providing special version of CDIOCREADSUBCHANNEL ioctl(), which assumes that result has to be placed into kernel space not user space. In the long run more generic solution has to be designed WRT emulating various ioctl()s that operate on userspace buffers, but right now there is only one such ioctl() is emulated, so that it makes little sense. MFC after: 2 weeks
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* 16 Feb 93 Julian Elischer (
* $FreeBSD$
<1> Fixed a conflict with ioctl usage. There were two different
functions using code #25. Made file formatting consistent.
Added two new ioctl codes: door closing and audio pitch playback.
Added a STEREO union called STEREO.
5-Mar-95 Frank Durda IV
<2> Added a new ioctl that allows you to find out what capabilities
a drive has and what commands it will accept. This allows a
user application to only offer controls (buttons, sliders, etc)
for functions that drive can actually do. Things it can't do
can disappear or be greyed-out (like some other system).
If the driver doesn't respond to this call, well, handle it the
way you used to do it.
2-Apr-95 Frank Durda IV
/* Shared between kernel & process */
#ifndef _SYS_CDIO_H_
#define _SYS_CDIO_H_
#ifndef _KERNEL
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ioccom.h>
union msf_lba {
struct {
unsigned char unused;
unsigned char minute;
unsigned char second;
unsigned char frame;
} msf;
int lba; /* network byte order */
u_char addr[4];
struct cd_toc_entry {
u_int :8;
u_int control:4;
u_int addr_type:4;
u_int :8;
u_int addr_type:4;
u_int control:4;
u_char track;
u_int :8;
union msf_lba addr;
struct cd_sub_channel_header {
u_int :8;
u_char audio_status;
#define CD_AS_AUDIO_INVALID 0x00
#define CD_AS_PLAY_PAUSED 0x12
#define CD_AS_PLAY_ERROR 0x14
#define CD_AS_NO_STATUS 0x15
u_char data_len[2];
struct cd_sub_channel_position_data {
u_char data_format;
u_int control:4;
u_int addr_type:4;
u_char track_number;
u_char index_number;
union msf_lba absaddr;
union msf_lba reladdr;
struct cd_sub_channel_media_catalog {
u_char data_format;
u_int :8;
u_int :8;
u_int :8;
u_int :7;
u_int mc_valid:1;
u_char mc_number[15];
struct cd_sub_channel_track_info {
u_char data_format;
u_int :8;
u_char track_number;
u_int :8;
u_int :7;
u_int ti_valid:1;
u_char ti_number[15];
struct cd_sub_channel_info {
struct cd_sub_channel_header header;
union {
struct cd_sub_channel_position_data position;
struct cd_sub_channel_media_catalog media_catalog;
struct cd_sub_channel_track_info track_info;
} what;
* Ioctls for the CD drive *
struct ioc_play_track {
u_char start_track;
u_char start_index;
u_char end_track;
u_char end_index;
#define CDIOCPLAYTRACKS _IOW('c',1,struct ioc_play_track)
struct ioc_play_blocks {
int blk;
int len;
#define CDIOCPLAYBLOCKS _IOW('c',2,struct ioc_play_blocks)
struct ioc_read_subchannel {
u_char address_format;
#define CD_LBA_FORMAT 1
#define CD_MSF_FORMAT 2
u_char data_format;
#define CD_SUBQ_DATA 0
#define CD_TRACK_INFO 3
u_char track;
int data_len;
struct cd_sub_channel_info *data;
#define CDIOCREADSUBCHANNEL _IOWR('c', 3 , struct ioc_read_subchannel )
struct ioc_toc_header {
u_short len;
u_char starting_track;
u_char ending_track;
#define CDIOREADTOCHEADER _IOR('c',4,struct ioc_toc_header)
struct ioc_read_toc_entry {
u_char address_format;
u_char starting_track;
u_short data_len;
struct cd_toc_entry *data;
#define CDIOREADTOCENTRYS _IOWR('c',5,struct ioc_read_toc_entry)
struct ioc_read_toc_single_entry {
u_char address_format;
u_char track;
struct cd_toc_entry entry;
