/* * Copyright (c) Ian F. Darwin 1986-1995. * Software written by Ian F. Darwin and others; * maintained 1995-present by Christos Zoulas and others. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice immediately at the beginning of the file, without modification, * this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * apprentice - make one pass through /etc/magic, learning its secrets. */ #include "file.h" #include "magic.h" #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/param.h> #ifdef QUICK #include <sys/mman.h> #endif #ifndef lint FILE_RCSID("@(#)$Id: apprentice.c,v 1.82 2004/11/24 18:56:04 christos Exp $") #endif /* lint */ #define EATAB {while (isascii((unsigned char) *l) && \ isspace((unsigned char) *l)) ++l;} #define LOWCASE(l) (isupper((unsigned char) (l)) ? \ tolower((unsigned char) (l)) : (l)) /* * Work around a bug in headers on Digital Unix. * At least confirmed for: OSF1 V4.0 878 */ #if defined(__osf__) && defined(__DECC) #ifdef MAP_FAILED #undef MAP_FAILED #endif #endif #ifndef MAP_FAILED #define MAP_FAILED (void *) -1 #endif #ifndef MAP_FILE #define MAP_FILE 0 #endif #ifndef MAXPATHLEN #define MAXPATHLEN 1024 #endif #define IS_STRING(t) ((t) == FILE_STRING || (t) == FILE_PSTRING || \ (t) == FILE_BESTRING16 || (t) == FILE_LESTRING16) private int getvalue(struct magic_set *ms, struct magic *, char **); private int hextoint(int); private char *getstr(struct magic_set *, char *, char *, int, int *); private int parse(struct magic_set *, struct magic **, uint32_t *, char *, int); private void eatsize(char **); private int apprentice_1(struct magic_set *, const char *, int, struct mlist *); private int apprentice_file(struct magic_set *, struct magic **, uint32_t *, const char *, int); private void byteswap(struct magic *, uint32_t); private void bs1(struct magic *); private uint16_t swap2(uint16_t); private uint32_t swap4(uint32_t); private char *mkdbname(const char *, char *, size_t, int); private int apprentice_map(struct magic_set *, struct magic **, uint32_t *, const char *); private int apprentice_compile(struct magic_set *, struct magic **, uint32_t *, const char *); private int check_format(struct magic_set *, struct magic *); private size_t maxmagic = 0; private size_t magicsize = sizeof(struct magic); #ifdef COMPILE_ONLY int main(int, char *[]); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret; struct magic_set *ms; char *progname; if ((progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) != NULL) progname++; else progname = argv[0]; if (argc != 2) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s file\n", progname); return 1; } if ((ms = magic_open(MAGIC_CHECK)) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, strerror(errno)); return 1; } ret = magic_compile(ms, argv[1]) == -1 ? 