This is a recent conversion of an old IBM Mainframe application to the fortune datafile format. The "laws" were extracted from a S/370 Assembler program on a SHARE tape. The comments in the program: *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * 'MURPHY' THE OLE PHILOSOPHER 18 AUGUST 1988 * * * * MURPHY WAS FOUND ON A JES2 TAPE OF ALL PLACES WITH ABOUT * * 500 OR SO SAYINGS. GOT ANOTHER 250 FROM AN UNKNOWN SOURCE * * AND HAVE ADDED ABOUT 100 OR SO MYSELF. * * * [list of changes omitted] * * * JIM MARSHALL, CAPT, USAF * * (301) 688-6829 * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* Fortunes that a sufficiently twisted mind could perceive as offensive have been moved to murphy-o. Thanks to the submitter for reviewing these fortunes. The copyright issues were considered before approval. PR: misc/8519 Submitted by: Cy Schubert (misc/8519) Approved by: The Fortune Teller
This is the top level of the FreeBSD source directory. This file was last revised on: $FreeBSD$ For copyright information, please see the file COPYRIGHT in this directory (additional copyright information also exists for some sources in this tree - please see the specific source directories for more information). The Makefile in this directory supports a number of targets for building components (or all) of the FreeBSD source tree, the most commonly used one being ``world'', which rebuilds and installs everything in the FreeBSD system from the source tree except the kernel and the contents of /etc. Please see the top of the Makefile in this directory for more information on the standard build targets and compile-time flags. Building a kernel with config(8) is a somewhat more involved process, documentation for which can be found at: And in the config(8) man page. The sample kernel configuration files reside in the sys/i386/conf sub-directory (assuming that you've installed the kernel sources), the file named GENERIC being the one used to build your initial installation kernel. The file LINT contains entries for all possible devices, not just those commonly used, and is meant more as a general reference than an actual kernel configuration file (a kernel built from it wouldn't even run). Source Roadmap: --------------- bin System/User commands. contrib Packages contributed by 3rd parties. crypto Export controlled stuff (see crypto/README). etc Template files for /etc games Amusements. gnu Various commands and libraries under the GNU Public License. Please see gnu/COPYING* for more information. include System include files. kerberosIV Kerberos package. lib System libraries. libexec System daemons. release Release building Makefile & associated tools. sbin System commands. secure DES and DES-related utilities - NOT FOR EXPORT! share Shared resources. sys Kernel sources. tools Utilities for regression testing and miscellaneous tasks. usr.bin User commands. usr.sbin System administration commands. For information on synchronizing your source tree with one or more of the FreeBSD Project's development branches, please see: