first) Primary (un-Extended) DOS partition, providing /dev/xx0h is available. It is mounted on /dos by default. The /etc/fstab entry omits the dump and fsck fields, i.e.: /dev/xx0h /dos pcfs rw The Secondary DOS partition is not used (System ID 0xF2), because I don't know what that is. 2) Fixed default sizes so that if someone attempts to install BSD on a 24 Mb partition by accepting defaults, they don't end up with a 1 Mb /usr partition (up to USRMIN Mb's). In this case, all space is split between swap and root. TODO: 1) Extend load_fd() to support loading distribution files directly from the DOS partition of the hard disk. 2) Provide translated parameters to the install program (maybe add an option to fdisk). Currently, the true geometry is used as default, which is inappropriate for coexistence with DOS. 3) Support installing on multiple or secondary disks.