The C variant in libkern performs excessive branching to find the non-zero byte instead of using the bsfq instruction. The same code patched to use it is still slower than the routine implemented here as the compiler keeps neglecting to perform certain optimizations (like using leaq). On top of that the routine can is a starting point for copyinstr which operates on words instead of bytes. Tested with glibc test suite. Sample results (calls/s): Haswell: $(perl -e "print 'A' x 3"): stock: 211198039 patched:338626619 asm: 465609618 $(perl -e "print 'A' x 100"): stock: 83151997 patched: 98285919 asm: 120719888 AMD EPYC 7R32: $(perl -e "print 'A' x 3"): stock: 282523617 asm: 491498172 $(perl -e "print 'A' x 100"): stock: 114857172 asm: 112082057
76 lines
2.7 KiB
76 lines
2.7 KiB
# $FreeBSD$
cddl/dev/dtrace/riscv/dtrace_asm.S optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_S}"
cddl/dev/dtrace/riscv/dtrace_subr.c optional dtrace compile-with "${DTRACE_C}"
cddl/dev/fbt/riscv/fbt_isa.c optional dtrace_fbt | dtraceall compile-with "${FBT_C}"
crypto/des/des_enc.c optional netsmb
dev/ofw/ofw_cpu.c optional fdt
dev/ofw/ofwpci.c optional pci fdt
dev/pci/pci_host_generic.c optional pci
dev/pci/pci_host_generic_fdt.c optional pci fdt
dev/uart/uart_cpu_fdt.c optional uart fdt
dev/uart/uart_dev_lowrisc.c optional uart_lowrisc
dev/xilinx/axi_quad_spi.c optional xilinx_spi
dev/xilinx/axidma.c optional axidma xdma
dev/xilinx/if_xae.c optional xae
dev/xilinx/xlnx_pcib.c optional pci fdt xlnx_pcib
kern/msi_if.m standard
kern/pic_if.m standard
kern/subr_devmap.c standard
kern/subr_dummy_vdso_tc.c standard
kern/subr_intr.c standard
kern/subr_physmem.c standard
libkern/bcmp.c standard
libkern/bcopy.c standard
libkern/ffs.c standard
libkern/ffsl.c standard
libkern/ffsll.c standard
libkern/fls.c standard
libkern/flsl.c standard
libkern/flsll.c standard
libkern/memcmp.c standard
libkern/memset.c standard
libkern/strlen.c standard
riscv/riscv/autoconf.c standard
riscv/riscv/bus_machdep.c standard
riscv/riscv/bus_space_asm.S standard
riscv/riscv/busdma_bounce.c standard
riscv/riscv/busdma_machdep.c standard
riscv/riscv/clock.c standard
riscv/riscv/copyinout.S standard
riscv/riscv/cpufunc_asm.S standard
riscv/riscv/db_disasm.c optional ddb
riscv/riscv/db_interface.c optional ddb
riscv/riscv/db_trace.c optional ddb
riscv/riscv/dump_machdep.c standard
riscv/riscv/elf_machdep.c standard
riscv/riscv/exception.S standard
riscv/riscv/intr_machdep.c standard
riscv/riscv/in_cksum.c optional inet | inet6
riscv/riscv/identcpu.c standard
riscv/riscv/locore.S standard no-obj
riscv/riscv/machdep.c standard
riscv/riscv/minidump_machdep.c standard
riscv/riscv/mp_machdep.c optional smp
riscv/riscv/mem.c standard
riscv/riscv/nexus.c standard
riscv/riscv/ofw_machdep.c optional fdt
riscv/riscv/plic.c standard
riscv/riscv/pmap.c standard
riscv/riscv/riscv_console.c optional rcons
riscv/riscv/riscv_syscon.c optional ext_resources syscon riscv_syscon fdt
riscv/riscv/sbi.c standard
riscv/riscv/soc.c standard
riscv/riscv/stack_machdep.c optional ddb | stack
riscv/riscv/support.S standard
riscv/riscv/swtch.S standard
riscv/riscv/sys_machdep.c standard
riscv/riscv/trap.c standard
riscv/riscv/timer.c standard
riscv/riscv/uio_machdep.c standard
riscv/riscv/uma_machdep.c standard
riscv/riscv/unwind.c optional ddb | kdtrace_hooks | stack
riscv/riscv/vm_machdep.c standard
# Zstd
contrib/zstd/lib/freebsd/zstd_kfreebsd.c optional zstdio compile-with ${ZSTD_C}