from the gdb(1) register number to offsets within struct reg and struct fpreg. The tool is useful only on selected platforms. On ia64 the registers are all over the place to simplify handling of them in various situations, but which makes creating or maintaining such an offset table error prone to do by hand. Since remote kernel debugging operates on the same register numbers, it would be a natural choice to use an identical offset table in the kernel. However, since the kernel does not operate on struct reg nor struct fpreg in the remote gdb(1) case, such would not make sense. Whether we want to use this tool to create offsets for use in the kernel or duplicate the knowledge of which register number maps to what register is something that will become clear soon. Note: in order to build cross debuggers, one cannot use target headers and/or target definitions. That's why offsets need to be hardcoded in the first place. Unpleasant, but necessary.
$FreeBSD$ This directory tree contains tools used for the maintenance and testing of FreeBSD. There is no toplevel Makefile structure since these tools are not meant to be built as part of the standard system, though there may be individual Makefiles in some of the subdirs. Please read the README files in the subdirs for further information.