(Rev E or greater), aic7850, aic7860, aic7870, and aic7880 controllers. SCB paging is enabled with the option "AHC_SCBPAGING_ENABLE". Full comments on the algorithm are at the top of i386/scsi/aic7xxx.c. options "AHC_TAGENABLE" and "AHC_QUEUE_FULL" have been removed. The default is 4 tags without SCB paging, 8 with. Clear the SCSIRSTI bit after throwing a bus reset. Some cards seem to get confused otherwise. Handle SCSIRSTI interrupts before checking to see if there is a valid SCB in use since this can happen. (Clears PR# i386/1123) Clean up the way we determine the number of SCBs on the card (courtesy of Dan Eischen). Guard against attempts to negotiate wide to a narrow controller. Fix some comments. Update my copyrights.