
219 lines
7.4 KiB

/* Global only to current interpreter instance */
/* Don't forget to re-run to propagate changes! */
/* The 'I' prefix is only needed for vars that need appropriate #defines
* generated when built with or without MULTIPLICITY. It is also used
* to generate the appropriate export list for win32.
* When building without MULTIPLICITY, these variables will be truly global.
* Avoid build-specific #ifdefs here, like DEBUGGING. That way,
* we can keep binary compatibility of the curinterp structure */
/* pseudo environmental stuff */
PERLVAR(Iorigargc, int)
PERLVAR(Iorigargv, char **)
PERLVAR(Ienvgv, GV *)
PERLVAR(Isiggv, GV *)
PERLVAR(Iincgv, GV *)
PERLVAR(Ihintgv, GV *)
PERLVAR(Iorigfilename, char *)
PERLVAR(Idiehook, SV *)
PERLVAR(Iwarnhook, SV *)
PERLVAR(Iparsehook, SV *)
PERLVAR(Icddir, char *) /* switches */
PERLVAR(Iminus_c, bool)
PERLVAR(Ilocalpatches, char **)
PERLVARI(Isplitstr, char *, " ")
PERLVAR(Ipreprocess, bool)
PERLVAR(Iminus_n, bool)
PERLVAR(Iminus_p, bool)
PERLVAR(Iminus_l, bool)
PERLVAR(Iminus_a, bool)
PERLVAR(Iminus_F, bool)
PERLVAR(Idoswitches, bool)
PERLVAR(Idowarn, bool)
PERLVAR(Idoextract, bool)
PERLVAR(Isawampersand, bool) /* must save all match strings */
PERLVAR(Isawstudy, bool) /* do fbm_instr on all strings */
PERLVAR(Isawvec, bool)
PERLVAR(Iunsafe, bool)
PERLVAR(Iinplace, char *)
PERLVAR(Ie_script, SV *)
PERLVAR(Iperldb, U32)
/* This value may be raised by extensions for testing purposes */
/* 0=none, 1=full, 2=full with checks */
PERLVARI(Iperl_destruct_level, int, 0)
/* magical thingies */
PERLVAR(Ibasetime, Time_t) /* $^T */
PERLVAR(Iformfeed, SV *) /* $^L */
/* top fd to pass to subprocesses */
PERLVAR(Imultiline, int) /* $*--do strings hold >1 line? */
PERLVAR(Istatusvalue, I32) /* $? */
#ifdef VMS
/* shortcuts to various I/O objects */
PERLVAR(Istdingv, GV *)
PERLVAR(Idefgv, GV *)
PERLVAR(Iargvgv, GV *)
PERLVAR(Iargvoutgv, GV *)
/* shortcuts to regexp stuff */
/* XXX these three aren't used anywhere */
PERLVAR(Ileftgv, GV *)
PERLVAR(Iampergv, GV *)
PERLVAR(Irightgv, GV *)
/* this one needs to be moved to thrdvar.h and accessed via
* find_threadsv() when USE_THREADS */
PERLVAR(Ireplgv, GV *)
/* shortcuts to misc objects */
PERLVAR(Ierrgv, GV *)
/* shortcuts to debugging objects */
PERLVAR(IDBsingle, SV *)
PERLVAR(IDBsignal, SV *)
PERLVAR(Ilineary, AV *) /* lines of script for debugger */
PERLVAR(Idbargs, AV *) /* args to call listed by caller function */
/* symbol tables */
PERLVAR(Idebstash, HV *) /* symbol table for perldb package */
PERLVAR(Iglobalstash, HV *) /* global keyword overrides imported here */
PERLVAR(Icurstname, SV *) /* name of current package */
PERLVAR(Ibeginav, AV *) /* names of BEGIN subroutines */
PERLVAR(Iendav, AV *) /* names of END subroutines */
PERLVAR(Iinitav, AV *) /* names of INIT subroutines */
PERLVAR(Istrtab, HV *) /* shared string table */
PERLVARI(Isub_generation,U32,1) /* incr to invalidate method cache */
/* memory management */
PERLVAR(Isv_count, I32) /* how many SV* are currently allocated */
PERLVAR(Isv_objcount, I32) /* how many objects are currently allocated */
PERLVAR(Isv_root, SV*) /* storage for SVs belonging to interp */
PERLVAR(Isv_arenaroot, SV*) /* list of areas for garbage collection */
/* funky return mechanisms */
PERLVAR(Ilastspbase, I32)
PERLVAR(Ilastsize, I32)
PERLVAR(Iforkprocess, int) /* so do_open |- can return proc# */
/* subprocess state */
PERLVAR(Ifdpid, AV *) /* keep fd-to-pid mappings for my_popen */
