; METHOD void stop { if_ctx_t _ctx; }; # # interrupt setup and manipulation # METHOD int msix_intr_assign { if_ctx_t _sctx; int msix; } DEFAULT null_int_int_op; METHOD void intr_enable { if_ctx_t _ctx; }; METHOD void intr_disable { if_ctx_t _ctx; }; METHOD int rx_queue_intr_enable { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint16_t _qid; } DEFAULT null_queue_intr_enable; METHOD int tx_queue_intr_enable { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint16_t _qid; } DEFAULT null_queue_intr_enable; METHOD void link_intr_enable { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_void_op; # # interface configuration # METHOD void multi_set { if_ctx_t _ctx; }; METHOD int mtu_set { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint32_t _mtu; }; METHOD int mac_set { if_ctx_t _ctx; const uint8_t *_mac; } DEFAULT default_mac_set; METHOD void media_set{ if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_void_op; METHOD int promisc_set { if_ctx_t _ctx; int _flags; }; METHOD void crcstrip_set { if_ctx_t _ctx; int _onoff; int _strip; }; # # IOV handling # METHOD void vflr_handle { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_void_op; METHOD int iov_init { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint16_t num_vfs; const nvlist_t * params; } DEFAULT null_iov_init; METHOD void iov_uninit { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_void_op; METHOD int iov_vf_add { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint16_t num_vfs; const nvlist_t * params; } DEFAULT null_vf_add; # # Device status # METHOD void update_admin_status { if_ctx_t _ctx; }; METHOD void media_status { if_ctx_t _ctx; struct ifmediareq *_ifm; } DEFAULT null_media_status; METHOD int media_change { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_int_op; METHOD uint64_t get_counter { if_ctx_t _ctx; ift_counter cnt; }; METHOD int priv_ioctl { if_ctx_t _ctx; u_long _cmd; caddr_t _data; } DEFAULT null_priv_ioctl; # # optional methods # METHOD int i2c_req { if_ctx_t _ctx; struct ifi2creq *_req; } DEFAULT null_i2c_req; METHOD int txq_setup { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint32_t _txqid; } DEFAULT null_q_setup; METHOD int rxq_setup { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint32_t _txqid; } DEFAULT null_q_setup; METHOD void timer { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint16_t _txqid; } DEFAULT null_timer_op; METHOD void watchdog_reset { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_void_op; METHOD void watchdog_reset_queue { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint16_t _q; } DEFAULT null_timer_op; METHOD void led_func { if_ctx_t _ctx; int _onoff; } DEFAULT null_led_func; METHOD void vlan_register { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint16_t _vtag; } DEFAULT null_vlan_register_op; METHOD void vlan_unregister { if_ctx_t _ctx; uint16_t _vtag; } DEFAULT null_vlan_register_op; METHOD int sysctl_int_delay { if_ctx_t _sctx; if_int_delay_info_t _iidi; } DEFAULT null_sysctl_int_delay; METHOD void debug { if_ctx_t _ctx; } DEFAULT null_void_op;