Garrett Wollman 0eec3684ff Per discussion on the mailing-lists, move LKMs from /sbin to /lkm, and
arrange for that directory to get created by mtree.  Also, process secure
directory after all the others, because the programs there may overlay
ones installed from the main part of the tree.
1994-09-16 20:24:29 +00:00

58 lines
760 B

# $Id: BSD.root.dist,v 1.16 1994/09/13 22:04:53 wollman Exp $
# top-level files are owned by root.wheel
# (else too easy to get root by compromising these)
/set type=file uname=root gname=wheel mode=0755
. type=dir
sys type=link size=12 link=usr/src/sys
dev type=dir
fd type=dir uname=bin gname=bin mode=0555
etc type=dir
mtree type=dir
namedb type=dir
uucp type=dir uname=uucp gname=uucp mode=0770
kerberosIV type=dir
gnats type=dir
mnt type=dir
proc type=dir uname=root gname=wheel mode=0555
root type=dir
tmp type=dir uname=bin gname=bin mode=01777
usr type=dir
var type=dir
# binary directories:
/set uname=bin gname=bin mode=0755
bin type=dir
lkm type=dir
sbin type=dir