#define CDIOREADTOCENTRY _IOWR('c',6,struct ioc_read_toc_single_entry)
struct ioc_patch {
u_char patch[4]; /* one for each channel */
#define CDIOCSETPATCH _IOW('c',9,struct ioc_patch)
struct ioc_vol {
u_char vol[4]; /* one for each channel */
#define CDIOCGETVOL _IOR('c',10,struct ioc_vol)
#define CDIOCSETVOL _IOW('c',11,struct ioc_vol)
#define CDIOCSETMONO _IO('c',12)
#define CDIOCSETSTERIO _IO('c',13)
#define CDIOCSETSTEREO _IO('c',13)
#define CDIOCSETMUTE _IO('c',14)
#define CDIOCSETLEFT _IO('c',15)
#define CDIOCSETRIGHT _IO('c',16)
#define CDIOCSETDEBUG _IO('c',17)
#define CDIOCCLRDEBUG _IO('c',18)
#define CDIOCPAUSE _IO('c',19)
#define CDIOCRESUME _IO('c',20)
#define CDIOCRESET _IO('c',21)
#define CDIOCSTART _IO('c',22)
#define CDIOCSTOP _IO('c',23)
#define CDIOCEJECT _IO('c',24)
struct ioc_play_msf {
u_char start_m;
u_char start_s;
u_char start_f;
u_char end_m;
u_char end_s;
u_char end_f;
#define CDIOCPLAYMSF _IOW('c',25,struct ioc_play_msf)
#define CDIOCALLOW _IO('c',26)
#define CDIOCPREVENT _IO('c',27)
/*<1>For drives that support it, this*/
/*<1>causes the drive to close its door*/
/*<1>and make the media (if any) ready*/
#define CDIOCCLOSE _IO('c',28) /*<1>*/
struct ioc_pitch { /*<1>For drives that support it, this*/
/*<1>call instructs the drive to play the*/
short speed; /*<1>audio at a faster or slower-than-normal*/
}; /*<1>rate. -32767 to -1 is slower, 0==normal,*/
/*<1>and 1 to 32767 is faster. LSB bits are*/
/*<1>discarded first by drives with less res.*/
#define CDIOCPITCH _IOW('c',29,struct ioc_pitch) /*<1>*/
struct ioc_capability { /*<2>*/
u_long play_function; /*<2>*/
#define CDDOPLAYTRK 0x00000001 /*<2>Can Play tracks/index*/
#define CDDOPLAYMSF 0x00000002 /*<2>Can Play msf to msf*/
#define CDDOPLAYBLOCKS 0x00000004 /*<2>Can Play range of blocks*/
#define CDDOPAUSE 0x00000100 /*<2>Output can be paused*/
#define CDDORESUME 0x00000200 /*<2>Output can be resumed*/
#define CDDORESET 0x00000400 /*<2>Drive can be completely reset*/
#define CDDOSTART 0x00000800 /*<2>Audio can be started*/
#define CDDOSTOP 0x00001000 /*<2>Audio can be stopped*/
#define CDDOPITCH 0x00002000 /*<2>Audio pitch */
u_long routing_function; /*<2>*/
#define CDREADVOLUME 0x00000001 /*<2>Volume settings can be read*/
#define CDSETVOLUME 0x00000002 /*<2>Volume settings can be set*/
#define CDSETMONO 0x00000100 /*<2>Output can be set to mono*/
#define CDSETSTEREO 0x00000200 /*<2>Output can be set to stereo (def)*/
#define CDSETLEFT 0x00000400 /*<2>Output can be set to left only*/
#define CDSETRIGHT 0x00000800 /*<2>Output can be set to right only*/
#define CDSETMUTE 0x00001000 /*<2>Output can be muted*/
#define CDSETPATCH 0x00008000 /*<2>Direct routing control allowed*/
u_long special_function; /*<2>*/
#define CDDOEJECT 0x00000001 /*<2>The tray can be opened*/
#define CDDOCLOSE 0x00000002 /*<2>The tray can be closed*/
#define CDDOLOCK 0x00000004 /*<2>The tray can be locked*/
#define CDREADHEADER 0x00000100 /*<2>Can read Table of Contents*/
#define CDREADENTRIES 0x00000200 /*<2>Can read TOC Entries*/
#define CDREADSUBQ 0x00000200 /*<2>Can read Subchannel info*/
#define CDREADRW 0x00000400 /*<2>Can read subcodes R-W*/
#define CDHASDEBUG 0x00004000 /*<2>The tray has dynamic debugging*/
}; /*<2>*/
#define CDIOCCAPABILITY _IOR('c',30,struct ioc_capability) /*<2>*/
* Special version of CDIOCREADSUBCHANNEL which assumes that
* ioc_read_subchannel->data points to the kernel memory. For
* use in compatibility layers.
#define CDIOCREADSUBCHANNEL_SYSSPACE _IOWR('c', 31, struct ioc_read_subchannel)
#endif /* !_SYS_CDIO_H_ */