before calling sotryfree(). -- Body of earlier bulk commit this belonged with -- Log: Extend coverage of SOCK_LOCK(so) to include so_count, the socket reference count: - Assert SOCK_LOCK(so) macros that directly manipulate so_count: soref(), sorele(). - Assert SOCK_LOCK(so) in macros/functions that rely on the state of so_count: sofree(), sotryfree(). - Acquire SOCK_LOCK(so) before calling these functions or macros in various contexts in the stack, both at the socket and protocol layers. - In some cases, perform soisdisconnected() before sotryfree(), as this could result in frobbing of a non-present socket if sotryfree() actually frees the socket. - Note that sofree()/sotryfree() will release the socket lock even if they don't free the socket. Submitted by: sam Sponsored by: FreeBSD Foundation Obtained from: BSD/OS
a note to committers about KAME tree $FreeBSD$ KAME project FreeBSD IPv6/IPsec tree is from KAMEproject (http://www.kame.net/). To synchronize KAME tree and FreeBSD better today and in the future, please understand the following: - DO NOT MAKE COSTMETIC CHANGES. "Cosmetic changes" here includes tabify, untabify, removal of space at EOL, minor KNF items, and whatever adds more output lines on "diff freebsd kame". To make future synchronization easier. it is critical to preserve certain statements in the code. Also, as KAME tree supports all 4 BSDs (Free, Open, Net, BSD/OS) in single shared tree, it is not always possible to backport FreeBSD changes into KAME tree. So again, please do not make cosmetic changes. Even if you think it a right thing, that will bite KAME guys badly during upgrade attempts, and prevent us from synchronizing two trees. (you don't usually make cosmetic changes against third-party code, do you?) - REPORT CHANGES/BUGS TO KAME GUYS. It is not always possible for KAME guys to watch all the freebsd mailing list traffic, as the traffic is HUGE. So if possible, please, inform kame guys of changes you made in IPv6/IPsec related portion. Contact path would be snap-users@kame.net or KAME PR database on www.kame.net. (or to core@kame.net if it is necessary to make it confidential) Thank you for your cooperation and have a happy IPv6 life! Note: KAME-origin code is in the following locations. The above notice applies to corresponding manpages too. The list may not be complete. If you see $KAME$ in the code, it is from KAME distribution. If you see some file that is IPv6/IPsec related, it is highly possible that the file is from KAME distribution. include/ifaddrs.h lib/libc/net lib/libc/net/getaddrinfo.c lib/libc/net/getifaddrs.c lib/libc/net/getnameinfo.c lib/libc/net/ifname.c lib/libc/net/ip6opt.c lib/libc/net/map_v4v6.c lib/libc/net/name6.c lib/libftpio lib/libipsec sbin/ip6fw sbin/ping6 sbin/rtsol share/doc/IPv6 share/man/man4/ip6.4 share/man/man4/inet6.4 sys/crypto (except sys/crypto/rc4) sys/kern/uipc_mbuf2.c sys/net/if_faith.[ch] sys/net/if_gif.[ch] sys/net/if_stf.[ch] sys/net/pfkeyv2.h sys/netinet/icmp6.h sys/netinet/in_gif.[ch] sys/netinet/ip6.h sys/netinet/ip_encap.[ch] sys/netinet6 sys/netkey usr.sbin/faithd usr.sbin/gifconfig usr.sbin/ifmcstat usr.sbin/mld6query usr.sbin/ndp usr.sbin/pim6dd usr.sbin/pim6sd usr.sbin/prefix usr.sbin/rip6query usr.sbin/route6d usr.sbin/rrenumd usr.sbin/rtadvd usr.sbin/rtsold usr.sbin/scope6config usr.sbin/setkey usr.sbin/traceroute6