1997-07-25 19:27:55 +00:00

109 lines
3.2 KiB

# This file contains tests for the file tclCompile.c.
# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1997 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# SCCS: @(#) compile.test 1.5 97/06/25 11:43:49
if {[string compare test [info procs test]] == 1} then {source defs}
# The following tests are very incomplete, although the rest of the
# test suite covers this file fairly well.
catch {rename p ""}
catch {namespace delete test_ns_compile}
catch {unset x}
catch {unset y}
catch {unset a}
test compile-1.1 {TclCompileDollarVar: global scalar name with ::s} {
catch {unset x}
set x 123
list $::x [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] x] != 0}]
} {123 1}
test compile-1.2 {TclCompileDollarVar: global scalar name with ::s} {
catch {unset y}
proc p {} {
set ::y 789
return $::y
list [p] $::y [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] y] != 0}]
} {789 789 1}
test compile-1.3 {TclCompileDollarVar: global array name with ::s} {
catch {unset a}
set ::a(1) 2
list $::a(1) [set ::a($::a(1)) 3] $::a(2) [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] a] != 0}]
} {2 3 3 1}
test compile-1.4 {TclCompileDollarVar: global scalar name with ::s} {
catch {unset a}
proc p {} {
set ::a(1) 1
return $::a($::a(1))
list [p] $::a(1) [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] a] != 0}]
} {1 1 1}
test compile-2.1 {TclCompileSetCmd: global scalar names with ::s} {
catch {unset x}
catch {unset y}
set x 123
proc p {} {
set ::y 789
return $::y
list $::x [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] x] != 0}] \
[p] $::y [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] y] != 0}]
} {123 1 789 789 1}
test compile-2.2 {TclCompileSetCmd: global array names with ::s} {
catch {unset a}
set ::a(1) 2
proc p {} {
set ::a(1) 1
return $::a($::a(1))
list $::a(1) [p] [set ::a($::a(1)) 3] $::a(1) [expr {[lsearch -exact [info globals] a] != 0}]
} {2 1 3 3 1}
test compile-2.3 {TclCompileSetCmd: namespace var names with ::s} {
catch {namespace delete test_ns_compile}
catch {unset x}
namespace eval test_ns_compile {
variable v hello
variable arr
set ::x $::test_ns_compile::v
set ::test_ns_compile::arr(1) 123
list $::x $::test_ns_compile::arr(1)
} {hello 123}
test compile-3.1 {CollectArgInfo: binary data} {
list [catch "string length \000foo" msg] $msg
} {0 4}
test compile-3.2 {CollectArgInfo: binary data} {
list [catch "string length foo\000" msg] $msg
} {0 4}
test compile-3.3 {CollectArgInfo: handle "]" at end of command properly} {
set x ]
} {]}
test compile-4.1 {UpdateStringOfByteCode: called for duplicate of compiled empty object} {
proc p {} {
set x {}
eval $x
append x { }
eval $x
} {}
catch {rename p ""}
catch {namespace delete test_ns_compile}
catch {unset x}
catch {unset y}
catch {unset a}