1 : 0; if (ret == 1) (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", progname, magic_error(ms)); magic_close(ms); return ret; } #endif /* COMPILE_ONLY */ /* * Handle one file. */ private int apprentice_1(struct magic_set *ms, const char *fn, int action, struct mlist *mlist) { struct magic *magic = NULL; uint32_t nmagic = 0; struct mlist *ml; int rv = -1; int mapped; if (magicsize != FILE_MAGICSIZE) { file_error(ms, 0, "magic element size %lu != %lu", (unsigned long)sizeof(*magic), (unsigned long)FILE_MAGICSIZE); return -1; } if (action == FILE_COMPILE) { rv = apprentice_file(ms, &magic, &nmagic, fn, action); if (rv != 0) return -1; rv = apprentice_compile(ms, &magic, &nmagic, fn); free(magic); return rv; } #ifndef COMPILE_ONLY if ((rv = apprentice_map(ms, &magic, &nmagic, fn)) == -1) { if (ms->flags & MAGIC_CHECK) file_magwarn(ms, "using regular magic file `%s'", fn); rv = apprentice_file(ms, &magic, &nmagic, fn, action); if (rv != 0) return -1; mapped = 0; } if (rv == -1) return rv; mapped = rv; if (magic == NULL || nmagic == 0) { file_delmagic(magic, mapped, nmagic); return -1; } if ((ml = malloc(sizeof(*ml))) == NULL) { file_delmagic(magic, mapped, nmagic); file_oomem(ms); return -1; } ml->magic = magic; ml->nmagic = nmagic; ml->mapped = mapped; mlist->prev->next = ml; ml->prev = mlist->prev; ml->next = mlist; mlist->prev = ml; return 0; #endif /* COMPILE_ONLY */ } protected void file_delmagic(struct magic *p, int type, size_t entries) { if (p == NULL) return; switch (type) { case 2: p--; (void)munmap((void *)p, sizeof(*p) * (entries + 1)); break; case 1: p--; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case 0: free(p); break; default: abort(); } } /* const char *fn: list of magic files */ protected struct mlist * file_apprentice(struct magic_set *ms, const char *fn, int action) { char *p, *mfn, *afn = NULL; int file_err, errs = -1; struct mlist *mlist; if (fn == NULL) fn = getenv("MAGIC"); if (fn == NULL) fn = MAGIC; if ((fn = mfn = strdup(fn)) == NULL) { file_oomem(ms); return NULL; } if ((mlist = malloc(sizeof(*mlist))) == NULL) { free(mfn); file_oomem(ms); return NULL; } mlist->next = mlist->prev = mlist; while (fn) { p = strchr(fn, PATHSEP); if (p) *p++ = '\0'; if (*fn == '\0') break; if (ms->flags & MAGIC_MIME) { if ((afn = malloc(strlen(fn) + 5 + 1)) == NULL) { free(mfn); free(mlist); file_oomem(ms); return NULL; } (void)strcpy(afn, fn); (void)strcat(afn, ".mime"); fn = afn; } file_err = apprentice_1(ms, fn, action, mlist); if (file_err > errs) errs = file_err; if (afn) { free(afn); afn = NULL; } fn = p; } if (errs == -1) { free(mfn); free(mlist); mlist = NULL; file_error(ms, 0, "could not find any magic files!"); return NULL; } free(mfn); return mlist; } /* * parse from a file * const char *fn: name of magic file */ private int apprentice_file(struct magic_set *ms, struct magic **magicp, uint32_t *nmagicp, const char *fn, int action) { private const char hdr[] = "cont\toffset\ttype\topcode\tmask\tvalue\tdesc"; FILE *f; char line[BUFSIZ+1]; int errs = 0; f = fopen(ms->file = fn, "r"); if (f == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) file_error(ms, errno, "cannot read magic file `%s'", fn); return -1; } maxmagic = MAXMAGIS; *magicp = (struct magic *) calloc(maxmagic, sizeof(struct magic)); if (*magicp == NULL) { (void)fclose(f); file_oomem(ms); return -1; } /* print silly verbose header for USG compat. */ if (action == FILE_CHECK) (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", hdr); /* parse it */ for (ms->line = 1; fgets(line, BUFSIZ, f) != NULL; ms->line++) { size_t len; if (line[0]=='#') /* comment, do not parse */ continue; len = strlen(line); if (len < 2) /* null line, garbage, etc */ continue; line[len - 1] = '\0'; /* delete newline */ if (parse(ms, magicp, nmagicp, line, action) != 0) errs = 1; } (void)fclose(f); if (errs) { free(*magicp); *magicp = NULL; *nmagicp = 0; } return errs; } /* * extend the sign bit if the comparison is to be signed */ protected uint32_t file_signextend(struct magic_set *ms, struct magic *m, uint32_t v) { if (!