OPIE Software Distribution, Release 2.4 Installation Instructions ======================================= ========================= Did you read the README file? If not, please go do so, then come back here. There is information in the README file that you will probably need to know in order to build and use OPIE, and you are better off doing it before you try to compile and install it. OPIE uses Autoconf to automagically figure out as much as possible about your system. There are four steps to installing OPIE. Please read them all first before attempting to do them. 1. Run the "configure" script. Normally, you will need to type: sh configure If you would like to use an access file to allow users from some hosts to log into your system without using OTPs (thus opening up a big security hole, but a necessary evil for some sites), type: sh configure --enable-access-file=/etc/opieaccess If you'd like the file to go somewhere else, adjust this appropriately. There are a number of configure-time options available for OPIE. You probably don't want to change the defaults. To get a complete listing of the currently available options, type: sh configure --help Some options that may be of interest are: --enable-access-file=FILENAME: Enable the OPIE access file FILENAME The OPIE access file provides a system administrator with the ability to make the use of OTP optional for certain hosts. Note that individual users can create a file named ".opiealways" in their home directory to require that OTP be used to access to their account. Note also that the access file is based on addresses, but many of the clients that use it are only given hostnames. This opens this entire scheme up to DNS spoofing attacks, which is a major security problem. ALWAYS use a package such as tcp_wrappers configured to do paranoid checking on DNS information if you enable this option (it's good practice anyway). --enable-server-md4: Use MD4 instead of MD5 for the server The old S/Key package used MD4 instead of MD5. MD4 is believed to be less secure than MD5. Use this option only for compatibility with old key files. --disable-user-locking: Disable user locking OPIE only allows one session at a time to attempt to authenticate a principal; this prevents a possible race attack on OTP. This locking mechanism can cause problems in some applications, in which case you might want to disable the locking. This option also provides a work- around if the locking code doesn't work reliably on your system. --enable-user-locking[=DIR]: Put user lock files in DIR [/etc/opielocks] The OPIE lock files need to be put in an isolated directory that is only accessable by the super-user and has a parent directory that is only writable by the super-user. If you are trying to use OPIE with the key file shared by NFS, you need to make the lock directory shared too. (But you read the README file, so you knew this) --enable-retype: Ask users to re-type their secret pass phrases On the one hand, this helps prevent users from having to go generate an OTP, type it into a remote system, and then found out they mistyped. On the other hand, it's annoying. If this is enabled, users can simply hit return at the second prompt and the generator will skip the retype check, which allows users who don't like the retype check to mostly skip it. --enable-su-star-check: Refuse to switch to disabled accounts On many systems, an asterisk means one thing and one thing only: this account is never meant for human users. Therefore, it doesn't make much sense for anyone other than an attacker to try to su to that account. Enabling this check causes su to refuse to switch to accounts with an asterisk in their password field. While probably better for security, this is not compatible with traditional *IX su behavior, so it is disabled by default --disable-new-prompts: Use more compatible (but less informative) prompts OPIE uses login prompts that tell you exactly what kind of response (an OTP response and/or a cleartext password) it expects you to give. This can break automatic login scripts that look for 'Password:' as the prompt for the password. If you have users that use such scripts, you might want to disable the more informative responses so as not to break those scripts. --enable-insecure-override: Allow users to override insecure checks While OPIE cannot determine whether or not a session is secure, it can check for fairly common signs that it isn't secure. If it believes the session is insecure, some programs like opiekey will refuse to run because they prompt the user to send a secret pass phrase. Sometimes these checks declare a session insecure when it is, and sometimes the user wants to continue anyway even if the session is insecure. If this option is enabled, many commands gain a '-f' option to force them to operate even if OPIE thinks the session is insecure. --enable-anonymous-ftp Enable anonymous FTP support By default, the OPIE FTP daemon does not support anonymous FTP service. The FTP daemon contains many security related bug fixes relative to the original source, but bugs probably remain. It was not intended to be used for anonymous FTP, where it is more open to the commands of potentially hostile users. If you enable this option, it will once again support anonymous FTP, but it probably isn't secure when that way. --disable-utmp Disable utmp logging --disable-wtmp Disable wtmp logging On some systems, logging to the utmp and/or wtmp files is just a lost cause. If this is the case on your system, you might be better off not having OPIE even try. --enable-opieauto Enable support for opieauto opieauto is a facility that caches an intermediate result of the OTP generator so that a user-selected number of OTPs can be generated on demand for each time the user types in the secret pass phrase. This is great for user convenience, as typing a twenty or thirty character secret pass phrase can be annoying. It can also be a minor security hole (see the README for details). 2. Edit the Makefile The Makefile contains some options that you may wish to modify. Also verify that Autoconf chose the correct options for your system. The Makefile created by Autoconf should be correct for most users as-is. 3. Build OPIE Normally, you will need to type: make If you only want to build the client programs, type: make client If you only want to build the server programs, type: make server 4. Verify that OPIE works on your system and install Normall, you will need to type: make install If you only want to install the client programs, type: make client-install If you only want to install the server programs, type: make server-install If you encounter any problems, you may be able to run "make uninstall" to remove the OPIE software from your system and revert back to almost the way things were before. Copyright ========= %%% portions-copyright-cmetz-96 Portions of this software are Copyright 1996-1999 by Craig Metz, All Rights Reserved. The Inner Net License Version 2 applies to these portions of the software. You should have received a copy of the license with this software. If you didn't get a copy, you may request one from <license@inner.net>. Portions of this document are Copyright 1995 by Randall Atkinson and Dan McDonald, All Rights Reserved. All Rights under this copyright are assigned to the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). The NRL Copyright Notice and License Agreement applies to this software.