with latch based PPS implementations. The client that uses it will be committed after more testing.
609 lines
15 KiB
609 lines
15 KiB
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* <phk@FreeBSD.org> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
* can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
* this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Poul-Henning Kamp
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $Id: loran.c,v 1.5 1998/05/29 08:04:44 phk Exp $
* This device-driver helps the userland controlprogram for a LORAN-C
* receiver avoid monopolizing the CPU.
* This is clearly a candidate for the "most weird hardware support in
* FreeBSD" prize. At this time only two copies of the receiver are
* known to exist in the entire world.
* Details can be found at:
* ftp://ftp.eecis.udel.edu/pub/ntp/loran.tar.Z
#ifdef KERNEL
#include "loran.h"
#include "opt_devfs.h"
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/conf.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <sys/syslog.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h>
#ifdef DEVFS
#include <sys/devfsext.h>
#endif /*DEVFS*/
#include <i386/isa/isa_device.h>
#endif /* KERNEL */
struct datapoint {
void *ident;
int index;
u_int64_t scheduled;
u_int delay;
u_int code;
u_int gri;
u_int agc;
u_int phase;
u_int width;
u_int par;
u_int isig;
u_int qsig;
u_int ssig;
u_int64_t epoch;
struct timespec actual;
TAILQ_ENTRY(datapoint) list;
double ival;
double qval;
double sval;
double mval;
u_char status;
u_int vco;
int count;
int remain;
* Mode register (PAR) hardware definitions
#define INTEG 0x03 /* integrator mask */
#define INTEG_1000us 0
#define INTEG_264us 1
#define INTEG_36us 2
#define INTEG_SHORT 3
#define GATE 0x0C /* gate source mask */
#define GATE_OPEN 0x0
#define GATE_GRI 0x4
#define GATE_PCI 0x8
#define GATE_STB 0xc
#define MSB 0x10 /* load dac high-order bits */
#define IEN 0x20 /* enable interrupt bit */
#define EN5 0x40 /* enable counter 5 bit */
#define ENG 0x80 /* enable gri bit */
#define VCO 2048 /* initial vco dac (0 V)*/
#ifdef KERNEL
#define PORT 0x0300 /* controller port address */
#define PGUARD 990 /* program guard time (cycle) (990!) */
#define GRI 800 /* pulse-group gate (cycle) */
* Analog/digital converter (ADC) hardware definitions
#define ADC PORT+2 /* adc buffer (r)/address (w) */
#define ADCGO PORT+3 /* adc status (r)/adc start (w) */
#define ADC_START 0x01 /* converter start bit (w) */
#define ADC_BUSY 0x01 /* converter busy bit (r) */
#define ADC_DONE 0x80 /* converter done bit (r) */
#define ADC_I 0 /* i channel (phase) */
#define ADC_Q 1 /* q channel (amplitude) */
#define ADC_S 2 /* s channel (agc) */
* Digital/analog converter (DAC) hardware definitions
* Note: output voltage increases with value programmed; the buffer
* is loaded in two 8-bit bytes, the lsb 8 bits with the MSB bit off in
* the PAR register, the msb 4 bits with the MSB on.
#define DACA PORT+4 /* vco (dac a) buffer (w) */
#define DACB PORT+5 /* agc (dac b) buffer (w) */
#define LOAD_DAC(dac, val) if (0) { } else { \
par &= ~MSB; outb(PAR, par); outb((dac), (val) & 0xff); \
par |= MSB; outb(PAR, par); outb((dac), ((val) >> 8) & 0xff); \
* Pulse-code generator (CODE) hardware definitions
* Note: bits are shifted out from the lsb first
#define CODE PORT+6 /* pulse-code buffer (w) */
#define MPCA 0xCA /* LORAN-C master pulse code group a */
#define MPCB 0x9F /* LORAN-C master pulse code group b */
#define SPCA 0xF9 /* LORAN-C slave pulse code group a */
#define SPCB 0xAC /* LORAN-C slave pulse code group b */
* Mode register (PAR) hardware definitions
#define PAR PORT+7 /* parameter buffer (w) */
#define TGC PORT+0 /* stc control port (r/w) */
#define TGD PORT+1 /* stc data port (r/w) */
* Timing generator (STC) hardware commands
/* argument sssss = counter numbers 5-1 */
#define TG_LOADDP 0x00 /* load data pointer */
/* argument ee = element (all groups except ggg = 000 or 111) */
#define MODEREG 0x00 /* mode register */
#define LOADREG 0x08 /* load register */
#define HOLDREG 0x10 /* hold register */
#define HOLDINC 0x18 /* hold register (hold cycle increm) */
/* argument ee = element (group ggg = 111) */
#define ALARM1 0x07 /* alarm register 1 */
#define ALARM2 0x0F /* alarm register 2 */
#define MASTER 0x17 /* master mode register */
#define STATUS 0x1F /* status register */
#define ARM 0x20 /* arm counters */
#define LOAD 0x40 /* load counters */
#define TG_LOADARM 0x60 /* load and arm counters */
#define DISSAVE 0x80 /* disarm and save counters */
#define TG_SAVE 0xA0 /* save counters */
#define DISARM 0xC0 /* disarm counters */
/* argument nnn = counter number */
#define SETTOG 0xE8 /* set toggle output HIGH for counter */
#define CLRTOG 0xE0 /* set toggle output LOW for counter */
#define STEP 0xF0 /* step counter */
/* argument eeggg, where ee = element, ggg - counter group */
/* no arguments */
#define ENABDPS 0xE0 /* enable data pointer sequencing */
#define ENABFOUT 0xE6 /* enable fout */
#define ENAB8 0xE7 /* enable 8-bit data bus */
#define DSABDPS 0xE8 /* disable data pointer sequencing */
#define ENAB16 0xEF /* enable 16-bit data bus */
#define DSABFOUT 0xEE /* disable fout */
#define ENABPFW 0xF8 /* enable prefetch for write */
#define DSABPFW 0xF9 /* disable prefetch for write */
#define TG_RESET 0xFF /* master reset */
#define LOAD_9513(index, val) if (0) {} else { \
outb(TGC, TG_LOADDP + (index)); \
outb(TGD, (val) & 0xff); \
outb(TGD, ((val) >> 8) & 0xff); \
#define NENV 40 /* size of envelope filter */
#define CLOCK 50 /* clock period (clock) */
#define CYCLE 10 /* carrier period (us) */
#define PCX (NENV * CLOCK) /* envelope gate (clock) */
#define STROBE 50 /* strobe gate (clock) */
static TAILQ_HEAD(qhead, datapoint) qdone, qready;
static struct datapoint dummy;
static u_int64_t ticker;
static u_char par;
static struct datapoint *this, *next;
static MALLOC_DEFINE(M_LORAN, "Loran", "Loran datapoints");
static int loranerror;
static char lorantext[80];
static u_int vco_is;
static u_int vco_should;
static int lorantc_magic;
static int loranprobe (struct isa_device *dvp);
static int loranattach (struct isa_device *isdp);
static void loranenqueue (struct datapoint *);
static d_open_t loranopen;
static d_close_t loranclose;
static d_read_t loranread;
static d_write_t loranwrite;