(m->flag & UNSIGNED)) switch(m->type) { /* * Do not remove the casts below. They are * vital. When later compared with the data, * the sign extension must have happened. */ case FILE_BYTE: v = (char) v; break; case FILE_SHORT: case FILE_BESHORT: case FILE_LESHORT: v = (short) v; break; case FILE_DATE: case FILE_BEDATE: case FILE_LEDATE: case FILE_LDATE: case FILE_BELDATE: case FILE_LELDATE: case FILE_LONG: case FILE_BELONG: case FILE_LELONG: v = (int32_t) v; break; case FILE_STRING: case FILE_PSTRING: case FILE_BESTRING16: case FILE_LESTRING16: break; case FILE_REGEX: break; default: if (ms->flags & MAGIC_CHECK) file_magwarn(ms, "cannot happen: m->type=%d\n", m->type); return ~0U; } return v; } /* * parse one line from magic file, put into magic[index++] if valid */ private int parse(struct magic_set *ms, struct magic **magicp, uint32_t *nmagicp, char *l, int action) { int i = 0; struct magic *m; char *t; private const char *fops = FILE_OPS; uint32_t val; #define ALLOC_INCR 200 if (*nmagicp + 1 >= maxmagic){ maxmagic += ALLOC_INCR; if ((m = (struct magic *) realloc(*magicp, sizeof(struct magic) * maxmagic)) == NULL) { file_oomem(ms); if (*magicp) free(*magicp); return -1; } *magicp = m; memset(&(*magicp)[*nmagicp], 0, sizeof(struct magic) * ALLOC_INCR); } m = &(*magicp)[*nmagicp]; m->flag = 0; m->cont_level = 0; while (*l == '>') { ++l; /* step over */ m->cont_level++; } if (m->cont_level != 0 && *l == '(') { ++l; /* step over */ m->flag |= INDIR; } if (m->cont_level != 0 && *l == '&') { ++l; /* step over */ m->flag |= OFFADD; } /* get offset, then skip over it */ m->offset = (uint32_t)strtoul(l, &t, 0); if (l == t) if (ms->flags & MAGIC_CHECK) file_magwarn(ms, "offset `%s' invalid", l); l = t; if (m->flag & INDIR) { m->in_type = FILE_LONG; m->in_offset = 0; /* * read [.lbs][+-]nnnnn) */ if (*l == '.') { l++; switch (*l) { case 'l': m->in_type = FILE_LELONG; break; case 'L': m->in_type = FILE_BELONG; break; case 'h': case 's': m->in_type = FILE_LESHORT; break; case 'H': case 'S': m->in_type = FILE_BESHORT; break; case 'c': case 'b': case 'C': case 'B': m->in_type = FILE_BYTE; break; default: if (ms->flags & MAGIC_CHECK) file_magwarn(ms, "indirect offset type `%c' invalid", *l); break; } l++; } if (*l == '~') { m->in_op = FILE_OPINVERSE; l++; } switch (*l) { case '&': m->in_op |= FILE_OPAND; l++; break; case '|': m->in_op |= FILE_OPOR; l++; break; case '^': m->in_op |= FILE_OPXOR; l++; break; case '+': m->in_op |= FILE_OPADD; l++; break; case '-': m->in_op |= FILE_OPMINUS; l++; break; case '*': m->in_op |= FILE_OPMULTIPLY; l++; break; case '/': m->in_op |= FILE_OPDIVIDE; l++; break; case '%': m->in_op |= FILE_OPMODULO; l++; break; } if (isdigit((unsigned char)*l)) m->in_offset = (uint32_t)strtoul(l, &t, 0); else t = l; if (*t++ != ')') if (ms->flags & MAGIC_CHECK) file_magwarn(ms, "missing ')' in indirect offset"); l = t; } while (isascii((unsigned char)*l) && isdigit((unsigned char)*l)) ++l; EATAB; #define NBYTE 4 #define NSHORT 5 #define NLONG 4 #define NSTRING 6 #define NDATE 4 #define NBESHORT 7 #define NBELONG 6 #define NBEDATE 6 #define NLESHORT 7 #define NLELONG 6 #define NLEDATE 6 #define NPSTRING 7 #define NLDATE 5 #define NBELDATE 7 #define NLELDATE 7 #define NREGEX 5 #define NBESTRING16 10 #define NLESTRING16 10 if (*l == 'u') { ++l; m->flag |= UNSIGNED; } /* get type, skip it */ if (strncmp(l, "char", NBYTE)==0) { /* HP/UX compat */ m->type = FILE_BYTE; l += NBYTE; } else if (strncmp(l, "byte", NBYTE)==0) { m->type = FILE_BYTE; l += NBYTE; } else if (strncmp(l, "short", NSHORT)==0) { m->type = FILE_SHORT; l += NSHORT; } else if (strncmp(l, "long", NLONG)==0) { m->type = FILE_LONG; l += NLONG; } else if (strncmp(l, "string", NSTRING)==0) { m->type = FILE_STRING; l += NSTRING; } else if (strncmp(l, "date", NDATE)==0) { m->type = FILE_DATE; l += NDATE; } else if (strncmp(l, "beshort", NBESHORT)==0) { m->type = FILE_BESHORT; l += NBESHORT; } else if (strncmp(l, "belong", NBELONG)==0) { m->type = FILE_BELONG; l += NBELONG; } else if (strncmp(l, "bedate", NBEDATE)==0) { m->type = FILE_BEDATE; l += NBEDATE; } else if (strncmp(l, "leshort", NLESHORT)==0) { m->type = FILE_LESHORT; l += NLESHORT; } else if (strncmp(l, "lelong", NLELONG)==0) { m->type = FILE_LELONG; l += NLELONG; } else if (strncmp(l, "ledate", NLEDATE)==0) { m->type = FILE_LEDATE; l += NLEDATE; } else if (strncmp(l, "pstring", NPSTRING)==0) { m->type = FILE_PSTRING; l += NPSTRING; } else if (strncmp(l, "ldate", NLDATE)==0) { m->type = FILE_LDATE; l += NLDATE; } else if (strncmp(l, "beldate", NBELDATE)==0) { m->type = FILE_BELDATE; l += NBELDATE; } else if (strncmp(l, "leldate", NLELDATE)==0) { m->type = FILE_LELDATE; l += NLELDATE; } else if (strncmp(l, "regex", NREGEX)==0) { m->type = FILE_REGEX; l += NREGEX; } else if (strncmp(l, "bestring16", NBESTRING16)==0) { m->type = FILE_BESTRING16; l += NBESTRING16; } else if (strncmp(l, "lestring16", NLESTRING16)==0) { m->type = FILE_LESTRING16; l += NLESTRING16; } else { if (ms->flags & MAGIC_CHECK) file_magwarn(ms, "type `%s' invalid", l); return -1; } /* New-style anding: "0 byte&0x80 =0x80 dynamically linked" */ /* New and improved: ~ & | ^ + - * / % -- exciting, isn't it? */ if (*l == '~') { if (!IS_STRING(m->type)) m->mask_op = FILE_OPINVERSE; ++l; } if ((t = strchr(fops, *l)) != NULL) { uint32_t op = (uint32_t)(t - fops); if (op != FILE_OPDIVIDE || !IS_STRING(m->type)) { ++l; m->mask_op |= op; val = (uint32_t)strtoul(l, &l, 0); m->mask = file_signextend(ms, m, val); eatsize(&l); } else { m->mask = 0L; while (!isspace((unsigned char)*++l)) { switch (*l) { case CHAR_IGNORE_LOWERCASE: m->mask |= STRING_IGNORE_LOWERCASE; break; case CHAR_COMPACT_BLANK: m->mask |= STRING_COMPACT_BLANK; break; case CHAR_COMPACT_OPTIONAL_BLANK: m->mask |= STRING_COMPACT_OPTIONAL_BLANK; break; default: if (ms->flags & MAGIC_CHECK) file_magwarn(ms, "string extension `%c' invalid", *l); return -1; } } } } /* * We used to set mask to all 1's here, instead let's just not do * anything if mask = 0 (unless you have a better idea) */ EATAB; switch (*l) { case '>': case '<': /* Old-style anding: "0 byte &0x80 dynamically linked" */ case '&': case '^': case '=': m->reln = *l; ++l; if (*l == '=') { /* HP compat: ignore &= etc. */ ++l; } break; case '!': if (!IS_STRING(m->type)) { m->reln = *l; ++l; break; } /*FALLTHROUGH*/ default: if (*l == 'x' && isascii((unsigned char)l[1]) && isspace((unsigned char)l[1])) { m->reln = *l; ++l; goto GetDesc; /* Bill The Cat */ } m->reln = '='; break; } EATAB; if (getvalue(ms, m, &l)) return -1; /* * TODO finish this macro and start using it! * #define offsetcheck {if (offset > HOWMANY-1) * magwarn("offset too big"); } */ /* * now get last part - the description */ GetDesc: EATAB; if (l[0] == '\b') { ++l; m->nospflag = 1; } else if ((l[0] == '\\') && (l[1] == 'b')) { ++l; ++l; m->nospflag = 1; } else m->nospflag = 0; while ((m->desc[i++] = *l++) != '\0' && i < MAXDESC) /* NULLBODY */; if (ms->flags & MAGIC_CHECK) { if (!check_format(ms, m)) return -1; } #ifndef COMPILE_ONLY if (action == FILE_CHECK) { file_mdump(m); } #endif ++(*nmagicp); /* make room for next */ return 0; } /* * Check that the optional printf format in description matches * the type of the magic. */ private int check_format(struct magic_set *ms, struct magic *m) { static const char *formats[] = { FILE_FORMAT_STRING }; static const char *names[] = { FILE_FORMAT_NAME }; char *ptr; for (ptr = m->desc; *ptr; ptr++) if (*ptr == '%') break; if (*ptr == '\0') { /* No format string; ok */ return 1; } if (m->type >= sizeof(formats)/sizeof(formats[0])) { file_magwarn(ms, "Internal error inconsistency between m->type" " and format strings"); return 0; } if (formats[m->type] == NULL) { file_magwarn(ms, "No format string for `%s' with description " "`%s'", m->desc, names[m->type]); return 0; } for (; *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr == 'l' || *ptr == 'h') { /* XXX: we should really fix this one day */ continue; } if (islower((unsigned char)*ptr) || *ptr == 'X') break; } if (*ptr == '\0') { /* Missing format string; bad */ file_magwarn(ms, "Invalid format `%s' for type `%s'", m->desc, names[m->type]); return 0; } if (strchr(formats[m->type], *ptr) == NULL) { file_magwarn(ms, "Printf format `%c' is not valid for type `%s'" " in description `%s'", *ptr, names[m->type], m->desc); return 0; } return 1; } /* * Read a numeric value from a pointer, into the value union of a magic * pointer, according to the magic type. Update the string pointer to point * just after the number read. Return 0 for success, non-zero for failure. */ private int getvalue(struct magic_set *ms, struct magic *m, char **p) { int slen; switch (m->type) { case FILE_BESTRING16: case FILE_LESTRING16: case FILE_STRING: case FILE_PSTRING: case FILE_REGEX: *p = getstr(ms, *p, m->value.s, sizeof(m->value.s), &slen); if (*p == NULL) { if (ms->flags & MAGIC_CHECK) file_magwarn(ms, "cannot get string from `%s'", m->value.s); return -1; } m->vallen = slen; return 0; default: if (m->reln != 'x') { m->value.l = file_signextend(ms, m, (uint32_t)strtoul(*p, p, 0)); eatsize(p); } return 0; } } /* * Convert a string containing C character escapes. Stop at an unescaped * space or tab. * Copy the converted version to "p", returning its length in *slen. * Return