but committing it helps to get everyone on the same page and makes sure we make progress. Tinderbox breakages that are the result of this commit are entirely the committer's fault -- in other words: buildworld testing on amd64 only. Credits follow: Submitted by: Garrett Cooper <yanegomi@gmail.com> Sponsored by: Isilon Systems Based on work by: keramida@ Thanks to: gnn@, mdf@, mlaier@, sjg@ Special thanks to: keramida@
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# $FreeBSD$
# Doing a make install builds /usr/share/examples
.include <bsd.own.mk>
LDIRS= BSD_daemon \
FreeBSD_version \
IPv6 \
bootforth \
csh \
cvsup \
diskless \
drivers \
etc \
find_interface \
hast \
ibcs2 \
indent \
ipfw \
jails \
kld \
libusb20 \
libvgl \
mdoc \
netgraph \
perfmon \
ppi \
ppp \
printing \
ses \
scsi_target \
XFILES= BSD_daemon/FreeBSD.pfa \
BSD_daemon/README \
BSD_daemon/beastie.eps \
BSD_daemon/beastie.fig \
BSD_daemon/eps.patch \
BSD_daemon/poster.sh \
FreeBSD_version/FreeBSD_version.c \
FreeBSD_version/Makefile \
FreeBSD_version/README \
bootforth/README \
bootforth/boot.4th \
bootforth/frames.4th \
bootforth/loader.rc \
bootforth/menu.4th \
bootforth/menuconf.4th \
bootforth/screen.4th \
csh/dot.cshrc \
cvsup/README \
cvsup/cvs-supfile \
cvsup/gnats-supfile \
cvsup/ports-supfile \
cvsup/refuse \
cvsup/refuse.README \
cvsup/stable-supfile \
cvsup/standard-supfile \
diskless/ME \
diskless/README.BOOTP \
diskless/clone_root \
drivers/README \
drivers/make_device_driver.sh \
drivers/make_pseudo_driver.sh \
etc/README.examples \
etc/bsd-style-copyright \
etc/make.conf \
find_interface/Makefile \
find_interface/README \
find_interface/find_interface.c \
hast/ucarp.sh \
hast/ucarp_down.sh \
hast/ucarp_up.sh \
hast/vip-down.sh \
hast/vip-up.sh \
ibcs2/README \
ibcs2/hello.uu \
indent/indent.pro \
ipfw/change_rules.sh \
jails/README \
kld/Makefile \
kld/cdev/Makefile \
kld/cdev/README \
kld/cdev/module/Makefile \
kld/cdev/module/cdev.c \
kld/cdev/module/cdev.h \
kld/cdev/module/cdevmod.c \
kld/cdev/test/Makefile \
kld/cdev/test/testcdev.c \
kld/dyn_sysctl/Makefile \
kld/dyn_sysctl/README \
kld/dyn_sysctl/dyn_sysctl.c \
kld/firmware/Makefile \
kld/firmware/README \
kld/firmware/fwconsumer/Makefile \
kld/firmware/fwconsumer/fw_consumer.c \
kld/firmware/fwimage/Makefile \
kld/firmware/fwimage/firmware.img.uu \
kld/khelp/Makefile \
kld/khelp/README \
kld/khelp/h_example.c \
kld/syscall/Makefile \
kld/syscall/module/Makefile \
kld/syscall/module/syscall.c \
kld/syscall/test/Makefile \
kld/syscall/test/call.c \
libusb20/Makefile \
libusb20/README \
libusb20/aux.c \
libusb20/aux.h \
libusb20/bulk.c \
libusb20/control.c \
libvgl/Makefile \
libvgl/demo.c \
mdoc/POSIX-copyright \
mdoc/deshallify.sh \
mdoc/example.1 \
mdoc/example.3 \
mdoc/example.4 \
mdoc/example.9 \
netgraph/ether.bridge \
netgraph/frame_relay \
netgraph/ngctl \
netgraph/raw \
netgraph/udp.tunnel \
netgraph/virtual.chain \
netgraph/virtual.lan \
perfmon/Makefile \
perfmon/README \
perfmon/perfmon.c \
ppi/Makefile \
ppi/ppilcd.c \
ppp/chap-auth \
ppp/login-auth \
ppp/ppp.conf.sample \
ppp/ppp.conf.span-isp \
ppp/ppp.conf.span-isp.working \
ppp/ppp.linkdown.sample \
ppp/ppp.linkdown.span-isp \
ppp/ppp.linkdown.span-isp.working \
ppp/ppp.linkup.sample \
ppp/ppp.linkup.span-isp \
ppp/ppp.linkup.span-isp.working \
ppp/ppp.secret.sample \
ppp/ppp.secret.span-isp \
ppp/ppp.secret.span-isp.working \
printing/README \
printing/diablo-if-net \
printing/hpdf \
printing/hpif \
printing/hpof \
printing/hprf \
printing/hpvf \
printing/if-simple \
printing/if-simpleX \
printing/ifhp \
printing/make-ps-header \
printing/netprint \
printing/psdf \
printing/psdfX \
printing/psif \
printing/pstf \
printing/pstfX \
ses/Makefile \
ses/Makefile.inc \
ses/getencstat/Makefile \
ses/getencstat/getencstat.0 \
ses/sesd/Makefile \
ses/sesd/sesd.0 \
ses/setencstat/Makefile \
ses/setencstat/setencstat.0 \
ses/setobjstat/Makefile \
ses/setobjstat/setobjstat.0 \
ses/srcs/chpmon.c \
ses/srcs/eltsub.c \
ses/srcs/eltsub.h \
ses/srcs/getencstat.c \
ses/srcs/getnobj.c \
ses/srcs/getobjmap.c \
ses/srcs/getobjstat.c \
ses/srcs/inienc.c \
ses/srcs/sesd.c \
ses/srcs/setencstat.c \
ses/srcs/setobjstat.c \
scsi_target/Makefile \
scsi_target/scsi_target.c \
scsi_target/scsi_target.h \
scsi_target/scsi_target.8 \
scsi_target/scsi_cmds.c \
sunrpc/Makefile \
sunrpc/dir/Makefile \
sunrpc/dir/dir.x \
sunrpc/dir/dir_proc.c \
sunrpc/dir/rls.c \
sunrpc/msg/Makefile \
sunrpc/msg/msg.x \
sunrpc/msg/msg_proc.c \
sunrpc/msg/printmsg.c \
sunrpc/msg/rprintmsg.c \
sunrpc/sort/Makefile \
sunrpc/sort/rsort.c \
sunrpc/sort/sort.x \
BINDIR= ${SHAREDIR}/examples
# Define SHARED to indicate whether you want symbolic links to the system
# source (``symlinks''), or a separate copy (``copies''); (latter useful
# in environments where it's not possible to keep /sys publicly readable)
SHARED?= copies
beforeinstall: ${SHARED} etc-examples
.ORDER: ${SHARED} etc-examples
.for i in ${LDIRS}
if [ -L ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/$i ]; then \
rm -f ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/$i; \
-f ${.CURDIR}/../../etc/mtree/BSD.usr.dist -p ${DESTDIR}/usr
.for file in ${XFILES}
${.CURDIR}/${file} ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/${file}
.for i in ${LDIRS}
rm -rf ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/$i
ln -s ${.CURDIR}/$i ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/$i
.if ${SHARED} != "symlinks"
(cd ${.CURDIR}/../../etc; ${MAKE} etc-examples)
.if ${SHARED} != "symlinks"
.if ${MK_ATF} != "no"
.if ${MK_IPFILTER} != "no"
.if ${MK_PF} != "no"
.include <bsd.subdir.mk>