extern struct timecounter loran_timecounter[];
loranprobe(struct isa_device *dvp)
/* We need to be a "fast-intr" */
dvp->id_ri_flags |= RI_FAST;
dvp->id_iobase = PORT;
return (8);
u_short tg_init[] = { /* stc initialization vector */
0x0562, 12, 13, /* counter 1 (p0) */
0x0262, PGUARD, GRI, /* counter 2 (gri) */
0x8562, PCX, 5000 - PCX, /* counter 3 (pcx) */
0xc562, 0, STROBE, /* counter 4 (stb) */
0x052a, 0, 0 /* counter 5 (out) */
int i;
/* Initialize the 9513A */
outb(TGC, TG_RESET); outb(TGC, LOAD+0x1f); /* reset STC chip */
LOAD_9513(MASTER, 0x8af0);
outb(TGC, TG_LOADDP+1);
tg_init[4] = 7499 - GRI;
for (i = 0; i < 5*3; i++) {
outb(TGD, tg_init[i]);
outb(TGD, tg_init[i] >> 8);
outb(TGC, TG_LOADARM+0x1f); /* let the good times roll */
loranattach(struct isa_device *isdp)
int i;
/* We need to be a "fast-intr" */
isdp->id_ri_flags |= RI_FAST;
printf("loran0: LORAN-C Receiver\n");
vco_is = VCO;
dummy.agc = 4095;
dummy.code = 0xac;
dummy.delay = PGUARD - GRI;
dummy.gri = PGUARD;
dummy.phase = 50;
dummy.width = 50;
TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&qready, &dummy, list);
this = &dummy;
next = &dummy;
inb(ADC); /* Flush any old result */
outb(ADC, ADC_S);
par = ENG|IEN;
outb(PAR, par);
return (1);
static int
loranopen (dev_t dev, int flags, int fmt, struct proc *p)
u_long ef;
struct datapoint *this;
while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&qdone)) {
ef = read_eflags();
this = TAILQ_FIRST(&qdone);
TAILQ_REMOVE(&qdone, this, list);
FREE(this, M_LORAN);
loranerror = 0;
static int
loranclose(dev_t dev, int flags, int fmt, struct proc *p)
* Lower ENG
static int
loranread(dev_t dev, struct uio * uio, int ioflag)
u_long ef;
struct datapoint *this;
int err, c;
if (loranerror) {
printf("Loran0: %s", lorantext);
if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&qdone))
tsleep ((caddr_t)&qdone, PZERO + 8 |PCATCH, "loranrd", hz*2);
if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&qdone))
this = TAILQ_FIRST(&qdone);
ef = read_eflags();
TAILQ_REMOVE(&qdone, this, list);
c = imin(uio->uio_resid, (int)sizeof *this);
err = uiomove((caddr_t)this, c, uio);
FREE(this, M_LORAN);
static void
loranenqueue(struct datapoint *this)
struct datapoint *p, *q;
u_long ef;
u_int64_t x;
if (this->scheduled < ticker) {
x = (ticker - this->scheduled) / (2 * this->gri);
this->scheduled += x * 2 * this->gri;
ef = read_eflags();
p = TAILQ_FIRST(&qready);
while (1) {
while (this->scheduled < p->scheduled + PGUARD)
this->scheduled += 2 * this->gri;
q = TAILQ_NEXT(p, list);
if (!q) {
this->delay = this->scheduled - p->scheduled - GRI;
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&qready, this, list);
if (this->scheduled + PGUARD < q->scheduled) {
this->delay = this->scheduled - p->scheduled - GRI;
TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(q, this, list);
q->delay = q->scheduled - this->scheduled - GRI;
p = q;
static int
loranwrite(dev_t dev, struct uio * uio, int ioflag)
int err = 0, c;
struct datapoint *this;
MALLOC(this, struct datapoint *, sizeof *this, M_LORAN, M_WAITOK);
c = imin(uio->uio_resid, (int)sizeof *this);
err = uiomove((caddr_t)this, c, uio);
if (!err && this->gri == 0)
err = EINVAL;
if (!err) {
vco_should = this->vco;
} else {
FREE(this, M_LORAN);
loranintr(int unit)
u_long ef;
int status = 0, count = 0, i;
ef = read_eflags();
if (this != &dummy) {
