is an ambiguity in the NFS version 2 protocol. VREG should be taken literally as a regular file. If a server intents to return some type information differently in the upper bits of the mode field (e.g. for sockets, or FIFOs), NFSv2 mandates fa_type to be VNON. Anyway, we leave the examination of the mode bits even in the VREG case to avoid breakage for bogus servers, but we make sure that there are actually type bits set in the upper part of fa_mode (and failing that, trust the va_type field). NFSv3 cleared the issue, and requires fa_mode to not contain any type information (while also introduing sockets and FIFOs for fa_type). The fix has been tested against a variety of NFS servers. It fixes problems with the ``Tropic'' NFS server for Windows, while apparently not breaking anything. Pointed-out by: (Scott Hazen Mueller)
----------------------------------------- FreeBSD 2.0 --- ALPHA Release , , ----------------------------------------- /( )` \ \___ / | Welcome to the ALPHA release of FreeBSD 2.0 - the /- _ `-/ ' first public snapshot of our new 4.4BSD Lite based (/\/ \ \ /\ operating system environment. This install proce- / / | ` \ dure is also at the ALPHA stage, and contains only O O ) / | the minimum functionality required by an `-^--'`< ' *EXPERIENCED* person to install the system. (_.) _ ) / It is our hope, of course, that the feedback `.___/` / provided from this snapshot will `-----' / greatly assist us in making the release <----. __ / __ \ of 2.0 much more user friendly. Your <----|====O)))==) \) /==== comments and criticisms are very <----' `--' `.__,' \ valuable to us, so please don't hesitate | | in contacting us! Full details on where and \ / /\ how to provide feedback are given below. ______( (_ / \______/ ,' ,-----' | This install procedure is ALPHA code, and `--{__________) may very possibly *DESTROY* the contents of your ENTIRE DISK! Please do not proceed with this installation unless you've adequately backed up your data first! If any errors occur during this installation, you can see them by toggling over to the alternate screen - type ALT-F2 to switch over, ALT-F1 to switch back to the install screen. The debugging output on the second screen may be very valuable to us in understanding your bug report, so please be sure to take note of it when reporting any failures in the installation! Thanks! Menus and scrolling output windows may be traversed with the arrow and Page Up/Page Down keys. To suspend the installation at any point, hit ESC twice. Hitting TAB will move the focus to different controls. If you've ever dealt with a DOS installation, you'll know how to deal with this. For a more complete description of what's new in this release, please see the release notes. For more documentation on this system, it is recommended that you purchase the 4.4BSD Document Set from O'Reilly Associates and the USENIX Association. ISBN 1-56592-082-1 We have no connection with O'Reilly, we're just satisfied customers! Have fun, and please let us know of any problems you encounter with this release! Comments should be sent to: Bug reports should be sent using the `send-pr' utility, if you were able to get the system installed, otherwise to: And general questions to: Please have patience if your questions are not answered right away - this is an especially busy time for us, and our volunteer resources are often strained to the limit (if not somewhat past!). Thanks! The FreeBSD Project