with 1.1.5: revision 1.40 date: 1994/06/17 16:57:03; author: pst; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 From: Gill Kloepfer Jr. <gil@limbic.ssdl.com> Verified by: pst > The DIOCSBAD ioctl sets a bad block table (is almost suredly called by > the bad144 utility) and changes the memory-resident bad block table. The > problem is that bad144intern() is not called after the "disk" structure has > been changed, so that the internal bad144 table will become out-of-sync with > the one in the disk structure. ---------------------------- revision 1.39 date: 1994/06/07 01:36:39; author: phk; state: Exp; lines: +3 -2 another place option !defined(DISKLABEL_UNPROTECTED) was needed.