outb(TGC, TG_LOADDP + 0x12); /* hold counter #2 */
this->remain = -1;
i = 2;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
count = this->remain;
do {
outb(TGC, TG_SAVE + 0x12);
this->remain = inb(TGD) & 0xff;
this->remain |= inb(TGD) << 8;
} while (count == this->remain);
lorantc_magic = 1;
lorantc_magic = 0;
outb(TGC, TG_LOADDP + 0x0a);
this->count = inb(TGD);
this->count |= inb(TGD) << 8;
LOAD_9513(0x12, GRI)
this->ssig = inb(ADC);
par &= ~(ENG | IEN);
outb(PAR, par);
outb(ADC, ADC_I);
while (!(inb(ADCGO) & ADC_DONE))
this->isig = inb(ADC);
outb(ADC, ADC_Q);
while (!(inb(ADCGO) & ADC_DONE))
this->qsig = inb(ADC);
outb(ADC, ADC_S);
this->epoch = ticker;
if (this != &dummy) {
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&qdone, this, list);
if (next != &dummy || TAILQ_NEXT(next, list))
TAILQ_REMOVE(&qready, next, list);
this = next;
ticker += GRI;
ticker += this->delay;
next = TAILQ_FIRST(&qready);
if (!next) {
next = &dummy;
TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&qready, next, list);
} else if (next->delay + GRI > PGUARD * 2) {
next->delay -= PGUARD;
next = &dummy;
TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&qready, next, list);
if (next == &dummy)
next->scheduled = ticker + GRI + next->delay;
/* load this->params */
par &= ~(INTEG|GATE);
par |= this->par & (INTEG|GATE);
LOAD_DAC(DACB, this->agc);
outb(CODE, this->code);
LOAD_9513(0x0a, next->delay);
* We need to load this from the opposite register * due to some
* weirdness which you can read about in in the 9513 manual on
* page 1-26 under "LOAD"
LOAD_9513(0x0c, this->phase);
LOAD_9513(0x14, this->phase);
outb(TGC, TG_LOADARM + 0x08);
LOAD_9513(0x14, this->width);
if (vco_is != vco_should) {
LOAD_DAC(DACA, vco_should);
vco_is = vco_should;
this->status = inb(TGC);
#if 1
/* Check if we overran */
status = this->status & 0x1c;
if (status) {
outb(TGC, TG_SAVE + 2); /* save counter #2 */
outb(TGC, TG_LOADDP + 0x12); /* hold counter #2 */
count = inb(TGD);
count |= inb(TGD) << 8;
LOAD_9513(0x12, GRI)
par |= ENG | IEN;
outb(PAR, par);
if (status) {
sprintf(lorantext, "Missed: %02x %d %d this:%p next:%p (dummy=%p)\n",
status, count, next->delay, this, next, &dummy);
loranerror = 1;
if (next->delay < PGUARD - GRI) {
sprintf(lorantext, "Bogus: %02x %d %d\n",
status, count, next->delay);
loranerror = 1;
static unsigned
unsigned count;
u_long ef;
u_int high, low;
ef = read_eflags();
if (!lorantc_magic)
outb(TGC, TG_SAVE + 0x10); /* save counter #5 */
outb(TGC, TG_LOADDP +0x15); /* hold counter #5 */
count = inb(TGD);
count |= inb(TGD) << 8;
return (count);
static struct timecounter loran_timecounter[3] = {
loran_get_timecount, /* get_timecount */
0, /* no pps_poll */
0xffff, /* counter_mask */
5000000, /* frequency */
"loran" /* name */
SYSCTL_OPAQUE(_debug, OID_AUTO, loran_timecounter, CTLFLAG_RD,
loran_timecounter, sizeof(loran_timecounter), "S,timecounter", "");
struct isa_driver lorandriver = {
loranprobe, loranattach, "loran"
#define CDEV_MAJOR 94
static struct cdevsw loran_cdevsw =
{ loranopen, loranclose, loranread, loranwrite,
noioctl, nullstop, nullreset, nodevtotty,
seltrue, nommap, nostrat, "loran",
NULL, -1 };
static loran_devsw_installed = 0;
static void loran_drvinit(void *unused)
dev_t dev;
if(!loran_devsw_installed) {
dev = makedev(CDEV_MAJOR, 0);
cdevsw_add(&dev,&loran_cdevsw, NULL);
loran_devsw_installed = 1;
#endif /* KERNEL */