default switches, template functions get EXTERNAL linkage in each file in which they occur, causing multiple definition errors during linking. The enclosed patch (from gnu.g++.bug) appears to solve the problem (I enclose the accompanying message as well). This patch fixes the multiply defined template functions bug which was introduced in 2.6.1. Submitted by: "Justin T. Gibbs" <> Obtained from: Jason Merrill at cygnus support on G++ mailing list
$Id$ This directory contains gcc in a form that uses "bmake" makefiles. This is not the place you want to start, if you want to hack gcc. we have included everything here which is part of the source-code of gcc, but still, don't use this as a hacking-base. If you suspect a problem with gcc, or just want to hack it in general, get a complete gcc-X.Y.Z.tar.gz from somewhere, and use that. Please look in the directory src/gnu/gnu2bmake to find the tools to generate these files. Thankyou.