2000-06-25 11:04:01 +00:00

187 lines
4.5 KiB
Executable File

# test the conversion operators
# Notations:
# "N p i N vs N N": Apply op-N, then op-p, then op-i, then reporter-N
# Compare with application of op-N, then reporter-N
# Right below are descriptions of different ops and reporters.
# We do not use these subroutines any more, sub overhead makes a "switch"
# solution better:
# obviously, 0, 1 and 2, 3 are destructive. (XXXX 64-bit? 4 destructive too)
# *0 = sub {--$_[0]}; # -
# *1 = sub {++$_[0]}; # +
# # Converters
# *2 = sub { $_[0] = $max_uv & $_[0]}; # U
# *3 = sub { use integer; $_[0] += $zero}; # I
# *4 = sub { $_[0] += $zero}; # N
# *5 = sub { $_[0] = "$_[0]" }; # P
# # Side effects
# *6 = sub { $max_uv & $_[0]}; # u
# *7 = sub { use integer; $_[0] + $zero}; # i
# *8 = sub { $_[0] + $zero}; # n
# *9 = sub { $_[0] . "" }; # p
# # Reporters
# sub a2 { sprintf "%u", $_[0] } # U
# sub a3 { sprintf "%d", $_[0] } # I
# sub a4 { sprintf "%g", $_[0] } # N
# sub a5 { "$_[0]" } # P
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
use strict 'vars';
my $max_chain = $ENV{PERL_TEST_NUMCONVERTS} || 2;
# Bulk out if unsigned type is hopelessly wrong:
my $max_uv1 = ~0;
my $max_uv2 = sprintf "%u", $max_uv1 ** 6; # 6 is an arbitrary number here
my $big_iv = do {use integer; $max_uv1 * 16}; # 16 is an arbitrary number here
print "# max_uv1 = $max_uv1, max_uv2 = $max_uv2, big_iv = $big_iv\n";
if ($max_uv1 ne $max_uv2 or $big_iv > $max_uv1) {
print "1..0\n# Unsigned arithmetic is not sane\n";
exit 0;
my $st_t = 4*4; # We try 4 initializers and 4 reporters
my $num = 0;
$num += 10**$_ - 4**$_ for 1.. $max_chain;
$num *= $st_t;
print "1..$num\n"; # In fact 15 times more subsubtests...
my $max_uv = ~0;
my $max_iv = int($max_uv/2);
my $zero = 0;
my $l_uv = length $max_uv;
my $l_iv = length $max_iv;
# Hope: the first digits are good
my $larger_than_uv = substr 97 x 100, 0, $l_uv;
my $smaller_than_iv = substr 12 x 100, 0, $l_iv;
my $yet_smaller_than_iv = substr 97 x 100, 0, ($l_iv - 1);
my @list = (1, $yet_smaller_than_iv, $smaller_than_iv, $max_iv, $max_iv + 1,
$max_uv, $max_uv + 1);
unshift @list, (reverse map -$_, @list), 0; # 15 elts
@list = map "$_", @list; # Normalize
# print "@list\n";
my @opnames = split //, "-+UINPuinp";
# @list = map { 2->($_), 3->($_), 4->($_), 5->($_), } @list; # Prepare input
#print "@list\n";
#print "'@ops'\n";
my $test = 1;
my $nok;
for my $num_chain (1..$max_chain) {
my @ops = map [split //], grep /[4-9]/,
map { sprintf "%0${num_chain}d", $_ } 0 .. 10**$num_chain - 1;
#@ops = ([]) unless $num_chain;
#@ops = ([6, 4]);
# print "'@ops'\n";
for my $op (@ops) {
for my $first (2..5) {
for my $last (2..5) {
$nok = 0;
my @otherops = grep $_ <= 3, @$op;
my @curops = ($op,\@otherops);
for my $num (@list) {
my $inpt;
my @ans;
for my $short (0, 1) {
# undef $inpt; # Forget all we had - some bugs were masked
$inpt = $num; # Try to not contaminate $num...
$inpt = "$inpt";
if ($first == 2) {
$inpt = $max_uv & $inpt; # U 2
} elsif ($first == 3) {
use integer; $inpt += $zero; # I 3
} elsif ($first == 4) {
$inpt += $zero; # N 4
} else {
$inpt = "$inpt"; # P 5
# Saves 20% of time - not with this logic:
#my $tmp = $inpt;
#my $tmp1 = $num;
#next if $num_chain > 1
# and "$tmp" ne "$tmp1"; # Already the coercion gives problems...
for my $curop (@{$curops[$short]}) {
if ($curop < 5) {
if ($curop < 3) {
if ($curop == 0) {
--$inpt; # - 0
} elsif ($curop == 1) {
++$inpt; # + 1
} else {
$inpt = $max_uv & $inpt; # U 2
} elsif ($curop == 3) {
use integer; $inpt += $zero;
} else {
$inpt += $zero; # N 4
} elsif ($curop < 8) {
if ($curop == 5) {
$inpt = "$inpt"; # P 5
} elsif ($curop == 6) {
$max_uv & $inpt; # u 6
} else {
use integer; $inpt + $zero;
} elsif ($curop == 8) {
$inpt + $zero; # n 8
} else {
$inpt . ""; # p 9
if ($last == 2) {
$inpt = sprintf "%u", $inpt; # U 2
} elsif ($last == 3) {
$inpt = sprintf "%d", $inpt; # I 3
} elsif ($last == 4) {
$inpt = sprintf "%g", $inpt; # N 4
} else {
$inpt = "$inpt"; # P 5
push @ans, $inpt;
print "# '$ans[0]' ne '$ans[1]',\t$num\t=> @opnames[$first,@{$curops[0]},$last] vs @opnames[$first,@{$curops[1]},$last]\n"
if $ans[0] ne $ans[1];
print "not " if $nok;
print "ok $test\n";
#print $txt if $nok;