updated scan pointer as function result. */ private char * getstr(struct magic_set *ms, char *s, char *p, int plen, int *slen) { char *origs = s, *origp = p; char *pmax = p + plen - 1; int c; int val; while ((c = *s++) != '\0') { if (isspace((unsigned char) c)) break; if (p >= pmax) { file_error(ms, 0, "string too long: `%s'", origs); return NULL; } if(c == '\\') { switch(c = *s++) { case '\0': goto out; default: *p++ = (char) c; break; case 'n': *p++ = '\n'; break; case 'r': *p++ = '\r'; break; case 'b': *p++ = '\b'; break; case 't': *p++ = '\t'; break; case 'f': *p++ = '\f'; break; case 'v': *p++ = '\v'; break; /* \ and up to 3 octal digits */ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': val = c - '0'; c = *s++; /* try for 2 */ if(c >= '0' && c <= '7') { val = (val<<3) | (c - '0'); c = *s++; /* try for 3 */ if(c >= '0' && c <= '7') val = (val<<3) | (c-'0'); else --s; } else --s; *p++ = (char)val; break; /* \x and up to 2 hex digits */ case 'x': val = 'x'; /* Default if no digits */ c = hextoint(*s++); /* Get next char */ if (c >= 0) { val = c; c = hextoint(*s++); if (c >= 0) val = (val << 4) + c; else --s; } else --s; *p++ = (char)val; break; } } else *p++ = (char)c; } out: *p = '\0'; *slen = p - origp; return s; } /* Single hex char to int; -1 if not a hex char. */ private int hextoint(int c) { if (!isascii((unsigned char) c)) return -1; if (isdigit((unsigned char) c)) return c - '0'; if ((c >= 'a')&&(c <= 'f')) return c + 10 - 'a'; if (( c>= 'A')&&(c <= 'F')) return c + 10 - 'A'; return -1; } /* * Print a string containing C character escapes. */ protected void file_showstr(FILE *fp, const char *s, size_t len) { char c; for (;;) { c = *s++; if (len == ~0U) { if (c == '\0') break; } else { if (len-- == 0) break; } if(c >= 040 && c <= 0176) /* TODO isprint && !iscntrl */ (void) fputc(c, fp); else { (void) fputc('\\', fp); switch (c) { case '\n': (void) fputc('n', fp); break; case '\r': (void) fputc('r', fp); break; case '\b': (void) fputc('b', fp); break; case '\t': (void) fputc('t', fp); break; case '\f': (void) fputc('f', fp); break; case '\v': (void) fputc('v', fp); break; default: (void) fprintf(fp, "%.3o", c & 0377); break; } } } } /* * eatsize(): Eat the size spec from a number [eg. 10UL] */ private void eatsize(char **p) { char *l = *p; if (LOWCASE(*l) == 'u') l++; switch (LOWCASE(*l)) { case 'l': /* long */ case 's': /* short */ case 'h': /* short */ case 'b': /* char/byte */ case 'c': /* char/byte */ l++; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ default: break; } *p = l; } /* * handle a compiled file. */ private int apprentice_map(struct magic_set *ms, struct magic **magicp, uint32_t *nmagicp, const char *fn) { int fd; struct stat st; uint32_t *ptr; uint32_t version; int needsbyteswap; char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; char *dbname = mkdbname(fn, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); void *mm = NULL; if (dbname == NULL) return -1; if ((fd = open(dbname, O_RDONLY)) == -1) return -1; if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1) { file_error(ms, errno, "cannot stat `%s'", dbname); goto error; } if (st.st_size < 16) { file_error(ms, 0, "file `%s' is too small", dbname); goto