Among new things it is now threaded by default, use zstd -T# to chose the number of threads not that -T0 will automatically determine the number of threads based on the number of CPU online.
Zstandard Documentation
This directory contains material defining the Zstandard format,
as well as for help using the zstd
: This document defines the Zstandard compression format.
Compliant decoders must adhere to this document,
and compliant encoders must generate data that follows it.
: This directory contains an implementation of a Zstandard decoder,
compliant with the Zstandard compression format.
It can be used, for example, to better understand the format,
or as the basis for a separate implementation a Zstandard decoder/encoder.
: Documentation on the functions found in zstd.h
See for
the manual released with the latest official zstd