So it turns out that sometime in the past I removed the GPIO bits here and was going to move it into a module in order to save a little space. However, it turns out that was a mistake on this particular AP - it uses a pair of GPIO lines to control the two receive LNAs on the 2GHz radio and without them enabled the radio is a LOT DEAF. With this re-introduced (and some replacement userland tools to save space, *cough* cpio/libarchive) I can actually use these chipsets again as a 2G station. Without the LNA the AP was seeing a per-radio RSSI upstairs here of around 3-5dB, with the LNA on it's around 15dB, more than enough to actually use wifi upstairs and also in line with the other Atheros / Intel devices I have up here. Big oopsie to Adrian. Big, big oopsie.
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62 lines
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# TPLink TL-WDR4300 - AR9344 based dual-band 2x2 wifi
# $FreeBSD$
# Include the default AR934x parameters
include "std.AR934X"
ident TL-WDR4300
# Override hints with board values
hints "TL-WDR4300.hints"
# Force the board memory - the base DB120 has 128MB RAM
options AR71XX_REALMEM=(128*1024*1024)
# i2c GPIO bus
#device gpioiic
#device iicbb
#device iicbus
#device iic
# Options required for miiproxy and mdiobus
options ARGE_DEBUG
options ARGE_MDIO # Export an MDIO bus separate from arge
device miiproxy # MDIO bus <-> MII PHY rendezvous
device etherswitch
device arswitch
# read MSDOS formatted disks - USB
options MSDOSFS
# Enable the uboot environment stuff rather then the
# redboot stuff.
options AR71XX_ENV_UBOOT
# uzip - to boot natively from flash
device xz
options GEOM_UZIP
# Used for the static uboot partition map
device geom_map
# Yes, this board has a PCI connected atheros device
device firmware # Used by the above
# Boot off of the rootfs, as defined in the geom_map setup.
options ROOTDEVNAME=\"ufs:map/rootfs.uzip\"
# This is required for the 2GHz LNAs on the AR9340 SoC.
# Without this the 2GHz radio is Quite Deaf.
device gpio
device gpioled