/* internal state */
PERLVAR(Itainting, bool) /* doing taint checks */
PERLVARI(Iop_mask, char *, NULL) /* masked operations for safe evals */
PERLVAR(Ilast_proto, char *) /* Prototype of last sub seen. */
/* trace state */
PERLVAR(Idlevel, I32)
PERLVARI(Idlmax, I32, 128)
PERLVAR(Idebname, char *)
PERLVAR(Idebdelim, char *)
/* current interpreter roots */
PERLVAR(Imain_cv, CV *)
PERLVAR(Imain_root, OP *)
PERLVAR(Imain_start, OP *)
PERLVAR(Ieval_root, OP *)
PERLVAR(Ieval_start, OP *)
/* runtime control stuff */
PERLVARI(Icurcopdb, COP *, NULL)
PERLVARI(Icopline, line_t, NOLINE)
/* statics moved here for shared library purposes */
PERLVAR(Istrchop, SV) /* return value from chop */
PERLVAR(Ifilemode, int) /* so nextargv() can preserve mode */
PERLVAR(Ilastfd, int) /* what to preserve mode on */
PERLVAR(Ioldname, char *) /* what to preserve mode on */
PERLVAR(IArgv, char **) /* stuff to free from do_aexec, vfork safe */
PERLVAR(ICmd, char *) /* stuff to free from do_aexec, vfork safe */
PERLVAR(Imystrk, SV *) /* temp key string for do_each() */
PERLVAR(Idumplvl, I32) /* indentation level on syntax tree dump */
PERLVAR(Ioldlastpm, PMOP *) /* for saving regexp context in debugger */
PERLVAR(Igensym, I32) /* next symbol for getsym() to define */
PERLVAR(Ipreambled, bool)
PERLVAR(Ipreambleav, AV *)
PERLVARI(Ilaststatval, int, -1)
PERLVARI(Ilaststype, I32, OP_STAT)
PERLVAR(Imess_sv, SV *)
/* XXX shouldn't these be per-thread? --GSAR */
PERLVAR(Iors, char *) /* output record separator $\ */
PERLVAR(Iofmt, char *) /* output format for numbers $# */
/* interpreter atexit processing */
PERLVARI(Iexitlist, PerlExitListEntry *, NULL)
/* list of exit functions */
PERLVARI(Iexitlistlen, I32, 0) /* length of same */
PERLVAR(Imodglobal, HV *) /* per-interp module data */
/* these used to be in global before 5.004_68 */
PERLVARI(Iprofiledata, U32 *, NULL) /* table of ops, counts */
PERLVARI(Irsfp, PerlIO * VOL, Nullfp) /* current source file pointer */
PERLVARI(Irsfp_filters, AV *, Nullav) /* keeps active source filters */
PERLVAR(Icompiling, COP) /* compiling/done executing marker */
PERLVAR(Icompcv, CV *) /* currently compiling subroutine */
PERLVAR(Icomppad, AV *) /* storage for lexically scoped temporaries */
PERLVAR(Icomppad_name, AV *) /* variable names for "my" variables */
PERLVAR(Icomppad_name_fill, I32) /* last "introduced" variable offset */
PERLVAR(Icomppad_name_floor, I32) /* start of vars in innermost block */
PERLVAR(Isys_intern, struct interp_intern)
/* platform internals */
/* more statics moved here */
PERLVARI(Igeneration, int, 100) /* from op.c */
PERLVAR(IDBcv, CV *) /* from perl.c */
PERLVAR(Iarchpat_auto, char*) /* from perl.c */
PERLVARI(Iin_clean_objs,bool, FALSE) /* from sv.c */
PERLVARI(Iin_clean_all, bool, FALSE) /* from sv.c */
PERLVAR(Ilinestart, char *) /* beg. of most recently read line */
PERLVAR(Ipending_ident, char) /* pending identifier lookup */
PERLVAR(Isublex_info, SUBLEXINFO) /* from toke.c */
PERLVAR(Ithrsv, SV *) /* struct perl_thread for main thread */
PERLVARI(Ithreadnum, U32, 0) /* incremented each thread creation */
#endif /* USE_THREADS */
PERLVARI(Ibytecode_iv_overflows,int, 0) /* from bytecode.h */
PERLVAR(Ibytecode_sv, SV *)
PERLVAR(Ibytecode_pv, XPV)
PERLVAR(Ibytecode_obj_list, void **)
PERLVARI(Ibytecode_obj_list_fill, I32, -1)
PERLVARI(piMem, IPerlMem*, NULL)
PERLVARI(piDir, IPerlDir*, NULL)
PERLVARI(piSock, IPerlSock*, NULL)
PERLVARI(piProc, IPerlProc*, NULL)