negotiation features (DT, ULTRA2, ULTRA, FAST). The offsets
where not properly updated when the DT entry was added and so
the driver could attempt to negotiate a speed faster than that
supported by the target device or even requested by the user
via SCSI-Select settings. *
o Update the target mode incoming command queue kernel index value
ever 128 commands instead of 32. This means that the kernel will
always try to keep its index (as seen on the card - the kernel may
actually have cleared more space) 128 commands ahead of where the
sequencer is adding entries.
o Use the HS_MAILBOX register instead of the KERNEL_TQINPOS location
in SRAM to indicate the kernel's target queue possition on Ultra2
cards. This avoids the "pause bug" on these cards and also turns
out to be much more efficient.
o When enabling or disabling a particular target id for target mode,
make sure that the taret id in the SCSIID register does not
reference an ID that is not to receive target selections. This
is only an issue on chips that support the multiple target id
feature where the value in SCSIID will still affect selection
behavior regardless of the values in the target id bit field
o Remove some target mode debugging printfs.
o Make sure that the sense length reported in ATIO commands is
always zero. This driver does not, yet, report HBA generated
sense information for accepted commands.
o Honor the CAM_TIME_INFINITY and CAM_TIME_DEFAULT values for
the CCB timeout field.
o Make the driver compile with AHC_DEBUG again.
* Noticed by: Andrew Gallatin<>