all of the features in the current working draft of the upcoming C++ standard, provisionally named C++1y. The code generator's performance is greatly increased, and the loop auto-vectorizer is now enabled at -Os and -O2 in addition to -O3. The PowerPC backend has made several major improvements to code generation quality and compile time, and the X86, SPARC, ARM32, Aarch64 and SystemZ backends have all seen major feature work. Release notes for llvm and clang can be found here: <> <> MFC after: 1 month
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/*===-- llvm-c/IRReader.h - IR Reader C Interface -----------------*- C -*-===*\
|* *|
|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure *|
|* *|
|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source *|
|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. *|
|* *|
|* *|
|* This file defines the C interface to the IR Reader. *|
|* *|
#include "llvm-c/Core.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Read LLVM IR from a memory buffer and convert it into an in-memory Module
* object. Returns 0 on success.
* Optionally returns a human-readable description of any errors that
* occured during parsing IR. OutMessage must be disposed with
* LLVMDisposeMessage.
* @see llvm::ParseIR()
LLVMBool LLVMParseIRInContext(LLVMContextRef ContextRef,
LLVMMemoryBufferRef MemBuf, LLVMModuleRef *OutM,
char **OutMessage);
#ifdef __cplusplus