error; } #ifdef QUICK if ((mm = mmap(0, (size_t)st.st_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FILE, fd, (off_t)0)) == MAP_FAILED) { file_error(ms, errno, "cannot map `%s'", dbname); goto error; } #define RET 2 #else if ((mm = malloc((size_t)st.st_size)) == NULL) { file_oomem(ms); goto error; } if (read(fd, mm, (size_t)st.st_size) != (size_t)st.st_size) { file_badread(ms); goto error; } #define RET 1 #endif *magicp = mm; (void)close(fd); fd = -1; ptr = (uint32_t *)(void *)*magicp; if (*ptr != MAGICNO) { if (swap4(*ptr) != MAGICNO) { file_error(ms, 0, "bad magic in `%s'"); goto error; } needsbyteswap = 1; } else needsbyteswap = 0; if (needsbyteswap) version = swap4(ptr[1]); else version = ptr[1]; if (version != VERSIONNO) { file_error(ms, 0, "version mismatch (%d != %d) in `%s'", version, VERSIONNO, dbname); goto error; } *nmagicp = (uint32_t)(st.st_size / sizeof(struct magic)) - 1; (*magicp)++; if (needsbyteswap) byteswap(*magicp, *nmagicp); return RET; error: if (fd != -1) (void)close(fd); if (mm) { #ifdef QUICK (void)munmap((void *)mm, (size_t)st.st_size); #else free(mm); #endif } else { *magicp = NULL; *nmagicp = 0; } return -1; } private const uint32_t ar[] = { MAGICNO, VERSIONNO }; /* * handle an mmaped file. */ private int apprentice_compile(struct magic_set *ms, struct magic **magicp, uint32_t *nmagicp, const char *fn) { int fd; char buf[MAXPATHLEN]; char *dbname = mkdbname(fn, buf, sizeof(buf), 1); if (dbname == NULL) return -1; if ((fd = open(dbname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644)) == -1) { file_error(ms, errno, "cannot open `%s'", dbname); return -1; } if (write(fd, ar, sizeof(ar)) != (ssize_t)sizeof(ar)) { file_error(ms, errno, "error writing `%s'", dbname); return -1; } if (lseek(fd, (off_t)sizeof(struct magic), SEEK_SET) != sizeof(struct magic)) { file_error(ms, errno, "error seeking `%s'", dbname); return -1; } if (write(fd, *magicp, (sizeof(struct magic) * *nmagicp)) != (ssize_t)(sizeof(struct magic) * *nmagicp)) { file_error(ms, errno, "error writing `%s'", dbname); return -1; } (void)close(fd); return 0; } private const char ext[] = ".mgc"; /* * make a dbname */ private char * mkdbname(const char *fn, char *buf, size_t bufsiz, int strip) { if (strip) { const char *p; if ((p = strrchr(fn, '/')) != NULL) fn = ++p; } (void)snprintf(buf, bufsiz, "%s%s", fn, ext); return buf; } /* * Byteswap an mmap'ed file if needed */ private void byteswap(struct magic *magic, uint32_t nmagic) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < nmagic; i++) bs1(&magic[i]); } /* * swap a short */ private uint16_t swap2(uint16_t sv) { uint16_t rv; uint8_t *s = (uint8_t *)(void *)&sv; uint8_t *d = (uint8_t *)(void *)&rv; d[0] = s[1]; d[1] = s[0]; return rv; } /* * swap an int */ private uint32_t swap4(uint32_t sv) { uint32_t rv; uint8_t *s = (uint8_t *)(void *)&sv; uint8_t *d = (uint8_t *)(void *)&rv; d[0] = s[3]; d[1] = s[2]; d[2] = s[1]; d[3] = s[0]; return rv; } /* * byteswap a single magic entry */ private void bs1(struct magic *m) { m->cont_level = swap2(m->cont_level); m->offset = swap4((uint32_t)m->offset); m->in_offset = swap4((uint32_t)m->in_offset); if (IS_STRING(m->type)) m->value.l = swap4(m->value.l); m->mask = swap4(m->mask); }